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Gottfried Semper : architecture et anthropologie au XIXe siècle
ISBN: 9782271116918 2271116910 Year: 2017 Publisher: Paris: CNRS,

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L’architecte allemand Gottfried Semper (1803-1879) bouscula les ordres de préséance entre architecture et décor, support et revêtement, forme et ornement. Pour Semper, l’existence d’une polychromie de l’architecture et de la sculpture antiques n’était pas seulement un phénomène historique dont il importait de retrouver les traces tangibles ; c’était aussi le fondement d’une réinterprétation profondément neuve des fonctions de l’architecture, qui, à partir de la découverte de l’origine « textile » de l’architecture et de ses couleurs, exposée dans les deux volumes monumentaux de Der Stil (1860 et 1863), engagea un renouvellement profond de l’anthropologie des constructions humaines, de leurs formes et de leurs techniques. Cet ensemble de textes rédigés par quelques-uns des meilleurs spécialistes internationaux actuels de l’oeuvre de Semper éclaire sous un jour inédit les innovations qu’elle a rendues possibles, aussi bien dans le domaine de l’anthropologie, de l’histoire des arts et techniques que de l’approche de l’espace ou encore de l’agentivité des constructions.

Gottfried Semper : architect of the nineteenth century
ISBN: 0300066244 9780300066241 Year: 1996 Publisher: New Haven (Conn.): Yale university

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During his life, the German architect, scholar and political revolutionary, Gottfried Semper (1803-1879) experienced early fame, political exile from his homeland, international prominence, and seeing European architecture transformed by his influential body of ideas. In this biography Harry Mallgrave presents an account of the life, buildings and writings of the man he describes as a colossus of the 19th century. Mallgrave weaves a saga of Semper's youth, his fascination with the July Revolution in France, and his voyage to a Greece wracked by civil war. He speaks of Semper's design for the Dresden Hoftheater in the mid-1830s, his influence on Richard Wagner, and his plummeting fortunes after the political unrest of 1848-1849. Mallgrave traces Semper's literary resurrection that culminated with the publication of his book on style ; he follows his artistic resurrection with a practice in Zurich and Vienna. By the time of his design for the second Dresden Hoftheater in the 1870s, Semper was without architectural peer in the German-speaking countries and his ideas had pushed European architecture to the brink of modernism.

Villa Garbald : Gottfried Semper - Miller & Maranta
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3856761306 Year: 2004 Publisher: Zürich gta

Gottfried Semper : habiter la couleur
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782357440951 2357440953 Year: 2017 Volume: 25 Publisher: Paris : Musée du Quai Branly Jacques Chirac,

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L'architecte allemand Gottfried Semper (1803-1879), qui construisit l'opéra de Dresde, le Polytechnikum de Zurich et le Burgtheater de Vienne découvrit à partir de 1826 à Paris les collections naturalistes du Jardin des Plantes. Il s'intéressa alors au rapport entre formes végétales et minérales et ornements architecturaux, devenant un fervent défenseur de la "thèse de la polychromie". Il se rendit en Italie puis en Grèce, où il examina trois ans durant (1830-1833) les temples et édifices antiques à la recherche de vestiges de couleur. Dès ses premiers écrits, il bouscula les hiérarchies admises entre architecture et décor, support et revêtement, forme et ornement, et promut une pensée du matériau qui n'était pas l'antithèse mais le corrélat paradoxal d'une pensée de l'immatérialité de la couleur.

London writings 1850-1855
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9783856764036 3856764038 Year: 2021 Publisher: Zurich GTA Verlag

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Gottfried Semper (1803-1879) left behind a voluminous legacy of architectural-theory writings. The manner, in his works, in which he analysed architecture from a cultural-historical perspective as the key discipline in human artistry continues to exert a deep fascination up until today. The London Writings make available previously unpublished or little-known texts originating during Semper's exile in London (1850-1855) in a critical and commented edition, including in their original wordings. Swayed by his impressions of the first Great Exhibition of 1851 and as a lecturer at the Department of Practical Art, it was in London that Semper laid the foundations for his theoretical magnum opus "Der Stil" (Style, 1860/63). He counterpoised the phenomena of the globalised flow of merchandise and a globalisation of knowledge that he observed with his thoughts on the global development of architectural culture in all its manifold material, social and political conditions. The edition is the outcome of a joint SNSF research project between the Institute for History and Theory of Art and Architecture (ISA) at the Università della Svizzera italiana and the Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture (gta) at ETH Zurich.

