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Country Partnership Framework for the United Republic of Tanzania for the Period FY18-FY22
Year: 2018 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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The Country Partnership Framework (CPF) for Tanzania covering FY18-FY22 comes at a time when Tanzania must both consolidate the gains of the last decade and address the continuing gaps in its development outcomes-including sharp spatial (rural-urban) and gender disparities in income and assets, continued challenges with respect to human capital and delivery of public services, and unsustainable use of critical natural resources. To address this, Tanzania has set out an ambitious agenda of nurturing industrialization for economic transformation, and human development. The CPF supports this agenda which is laid out in Tanzania's Second Five-Year Development Plan (FYDP II) and Zanzibar's Third Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (ZSGRP III). The Systematic Country Diagnostic (SCD) for Tanzania identifies three pathways to leverage the country's advantages to achieve the national development goals: (i) structural transformation to leverage Tanzania's natural assets and capture latent comparative advantage to create more jobs; (ii) spatial transformation to build on Tanzania's geographic advantages and maximize benefits from spatial integration and agglomeration; and (iii) upgrading public institutions and organizations, underpinned by expanding human capital, gender equity, and macroeconomic stability. Following a decade of strong growth and poverty reduction, the CPF addresses the challenges of carving a growth path that is more inclusive and sustainable.The CPF recognizes the close nexus between climate change and poverty reduction in Tanzania and places a strong emphasis on addressing the effects of climate change. The CPF will call upon the full range of World Bank Group (WBG) instruments and financial products to respond to Tanzania's needs. The CPF will address International Development Association (IDA) special themes and seek to be agile in preparing operations and analytical products. The CPF program has three areas of strategic focus. The Focus Area 1, enhance productivity and accelerate equitable and sustainable growth-is closely aligned with the FYDP II's emphasis on industrialization, and with the SCD structural and spatial transformation pathways for development. The SCD's first foundation, macroeconomic stability, is necessary for creating a conducive environment for private investment and growth. Focus Area 2, boost human capital and social inclusion-is aligned with the human development pillar of the FYDP II and the SCD's second foundation, human development and gender equity. Focus Area 3, modernize and improve efficiency of public institutions-is aligned with the SCD's emphasis on institutional transformation and the Tanzanian Government's priority on public sector accountability, private sector support and regulation, and capacity to deliver services. The three CPF focus areas are not mutually exclusive and can be leveraged to achieve substantial progress on overlapping goals. For example, if workers acquire job-relevant skills (Focus Area 2), that will contribute to the job creation goal (Focus Area 1); and improving accountability and PFM is fundamental to reaching service delivery objectives for health and education (Focus Area 3). Similarly, expanding social inclusion requires action in all focus areas.

Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in Disaster Recovery
Year: 2020 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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It is often assumed that all members of a population experience the impact of disasters in the same way. In the pre-disaster context, women's and girls' unequal access to social, political, and economic resources influences their access to post-disaster assistance and compensation for damage and losses. While the post-disaster context presents a host of challenges for women, it is important to recognize that women are not just victims of disasters. The strength of post-disaster recovery lies with how well it responds to the needs of both women and men. This guidance note aims to provide action-oriented guidance to local and national government officials and key decision makers who face post-disaster challenges and to assist them in incorporating gender-responsive recovery and reconstruction efforts across all sectors through robust gender assessments that lead to concrete needs identification and gender-specific recovery strategies and frameworks. Implementation of such actions will facilitate both a more resilient, sustainable recovery, and advances in reducing gender inequality. The note addresses the different challenges that women face in post-disaster recovery and reconstruction caused by underlying issues of inequality and marginalization. The note provides guidance on how to turn a post-disaster situation into an opportunity to enhance gender equality and women's empowerment, with a focus on building back better, as the aftermath of a disaster can present opportunities for new and more progressive gender roles and relationships to emerge. The guidance note is structured around three key areas: identifying and prioritizing gender-specific recovery needs; protecting women and men from physical and psychosocial harm; and planning for gender-responsive recovery in the disaster recovery framework and empowering women for sustainable and resilient recovery. The final section of the paper provides a long-term outlook on strengthening gender responsive recovery systems.

