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Augustinus. Die Theologie seiner Predigten über die Psalmen
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ISBN: 3657786686 Year: 2018 Publisher: Paderborn Brill | Schöningh

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Die ,Bekenntnisse' sind wohl Augustins am häufigsten gelesenes Buch. Sein umfangreichstes Werk ist aber seine Auslegung der Psalmen, die ,Enarrationes in psalmos'. Er entfaltet darin die Summe seiner Theologie. Johan Bouman, Islamwissenschaftler und Theologe, stellt hier den Prediger Augustinus vor und geht in thematischen Längsschnitten das Werk durch: der dreieinige Gott, Gott und Mensch, die Erlösung in Christus, der Christ und die Kirche in der Welt, die Endzeit. Er schließt ab mit dem Fazit: Laudate Dominum, d. h. Lobt den Herrn! Es ist die letzte Veröffentlichung Johan Boumans und erscheint hier erstmals posthum nach seinem Tod 1998. In ,Glaubenskrise und Glaubensgewißheit im Christentum und im Islam' behandelt Bouman im letzten Band die Theologie Augustins anhand seiner Predigten über die Psalmen. Er verfügte über die herausragende Gabe, sowohl wissenschaftlich fundiert wie auch spirituell anregend zu schreiben.Das Buch richtet sich an Leser, die sich für Augustinus, seine Welt und seine Theologie interessieren.

Pompeii Commentvm in artis donati partem tertiam
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ISBN: 9783615004298 3615004299 9783615004298 9783615004304 9783615004311 3615401093 9783615401097 Year: 2017 Publisher: Hildesheim

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Nel vasto panorama dei commentatori delle Artes di Donato, l'africano Pompeo, attivo tra il V e il VI secolo, si distingue per l'instancabile verve con cui espone ogni aspetto della tradizione grammaticale di cui è orgoglioso portavoce. La particolarità del suo Commentum è lo stile irregolare, spontaneo e vicino all'oralità, che ha fatto pensare a una composizione "stenografica" dell'opera, ricavata forse dalle lezioni viva voce del maestro, e che si rivela di fondamentale importanza per la nostra conoscenza delle pratiche didattiche nelle periferie dell'impero. Il volume di Anna Zago propone una nuova edizione critica del Commentum relativo alla terza parte dell'Ars maior donatiana, il cosiddetto Barbarismus, su pregi e difetti del discorso: il testo di Pompeo offre una prospettiva assai interessante sulla consapevolezza dei grammatici rispetto ai mutamenti della lingua latina, poiché spesso testimonia fenomeni di evoluzione verso il cosiddetto "neostandard" del latino tardo. L'edizione, basata su tutti i testimoni fino a questo momento noti (19, contro i 4 utilizzati dal Keil), è preceduta da un'ampia introduzione storica e filologica. Il testo è fornito di indici e corredato di una traduzione italiana, primo indispensabile avvicinamento all'esegesi del Commentum. Le note di commento, che occupano il secondo volume, discutono le principali questioni testuali e costituiscono, in prospettiva più ampia, un ricco sussidio per lo studio di vitia e virtutes orationis nella tradizione grammaticale latina. *** Unter den zahlreichen Kommentatoren der artes von Donatus fällt der afrikanische Grammatiker Pompeius (alias Pompeius Maurus, 5. bzw. 5./6. Jh.) durch den eigenartigen Schwung auf, mit dem er jeden Aspekt der grammatischen Tradition veranschaulicht, die er stolz vertritt. Pompeius' Commentum zeichnet sich durch einen unregelmäßigen, spontanen, mündlichkeitsnahen Stil aus, woraus der Eindruck entsteht, es handle sich dabei um eine quasi-stenographische Transkription der Lehre des Pompeius. So erweist sich das Commentum als ein grundlegendes Werk zur Erweiterung unseres Wissens über die Unterrichtspraktiken in der Peripherie des Römischen Reichs. Anna Zagos Werk, bestehend aus zwei Teilbänden, beinhaltet eine neue kritische Edition des dritten Teils des Commentum der Ars Maior, des Barbarismus, der den Tugenden und Lasten der Rede gewidmet ist. Da er oft sprachliche Veränderungen in Richtung des sogenannten spätlateinischen Neustandards aufzeigt, stellt Pompeius' Text einen interessanten Beleg für das wachsende Bewusstsein der Grammatiker im Hinblick auf den Wandel der lateinischen Sprache dar. Die neue Ausgabe, die sich im Gegensatz zu der auf vier Manuskripten basierenden Ausgabe Heinrich Keils auf sämtliche (19) bisher bekannte Manuskripte bezieht, wird durch eine ausführliche historisch-philologische Einführung begleitet und ist mit Indizes versehen. Die italienische Übertragung soll als erste Annäherung an die Textauslegung dienen. Die im zweiten Teilband enthaltenen Anmerkungen befassen sich mit den wichtigsten Fragen des Textes. Zusammen stellen beide Bände ein wertvolles Hilfsmittel für das Studium der vitia und der virtutes orationis in der lateinischen grammatischen Tradition dar.****************Among the numerous commentators of Donatus's Ars minor and maior, the African Pompeius, active V-VI century, is conspicuous for the characteristic verve in which he proceeds to illustrate every aspect of the traditional grammatical lore of which he is a proud mouthpiece. A peculiar character of his Commentum is an asymmetrical style, replete with spontaneous traits calling to one's mind aspects of a spoken and oral performance - a feature suggestive to some of a quasi-stenographic transcription, perhaps from Pompeius's viva voce teaching. A study of Pompeius's work therefore proves of fundamental importance for our knowledge of school practices at the empire's periphery. Anna Zago's set of volumes includes a new critical edition of the third part of the Commentum of Donatus's Ars maior, the so-called Barbarismus, devoted to vitia and virtutes orationis, the 'flaws' and 'virtues' of 'speech': Pompeius' work opens a very interesting window on the late grammatical writers' growing awareness of the evolution of the Latin language, and his text is an important witness for some of the linguistic changes defining the so-called late Latin neo-standard. The edition is based on complete collations of all the manuscripts transmitting this part of the work (19, against the 4 manuscripts used in Keil's Grammatici Latini) and it is introduced by an exhaustive presentation of the work's transmission, its textual history and its philological problems. The volume has been provided with indices and an Italian translation has also been included, as a complementary tool for understanding the often complex Latin of the Commentum. The second volume contains a fully-fledged commentary in which all the most important textual problems receive an apt illustration; on a wider scale, the commentary also contextualizes the study of vitia and virtutes orationis in the Latin grammatical tradition.

