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In den nächsten 10-15 Jahren werden ca. 40-45 Millionen digitaler Zähler alleine für Strom in deutschen Haushalten eingebaut. Diese sogenannten Smart Meter ermitteln sekundengenau die Verbrauchs- und Leistungswerte und melden sie an das Energieunternehmen. Für die Unternehmen bietet sich die Möglichkeit, die Effizienz ihrer Geschäftsprozesse zu erhöhen. Aber auch im Wettbewerb um Kunden können die Unternehmen aufgrund dieser Entwicklung wirkliche Mehrwerte zur Verfügung stellen. So kann sich die Vision erfüllen, dass sich selbst steuernde Netzwerke (sogenannte Smart Grids) dezentral erzeugte regenerative Energien zum richtigen Zeitpunkt in der richtigen Menge zur Verfügung stellen. Der Kunde wandelt sich zum Verbraucher und Erzeuger in einer Person (sogenannte prosumers = produce and consume energy). Der Inhalt Der Weg zu Smart Energy - Entwicklung der gesetzlichen Rahmenbedingungen - Energie und Umwelt - Die Smart Energy Technologie – Erfolgsfaktoren für Smart Energy - Smart Energy Organisation - Beiträge aus der Praxis: 1) Geschäftsprozesse im liberalisierten Zähl- und Messwesen 2) Smart Metering, auf dem Weg in die Energiemärkte der Zukunft 3) CRM4Energy 4) Dynamische Tarife zur Kundeninteraktion mit einem Smart Grid Die Zielgruppe Manager und Mitarbeiter der Energiewirtschaft IT- und Unternehmensberater der Energiewirtschaft Studierende der Wirtschaftsinformatik und BWL Studierende in Energie- und Ingenieurstudiengängen Der Autor: Prof. Dr. Christian Aichele lehrt Wirtschaftsinformatik an der University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern und führt seit über 20 Jahren Beratungs- und IT Projekte insbesondere in der Energiewirtschaft durch.
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Echtzeitsysteme sind heute überall vorhanden, aber dennoch meist verborgen. Ohne unmittelbar in Erscheinung zu treten, steuern sie Produktionsanlagen, assistieren beim Autofahren oder sichern die Qualität der Sprachübertragung in weltweiten Netzen. Trotz der ungeheueren Bandbreite dieser Anwendungen stellen Rechtzeitigkeit, Vorhersagbarkeit und Zuverlässigkeit verbindende Eigenschaften dar. Echtzeitsysteme greifen in technische Prozesse ein, um sie zum richtigen Zeitpunkt zu den richtigen Aktionen zu bewegen. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist eingehend zu planen, wann welche Aktionen durchgeführt werden sollen. Für die Entwickler von Echtzeitanwendungen ist es deshalb unerlässlich, die grundlegenden Planungsverfahren zu kennen, sowie deren Einsatzfähigkeit und deren Anforderungen an die Infrastruktur abschätzen zu können. Zu den relevanten Infrastrukturen gehören einfache Rechensysteme, Mehrprozessorsysteme und verteilte Systeme. Zahlreiche Aufgaben mit Lösungen sollen zu einem vertieften Verständnis beitragen.
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Seit vielen Jahren nimmt die funktionale und applikative Programmierung einen wesentlichen Platz unter den verschiedenen Programmierparadigmen ein. Das Hauptanliegen dieses Buches ist eine leicht verständliche Einführung in die vielschichtige Thematik. Sie reicht von den Theoretischen Grundlagen bis zu Implementierungstechniken. Schwerpunkte bei den Grundlagen sind der l–Kalkül und die kombinatorische Logik. Der Hauptteil umfasst die Vorstellung der vielschichtigen Ausprägungen in den unterschiedlichen Programmiersprachen. Bei den Implementierungstechniken wird neben klassischen Interpreter- und Compilertechniken auch ein Ausblick gegeben, wie sich derartige Programmiersprachen zukünftig auf die Entwicklung neuer Rechnerstrukturen auswirken können, die nicht mehr auf der von-Neumann-Architektur beruhen. .
