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This textbook helps graduate level student to understand easily the linearization of nonlinear control system. Differential geometry is essential to understand the linearization problems of the control nonlinear systems. In this book, the basics of differential geometry, needed in linearization, are explained on the Euclean space instead of the manifold for the students who are not accustomed to differential geometry. Many Lie algebra formulas, used often in linearization, are also provided with proof. The conditions in the linearization problems are complicated to check because the Lie bracket calculation of vector fields by hand needs much concetration and time. This book provides the MATLAB programs for most of the theorems.
Algebra --- Electrical engineering --- algebra --- lineaire algebra --- automatisering --- systeemtheorie --- automatische regeltechniek --- Lie algebras. --- Nonlinear control theory. --- Sistemes no lineals --- Teoria de control --- Àlgebres de Lie
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This textbook provides a clear introduction to the theory and application of nonlinear systems and controls. The author explains the methods of nonlinear control, which are known from control theory research and are becoming increasingly important in industrial applications. The fundamentals of nonlinear dynamics, stability theory, controllability, nonlinear control of linear and nonlinear systems, and nonlinear state transformations are covered. Furthermore, the concepts of observability and the theory and application of nonlinear observers are described. The main features of the book are the comprehensive presentation of the theory, excellent comprehensibility, many example applications, and more than a hundred exercises with solutions, which are illustrated by numerous color diagrams. This book is aimed at advanced engineering students and engineers in industry.
Electrical engineering --- Artificial intelligence. Robotics. Simulation. Graphics --- neuronale netwerken --- fuzzy logic --- cybernetica --- automatisering --- AI (artificiële intelligentie) --- robots --- automatische regeltechniek --- Automatic control. --- Computational intelligence. --- Robotics. --- Control and Systems Theory. --- Computational Intelligence. --- Robotic Engineering. --- Sistemes no lineals
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Control theory. --- System theory. --- Systems, Theory of --- Systems science --- Science --- Dynamics --- Machine theory --- Philosophy --- Teoria de control --- Teoria de sistemes --- Filosofia de la ciència --- Anàlisi de sistemes --- Autopoesi --- Caos (Teoria de sistemes) --- Enginyeria de sistemes --- Sistemes biològics --- Sistemes complexos --- Sistemes lineals --- Sistemes no lineals --- Sistemes socials --- Control (Matemàtica) --- Control òptim --- Regulació --- Teoria de màquines --- Control automàtic --- Filtre de Kalman --- Sistemes de control biològic
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This book collects a range of contributions on nonlinear dynamics and complexity, providing a systematic summary of recent developments, applications, and overall advances in nonlinearity, chaos, and complexity. It presents both theories and techniques in nonlinear systems and complexity and serves as a basis for more research on synchronization and complexity in nonlinear science as well as a mechanism to fast-scatter the new knowledge to scientists, engineers, and students in the corresponding fields. Written by world-renown experts from across the globe, the collection is ideal for researchers, practicing engineers, and students concerned with machinery and controls, manufacturing, and controls. Illustrates methods for finding chaos from periodic motions; Includes applications to nonlinear physics and nonlinear engineering; Maximizes understanding of differential-invariant solutions, impulsive differential equations, chaos, and order.
Mathematics --- Mechanical properties of solids --- Applied physical engineering --- Engineering sciences. Technology --- Planning (firm) --- Computer. Automation --- patroonherkenning --- ICT (informatie- en communicatietechnieken) --- complexiteit --- toegepaste mechanica --- economie --- mathematische modellen --- wiskunde --- ingenieurswetenschappen --- optica --- Multibody systems. --- Vibration. --- Mechanics, Applied. --- Mathematical models. --- Computational complexity. --- Engineering mathematics. --- Engineering --- Multibody Systems and Mechanical Vibrations. --- Mathematical Modeling and Industrial Mathematics. --- Computational Complexity. --- Mathematical and Computational Engineering Applications. --- Data processing. --- Sistemes no lineals
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This textbook gives a clear introduction to the theory and application of nonlinear systems and controls. The author introduces and explains the methods of nonlinear control, which are becoming increasingly important in research and industrial applications. The main features of the book are the comprehensive presentation of the theory, excellent comprehensibility, the many example applications, and more than a hundred exercises with solutions. They are illustrated by many color diagrams. This book is aimed at advanced engineering students and engineers in industry.
Electrical engineering --- Artificial intelligence. Robotics. Simulation. Graphics --- neuronale netwerken --- fuzzy logic --- cybernetica --- automatisering --- KI (kunstmatige intelligentie) --- robots --- automatische regeltechniek --- Control engineering. --- Computational intelligence. --- Robotics. --- Control and Systems Theory. --- Computational Intelligence. --- Robotic Engineering. --- Teoria de control --- Sistemes no lineals --- Intel·ligència computacional --- AI (artificiële intelligentie) --- Automatic control.
