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A practical guide to working with sex offenders
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1784508926 Year: 2021 Publisher: London, England ; Philadelphia : Jessica Kingsley Publishers,

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Motivational interviewing with offenders : engagement, rehabilitation, and reentry
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781462529872 9781462529889 Year: 2017 Publisher: New York, NY : Guilford Press,

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Managing sex offender risk
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1280266961 9786610266968 1423710010 184642030X 9781423710011 9781843101970 1843101971 9781846420306 9781280266966 6610266964 Year: 2004 Publisher: London Philadelphia Jessica Kingsley

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Based on key research into assessment, treatment and recidivism, this book offers practical guidance on improving intervention techniques with sex offenders. The contributors explore the monitoring and surveillance strategies and cognitive-behavioural techniques currently in use, and give clear directions for future practice.

Children and young people who sexually abuse others: challenges and responses
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0415196051 Year: 1999 Publisher: London Routledge

Children and young people who sexually abuse others: current developments and practice responses
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0415354137 9780415354134 0415354129 9780415354127 9780203000847 Year: 2006 Publisher: London Routledge

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'Children and Young People Who Sexually Abuse Others' provides a detailed and coherent account and analysis of the current state of research, policy and practice in relation to this service user group, providing an invaluable resource for those new to the field, as well as for those with more experience. This latest edition - which includes both new and revised chapters - addresses context and systems issues, assessment and planning, interventions and practitioner issues. Topics covered include: policy, law, organizational contexts and service provision in the UK; developing a comprehensive inter-agency system of response; the management of sexual behavior problems in schools and in placements; assessment issues and resilience based approaches; the abuse of information technologies such as mobile phones and the Internet; methods of intervention with children and young people and their families; unconscious processes in therapeutic workand practitioner support. Written in a rigorous and accessible manner, 'Children and Young People Who Sexually Abuse Others 'addresses key aspects of working with children and young people with sexually harmful behaviors. It will be useful to a wide audience, including students, experienced professionals at front-line and managerial levels, and academics with an interest in this area of work.

Challenges in the Management of People Convicted of a Sexual Offence
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9783030802127 3030802124 3030802116 Year: 2022 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing :Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan

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This book provides an up-to-date analysis of major issues in the field of sexual abuse, both established and emerging, and asks how we can develop the most evidence-based, fit-for-purpose approach in responding to and preventing it. Sexual abuse is a multi-disciplinary, international issue that exists at the crossroads of theory, practice, and research. Therefore, the book is future-facing and asks the reader to critically reflect upon current and future research and practice, and to ask: what next? In doing this the book examines the theory, research, and practice on a range of topics including, grooming behaviors, risk management, risk assessment, sexual fantasies, professional engagement, and policy development. These, and other essential topics for effective and efficient care for people who have committed sexual offenses, are addressed as part of the ultimate goal to reduce and even eliminate sexual victimization in the future. Kasia Uzieblo is Senior Researcher at the Research Department of the Forensic Care Specialists in Utrecht, Netherlands, and Associate Professor at the Department of Criminology of the Free University Brussels, Belgium. Her teaching, trainings and research focus on sexual/family violence and forensic assessment, including risk assessment. Wineke J. Smid is Head of the Research Department at Forensic Care Specialists in Utrecht, Netherlands. She conducts empirical research (e.g., the etiology of sexual deviance), carries out individual (risk) assessments of residential high-risk sex offenders and is European master trainer for the risk assessment instruments Static-99R, Stable-2007 and Acute-2007. Kieran McCartan researches sexual offending, risk management, trauma informed practice, and developmental criminology at University of the West of England, Bristol, UK. He is an executive board member of ATSA and NOTA, the chair of the Confederation of European Probation working group on sexual offenses, and advises the Council of Europe.

Délinquants sexuels et pratiques psychosociales : rester clinicien en milieu carcéral
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782804442798 2804442799 Year: 2011 Publisher: Bruxelles : Larcier,