Gottfried Semper : in search of architecture
ISBN: 026208144X 0262367971 9780262367974 9780262081443 Year: 1984 Publisher: Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press,

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Herrmann traces his life, analyzes his writings, including his major work, Der Stil, and presents translations of recently uncovered texts.Preface by Adolf Max Vogt For the generation after Karl Frederich Schinkel, Gottfried Semper (1803-1879) was the most admired architect in Germany. His buildings, such as the opera houses in Dresden and two museums in Vienna, were outstanding examples of their kind. To later generations, however, Semper is known primarily for his writings. Although Semper is arguably the 19th century's most important theoretician, the subtlety of his thought and the difficulty of his German have kept his works from being translated and his contribution from being assessed until now. Herrmann traces his life, analyzes his writings--in particular his major work, Der Stil and presents translations of recently uncovered texts. Der Stil, long a basic source of ideas for architects, had a profound impact on European modernists and proto-modernists alike. H.P. Berlage, Otto Wagner, Bruno Taut, and Walter Gropius were influenced by it, as were any number of American architects, including Bernard Maybeck and Louis Sullivan. Following the biographical chapters, which clarify the extent to which Semper's strongly held political convictions (he was forced to flee Dresden after the revolution of 1849 failed) informed his ideas about architecture, Herrmann presents the colorful genesis of Der Stil. Through his close reading of the texts, Herrmann brings to light Semper's position on iron, on Gothic and contemporary architecture, on the primitive hut, and on the ideas of the archaeologist Karl B. Cher. Among the previously unpublished manuscripts that conclude the book is material essential to a clear understanding of the ideas developed in Der Stil.Wolfgang Herrmann has spent most of his professional life in England. Political events forced his exile from Germany in 1933. Since then, he has devoted most of his scholarly career to the study of the theory of architecture and has written books on Laugier and Perrault.

Du style et de l'architecture : écrits, 1834-1869
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782863646458 2863646451 Year: 2007 Volume: *1 Publisher: Marseille : Éditions Parenthèses,

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Il aura fallu attendre près de cent cinquante ans pour que paraissent en français les premières traductions de textes de celui qui est considéré comme le plus grand théoricien allemand de l'architecture du XIXe siècle et dont l'influence est encore clairement perceptible dans les références de jeunes architectes européens. Le présent ouvrage offre un large éventail de textes de Gottfried Semper qui vont des Remarques préliminaires sur l'architecture peinte et la sculpture des Anciens écrit en 1834, où est débattue la question de la polychromie de l'architecture antique, jusqu'à la conférence de 1869 intitulée "Des styles architecturaux" où est exposée de manière très synthétique sa théorie de l'architecture comparée et de la notion de style confrontée à l'émergence de la nouvelle théorie de l'évolution dont il veut bien admettre les conclusions quant aux organismes mais pas quant à l'évolution des formes artistiques. D'importants extraits de Der Stil sont traduits ici et les principaux éléments de la théorie du style de Semper, les concepts clés de " revêtement ", de " beauté formelle ", de " type " et d'" élément ", font l'objet de traitements plus spécifiques dans des textes aussi différents que Les Quatre éléments de l'architecture, De la détermination formelle de l'ornement, L'Art textile ou Des styles architecturaux, tous traduits intégralement. L'ensemble devrait permettre d'appréhender la richesse et la complexité d'une pensée singulière pour qui la forme artistique - du simple récipient au temple de dimension colossale - est conçue bien au-delà du seul "besoin", et se cristallise en ce point où se croisent des lois et forces physiques, des contraintes matérielles inhérentes à l'utilisation de tel matériau, enfin des idées et volontés qui caractérisent l'homme en tant qu'animal politique et religieux. C'est à l'appréhension de ce foyer cosmique au sein duquel interagissent le physique, le matériel, l'histoire et le politique, que s'intéresse Semper mobilisant en permanence un vaste ensemble de références scientifiques, esthétiques, littéraires ou historiques.

Architectural history and globalized knowledge : Gottfried Semper in London
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783856764098 3856764097 Year: 2021 Publisher: Mendrisio Mendrisio Academy Press

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Gottfried Semper’s years in exile in London (1850–1855) were a time of highly inspirational experiences. The London of the first World Expo offered the German architect an immense trove of objects for study and an intellectual surrounding which provided the basis for his innovative cultural-history-based theory of architecture. That revolutionary period saw upheavals not only in the realms of politics and society, but also art and science. Globalization of knowledge was thereby a particularly distinctive phenomenon, especially in the capital of the British Empire. The texts extend beyond a focus on Semper as an individual to consider his work in designing, teaching and writing architecture based on his historical, architectural and disciplinary surroundings.

Metamorphism : material change in architecture
ISBN: 9783035610192 9783035608069 3035610193 9783035608175 3035608172 Year: 2018 Publisher: Basel Birkhäuser

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Materiality is a recurring and central issue in architecture. This book explains how materials are "constructed", how they become cultural substances. Metamorphism investigates the complex relationship between natural materials and technology, science and sensuality. Gottfried Semper (1803–1879) made the notion of Stoffwechsel the key element of his theory. With this concept he intended to explain how a structural form originally bound to a method of processing is transferred from one material to another, liberated from its original function. For the first time, the book investigates the subject from a historic point of view whilst reflecting on current interdisciplinary research. Examples from Aalto to Zumthor illustrate the specific aspects of historic and contemporary material concepts.Materiality as a subject of systematic architectural critique Analyses of built examples illustrate historical and contemporary approaches Explanation of Semper’s theory of metabolic processes as a theoretical model for architecture.

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