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Les pièges de la discrimination
ISBN: 2841878023 Year: 2006 Publisher: Paris : Archipel,

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Les filles sont nulles en maths & autres préjugés : stéréotypes, préjugés, discrimination, ne vous laissez plus berner par votre cerveau !
ISBN: 9782356443984 2356443983 Year: 2020 Publisher: Paris: Enrick B,

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Quatrième de couverture : "Nous vivons dans un monde rempli de préjugés. Et cela ne doit rien au hasard. Notre cerveau, fabuleuse machine à appréhender le monde, fabrique sans cesse des stéréotypes et fait de nous, que nous le voulions ou non, de parfaits discriminateurs. Mais, ne vous en faites pas car nous allons vous expliquer pourquoi ce processus est parfaitement normal et comment en limiter les effets néfastes. Dans son livre, Enrick Barbillon, psychosociologue, nous dévoile les tours que nous joue notre cerveau, les stéréotypes inconscients ou non qui nous guident et leurs conséquences à l’échelle de la société. « C’est un fait qu’il faut accepter : notre cerveau est naturellement doté de points aveugles et l’une de ses manœuvres les plus habiles consiste à nous donner l’illusion rassurante que nous n’en avons pas. » Au travers d’une série d’expériences menées en psychologie racontées à la manière d’un voyage initiatique, vous parcourrez à ses côtés, sans tabous, le monde méconnu des discriminations et vous outillerez pour ne plus vous laisser piéger. Ce livre est une arme de destruction massive contre les préjugés et tout ce qui menace le fameux et trop usé « Vivre ensemble ». Autant dire qu’à l’heure des fakes news, de la manipulation de masse – réelle ou fantasmée -, des idéologies xénophobes et des tentations complotistes, il est d’utilité publique. Einstein aurait dit qu’il est plus facile de briser un atome que de briser un préjugé. Et si nous commencions par les vôtres ?"

Gleichstellungspolitik in der Schweiz : Einführung in ein umstrittenes Politikfeld
ISBN: 3847402439 384740654X Year: 2018 Publisher: Leverkusen Verlag Barbara Budrich

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Das Buch untersucht die umstrittene Institutionalisierung der schweizerischen Gleichstellungspolitik seit Mitte der 1990er Jahre vor allem im Bereich der Erwerbsarbeit und der staatlichen Gleichstellungsinstitutionen. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Frage, wie die politischen Steuerungsprinzipien miteinander verknüpft werden und ob sie Wirkung sowie Überzeugungskraft entfalten können. Alle politischen Akteurinnen und Akteure in der Schweiz bekennen sich rhetorisch zur Norm der Gleichstellung von Frau und Mann, doch die entsprechenden politischen Maßnahmen sind offenbar hoch umstritten: sie sind ausgesprochen vielfältig, aber ihnen fehlt in Bezug auf die Verteilung von Geld, Macht, Zeit und Anerkennung der nachhaltige Erfolg. Wie lässt sich das erklären? In der Forschung zur Gleichstellungspolitik wird seit einiger Zeit das Augenmerk verstärkt auf das Zusammenspiel und die Dynamiken der Maßnahmen untereinander gerichtet. Das Buch wendet diese Perspektive auf die Entwicklung der schweizerischen Gleichstellungspolitik seit Mitte der 1990er Jahre an. These approaches are all well applied and provide atheoretically rich and well-informed analysis of Swiss gender equality policy. Swiss Political Science Review 25/2019

Nulla su di noi senza di noi : Una ricerca empirica sull’abilismo in Italia
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Milan FrancoAngeli

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In Italy, the term ableism is not commonly used in everyday language and is even less present in public debate compared to other forms of discrimination such as sexism or racism. However, ableism manifests very often in our society, generating inequalities, micro-aggressions, and social exclusion. This book presents the first empirical research regarding ableism in Italy, adopting an intersectional perspective on its relations with other forms of discrimination (sexism, classism, racism, etc.). Following the motto “Nothing about us without us”, the research was conducted with a group of people with disabilities. The book has both an educational and scientific purpose. Firstly, it discusses the multiple manifestations of ableism and its consequences theoretically. Secondly, it describes the participatory research process aimed at developing a scale to identify ableist attitudes. Thirdly, it presents the results of a questionnaire on ableism and intersectionality, involving a representative sample of Italian adults. Lastly, it describes the discrimination experienced by people with disabilities in relation to multiple life areas (e.g., mobility, communication, sport, independent living) from the perspective of the research participants.

