Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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Lob-, Danck- und Leich-Reden verschiedener Jahren : in der hohen Metropolitan-Kirchen wie auch auf anderen allhiesigen vornehmen Lantzlen in und ausser der Stadt vorgetragen, deren jede schon damahls insonderheit durch offentlichen Druck zum Vorschein gekommen, anjetzo aber wiederum in zwey Theil gesammlet und in einem Band zusamm gezogen
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Synode geht : Ansprachen, Predigten und Briefe von Bischof Stephan Ackermann zur Synode im Bistum Trier
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Predigten 1898-1948
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A very comfortable, and necessary sermon in these our dayes, made by the right reuerend father, and faithful seruaunt of Iesus Christ Martin Luther, concernyng the commyng of our sauiour Christ to iudgement, and the signed that go before that last day. Which sermon is a exposition of the gospell appointed to be read in the church on the second Sonday in Aduent, and is now newly translated out of Latin into English, and somethyng augmented and enlarged by the translator, with certaine notes in the margent
Luther, Martin
Year: 1578
Publisher: At London : Printed by Iohn Daye, dvvellyng over Aldersgate,
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Johann Nepomuk Tschupick's, weiland der Gottesgelehrtheit Doctor ... Neue Kanzelreden auf alle Sonn- und Feyertage eines ganzen Kirchenjahres.
Tschupick, Johann Nepomuk
Year: 1835
Volume: 1. Abth 5-6
Publisher: Grätz Verlag der Franz Ferstl'schen Buchhandlung, Johann Lorenz Greiner
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A sermon, preached before the two high borne and illustrious princes, Fredericke the 5. Prince Elector Palatine, Duke of Bauaria, &c. and the Princesse Lady Elizabeth, &c. : Preached in the castle-chappell at Heidelberg the 8. of Iune 1613. being the next day after her Highnesse happy arriuall there: by that reuerend and iudicious diuine, Mr. Abraham Scultetus, his Highnesse chaplaine. Together with a short narration of the Prince Electors greatnes, his country, his receiuing of her Highnesse, accompanied with twe u [sic] other princes, thirty earles, besides an exceeding great number of barons and gentlemen, and eight daies ent rtainement [sic]. Translated out of High Dutch by Ia Meddus D. and one of his Maiesties chaplaines.
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Originelle, kurz-gefasste, praktische Marianische Fest-Reden zur Feier des Maimonates : drei Jahrgänge in einem Bande : für alle Marienfeste im Kirchenjahr und als Anreden in Marianischen Sodalitäten verwendbar
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An homely or sermon of good and euill angels: preached by the Reuerend D. Urbanus Rhegius, pastor and superintendant of Christes Church, at Zella in Saxony. Anno. 1537. First translated into English by Ric. Ro. citizen of London. 1583. Seene, perused, and allowed
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Von Gott predigen : Überlegungen, Anleitungen, Beispiele
Fuchs, Ottmar
ISBN: 357902728X
Year: 1984
Publisher: Gütersloh Mohn
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A secular sermon concerning the doctrine of the Gospell by the goodnes and power of God restored in the fifteenth age from the birth of our Lord Iesus Christ. Made by the reuerend and worthy precher Mr. Abraham Scultetus, in the High-dutch tongue. After by another translated into Latin, and now out of Latin into English
Scultetus, Abraham
Year: 1618
Publisher: London : Printed by William Iones, dwelling in Red-crosse streete neare S. Giles Church,
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