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"Notre quotidien, au Parlement, c'est d'être interrompues de manière intempestive, de subir en bruit de fond les bavardages et parfois les moqueries, de ne pas être écoutées. Prendre la parole pour dire que nous ne voulons plus subir les violences sexistes ou sexuelles que certains hommes nous infligent : voici l'urgence."
Sexism in political culture --- Women politicians --- Abuse of
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Feminism --- Sexism in political culture --- Strauss-Kahn, Dominique --- Sexual behavior. --- Trials, litigation, etc.
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"This edited volume brings together U.S. and European scholars within political science, comparative politics, international relations, and other related disciplines and practitioner fields to offer theoretical and methodological perspectives on gender and political violence and to encourage conversation across subfields and disciplines on the topic"--
Women --- Political violence. --- Women --- Women politicians --- Sex discrimination against women --- Sexism in political culture. --- Violence against --- Political aspects. --- Political activity. --- Violence against. --- Political aspects.
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This book addresses the problem of the underrepresentation of women in politics, by examining how language use constructs and maintains inequality in political institutions. Drawing on different political genres from televised debates to parliamentary question times, and fifty interviews with politicians between 1998 and 2018, the book identifies the barriers and obstacles women face by considering how gender stereotypes constrain women's participation, and give them additional burdens. By comparing the UK House of Commons with newer institutions such as the Scottish Parliament, the National Assembly for Wales, and the Northern Ireland Assembly, it asks: how successful have newer institutions been in encouraging equal participation? What are the interactional procedures that can be thought of as making an institution more egalitarian? It also explores the workings and effects of sexism, fraternal networks, high visibility in the media, and gendered discourses, through detailed case studies of Theresa May, Julia Gillard and Hillary Clinton.
Women --- Sex role --- Feminism --- Women politicians. --- Sexism in political culture. --- Male domination (Social structure) --- Domination, Male (Social structure) --- Power (Social sciences) --- Social control --- Patriarchy --- Sex discrimination against women --- Political culture --- Politicians --- Women in politics --- Political activity. --- Political aspects.
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Ségolène Royal, Marine Le Pen, Christiane Taubira, Anne Hidalgo... Jamais les femmes n'ont été aussi présentes sur la scène politique française. Pourtant, la loi sur la parité n'a pas eu les effets attendus. Les médias, les politiques et les communicants continuent de véhiculer de nombreux stéréotypes. Pire : les clichés se renforcent lorsque l'"ordre genré" est contesté. Une candidate accède au second tour de l'élection présidentielle ? Une femme racisée se voit confier un ministère régalien? Deux femmes s'affrontent pour la direction d'un parti politique ou d'une grande municipalité? A chaque fois, les schémas sexistes, et parfois racistes, reviennent sous la plume des commentateurs. Évaluées sur leur physique, soupçonnées d'agir par "émotion" et hâtivement taxées d'incompétence, les femmes sont systématiquement rappelées à l'ordre. La persistance de cet ordre genré s'accompagne d'une évolution : la restriction du périmètre du "privé" et de l'"intime". Ce sont les affaires pénales de Strauss-Kahn qui ont rendu possible ce déplacement. Mais, dorénavant, comme l'ont montré les polémiques sur les relations de François Hollande avec Valérie Trierweiler et Julie Gayet, les comportements sexuels ou amoureux licites des personnalités politiques sont analysés comme le signe de leur capacité ou non à gouverner. S'appuyant sur les productions médiatiques, sur des entretiens avec de nombreux journalistes et sur ses observations des campagnes électorales, l'auteure fait apparaître la dimension genrée des hiérarchies de pouvoir et explore la définition contemporaine de la "bonne masculinité" en politique
Sexism in political culture --- Sexism in mass media --- Women politicians --- Women --- Sexism --- Communication in politics --- Social conditions --- History --- Political activity --- France --- Politics and government --- Sexism in mass media. --- Sexisme dans la culture politique --- Sexisme dans les médias --- Femmes politiques --- Femmes --- Sexisme --- Conditions sociales --- Histoire --- Politique et gouvernement --- Sexism in political culture - France --- Women politicians - France - Social conditions - 21st century --- Women - France - Social conditions - 21st century --- Sexism - France - History - 21st century --- Women - Political activity - France --- Communication in politics - France --- France - Politics and government - 20th century --- France - Politics and government - 21st century
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Is Vladimir Putin macho, or is he a 'fag'? Sperling investigates how gender stereotypes and sexualization have been used as tools of political legitimation in Putin's Russia. Despite their political polarization, regime allies and detractors alike have wielded traditional concepts of masculinity, femininity, and homophobia as a means of symbolic endorsement or disparagement of political leaders and policies. By repeatedly using machismo as a means of legitimation, Putin's regime opened the door to the concerted use of gendered rhetoric and imagery as a means to challenge regime authority.