Social Inclusion in Uruguay
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Uruguay is a regional leader in the path toward social inclusion. Sustained economic growth and redistributive policies have made it the most egalitarian country in Latin America. However, some groups are still excluded. Afro-descendants, persons with disabilities, women particularly in female-headed households and LGBTI people are more likely to be excluded. They face unequal opportunities, lower accumulation of human capital and skills, and a lack of voice and agency to have their points of views and aspirations of development included in decision making. This translates into disadvantages in education, health, housing, political representation, and employment, among others, and a higher tendency to live in poorer regions and slums. Excluded groups are also confronted with glass ceilings in the job market, which result in lower incomes and fewer opportunities. Uruguay has a robust matrix of social policies and one of the highest levels of public social spending in the region, but atomization of social programs and lack of coordination between them compromises their effectiveness. Closing the remaining gaps is possible and may not require large additional spending. Very often, changes in preexisting programs is all it takes to make them more socially inclusive. Policies that put social inclusion at their core do not necessarily do more, but they do things differently.

Building Community : A Primer - 2018 update
Year: 2018 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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The Community Building Primer is a publication of Communities Reinvented, a Center of Excellence within the World Bank Group whose mission is to enable teams, units and departments to create and sustain communities of practice in a way that fosters learning, collaboration and innovation across the entire institution and beyond to drive real development impact. The Primer provides concrete steps and tools to help you build a community of practitioners and/or online community. The primer is divided into four sections: community design and building; community management; work book; and resources.

Lessons from Poland, Insights for Poland : A Sustainable and Inclusive Transition to High Income Status.
Year: 2017 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This report discusses Poland's experience along five dimensions. These five dimensions - a pentagon of policies and institutions are governing, sustaining, connecting, growing, and including. The main lessons from Poland and the key insights for its future, based on this pentagon, are presented in the lessons and insights summarized in this report. Poland's experience underlines the importance of a shared vision to sustain continuing reforms. Poland's rapid economic ascent created new challenges: the creative destruction on which the growth process was based, successfully, caused massive social change. The report addresses two sets of questions. First, what are the lessons from Poland's remarkable transition to high income?; what policies were behind Poland's economic achievements?; why was Poland able to achieve high-income per capita so fast, while many other countries remained in the upper-middle-income range for decades - trapped middle-income countries (MICs)?; what policies were similar to those pursued by other new high income countries (HICs) and what were specific to Poland?, and second, what are the insights for Poland going forward? Given international experience and Poland's characteristics, what policies can it adopt to continue its ascent and reach the much higher incomes of countries that have been high income for a considerable period - the established HICs?.

Urban Design, Public Spaces, and Social Cohesion : Evidence from a Virtual Reality Experiment
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Public spaces can be an instrument to increase social cohesion, yet they are often underutilized. This paper presents findings from a randomized virtual reality experiment with more than 2,000 participants in Karachi, Pakistan. The paper investigates the relationship between urban design, willingness to use public spaces, and social cohesion. The findings show that exposure to a two-and-a-half-minute-long virtual reality experience featuring various urban design and social diversity elements has a statistically significant impact. In particular, improvements in the design of a public park through the virtual reality experience increased the park's perceived attractiveness and participants' willingness to use it. Exposure to diverse social groups in the virtual reality experience, by itself, had mixed impacts on social cohesion indicators such as trust and perception of and willingness to interact with outgroups. The impacts varied by ethnic affiliation, income, sex, and education level. This may be partly explained by the segregated nature of Karachi and the high prevalence of mistrust of outgroups. The paper illustrates how modern technology can be used as an effective, low-cost tool for diagnosing social phenomena, soliciting feedback about urban interventions for inclusive design, and promoting social contact.