Der historische Muhammad in der islamischen Theologie : Zur Kriterienfrage in der Leben-Muhammad-Forschung
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ISBN: 3657788654 Year: 2018 Publisher: Paderborn Brill | Schöningh

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Wie können wir wissen, wer der historische Muhammad war? Welche Rolle spielt diese historiographische Fragestellung in der islamischen Theologie? Der Autor stellt die Frage nach zuverlässigen Kriterien für eine historische Rekonstruktion von Muhammad.Zishan Ghaffar stellt dabei die Leben-Muhammad-Forschung der Leben-Jesu-Forschung gegenüber. Dieser vergleichende Ansatz erleichtert die Bestimmung der wichtigsten Kriterien für die historische Frage nach Muhammad. Mit dieser Grundlage hat der Autor eine geschichtshermeneutische Voraussetzung geschaffen, um Muhammed in einen breiten Kontext zu setzen, beispielsweise seine Bedeutung in der urmuslimischen Gemeinde in der spätantiken Umwelt und seine Einbeziehung in die islamische Theologie.

Augustine and Porphyry : A Commentary on De civitate Dei 10
ISBN: 9783657760558 9783506760555 Year: 2021 Publisher: Paderborn Brill | Ferdinand Schöningh

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This theological and philological commentary provides a detailed description of Augustine's argument and reveals the areas where Augustine misrepresents or oversimplifies Porphyry's thought in the Deregressu animae and other works. This work establishes a new foundation for any future work on Porphyry's Deregressu animae. Via comparison with Porphyry's extant Greek works and fragments, the commentary sheds light on seven key topics in Augustine's presentation: 1) the 'spiritual soul,' 2) the nature of theurgy, 3) the report that Porphyry attributes passsiones to the gods, 4) the coherence of the De regressu animae with Porphyry's other works, in particular his De philosophia ex oraculis and Epistula ad Anebontem, 5) the report on the purifying principia, 6) Porphyry's views on reincarnation, and 7) the universal way of salvation.