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Patterns kompakt fasst die wichtigsten Entwurfsmuster zusammen, die Sie für Softwareentwicklung benötigen. Softwareentwickler und -architekten finden darin effektiv anwendbare Lösungen für tägliche Entwurfsprobleme. Das Buch gliedert Patterns anhand typischer Aspekte des Softwareentwurfs: - Basismuster für mehr Flexibilität und Wartbarkeit - Präsentation - Kommunikation und Verteilung - Integration - Persistenz Die nunmehr fünfte (aktualisierte und erweiterte) Auflage enthält darüber hinaus ein Kapitel zum Thema Software-Inbetriebnahme. Patterns kompakt richtet sich an Praktiker: Softwareentwickler, -architekten sowie alle, die einen praxisorientierten Überblick zu Entwurfsmustern benötigen. Dr. Gernot Starke (INNOQ-Fellow) arbeitet als Berater für Softwarearchitekturen, Entwicklungsprozesse und methodisches Software-Engineering. Nach seinem Informatikstudium promovierte er über Software-Entwicklungsprozesse. Dr. Starke besitzt mehr als 25 Jahre Erfahrung in komplexen IT-Projekten und ist Autor mehrerer erfolgreicher Fachbücher. Dipl.-Inform. Karl Eilebrecht verfügt über mehr als 15 Jahre praktische Erfahrung in Entwicklung und Consulting moderner E-Business-Systeme. Er war in IT-Projekten unterschiedlicher Branchen als Software-Architekt und -Entwickler tätig und leitet heute agile Entwicklerteams im Big-Data-Umfeld.
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You've PROBABLY BEEN HEARING ABOUT Microsoft's .NET Framework and the new features of Visual Basic.NET. Perhaps you've read articles about it in magazines. Perhaps you've read promotional material from Microsoft. Perhaps you've even played with one of the beta versions. Regardless of how you've learned about it, you're probably feeling a bit over whelmed. It's such a massive change both in language and approach that it's difficult to sort out the reality from the marketing and difficult to decide where o ne should actually start when approaching this new technology. That's what this book is about. • It's about the priorities you should use in learning .NET and the strategies you should use in deciding how and when to deploy .NET. • It's about the concepts you need to know in order to understand the new features of Visual Basic.NET and how they will influence the way you write code under this new framework. • And it's about the changes in the Visual Basic language itself.
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Cryptography in C and C++ mainly focuses on the practical aspects involved in implementing public key cryptography methods, such as the RSA algorithm that was released from patent protection. It also gives both a technical overview and an implementation of the Rijndael algorithm that was selected as the Advanced Encryption Standard by the U.S. government. Author Michael Welschenbach avoids complexities by explaining cryptography and its mathematical basis in terms a programmer can easily understand. This book offers a comprehensive yet relentlessly practical overview of the fundamentals of modern cryptography. It contains a wide-ranging library of code in C and C++, including the RSA algorithm, completed by an extensive Test Suite that proves that the code works correctly. Readers will learn, step by step, how to implement a platform-independent library for the all-important multiprecision arithmetic used in modern cryptography. This is followed by an implementation of the cryptographic algorithms themselves. The CD-ROM includes all the programs presented in the book, x86 assembler programs for basic arithmetical operations, implementations of the new Rijndael Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm in both C and C++, and more.