Political participation --- Women --- Sexism in political culture --- Sex role --- Gender role --- Sex (Psychology) --- Sex differences (Psychology) --- Social role --- Gender expression --- Sexism --- Political culture --- Human females --- Wimmin --- Woman --- Womon --- Womyn --- Females --- Human beings --- Femininity --- Political activity --- Political aspects --- Russia (Federation) --- Politics and government --- Gender roles --- Gendered role --- Gendered roles --- Role, Gender --- Role, Gendered --- Role, Sex --- Roles, Gender --- Roles, Gendered --- Roles, Sex --- Sex roles
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This book analyzes newspaper coverage of four pioneering women politicians between the 1870s and 2000s to understand how media discourse of women politicians has and hasn't changed over 150 years. In addition, the book provides historical context of the political, feminist, and journalistic cultures that influenced how reporters covered these women.
Women politicians --- Press and politics --- Mass media --- Sexism in political culture --- Public opinion --- Discourse analysis --- Mass communication --- Media, Mass --- Media, The --- Communication --- Politics and the press --- Press --- Advertising, Political --- Government and the press --- Journalism --- Politicians --- Discourse grammar --- Text grammar --- Semantics --- Semiotics --- Political culture --- Press coverage --- History. --- Political aspects --- Woodhull, Victoria C. --- Rankin, Jeannette, --- Smith, Margaret Chase, --- Palin, Sarah, --- Chase, Margaret, --- Rankin, Jeanette, --- Claflin, Victoria, --- Martin, Victoria C. Woodhull --- Martin, John Biddulph, --- Mrs. John Biddulph Martin --- Public opinion.
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Sexism in political culture --- Political participation --- Sex role --- Women --- #SBIB:613.88H20 --- #SBIB:328H262 --- #SBIB:324H30 --- Human females --- Wimmin --- Woman --- Womon --- Womyn --- Females --- Human beings --- Femininity --- Gender role --- Sex (Psychology) --- Sex differences (Psychology) --- Social role --- Gender expression --- Sexism --- Political culture --- Political aspects --- Political activity --- Opvattingen over seksualiteit (historiek, moraal) --- Instellingen en beleid: Rusland en het GOS --- Politieke cultuur --- Russia (Federation) --- Politics and government --- Politics --- Russia --- Gender roles --- Gendered role --- Gendered roles --- Role, Gender --- Role, Gendered --- Role, Sex --- Roles, Gender --- Roles, Gendered --- Roles, Sex --- Sex roles --- Gender --- Homophobia --- Transphobia --- Power --- Masculinity --- Misogyny --- Nationalism --- Patriarchy --- Stereotypes --- Book
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"Women have made significant inroads into politics in recent years, but in many parts of the world, their increased engagement has spurred physical attacks, intimidation, and harassment intended to deter their participation. This book provides the first comprehensive account of this phenomenon, exploring how women came to give these experiences a name - violence against women in politics - and lobbied for its increased recognition by citizens, states, and international organizations. Tracing how this concept emerged inductively on the global stage, the volume draws on research in multiple disciplines to resolve lingering ambiguities regarding its contours. It argues that this phenomenon is not simply a gendered extension of existing definitions of political violence privileging physical aggressions against political rivals. Rather, violence against women in politics is a distinct phenomenon involving a broad range of harms to attack and undermine women as political actors. Drawing on a wide range of country examples, the