Decolonizing Social Work : From Theory to Transformative Practice
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9781350366480 Year: 2024 Publisher: London : London : Bloomsbury Academic, Bloomsbury Publishing (UK),

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This open access edited collection provides a long-overdue examination of a practice that is continuously involved in managing, regulating, and subordinating individuals and communities. While it is well established that neoliberal systems of population management are designed to target the "constructed other," there is considerably less research examining how social work in particular interacts with the vestiges of colonialism to further this practice. Gathering social work scholars and practitioners from around the world, this collection offers a geographically diverse array of ambitious and insightful theoretical, conceptual, and practical discussions of how social work can perpetuate the afterlives of colonialism and of how this can be reversed. In so doing, this book not only provides in-depth, empirically grounded critiques of - and antidotes to - various policies for managing people at the margins of society, it also makes a compelling case for always keeping the complexity of colonial continuity in conversation with neoliberal systems of governance. As these chapters show, it is only by keeping the full complexity of such confluences in mind that social inequality and institutional racism can be understood and that possibilities for change can emerge. For its fundamental contributions to the literature on postcolonial social work, this is essential reading for social work researchers and postgraduates; and for its plainspoken tone and practical recommendations, it is a go-to source for social work practitioners eager to align their own everyday work with the demands of global justice. Theebook editions of this book are available open access under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licence on Open access was funded by the Bloomsbury Open Collections Library Collective.

Nulla su di noi senza di noi : Una ricerca empirica sull’abilismo in Italia
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Milan FrancoAngeli

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In Italy, the term ableism is not commonly used in everyday language and is even less present in public debate compared to other forms of discrimination such as sexism or racism. However, ableism manifests very often in our society, generating inequalities, micro-aggressions, and social exclusion. This book presents the first empirical research regarding ableism in Italy, adopting an intersectional perspective on its relations with other forms of discrimination (sexism, classism, racism, etc.). Following the motto “Nothing about us without us”, the research was conducted with a group of people with disabilities. The book has both an educational and scientific purpose. Firstly, it discusses the multiple manifestations of ableism and its consequences theoretically. Secondly, it describes the participatory research process aimed at developing a scale to identify ableist attitudes. Thirdly, it presents the results of a questionnaire on ableism and intersectionality, involving a representative sample of Italian adults. Lastly, it describes the discrimination experienced by people with disabilities in relation to multiple life areas (e.g., mobility, communication, sport, independent living) from the perspective of the research participants.

Higher Flight : Refocusing Black/Africana Studies for the 21st Century
ISBN: 1350380326 1350380288 1350380296 9781350380325 Year: 2024 Publisher: London : London : Zed Books, Bloomsbury Publishing (UK),

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In the open access book Higher Flight, pre-eminent scholar and activist James B. Stewart offers a much-needed critical assessment of the current state of Black/Africana studies in order to chart a path forward. In three equally groundbreaking sections, Stewart clarifies and refines the distinctive approaches that currently define the field; shows how creative production in particular can serve as a unique means of cultural analysis and political mobilization; and suggests how to restore the balance between intellectual inquiry and direct action in order to improve the actual lived experiences of people of African descent. Each section incorporates various forms of expression, including Stewart's essays, speeches, and poems, and the book as a whole covers a vast range of figures, issues, and phenomena, from W.E.B, Du Bois to James Baldwin, from conscious hip-hop to the Black Lives Matter movement, from Hurricane Katrina to Covid-19, and very much in between. Written with an accessible authoritativeness few Black/Africana scholar-activists can match, Stewart offers a must-read not only for researchers, but also for graduate students and advanced undergraduate students interested in Black/Africana studies, diaspora studies, ethnic studies, Black womanist/feminist studies, and American studies, as well as in African American history, culture, politics, economics, literature, and philosophy. The ebook editions of this book are available open access under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licence on Open access was funded by the Bloomsbury Open Collections Library Collective.