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Cet ouvrage a obtenu le prix "mention spéciale" Gabriel Tarde de la société française de criminologie.Rester clinicien en milieu carcéral constitue une épreuve quotidienne lorsque les praticiens, qu'ils soient psychiatres, psychologues ou travailleurs sociaux, font le choix de s'engager dans la rencontre exposée et risquée de ceux qu'on nomme « délinquants sexuels ». Depuis l'affaire « Dutroux », avec une acuité singulière, la démarche clinique se voit ainsi mise en crise et, du coup, menacée de perdre en épaisseur, sa complexité risquant de se réduire à peau de chagrin. Par l'étude des pratiques psychosociales des équipes dites spécialisées dans l'évaluation diagnostique de ces délinquants, du point de vue des professionnels eux-mêmes, l'ouvrage entend jeter quelque lumière sur ce milieu de l'ombre qu'est l'univers carcéral. Alors que ce dernier est la plupart du temps dépeint dans sa face tragique, accusant ses nombreux dysfonctionnements, dénonçant ses multiples pesanteurs et violences, le regard ici porté tente de faire droit à l'examen de phénomènes plus légers, contrastant avec la lourdeur et la noirceur de l'enfermement. Ainsi, le rire chez les praticiens trouve une place singulière dans ces pages en ce qu'il permet de renverser quotidiennement le tragique en comique.Dans les faits et leur réalité objective, la rencontre des délinquants sexuels ne prête pas à rire et, pourtant, l'image d'un praticien souffrant, totalement désillusionné, vivement bousculé par ce qu'il doit écouter, n'est qu'une possibilité parmi d'autres qu'il s'agit de pouvoir découvrir. Dès lors, la clinique en milieu carcéral devient non seulement possible mais riche et féconde, étonnamment créative et source d'enseignements pour la plupart des praticiens extra-muros qui, au mieux la méconnaissent, au pire la discréditent. Or elle gagne à être mieux connue et reconnue parce qu'elle tente l'aventure périlleuse de la rencontre interhumaine dont on sait qu'elle n'est jamais chose aisée dans ce domaine singulier comme dans tant d'autres.


