Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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Verhandeling over de ziekte en ontaarding der watervaten en klieren, gewoonlijk struma of scrophula genoemd

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Echinorhynchi strumosi anatome : dissertatio zootomica quam consensu et auctoritate gratiosi medicorum ordinis in Albertina Literarum Universitate veniam legendi capessiturus die XIV. m. Julii a. MDCCCXXXVI h.l.q.c publice defendet
Year: 1836
Publisher: Regiomonti Prussorum Impressit Conradus Paschke

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Some observations made upon the Malabar nutt imported from the Indies : shewing its admirable virtues in curing the kings-evil beyond any thing yet found out

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A right frutefull and approoued treatise, for the artificiall cure of that malady called in Latin Struma, and in English, the evill, cured by kinges and queenes of England : Very necessary for all young practizers of chyrurgery. Written by William Clowes, one of her Maiesties chyrurgions, in the yeare of our Lord. 1602.
Clowes, William
Year: 1602
Publisher: Imprinted at London : By Edward Allde [and are now to bee solde at Master Laybournes, a barber chirurgian dwelling vpon Saint Mary-Hill, neere Billings-gate],

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Charisma siue Donum sanationis : Seu explicatio totius quæstionis de mirabilium sanitatum gratia, in qua præcipuè agitur de solenni & sacra curatione strumæ, cui reges Angliæ ritè inaugurati, diuinitùs medicati sunt, & quam serenissima Elizabetha, Angliæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ Regina, ex cælesti gratia sibi concessa, applicatione manuum suarum, & contactu morbidarum partium, non sine religiosis ceremonijs, & precibus, cum admirabili & fælici successu in dies sanat. Auctore Guil. Tookero S. Theol. Doctore.
Tooker, William
Year: 1597
Publisher: Londini : Excudebat Iohannes Windet,

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By the King. A proclamation for the better ordering of those who repair to the court for their cure of the disease called the Kings-evil.
England and Wales.
Year: 1662
Publisher: London : Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, printers to the Kings most excellent Majesty,

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A true account of the celebrated secret of Mr. Timothy Beaghan : lately killed at the Five Bells tavern in the Strand, famous for curing the king's-evil : in a letter to Mr. William Cowper, surgeon

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The Ceremonies us'd in the time of King Henry VII for the healing of them that be diseas'd with the kings evil
Year: 1686
Publisher: London : Printed by Henry Hills ...,

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At the court at Whitehall the ninth of January 1683 : present the Kings Most Excellent Majesty ... : whereas by the grace and blessing of God the kings and queens of this realm by many ages past have had the happiness, by their sacred touch and invocation of the name of God, to cure those who are afflicted with the disease called the Kings-evil ...
England and Wales.
Year: 1683
Publisher: London : Printed by the assigns of John Bill deceas'd, and by Henry Hills, and by Thomas Newcomb ...,

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By the King. : A proclamation for suspending the time of healing the disease, called, the Kings euill, untill Easter next. Whereas his Majestie by sundry proclamations hath appointed the times of healing of the disease, commonly called, the Kings euill, to be Easter and Michaelmas: neuerthelesse his Majesty, for some speciall causes, ...
England and Wales.
Year: 1639
Publisher: Imprinted at London : by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie: And by the Assignes of John Bill.,

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