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This book picks up where Beginning ASP.NET: From Novice to Professional left off, focusing on database programming with ASP.NET. As an ASP.NET developer, you probably need to access your databases quickly and efficiently. This book will provide you with the skills to do so, teaching you best practices and methods that will help achieve professional ASP.NET and database solutions. Beyond the basics of building a Web form and placing a few controls on a page, the most common task required of ASP.NET developers is building a Web site possessing content that is stored in a database. Because general ASP.NET beginner books usually invest so many chapters going through basics, the books don't cover everything involved. Beginning ASP.NET 1.1 Databases: From Novice to Professional is a complete, thorough introduction to this particular topic. The authors show how you can connect a Web site to many different data sources not just databases and use the data to dynamically generate page content. They also show how to build a relational database, use SQL to communicate with it, and understand how they differ from each other. Youll learn that you often have several ways to achieve the same task, and you'll find out how to decide which option is the most appropriate for the task you face. Of course, this kind of knowledge is only as good as the solutions it helps build. The authors cover the real-world issues youre likely to face, such as design, transactions, error handling, optimization and scalability. We work with SQL Server, Jet, and MySQL databases throughout the book, and we point out the practical differences among these. Finally, we set you on your way at the end with a handy case study that brings together all the things you've learned.
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Adobe Acrobat 5: The Professional User's Guide is designed for professionals, covering all of the programs major components, and providing thorough instruction on how to use Acrobat as effectively as possible. Throughout the book, renowned author Donna Baker includes a series of "Workflow Tips" designed to give you immediate direction on how to use Acrobat's features, how to make planning decisions, and how to avoid common mistakes. This book also includes a comprehensive project chapter that illustrates a real-life scenario involving project planning and form design processes. The book is organized into functional sections for ease of use. After a general introduction to Acrobat 5, the book moves on to creation and security issues, and then covers output options, with several chapters devoted to different forms of output. An extensive chapter on Acrobat JavaScript is also included for reference. All topical chapters have projects, tutorials, and demonstrations. The accompanying CD-ROM includes complete source files from the books projects and tutorials, as well as completed versions of the project files for reference and troubleshooting.
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Paint Shop Pro 8 is a feature-packed graphics tool that enables you to edit and enhance your photos, as well as use its powerful drawing and text tools to create artwork from scratch. The scope of this program is immense: you can use it for all your graphic design projects at home, business, or just for fun. Photography, text, vector graphics, webpage interfaces… the combinations and possibilities are endless. For the inexperienced, knowing what you can achieve is just as difficult as learning how to do it. Paint Shop Pro 8 Zero to Hero answers all these questions and enables you to create professional-looking graphics for your home and business projects. In fact, you'll learn to do everything the program can do—fast. From Paint Shop Pro beginner to master, this book is designed to get you up to speed in the blink of an eye. Zero to Hero is more than a catchy slogan and an opportunity for puns and graphical representations of tights, capes, and phone booths. It's a style of learning designed by friends of ED to reach beyond dry technical explanations and dusty old authors who don't know how it is for real users and wouldn't know good design if it slapped them in the face with a wet fish. With a Zero to Hero book, you can choose how you learn. Learn everything you need to know about Paint Shop Pro 8 by working through the first section of the book from start to finish—or, alternatively, you can dive straight in to the inspirational Hero chapters and refer back as and when you need. Then later, when you're a hero yourself, the book is easily used as a reference tool. When you're done, you'll be ready to wear your underwear on the outside—metaphorically speaking, of course.
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Do you occasionally wonder, What kind of person works at a porn video store? Do public defenders believe in their clients? What does a reporter feel when he visits war-torn Iraq? What happens after a child star falls into obscurity? Thanks to Web logs, or "blogs" as they're affectionately nicknamed by Net-savvy voyeurs, anyone can jump into the shoes of a video salesclerk, a criminal court lawyer, an international journalist, or a TV star, among others. While entertaining and educating, these virtual diaries represent a cross section of the people who dwell online. This book features the Internet's most provocative writing, by unknown writers and underground celebrities. Neil Forrester, former cast member of MTV's The Real World, gives new meaning to the phrase "Bite your tongue." Meanwhile, Star Trek: The Next Generation actor, Wil Wheaton, gives his take on the Hollywood system and fleeting stardom. Elsewhere, web designer Heather Hamilton finds herself unemployed after posting on-the-job stories to her personal blog. And humorist Choire Sicha shares advice about broken hearts and timeshares. Plus: tales of creepy video-store customers, office pranks gone awry, a childhood encounter with Darth Vader, and so much more!
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