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Long description: The migration of highly skilled individuals brings together two important and well-developed institutional systems: on the one hand, the organization of professions and, on the other hand, the state and its migration and integration regime. Therefore, professional migrants move between two levels of regulation. The first one applies to their specific professional group and regulates the acquisition of knowledge as well as the participation in the labor market. The second one controls the access to and settlement in a given country. Taking the examples of medicine and the information technologies (IT) in Germany and Chile, the present research asks how different institutional settings shape the cultural capital negotiation strategies of highly skilled Latin American migrants. Using Bourdieu’s relational theory and especially his concepts of field and capital, this book seeks to understand professions as fields and to follow the trajectories of highly skilled Latin American migrants within two transnational professional fields. Using a reconstructive praxeological approach, this book presents three typologies, showing how the interaction between (transnational) professional fields and national regulations creates different possibilities for highly skilled migrants to negotiate their capital and the strategies they develop to reach a good position in their host country’s labor market.
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This brief aims to provide an update on key developments in the area of migration and remittance flows and related policies over the past six months. It also provides medium-term (three year) projections of remittance flows to developing countries.
Development --- Diaspora --- High skilled migration --- Innovative financing --- Low skilled migration --- Migration --- Refugees --- Remittances --- Sustainable development goals
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This paper presents the first evidence on the efficacy of a major program designed to encourage the return migration of high-skilled individuals. The Malaysian Returning Expert Program targets high-skilled Malaysians abroad and provides them with tax incentives to return. At several eligibility thresholds, the probability of acceptance into the program increases discontinuously. Using administrative data on applicants, the analysis is able to identify the impact of acceptance to the Returning Expert Program on the probability of returning to Malaysia. The fuzzy regression discontinuity design estimates suggest that program approval increases the return probability by 40 percent for applicants with a preexisting job offer in Malaysia. There is no significant treatment effect for those who apply without a job offer. The estimated migration elasticity with respect to the net-of-tax rate, averaged across all applicants, is 1.2. Fiscal cost-benefit analysis of the Returning Expert Program finds a modest net fiscal effect of the program, between minus USD 6,900 and plus USD 4,200 per applicant, suggesting that the program roughly pays for itself.
Brain Circulation --- Brain Drain --- High-Skilled Migration --- Migration Policies And Jobs --- Return Migration --- Tax Incentives
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In the age of globalization, the transnational dimension of sciences like medicine seems to be given. However, the agents connecting different parts of this transnational biomedical landscape have yet to receive their due attention. Situated at the intersection of contemporary debates as well as theories of medical anthropology and migration in the 21st century, this book explores the experiences of Nigerian trained physicians who migrated to the US and the UK within the last 40 years. By drawing on individual professional life stories, Judith Schühle illuminates how these physicians disconnect from and (re)connect to diverse local social and biomedical contexts, becoming established abroad while at the same time trying to influence health care services in Nigeria through transnational endeavors.
Medical Anthropology; Skilled Migration; Global Health; Nigeria; Biomedicine; Work; Medicine; Migration; Cultural Anthropology; Sociology of Medicine; Globalization --- Biomedicine. --- Cultural Anthropology. --- Global Health. --- Globalization. --- Medicine. --- Migration. --- Nigeria. --- Skilled Migration. --- Sociology of Medicine. --- Work.
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The international migration of high-skilled workers may trigger productivity effects at the macro level such that the wage rate of skilled workers increases in host countries and decrease in source countries. The authors exploit data on international bilateral migration flows and provide evidence consistent with this theoretical hypothesis. They propose various instrumentation strategies to identify the causal effect of skilled migration on log differences of GDP per capita, total factor productivity, and the wages of skilled workers between pairs of source and destination countries. These strategies aim to address the endogeneity problem that arises when international wage differences affect migration decisions.
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This book focuses on the coordination between family life and professional career under the condition of repeated mobilities. It analyses the division between the labour force work and the care work of couples of highly-skilled migrants settling in either Switzerland or Germany.
Career Strategies --- Döring --- Family --- Family Strategies --- Florian --- Gender --- Germany --- Highly --- Highly-Skilled Migration --- International Work --- Migrants --- Move --- Skilled --- Switzerland --- Tissot --- Ulrike
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The international migration of high-skilled workers may trigger productivity effects at the macro level such that the wage rate of skilled workers increases in host countries and decrease in source countries. The authors exploit data on international bilateral migration flows and provide evidence consistent with this theoretical hypothesis. They propose various instrumentation strategies to identify the causal effect of skilled migration on log differences of GDP per capita, total factor productivity, and the wages of skilled workers between pairs of source and destination countries. These strategies aim to address the endogeneity problem that arises when international wage differences affect migration decisions.