Inclusive Statistics : Human Development and Disability Indicators in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This paper disaggregates human development indicators across disability status to assess the situation of persons and households with disabilities. The paper uses 24 censuses and general household surveys from 21 low- and middle-income countries. Disability status is measured through self-reports of functional difficulties (for example, seeing or hearing). There are several findings of interest. First, disability is not rare in low- and middle-income countries. The median prevalence stands at 10 percent among adults ages 15 and older, and at 23 percent among households. There are consistent inequalities associated with disability and, in particular, with respect to educational attainment, work outcomes, poverty, food security, exposure to shocks, living conditions, and assets. At the same time, not all persons with functional difficulties experience deprivations. There is a gradient in inequalities associated with the degree of functional difficulty: persons with at least a lot of difficulty tend to be worse off than persons with some difficulty, who themselves tend to be worse off than persons with no difficulty. The results in this paper on the prevalence of functional difficulties and their association with socioeconomic deprivations show that disability should be central to human development policy, data, and research. More work is needed to curb the inequalities associated with disability.

Disability Inclusion in Nigeria : A Rapid Assessment.
Year: 2020 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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According to the World Health Organization, in 2018, about 29 million of the 195 million people who comprise Nigeria's national population were living with a disability. Data from the 2018 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey reveal that an estimated 7 percent of household members above the age of five (as well as 9 percent of those 60 or older) have some level of difficulty in at least one functional domain, seeing, hearing, communication, cognition, walking, or self-care; and 1 percent either have a lot of difficulty or cannot function at all in at least one domain. These estimated rates, while significant, are probably even higher because currently available data likely underestimate the prevalence. This rapid social assessment was undertaken to document the current socioeconomic status of persons with disabilities in Nigeria. Findings indicate that persons with disabilities lack access to basic services and that attitudinal barriers represent a major impediment to their socioeconomic inclusion. Inclusive policies are either nonexistent, weak, or inadequately implemented. There is an urgent need to improve the current socioeconomic situation of persons with disabilities in Nigeria.

Gender-Based Violence : An Analysis of the Implications for the Nigeria for Women Project.
Year: 2019 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Gender-based violence, or GBV, is one of the most oppressive forms of gender inequality, posing a fundamental barrier to the equal participation of women and men in social, economic, and political spheres. GBV includes intimate partner violence, non-partner sexual assault, female genital mutilation, sexual exploitation and abuse, child abuse, female infanticide, and child marriage. Such violence impedes gender equality and the achievement of a range of development outcomes. In Nigeria, like in other jurisdictions, GBV remains a challenge that significantly constrains women's autonomy and opportunities. Conflict in Nigeria's North East geopolitical zone has further contributed to a steep rise in violence targeted against women and children by Boko Haram. This report uses the social ecological model as the basis to analyze prevalent GBV risks in Nigeria. It first describes the legislative and policy level frameworks associated with violence against women and girls as well as their implementation at the national and subnational levels. It then provides a detailed analysis of specific social norms that have created acceptance for or at least a lack of condemnation of GBV at the community level. Finally, based on field research, it delves deeper into some of the interpersonal and individual drivers of various forms of GBV in the selected communities.

Yemen Policy Note 1 : A Summary.
Year: 2017 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Yemen is subjected to a deepening conflict with an uncertain outlook for peace. The conflict in Yemen began in 2014 and escalated in early 2015 when the Houthi militias and their allied forces occupied large parts of the country and putting in jeopardy the then existing transition process that had been established in late 2011. Yemen has witnessed cycles of violence and civil war since becoming a Republic in 1962. Over the last 50 years, and prior to 1990 also in form of North and South Yemen, Yemen has seen open societal violence, upheaval, and civil wars. Addressing these weaknesses, fragilities, frustrated hopes and rights, recovery of livelihoods, and rebuilding the country physical infrastructure and especially its institutions to end Yemen's cycles of violence will dominate the political agenda of the country for years to come. These series of policy notes will contribute to this agenda with a focus on the short term, the first two years of recovery in an assumed post conflict situation. There are many conceivable needs and possible entry points for this note series. In interaction with representatives of the recognized Government, other Yemeni actors, and expertise available within the Bank, drawing also on experience in other countries, these notes cover (1) key elements for economic stabilization and public trust building, (2) proposals to bring in private sector capacity for recovery and generation of employment, (3) recommendation for how best to restore services to citizens while focusing also on institutional set-ups that forge inclusiveness, participation, and transparency, taking account for a fragmented central state level, and (4) a critical review and analysis on how the Yemen authorities and Yemen's foreign partners can best use external support for recovery, reconstruction, and ultimately for development.

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