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Michel Serres : interférences et turbulences
Year: 1979 Publisher: Paris Editions de Minuit

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Serres, Michel

Venus as muse
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9004292535 9789004292536 9004292470 9789004292475 9789004292475 1336099038 Year: 2015 Publisher: Leiden, Netherlands Boston [Massachusetts]

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This volume deals with the enduring presence of one of Western culture's most fascinating and influential figures in ancient, modern, and postmodern art and literature: Venus/Aphrodite, the goddess of love, beauty, and sexuality. The collection, which is the first of its kind, seeks to explore Venus's significance as a figure of beauty and creativity across cultures and disciplines, engaging a range of media, theoretical approaches, and cultural perspectives. Thirteen international scholars—including Elisabeth Bronfen, Tom Conley, Laurence Rickels, and Barbara Vinken—illuminate Venus's lasting value as a multifaceted figure of the creative in Western culture, from Lucretius to Michel Serres.


Serres, Michel.

Œuvres complètes
ISBN: 9782746525467 Year: 2022 Publisher: Paris : Le Pommier,

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Serres, Michel,

Michel Serres. Figures of Thought
ISBN: 1474405754 9781474405751 9781474405737 1474405738 9781474405744 1474405746 9781474405775 1474405770 Year: 2020 Publisher: Edinburgh Edinburgh University Press

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The first full introduction to Serres, from The System of Leibniz (1968) to his final publications in 2019The first assessment of Serres’ thought as a wholeWorks from the original French to engage with the broadest range of Serres texts: both his translated works and his major untranslated worksProvides a resource for scholars in philosophy, ecology, new materialisms, literature, the history and philosophy of science and the history of ideasBrings Serres into conversation with other major thinkers such as Jacques Derrida, Gilles Deleuze, Michel Foucault and Jean-Luc NancyFocuses on the repeated moves that characterise Serres’ thinking, opening up his writing for scholars across disciplines and showing how his ideas can be brought to bear on new areasChristopher Watkin provides a true overview of Serres’ thinking. Using diagrams to explain Serres’ thought, the first half of the book carefully explores Serres’ ‘global intuition’ – how he understands and engages with the world – and his ‘figures of thought’, the repeated intellectual moves that characterise his unique approach. The second half explores in detail Serres’ revolutionary contributions to the areas of language, objects and ecology. All told, Watkin shows that Michel Serres has produced a cross-disciplinary body of work that provides a crucial and as yet under-exploited reference for current debates in post-humanism, object oriented ontology, ecological thought and the environmental humanities.--

Discours de réception de Michel Serres à l'Académie française et réponse de Bertrand Poirot-Delpech ; : suivi de Allocution pour la remise de l'épée de Georges Duby : [séance publique du 31 janvier 1991]
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 2876860805 Year: 1991 Publisher: Paris : Editions François Bourin,

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Chiarimenti : cinque conversazioni con Bruno Latour
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9788886187671 888618767X Year: 2001 Publisher: Manduria: Barbieri,

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Récits d'humanisme
ISBN: 9782746504233 2746504235 Year: 2009 Publisher: Paris: Le pommier,

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Après Hominescence, L'Incandescent et Rameaux, Michel Serres poursuit le « Grand Récit », l'un des plus longs récits du monde, où des femmes et des hommes, sortis jadis d'Afrique, se retrouvent aujourd'hui, des dizaines de milliers d'années après leur séparation... Il raconte aussi pourquoi Orphée perdit, au dernier moment, son amie Eurydice ; à quel travail indispensable s'évertuent les neuf muses ; comment des matelots devinrent volontiers lions et moucherons ; pourquoi les fétiches assyriens mélangent ailes et sabots comme les dieux aztèques mêlent plumes et poils ; pourquoi Eve, au paradis, désobéit... Faute de pouvoir définir l'homme, Michel Serres le raconte. Il raconte, en somme, comment nous réussissons ou échouons à devenir humains. L'humanisme, alors, célèbre les noces des contes et du savoir.

Michel Serres and the crises of the contemporary
ISBN: 1350060720 1350060712 1350060704 9781350060715 9781350060708 1350060690 9781350060692 Year: 2020 Publisher: London New York

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"Michel Serres captures the urgencies of our time; from the digital revolution to the ecological crisis to the future of the university, the crises that code the world today are addressed in an accessible, affirmative and remarkably original analysis in his thought. This volume is the first to engage with the philosophy of Michel Serres, not by writing 'about' it, but by writing 'with' it. This is done by expanding upon the urgent themes that Serres works on; by furthering his materialism, his emphasis on communication and information, his focus on the senses, and the role of mathematics in thought. His famous concepts, such as the parasite, 'amis de viellesse', and the algorithm are applied in 21st century situations. With contributions from an international and interdisciplinary team of authors, these writings tackle the crises of today and affirm the contemporary relevance of Serres' philosophy."--Bloomsbury Publishing.

Pantopie : de Hermès à petite poucette
Authors: --- ---
ISSN: 16295048 ISBN: 9782746505933 2746505932 Year: 2014 Publisher: Paris: Le pommier,

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Ce livre raconte la pensée de Michel Serres à travers des entretiens vivants où le penseur revient sur son itinéraire, depuis la traversée de la guerre au bord de la Garonne jusqu'à aujourd'hui. Passeur des savoirs, capable de faire comprendre l'histoire des idées au travers de récits savoureux, Michel Serres reste insuffisamment connu. Sait-on que ce philosophe pour qui «penser, c'est anticiper», a vu venir avant tout le monde toutes les grandes révolutions de notre temps : la fin de l'agriculture, l'avènement des communications, la crise de l'écologie, la révolution numérique, l'éloignement de la mort. Pour saisir ces événements, il a forgé des concepts nouveaux - l'Hominescence, le Contrat Naturel - mais également imaginé des personnages grâce auxquels ces expériences neuves de notre humanité s'incarnent : Hermès, Le Tiers-Instruit, Petite Poucette. Pantopie (du grec «pan-topos», «tous les lieux») est l'espace où tous ces personnages prennent sens. Martin Legros, philosophe, et Sven Ortoli, historien des sciences, ont su amener Michel Serres à organiser la présentation de son oeuvre autour des grands personnages qui l'habitent et à la replacer dans le paysage intellectuel et philosophique contemporain.

Michel Serres
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782851971555 2851971557 Year: 2010 Volume: 94 Publisher: Paris: L'Herne,

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