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This book focuses on the coordination between family life and professional career under the condition of repeated mobilities. It analyses the division between the labour force work and the care work of couples of highly-skilled migrants settling in either Switzerland or Germany.
Career Strategies --- Döring --- Family --- Family Strategies --- Florian --- Gender --- Germany --- Highly --- Highly-Skilled Migration --- International Work --- Migrants --- Move --- Skilled --- Switzerland --- Tissot --- Ulrike
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This book focuses on the coordination between family life and professional career under the condition of repeated mobilities. It analyses the division between the labour force work and the care work of couples of highly-skilled migrants settling in either Switzerland or Germany.
Career Strategies --- Döring --- Family --- Family Strategies --- Florian --- Gender --- Germany --- Highly --- Highly-Skilled Migration --- International Work --- Migrants --- Move --- Skilled --- Switzerland --- Tissot --- Ulrike
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Dans un contexte où l’économie moderne est basée sur la connaissance, les diplômés de l’enseignement supérieur représentent une source importante de capital humain. Pour en retenir un plus grand nombre, il est donc crucial de comprendre ce qui motive et détermine leurs intentions de mobilité résidentielle. C’est plus particulièrement le cas des régions périphériques telles que Liège, qui doivent concurrencer les régions métropolitaines supposées plus attractives. Ce mémoire complète une étude de 2017 menée à l’échelle de l’Eurégion Meuse-Rhin (EMR) hormis la province de Liège, et analyse si les étudiants de la province de Liège ont l'intention de rester dans l’EMR ou non, ou s’ils sont incertains. La destination privilégiée par les futurs diplômés est également analysée. Le rôle et l’importance des facteurs de localisation forts et faibles, des facteurs sociaux et des caractéristiques individuelles dans la détermination des intentions de mobilité des futurs diplômés sont étudiés à l’aide d’une analyse statistique descriptive et d’une régression logistique multinomiale. Ces recherches sont faites sur des données d’une enquête réalisée en 2019 dans les établissements d’enseignement supérieurs de la province de Liège. Les résultats obtenus sont assez similaires à ceux de l’étude de 2017 à l’échelle de l’EMR. Il apparait que les intentions de mobilité sont principalement déterminées par la perception de la qualité de vie et des perspectives de carrière dans la région. De plus, les liens sociaux tels que la famille, les amis et l’éloignement au partenaire influencent fortement les intentions de migration. Ce mémoire montre également que les futurs diplômés de la filière des sciences médicales de la province de Liège ont une propension plus forte à souhaiter partir, ce qui est à l’opposé du comportement observé dans le reste de l’EMR dans l’étude de 2017 et dans la littérature. In today's context of modern economy based on knowledge, graduates of higher education represent an important source of human capital. To retain more of them, it is crucial to understand what motivates and determines their residential mobility intentions. This is particularly the case for peripheral regions such as Liège, which have to compete with the metropolitan regions that are assumed to be more attractive. This thesis completes a 2017 study conducted in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine (EMR), except the province of Liège, and analyses whether students from the province of Liège intend to stay in the EMR or not, or if they are uncertain. The destination favoured by future graduates is also analysed. The role and importance of hard and soft locational factors, social factors and individual characteristics in determining the mobility intentions of future graduates are investigated, using descriptive statistical analysis and a multinomial logistic regression. This research is based on survey data from 2019 in higher education institutions of the province of Liège. The obtained results are quite similar to those of the 2017 study. It appears that mobility intentions are mainly determined by students' perception of the quality of life and career prospects in the region of study. In addition, social ties such as family, friends, and distance to the partner strongly influence migration intentions. This master thesis also shows that the future graduates of the medical sciences of the province of Liège have a stronger propensity to wish to leave, which is the opposite of the behaviour observed in the rest of the EMR in the 2017 study and in the literature.
Migration hautement qualifiée --- mobilité résidentielle --- capital humain --- futurs diplômés --- Eurégion Meuse-Rhin --- Liège --- Highly skilled migration --- residential mobility --- human capital --- prospective graduates --- Euregio Meuse-Rhin --- Liège --- Sciences sociales & comportementales, psychologie > Etudes régionales & interrégionales
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