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Do Different Types of Assets Have Differential Effects on Child Education? Evidence from Tanzania
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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To assess the conventional view that assets uniformly improve childhood development through wealth effects, this paper tests whether different types of assets have different effects on child education. The analysis indicates that household durables and housing quality have the expected positive effects, but agricultural assets have adverse effects on highest grade completed and no effects on exam performance. Extending the standard agricultural-household model by explicitly including child labor, the study uses three waves of panel data from Tanzania to estimate the effects of household assets on child education. The analysis corrects for the endogeneity of assets and uses a Hausman-Taylor instrumental variable panel data estimator to identify the effects of time-invariant observables and more efficiently control for time-invariant unobservables. The negative effect of agricultural assets is more pronounced among rural children and children from farming households, presumably due to the higher opportunity cost of their schooling.

The Heterogeneous Effect of Information on Student Performance : Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial in Mexico.
Authors: ---
Year: 2015 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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A randomized control trial was conducted to study whether providing 10th grade students with information about the returns to upper secondary and tertiary education, and a source of financial aid for tertiary education, can contribute to improve student performance. The study finds that the intervention had no effects on the probability of taking a 12th grade national standardized exam three years after, a proxy for on-time high school completion, but a positive and significant impact on learning outcomes and self-reported measures of effort. The effects are larger for girls and students from households with a relatively high income. These findings are consistent with a simple model where time discount determines the increase in effort and only students with adequate initial conditions are able to translate increased effort into better outcomes.

The Heterogeneous Effect of Information on Student Performance : Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial in Mexico.
Authors: ---
Year: 2015 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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A randomized control trial was conducted to study whether providing 10th grade students with information about the returns to upper secondary and tertiary education, and a source of financial aid for tertiary education, can contribute to improve student performance. The study finds that the intervention had no effects on the probability of taking a 12th grade national standardized exam three years after, a proxy for on-time high school completion, but a positive and significant impact on learning outcomes and self-reported measures of effort. The effects are larger for girls and students from households with a relatively high income. These findings are consistent with a simple model where time discount determines the increase in effort and only students with adequate initial conditions are able to translate increased effort into better outcomes.

Giving Children A Better Start : Preschool Attendance and School-Age Profiles
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2007 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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The authors study the effect of pre-primary education on children's subsequent school outcomes by exploiting a unique feature of the Uruguayan household survey (ECH) that collects retrospective information on preschool attendance in the context of a rapid expansion in the supply of pre-primary places. Using a within household estimator, they find small gains from preschool attendance at early ages that magnify as children grow up. By age 15, treated children have accumulated 0.8 extra years of education and are 27 percentage points more likely to be in school compared with their untreated siblings. Instrumental variables estimates that control for nonrandom selection of siblings into preschool lead to similar results. The authors speculate that early grade repetition harms subsequent school progression and that pre-primary education appears as a successful policy option to prevent early grade failure and its long lasting consequences.

Giving Children A Better Start : Preschool Attendance and School-Age Profiles
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2007 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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The authors study the effect of pre-primary education on children's subsequent school outcomes by exploiting a unique feature of the Uruguayan household survey (ECH) that collects retrospective information on preschool attendance in the context of a rapid expansion in the supply of pre-primary places. Using a within household estimator, they find small gains from preschool attendance at early ages that magnify as children grow up. By age 15, treated children have accumulated 0.8 extra years of education and are 27 percentage points more likely to be in school compared with their untreated siblings. Instrumental variables estimates that control for nonrandom selection of siblings into preschool lead to similar results. The authors speculate that early grade repetition harms subsequent school progression and that pre-primary education appears as a successful policy option to prevent early grade failure and its long lasting consequences.

A democratic constitution for public education
Authors: ---
ISBN: 022620071X 9780226200712 9780226200545 9780226200682 022620068X Year: 2015 Publisher: Chicago London

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America's education system faces a stark dilemma: it needs governmental oversight, rules and regulations, but it also needs to be adaptable enough to address student needs and the many different problems that can arise at any given school-something that large educational bureaucracies are notoriously bad at. Paul Hill and Ashley Jochim offer here a solution that is brilliant for its simplicity and distinctly American sensibility: our public education system needs a constitution. Adapting the tried-and-true framework of our forefathers to the specific governance of education, they show that the answer has been part of our political DNA all along. Most reformers focus on who should control education, but Hill and Jochim show that who governs is less important than determining what powers they have. They propose a Civic Education Council-a democratic body subject to checks and balances that would define the boundaries of its purview as well as each school's particular freedoms. They show how such a system would prevent regulations meant to satisfy special interests and shift the focus to the real task at hand: improving school performance. Laying out the implications of such a system for parents, students, teachers, unions, state and federal governments, and courts, they offer a vision of educational governance that stays true to-and draws on the strengths of-one of the greatest democratic tools we have ever created.