book illustrates what this violence looks like in practice, as well as catalogues emerging solutions around the world. Issuing a call to action, it considers how to document this phenomenon more effectively, as well as understand the political and social implications of allowing violence against women in politics to continue unabated. Highlighting the threats it poses to democracy, human rights, and gender equality, the volume concludes that tackling violence against women in politics requires ongoing dialogue and collaboration to ensure women's equal rights to participate - freely and safely - in political life around the globe"--
Women --- Sexism in political culture --- Political activity --- Violence against --- Political culture --- Human females --- Wimmin --- Woman --- Womon --- Womyn --- Females --- Human beings --- Femininity --- participation of women --- Combating sexual harassment and violence against women --- gender equality --- politics --- sexual discrimination --- politica --- politika --- Politik --- politică --- politikë --- politiek --- política --- polityka --- politique --- πολιτική --- poliitika --- политика --- politik --- politiikka --- politisches Leben --- πολιτική ζωή --- politisk liv --- vida política --- политички живот --- politikai élet --- политически живот --- politisk verksamhet --- politiek leven --- poliittinen elämä --- jetë politike --- viață politică --- politiskā dzīve --- życie polityczne --- politički život --- politinis gyvenimas --- politiskt liv --- vie politique --- ħajja politika --- politično življenje --- politický život --- political life --- vita politica --- sukupuolten tasa-arvo --- równouprawnienie płci --- ugwaljanza bejn is-sessi --- rodová rovnosť --- enakost spolov --- jämställdhet --- Gleichheit von Mann und Frau --- родова еднаквост --- lyčių lygybė --- nemek közötti egyenlőség --- igualdad de género --- dzimumu līdztiesība --- родна равноправност --- sooline võrdsus --- egalitate de gen --- равенство между половете --- comhionannas inscne --- barazi gjinore --- ligestilling mellem kønnene --- ravnopravnost spolova --- igualdade de género --- rovnost žen a mužů --- gelijke behandeling van man en vrouw --- uguaglianza di genere --- ισότητα των φύλων --- égalité homme-femme --- inegalitatea de gen --- desigualdade de género --- índice de desigualdad de género --- indeks rodne nejednakosti --- vienlīdzīgas iespējas vīriešiem un sievietēm --- igualdad entre mujeres y hombres --- Index zum Geschlechtergefälle --- неравенство между половете --- sukupuolten välistä epätasa-arvoa mittaava indeksi --- индекс за равенството между половете --- neravnopravnost spolova --- indeks neenakosti med spoloma --- еднаквост меѓу мажите и жените --- GEI --- inégalité entre les hommes et les femmes --- desigualdade homem-mulher --- nők és férfiak közötti egyenlőség --- genderová nerovnost --- lygios vyrų ir moterų teisės --- inugwaljanza bejn is-sessi --- drepturi egale între bărbați și femei --- genderongelijkheid --- gender inequality --- rovnosť žien a mužov --- Index zur Gleichstellung der Geschlechter --- równość płci --- comhionannas idir fir agus mná --- enakost med spoloma --- sugupoolte võrdõiguslikkus --- nemek közötti egyenlőtlenségek --- barazia midis grave dhe burrave --- ulighed mellem kønnene --- једнакост међу половима --- kønsligestillingsindeks --- gender equity --- wskaźnik nierówności płci --- Gleichstellung der Geschlechter --- IEG --- indicele egalității de gen --- miesten ja naisten välinen tasa-arvo --- indicele inegalității de gen --- igualdad hombre-mujer --- Geschlechtspezifische Ungleichheiten --- gendergelijkheidsindex --- правна еднаквост меѓу мажите и жените --- dzimumu nelīdztiesība --- neamh-chomhionannas inscne --- jämställdhet mellan kvinnor och män --- jämställdhetsindex --- desigualdad por razón de género --- dealú idir na hinscní --- égalité entre les femmes et les hommes --- vīriešu un sieviešu vienlīdzība --- inégalité entre les sexes --- equal rights of men and women --- indice di disuguaglianza di genere --- sukupuolten epätasa-arvo --- igualdade homem-mulher --- égalité des sexes --- meeste ja naiste võrdõiguslikkus --- indiċi tal-ugwaljanza bejn is-sessi --- stejná práva mužů a žen --- rovnosť medzi ženami a mužmi --- egalitate între femei și bărbați --- a férfiak és nők közötti egyenlőtlenség --- indice sull'uguaglianza di genere --- IIG --- gelijkheid van vrouwen en mannen --- неравнопоставеност между половете --- rovnoprávnost mužů a žen --- jednakopravnost spolova --- nemi esélyegyenlőségi index --- ugwaljanza bejn in-nisa u l-irġiel --- jämställdhet mellan könen --- dzimumu vienlīdzība --- nemek közötti egyenlőtlenség --- inégalité hommes-femmes --- gender equality index --- sooline ebavõrdsus --- ανισότητα των φύλων --- nemi egyenlőtlenségi index --- desigualdade entre géneros --- vīriešu un sieviešu līdztiesība --- ИНП --- nemek közti egyenlőtlenségi mutató --- innéacs comhionannais inscne --- rodový rozdiel --- ανισότητα μεταξύ των φύλων --- inégalité entre les genres --- índice de igualdad de género --- nerovnosť žien a mužov --- gendergelijkheid --- sukupuolten tasa-arvoindeksi --- disuguaglianza di genere --- soolise võrdõiguslikkuse indeks --- índice de desigualdade de género --- naiste ja meeste võrdõiguslikkus --- igualdade entre os sexos --- gender inequality index --- parità uomo-donna --- egalitate între sexe --- ισότητα μεταξύ γυναικών και ανδρών --- wskaźnik równouprawnienia płci --- index rodovej nerovnosti --- ligestilling mellem kvinder og mænd --- równość kobiet i mężczyzn --- disparità di genere --- gelijke behandeling van vrouwen en mannen --- indiċi tal-inugwaljanza bejn is-sessi --- kønsskævhed --- gender disparity --- dzimumu nelīdztiesības indekss --- index genderové rovnosti --- eguaglianza uomo-donna --- GII --- δείκτης ισότητας των φύλων --- lyčių nelygybės indeksas --- nerovné postavení žen a mužů --- IDG --- jednakost spolova --- desigualdade entre os sexos --- enakost moških in žensk --- indice d'inégalité de genre --- índice de igualdade de género --- genderongelijkheidsindex --- равенство между мъж и жена --- indeks for ulighed mellem kønnene --- an bhearna idir na hinscní --- igualdad entre los sexos --- naisten ja miesten tasa-arvo --- еднакви права меѓу мажите и жените --- të drejta të barabarta të burrave dhe grave --- razlike med spoloma --- rovnaké práva mužov a žien --- rovná práva mužů a žen --- equality between men and women --- desigualdad de género --- dzimumu līdztiesības indekss --- bristande jämställdhet --- nemi megkülönböztetés tilalma --- nemek közötti egyenlőségi index --- vyrų ir moterų lygybė --- indeks ravnopravnosti spolova --- rovnost mezi muži a ženami --- soolise ebavõrdsuse indeks --- ισότητα ευκαιριών για γυναίκες και άνδρες --- parità tra uomini e donne --- nerovnost žen a mužů --- ravnopravnost muškaraca i žena --- индекс за неравенството между половете --- lyčių lygybės indeksas --- index rodovej rovnosti --- rodna neravnopravnost --- indice d'égalité de genre --- divario di genere --- sukupuolten välisen epätasa-arvon indeksi --- rodová nerovnosť --- indeks enakosti spolov --- index genderové nerovnosti --- δείκτης ανισότητας των φύλων --- ligestilling mellem de to køn --- równość mężczyzn i kobiet --- ongelijke behandeling van vrouwen en mannen --- nemi egyenlőségi mutató --- неравнопоставеност на жените и мъжете --- sukupuolten välistä tasa-arvoa mittaava indeksi --- lyčių nelygybė --- nerovnosť medzi ženami a mužmi --- GII-indeksi --- discriminatie op grond van geslacht --- sexuell diskriminering --- discriminazione