Gender Inequalities in Tech-driven Research and Innovation : Living the Contradiction

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ePDF and ePUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. The Nordic countries are regarded as frontrunners in promoting equality, yet women's experiences on the ground are in many ways at odds with this rhetoric. Putting the spotlight on the lived experiences of women working in tech-driven research and innovation areas in the Nordic countries, this volume explores why, despite numerous programmes, women continue to constitute a minority in these sectors. Contributors flesh out the differences and similarities across different Nordic countries and explore how the shifts in labour market conditions have impacted on women in research and innovation. This is an invaluable contribution to global debates around the mechanisms that maintain gendered structures in research and innovation, from academia to biotechnology and IT.

The disability rights movement : from charity to confrontation
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781439907436 1439907439 9781439907443 1439907447 9781439907450 1439907455 Year: 2011 Publisher: Philadelphia : Temple University Press,

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Tells a complex and compelling story of an ongoing movement that seeks to create an equitable and diverse society, inclusive of people with disabilities.

Likestilling i akademia – fra kunnskap til endring
Authors: ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Oslo Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP (Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing)

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What is the state of gender equality in science and technology? Gender Equality in Academia – from Understanding to Change presents the results of a comprehensive research project and program of initiatives at the University of Oslo’s Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Researchers have examined gender equality within the department, looking at reasons for imbalance, and at what occurs when measures to promote equality are implemented.The book opens with an in-depth study of careers, gender issues and gender balance within academia. The study, based on questionnaires, interviews and follow-up evaluation, provides a new and updated understanding of the daily lives of academics in Norway. Among the topics covered are perceptions of equality and gender balance, effects of male dominance, sexual harassment, gender with respect to publishing, and the relationship between gender and diversity.In addition to presenting new empirical data, the book is also an innovative contribution to theoretical development within gender equality research. In the second part of the book, the authors present three working models that elucidate current mechanisms recreating gender imbalance, and challenges for gender equality. The book’s final part consists of analyses of measures taken to increase gender equality within the department and their effects, and what an organization can do to increase gender equality.The range of topics in this book make it relevant for all those concerned with gender equality in research and higher education. Researchers, administrators, students, other practitioners, and politicians will all find this book of interest.Øystein Gullvåg Holter is a professor emeritus at the University of Oslo’s Centre for Gender Research. Lotta Snickare is a researcher at both the University of Oslo’s Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.; Hvordan står det til med likestillingen innenfor realfag og teknologi? Likestilling i akademia – fra kunnskap til endring presenterer resultatene fra et omfattende forsknings- og tiltaksprosjekt ved Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet ved Universitetet i Oslo. Forskerne har undersøkt likestillingssituasjonen ved fakultetet, sett på årsaker til ulikestilling, og på hva som skjer når man iverksetter tiltak for å fremme likestilling.Boka innleder med en dybdestudie av karriere, kjønn og likestilling i akademia. Studien, som er basert på både spørreundersøkelser, intervjuer og følgeforskning, gir ny og oppdatert kunnskap om forskerhverdagen i norsk akademia. Blant temaene som belyses er syn på likestilling og kjønnsbalanse, effekter av mannsdominans, seksuell trakassering, kjønn og publisering, og hvordan kjønn og mangfold henger sammen.I tillegg til å presentere ny empiri utgjør boka også et nyskapende bidrag til teoriutvikling innen likestillingsforskningen. I bokas del 2 presenterer forfatterne tre arbeidsmodeller som belyser aktuelle mekanismer og utfordringer i likestillingsarbeidet. Deretter trekkes linjen videre til arbeidet for å fremme likestilling. I siste del analyseres tiltakene som ble iverksatt for å øke likestillingen ved fakultetet, hvilke effekter de hadde, og hva en organisasjon kan gjøre for å øke likestillingen. Bredden i boka gjør den relevant for alle som er opptatt av likestilling i forskning og høyere utdanning. Både forskere, ansatte, studenter, praktikere og politikere vil ha stor nytte av boka.Øystein Gullvåg Holter er professor emeritus ved Senter for tverrfaglig kjønnsforskning, Universitetet i Oslo. Lotta Snickare er forsker ved Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet, Universitetet i Oslo, og ved Kungliga tekniska högskolan, Stockholm.

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