Konversion zur Philosophie in der Spätantike : Kaiser Julian und Synesios von Kyrene
ISBN: 9783515094597 Year: 2012 Publisher: Stuttgart Franz Steiner Verlag

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Rom in der Spätantike : Historische Erinnerung im städtischen Raum
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ISBN: 9783515104951 Year: 2013 Publisher: Stuttgart Franz Steiner Verlag

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Versus sapientum de diuersis causis : Introduzione, testo critico, traduzione poetica e commento filologico
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ISBN: 3615401115 Year: 2018 Publisher: Hildesheim Weidmannsche Verlagsbuchhandlung

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I Versus sapientum de diuersis causis (AL 495-638 Riese2) sono una raccolta di poesie composta, probabilmente in ambito gallico, tra il IV e il V secolo d.C. da un anonimo poeta che apparteneva all'ambiente della scuola. Essa è articolata in dodici serie di dodici componimenti ciascuna e risponde a un raffinato gioco letterario che prevede l'alternanza di dodici sapienti immaginari, a ognuno dei quali è di volta in volta affidato il compito di presentare il tema - spesso desunto dal repertorio classico in voga nella scuola - intorno al quale gli altri sapienti devono improvvisare le loro composizioni. L'opera, anche grazie al legame stabilitosi con i testi dell'Appendix Vergiliana, ha goduto di un'enorme fortuna, come testimonia il vasto numero di manoscritti ed edizioni a stampa in cui è conservata. Il presente volume intende offrire al lettore una nuova edizione critica della raccolta, basata su uno studio capillare - di cui sì dà conto nell'ampia introduzione - dei testimoni medioevali e umanistici. Essa è accompagnata da una originale traduzione in versi italiani e da un commento dedicato all'analisi dei non pochi problemi ecdotici che il testo solleva. Il volume, ospitato nella collana 'Anthologiarum Latinarum parerga' di Loriano Zurli, si colloca nell'ambito del pluriennale progetto di revisione filologica dei testi dell'Anthologia Latina I2 1-2, Lipsiae 1894-1906, di Alexander Riese.****************The Versus sapientum de diuersis causis (AL 495-638 Riese2) are a collection of poetry composed by an anonymous poet belonging to the school environment probably in a Gallic milieu between the IV and V centuries AD. This collection comprises twelve series of twelve poems each and reflects an elegant literary game consisting in one poet presenting the topic - often drawn by the classical repertoir of the schools - around which the others have to improvise their compositions. Due to a connection with the Appendix Vergiliana, the work had great success, which is proved by the high number of manuscripts and printed editions transmitted. This volume aims to offer to readers a new critical edition of this collection based on a detailed study - that a rich introduction accounts for - of the medieval and humanistic testimonia. It is associated with an original translation in Italian verses and a commentary dedicated to the analysis of the many ecdotical problems the text raises. The volume, set in the series 'Anthologiarum Latinarum parerga', directed by Loriano Zurli, is part of the long-time project of philological review of the texts in the Anthologia Latina I2 1-2, Lipsiae 1894-1906, of Alexander Riese.

Islam and its past : Jahiliyya, Late Antiquity, and the Qur'an.
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ISBN: 9780198748496 0198748493 0191065374 0191811084 Year: 2017 Publisher: New York Oxford University Press

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This book brings together scholars to consider Islamic revelation, with particular focus on the Qur'an. The collection provides a wide-ranging survey of the development and current state of Qur'anic studies in the Western academy. The issue is what we can learn in this way about the manner in which the 'polytheists' of the Qur'an related to the Jewish and Christian traditions: were they Godfearers in the sense familiar from the study of ancient Judaism? It looks at the Qur'an as a text of Late Antiquity, not just considering those features of it that could be seen as normal in that context, but also identifying what is innovative about it against the Late Antique background. Here the focus is on the 'believers' rather than the 'polytheists'. The volume also engages in different ways with notions of monotheism in pre-Islamic Arabia. This collection provides a broad survey of what has been happening in the field and concrete illustrations of some of the more innovative lines of research that have recently been pursued.

"Zu Tisch bei den Heiligen …" : Askese, Nahrung und Individualisierung im spätantiken Mönchstum
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ISBN: 9783515120906 Year: 2019 Publisher: Stuttgart Franz Steiner Verlag

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Religiöser Alltag in der Spätantike
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ISBN: 9783515105750 Year: 2013 Publisher: Stuttgart Franz Steiner Verlag

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