Nutrition and Vulnerable Groups
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3039211218 303921120X Year: 2019 Publisher: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Food insecurity is a complex ‘wicked’ problem that results from a range of unstable and uncertain physical, social, cultural and economic factors that limits access to nutritious food. Globally, 800 million people are under-nourished, and around 2 billion are overweight/obese or have micronutrient deficiency. These populations are largely positioned in developing countries where disease burden is high and impacts health budgets and productivity. Similarly developed countries, cities and neighbourhoods are experiencing a greater emergence of vulnerable populations. This is in part explained by the change in the food production and manufacturing, the retraction in economic climates, the increase in food price, and in some regions reduced food availability and access.Vulnerable groups include but are not limited to migrant populations, Indigenous people, elderly, pregnant women, those with disability, homeless, young children and youth. Poor nutrition at significant periods of growth and development and during life impact long term health outcomes increasing non-communicable disease prevalence, health cost and reducing economic productivity.

The Impact of an Accountability Intervention with Diagnostic Feedback : Evidence from Mexico.
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2015 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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In 2009, the Mexican state of Colima implemented a low-stakes accountability intervention with diagnostic feedback among 108 public primary schools with the lowest test scores in the national student assessment. A difference-in-difference and a regression discontinuity design are used to identify the effects of the intervention on learning outcomes. The two alternative strategies consistently show that the intervention increased test scores by 0.12 standard deviations only a few months after the program was launched. When students, teachers, and parents in a school know that their scores are low, and this triggers a process of self-evaluation and analysis, the process itself may lead to an improvement in learning outcomes. Information on quality, without punitive measures but within a supportive and collaborative environment, appears to be sufficient to improve learning outcomes.


Academic areas --- Academic year --- Achievement --- Age-grade distortion --- Average number of students --- Average score --- Average test scores --- Classroom --- Classrooms --- College --- Community schools --- Curriculum --- Decentralization --- Diplomas --- Economics of education --- Education --- Education authorities --- Education for all --- Education of teachers --- Education policies --- Education programs --- Education services --- Education system --- Educational authorities --- Educational programs --- Effective schools & teachers --- Exam --- Future research --- Girls --- Goals --- Grade retention --- Grade schools --- Graduate --- Graduate diploma --- Groups --- Innovative education --- Interventions --- ITS --- Knowledge --- Learning --- Learning outcomes --- Let --- Literacy --- Math scores --- Math test --- Ministry of education --- Mobility --- National educational programs --- National school --- Number of schools --- Number of students --- Number of teachers --- Online access --- Open access --- Papers --- Pedagogical tools --- Performance in math --- Performance of schools --- Primary education --- Primary schools --- Principals --- Public primary schools --- Public school --- Public school teachers --- Public schools --- Quality education --- Quality of education --- Quality of education services --- Report cards --- Research --- School --- School census --- School directors --- School improvement --- School improvement plan --- School improvement program --- School leaders --- School level --- School performance --- School principals --- School quality --- School size --- School supervision --- School supervisors --- School system --- School teachers --- School year --- Schooling --- Schools --- Science --- Secondary education --- Skills --- Standardized tests --- State education --- Statistics --- Strategies --- Student --- Student achievement --- Student assessment --- Student learning --- Student learning outcomes --- Student mobility --- Student outcomes --- Student performance --- Student population --- Student-Teacher ratio --- Student/teacher ratio --- Students --- Studies --- Study --- Subject areas --- Subjects --- Teacher --- Teacher ratio --- Teacher unions --- Teachers --- Teaching --- Tertiary education --- Test scores --- Tests --- Training --- Tuition --- University --- University degree

The Impact of an Accountability Intervention with Diagnostic Feedback : Evidence from Mexico.
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2015 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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In 2009, the Mexican state of Colima implemented a low-stakes accountability intervention with diagnostic feedback among 108 public primary schools with the lowest test scores in the national student assessment. A difference-in-difference and a regression discontinuity design are used to identify the effects of the intervention on learning outcomes. The two alternative strategies consistently show that the intervention increased test scores by 0.12 standard deviations only a few months after the program was launched. When students, teachers, and parents in a school know that their scores are low, and this triggers a process of self-evaluation and analysis, the process itself may lead to an improvement in learning outcomes. Information on quality, without punitive measures but within a supportive and collaborative environment, appears to be sufficient to improve learning outcomes.