Criminology. Victimology --- Belgium --- Sex offenders --- Social work with sex offenders --- Délinquants sexuels --- Service social aux délinquants sexuels --- Délinquants sexuels, Effets de l'emprisonnement sur les --- Psychology --- Mental health services --- Effect of imprisonment on --- Psychologie --- Services de santé mentale --- EPUB-ALPHA-D EPUB-LIV-FT LIVDROIT STRADA-B --- Prisoners --- Clinical psychologists --- E-books --- BPB1111 --- Délinquance --- Psychanalyse --- Établissement pénitentiaire --- Délit sexuel --- psihoanalīze --- psikoanaliżi --- psikoanalizë --- psicanálise --- síocanailís --- psicoanálisis --- psychoanalýza --- psychoanaliza --- psykoanalys --- pszichoanalízis --- psühhoanalüüs --- psykoanalyysi --- psichoanalizė --- psychoanalyse --- Psychoanalyse --- ψυχανάλυση --- psykoanalyse --- psihoanaliza --- психоанализа --- psihanaliză --- psychoanalysis --- psicanalisi --- freudismus --- психичко истражување --- analytická psychologie --- sexual offence --- infracțiuni sexuale --- nemi erkölcs elleni bűncselekmény --- nodarījums pret dzimumneaizskaramību --- delitto sessuale --- delito sexual --- sexuálne motivovaný trestný čin --- przestępstwo seksualne --- seksuel forbrydelse --- сексуално кривично дело --- seksueel misdrijf --- sexualbrott --- vepër penale seksuale --- σεξουαλικό έγκλημα --- offiża sesswali --- sexuálně motivovaný trestný čin --- Sexualdelikt --- seksuaalkuritegu --- сексуално престъпление --- kaznivo dejanje zoper spolno nedotakljivost --- seksualinis nusikaltimas --- seksuaalirikos --- spolno kazneno djelo --- szexuális bűncselekmény --- sexual crime --- delict sexual --- seksualni kriminal --- lytinis nusikaltimas --- сексуален криминал --- сексуален деликт --- dzimumnoziegums --- krim seksual --- kriminalvårdsanstalt --- nápravně výchovné zařízení --- σωφρονιστικό ίδρυμα --- Justizvollzugsanstalt --- kriminalanstalt --- príosún --- estabelecimento prisional --- kazenski zavod --- stabilimento penitenziario --- soda izciešanas iestāde --- казнена установа --- nápravno-výchovné zariadenie --- rangaistuslaitos --- karistusasutus --- institucion i vuajtjes së dënimit --- establecimiento penitenciario --- büntetés-végrehajtási intézet --- място за лишаване от свобода --- laisvės atėmimo vieta --- strafgevangenis --- kaznena ustanova --- zakład karny --- unitate penitenciară --- penal institution --- istituzzjoni penitenzjarja --- cárcel --- zapor visoke stopnje varnosti --- reformatory --- casa de reclusão --- kaznionica --- притворско одделение --- qendër paraburgimi --- burg i sigurisë së lartë --- vankilaitos --- sektor so zvýšenou ostrahou --- instytucja karna --- затворска јединица --- maison d'arrêt --- centru de detenție --- затвор --- κρατητήριο --- sluten kriminalvårdsanstalt --- kuritushuone --- închisoare provizorie --- carcere --- ülirange režiimiga vangla --- kalinimo įstaiga --- истражен затвор --- extra beveiligde afdeling --- QHS --- ośrodek penitencjarny --- σωφρονιστήριο --- притворски затвор --- казненопоправна установа --- věznice se zvýšenou ostrahou --- специјални затвор --- burg --- cellenblok --- отворено затворско одделение --- prisão --- penitenciaría --- centro penitenciario --- КПУ --- qendër ndalimi --- shkollë riedukimi --- kazneno-popravna ustanova --- módulo de alta seguridad --- kalėjimas --- ieslodzījuma vieta --- istituto di pena --- remand prison --- nápravně výchovná instituce --- Hochsicherheitstrakt --- cárcel de alta seguridad --- затворническо общежитие --- areštinė --- remand centre --- ústav na výkon trestu odňatia slobody --- fegyház --- ħabs --- zakład penitencjarny --- затворско крило --- burg i hapur --- fogház --- büntetőintézet --- vězeňské zařízení --- bijzondere strafgevangenis --- Gefängnis --- cietums --- cietuma daļa sevišķi bīstamiem noziedzniekiem --- поправни дом --- seksion i sigurisë së lartë --- huipputurvallinen vankila --- предварителен арест --- stabbiliment penitenzjarju --- open prison --- slēgts cietums --- brīvības atņemšanas vieta --- vankila --- kalėjimo griežtojo režimo skyrius --- φυλακή --- maximum security wing --- Strafanstalt --- kinnipidamiskoht --- penitentiary --- istituto penitenziario --- Haftanstalt --- казненопоправен дом --- sezione di massima sicurezza --- huipputurvallinen siipi --- pénitencier --- следствен арест --- stabilimento carcerario --- fængsel --- věznice --- prigione --- prisión --- daļēji slēgts cietums --- carcere di massima sicurezza --- arresthus --- börtön --- unitate de încarcerare --- penal --- penitenziario --- institucion riedukimi --- zatvor --- jail --- więzienie --- atklāts cietums --- gevangenis --- strogo čuvani zatvor --- Vollzugsanstalt --- lukket fængsel --- fogda --- labošana un pāraudzināšana --- vazební věznice --- казнено-поправни завод --- huis van bewaring --- τμήμα υψηλής ασφάλειας --- ħabs miftuħ --- correctional institution --- supercarcere --- centre pénitentiaire --- strukturë riedukimi --- ħabs ta' sigurtà għolja --- maximum security prison --- ustanova, kjer je oseba pridržana do sojenja ali izreka sodbe --- věznice s dohledem --- fängelse --- avovankila --- prisión de alta seguridad --- griežtojo režimo kalėjimas --- полуотворено затворско одделение --- väzenské zariadenie --- věznice s ostrahou --- zatvor otvorenoga tipa --- kinnipidamisasutus --- flugtsikret fængsel --- väznica --- cadeia --- gaol --- pataisos įstaiga --- väzenie --- kaznilnica --- établissement carcéral --- σωφρονιστικό κατάστημα --- correctional facility --- centro penitenciário --- labošanas darbu iestāde --- vangla --- затворено одделение --- închisoare de maximă securitate --- reform school --- vězeňské instituce --- institución penitenciaria --- ječa --- areszt śledczy --- rymningssäker anstalt --- quartier de haute sécurité --- ala de alta segurança --- věznice s dozorem --- prisão de alta segurança --- ústav na výkon väzby --- penitenciar --- prison --- vězení --- Sicherheitstrakt --- пенитенциарен център --- penitenciária --- bausmės atlikimo įstaiga --- пенитенциарно заведение --- zonă de maximă securitate --- prijestupništvo --- kriminalitet --- деликвенција --- kriminellt beteende --- делинквенција --- delikvence --- bűnismétlés --- delinquenza --- delikvencia --- nusikalstamumas --- εγκληματική συμπεριφορά --- delinkwenza --- delincuencia --- wykroczenie --- rikollinen elämäntapa --- delinquência --- prestopništvo --- delinquency --- õigusrikkumine --- delincvență --- likumpārkāpums --- Straffälligkeit --- misdadigheid --- престъпност --- teisės pažeidimai --- деликвент --- folyamatos vagy folytatólagosan elkövetett bűncselekmény --- visszaeső bűnelkövetés --- престап --- прекршок --- delinkvencija --- престапништво --- foras pionóis --- cion gnéasach --- ciontóireacht --- Délinquants sexuels --- Soins --- Belgique --- Emprisonnement --- Rééducation sociale --- Délinquants sexuels -- Belgique --- Prisonniers -- Belgique

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