sessuale --- spolna diskriminacija --- discriminare sexuală --- дискриминация по пол --- idirdhealú bunaithe ar ghnéas --- discriminação sexual --- diskriminim seksual --- discriminación sexual --- διακρίσεις λόγω φύλου --- полна дискриминација --- sukupuolisyrjintä --- sexuelle Diskriminierung --- sexuálna diskriminácia --- diskriminazzjoni sesswali --- diskriminacija dėl lyties --- sooline diskrimineerimine --- discrimination sexuelle --- diskriminace na základě pohlaví --- nemi megkülönböztetés --- seksuel diskrimination --- dyskryminacja ze względu na płeć --- diskriminācija dzimuma dēļ --- полова дискриминација --- seksisme --- diskriminim gjinor --- seksizmas --- gender discrimination --- полова нееднаквост --- sexuální diskriminace --- seksizam --- diskriminace žen --- nők elleni diszkrimináció --- diskriminim i grave --- Sexismus --- diskriminácia podľa pohlavia --- seksismi --- seksism --- sexismo --- dzimumu līdztiesības jautājumi --- sieviešu diskriminācija --- seksuālā diskriminācija --- sexism --- дискриминација на жени --- seksuele discriminatie --- seksizëm --- lyčių diskriminacija --- дискриминација врз основа на пол --- diskriminace mužů --- pohlavní diskriminace --- сексизам --- diskriminacija nad ženama --- discriminarea femeilor --- seksualna diskriminacija --- nők hátrányos megkülönböztetése --- dzimumdiskriminācija --- шовинизам --- diskriminazzjoni bbażata fuq is-sess --- seksualinė diskriminacija --- sessismo --- moterų diskriminacija --- lytinė diskriminacija --- discrimination against women --- kønsdiskrimination --- полова сегрегација --- sexisme --- udeležba žensk --- participação das mulheres --- pjesëmarrje e grave --- учество на жените --- participatie van vrouwen --- účast žen --- naiste osalemine --- participation des femmes --- participación de la mujer --- участие на жени --- naisten osallistuminen --- partecipazione delle donne --- kvinders medindflydelse --- nők részvétele --- учешће жена --- udział kobiet --- účasť žien --- sudjelovanje žena --- moterų dalyvavimas --- γυναικεία συμμετοχή --- Beteiligung der Frauen --- kvinnors delaktighet --- parteċipazzjoni tan-nisa --- sieviešu līdzdalība --- participarea femeilor --- Mitwirkung der Frauen --- вклученост на жените --- udio žena --- Mitbestimmung der Frauen --- moterų socialinis veiklumas --- vliv žen --- sexual harassment --- violence --- geweld --- βία --- vardarbība --- violență --- насилие --- násilie --- násilí --- väkivalta --- smurtas --- vjolenza --- violenza --- erőszak --- violência --- насилство --- przemoc --- vold --- nasilje --- violencia --- Gewalt --- насиље --- vägivald --- våld --- dhunë --- smurtavimas --- agresivita --- физичко насилство --- агресивност --- violenza fisica --- violenza morale --- сексуален тормоз --- seksuel chikane --- sexuální obtěžování --- ongewenste intimiteiten --- сексуално вознемирување --- lytinis priekabiavimas --- molestia sessuale --- seksuāla uzmākšanās --- assédio sexual --- seksuaalne ahistamine --- fastidju sesswali --- sexuella trakasserier --- napastowanie seksualne --- spolno nadlegovanje --- sexuálne obťažovanie --- szexuális zaklatás --- sexuelle Belästigung --- hărțuire sexuală --- spolno uznemiravanje --- acoso sexual --- harcèlement sexuel --- ngacmim seksual --- sukupuolinen ahdistelu --- сексуално узнемиравање --- gnéaschiapadh --- σεξουαλική παρενόχληση --- spolno napastovanje --- seksualno uznemiravanje --- sextrakasseri --- ciapadh gnéasach --- сексуално малтретирање --- sexchikane --- molestowanie seksualne --- polaitíocht --- rannpháirtíocht na mban --- foréigean --- Women - Political activity - Cross-cultural studies. --- Women - Violence against - Cross-cultural studies. --- Sexism in political culture - Cross-cultural studies.
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