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Mathematical optimization. --- Optimization (Mathematics) --- Optimization techniques --- Optimization theory --- Systems optimization --- Mathematical analysis --- Maxima and minima --- Operations research --- Simulation methods --- System analysis --- Teories no lineals --- Optimització matemàtica --- Mètodes de simulació --- Jocs d'estratègia (Matemàtica) --- Optimització combinatòria --- Programació dinàmica --- Programació (Matemàtica) --- Anàlisi de sistemes --- No linealitat (Matemàtica) --- Problemes no lineals --- Anàlisi funcional no lineal --- Anàlisi matemàtica --- Càlcul --- Física matemàtica --- Caos (Teoria de sistemes) --- Equacions diferencials no lineals --- Ones no lineals --- Oscil·lacions no lineals --- Sistemes no lineals --- Solitons
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Teoria de sistemes --- Dinàmica --- Cinètica --- Matemàtica --- Mecànica analítica --- Aerodinàmica --- Cinemàtica --- Caos (Teoria de sistemes) --- Dinàmica molecular --- Electrodinàmica --- Estabilitat --- Matèria --- Moviment --- Moviment rotatori --- Pertorbació (Matemàtica) --- Teoria quàntica --- Termodinàmica --- Estàtica --- Física --- Energia --- Mecànica --- Filosofia de la ciència --- Anàlisi de sistemes --- Autopoesi --- Enginyeria de sistemes --- Sistemes biològics --- Sistemes complexos --- Sistemes lineals --- Sistemes no lineals --- Sistemes socials --- System theory --- Dynamics --- History. --- Statistical methods. --- Dynamical systems --- Kinetics --- Mathematics --- Mechanics, Analytic --- Force and energy --- Mechanics --- Physics --- Statics --- Systems, Theory of --- Systems science --- Science --- Philosophy
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Control theory. --- System theory. --- Numerical analysis. --- Dynamics --- Machine theory --- Mathematical analysis --- Systems, Theory of --- Systems science --- Science --- Philosophy --- Teoría de sistemes --- Teoria de control --- Control (Matemàtica) --- Control òptim --- Regulació --- Anàlisi de sistemes --- Teoria de màquines --- Control automàtic --- Filtre de Kalman --- Sistemes de control biològic --- Filosofia de la ciència --- Autopoesi --- Caos (Teoria de sistemes) --- Enginyeria de sistemes --- Sistemes biològics --- Sistemes complexos --- Sistemes lineals --- Sistemes no lineals --- Sistemes socials --- Teoria de sistemes.
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Teories no lineals --- Dinàmica --- No linealitat (Matemàtica) --- Problemes no lineals --- Anàlisi funcional no lineal --- Anàlisi matemàtica --- Càlcul --- Física matemàtica --- Caos (Teoria de sistemes) --- Equacions diferencials no lineals --- Ones no lineals --- Oscil·lacions no lineals --- Sistemes no lineals --- Solitons --- Anàlisi de sistemes --- Cinètica --- Matemàtica --- Mecànica analítica --- Aerodinàmica --- Cinemàtica --- Dinàmica molecular --- Electrodinàmica --- Estabilitat --- Matèria --- Moviment --- Moviment rotatori --- Pertorbació (Matemàtica) --- Teoria quàntica --- Termodinàmica --- Estàtica --- Física --- Energia --- Mecànica --- Nonlinear theories. --- Dynamics. --- Dynamical systems --- Kinetics --- Mathematics --- Mechanics, Analytic --- Force and energy --- Mechanics --- Physics --- Statics --- Nonlinear problems --- Nonlinearity (Mathematics) --- Calculus --- Mathematical analysis --- Mathematical physics
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Mathematical physics. --- Differential equations, Partial. --- Mathematics --- Data processing. --- Partial differential equations --- Physical mathematics --- Physics --- Equacions diferencials no lineals --- Equacions en derivades parcials --- EDPs --- Equació diferencial en derivades parcials --- Equacions diferencials en derivades parcials --- Equacions diferencials parcials --- Equacions diferencials --- Dispersió (Matemàtica) --- Equació d'ona --- Equació de Dirac --- Equació de Fokker-Planck --- Equació de Schrödinger --- Equacions de Navier-Stokes --- Equacions de Hamilton-Jacobi --- Equacions de Maxwell --- Equacions de Monge-Ampère --- Equacions de Von Kármán --- Equacions diferencials el·líptiques --- Equacions diferencials hiperbòliques --- Equacions diferencials parabòliques --- Equacions diferencials parcials estocàstiques --- Funcions harmòniques --- Laplacià --- Problema de Cauchy --- Problema de Neumann --- Teoria espectral (Matemàtica) --- Teories no lineals --- Equacions de Painlevé --- Sistemes no lineals --- Equacions en derivades parcials.
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