Academic areas --- Academic year --- Achievement --- Age-grade distortion --- Average number of students --- Average score --- Average test scores --- Classroom --- Classrooms --- College --- Community schools --- Curriculum --- Decentralization --- Diplomas --- Economics of education --- Education --- Education authorities --- Education for all --- Education of teachers --- Education policies --- Education programs --- Education services --- Education system --- Educational authorities --- Educational programs --- Effective schools & teachers --- Exam --- Future research --- Girls --- Goals --- Grade retention --- Grade schools --- Graduate --- Graduate diploma --- Groups --- Innovative education --- Interventions --- ITS --- Knowledge --- Learning --- Learning outcomes --- Let --- Literacy --- Math scores --- Math test --- Ministry of education --- Mobility --- National educational programs --- National school --- Number of schools --- Number of students --- Number of teachers --- Online access --- Open access --- Papers --- Pedagogical tools --- Performance in math --- Performance of schools --- Primary education --- Primary schools --- Principals --- Public primary schools --- Public school --- Public school teachers --- Public schools --- Quality education --- Quality of education --- Quality of education services --- Report cards --- Research --- School --- School census --- School directors --- School improvement --- School improvement plan --- School improvement program --- School leaders --- School level --- School performance --- School principals --- School quality --- School size --- School supervision --- School supervisors --- School system --- School teachers --- School year --- Schooling --- Schools --- Science --- Secondary education --- Skills --- Standardized tests --- State education --- Statistics --- Strategies --- Student --- Student achievement --- Student assessment --- Student learning --- Student learning outcomes --- Student mobility --- Student outcomes --- Student performance --- Student population --- Student-Teacher ratio --- Student/teacher ratio --- Students --- Studies --- Study --- Subject areas --- Subjects --- Teacher --- Teacher ratio --- Teacher unions --- Teachers --- Teaching --- Tertiary education --- Test scores --- Tests --- Training --- Tuition --- University --- University degree

Charter School Entry and School Choice : The Case of Washington, D.C..
Authors: ---
Year: 2015 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This paper develops and estimates an equilibrium model of charter school entry and school choice. In the model, households choose among public, private, and charter schools, and a regulator authorizes charter entry and mandates charter exit. The model is estimated for Washington, D.C. According to the estimates, charters generate net social gains by providing additional school options, and they benefit non-white, low-income, and middle-school students the most. Further, policies that raise the supply of prospective charter entrants in combination with high authorization standards enhance social welfare.


Academic achievement --- Academic performance --- Academic programs --- Academic viability --- Academic year --- Achievement data --- Alternative schools --- Average class size --- Average number of children --- Black students --- Board of education --- Catholic schools --- Class size --- Classroom --- College --- Comprehensive assessment --- Cultural policy --- Culture & development --- Curricula --- Curriculum --- Early childhood --- Economics of education --- Educated parents --- Education --- Education for all --- Education reform --- Education statistics --- Education students --- Educational attainment --- Educational costs --- Effective schools --- Elementary school --- Elementary schools --- Enrollment by grade --- Enrollment data --- Ethnic composition --- Faculty --- Faculty development --- Fees --- Formula funding --- Geographic distribution --- Graduation rate --- Graduation rates --- High school --- High schools --- Knowledge --- Language curriculum --- Learning --- Literature --- Low enrollments --- Low-income students --- Middle school --- Middle school students --- Middle schools --- Ministry of education --- Net social gain --- Number of schools --- Number of students --- Open access --- Papers --- Parental income --- Partnerships in education --- Primary education --- Private school --- Private schools --- Public school --- Public school system --- Public schools --- Pupil funding --- Quality schools --- Racial segregation --- Reading --- Regular schools --- Research --- Research report --- Researchers --- School --- School attendance --- School buildings --- School climate --- School cost --- School costs --- School data --- School day --- School district --- School effectiveness --- School enrollment --- School enrolment --- School entry --- School experience --- School funding --- School leaders --- School level --- School levels --- School location --- School performance --- School principals --- School quality --- School reform --- School students --- School supply --- School survey --- School system --- School tuition --- School year --- School-age --- School-age children --- School-age population --- School-year --- Schooling --- Schools --- Science --- Secondary education --- Social science --- Social welfare --- Special education --- Student --- Student achievement --- Student body --- Student choice --- Student costs --- Student demand --- Student group --- Student groups --- Student population --- Students --- Teacher --- Teachers --- Teaching --- Teaching methods --- Tertiary education --- Tuition --- University --- Urban school --- Urban schools --- Values --- Vocational schools

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