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Prognose räumlich und zeitlich differenzierter Gefährdungsstufen mit einem Expertensystem unter Integration eines Geo-Informationssystems : am Beispiel von Waldschäden durch Insektenfraß
ISBN: 9783925308789 3925308784 Year: 1993 Publisher: München : Geobuch-Verl.,

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A Vision of the Orient
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 0802067077 0802088015 9780802088017 9786611994600 1442613289 1442670533 128199460X 9781442670532 9781281994608 9781442613287 Year: 2006 Publisher: Toronto

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Best known as the story from the 1904 Puccini opera, the compelling modern myth of Madame Butterfly has been read, watched, and re-interpreted for over a century, from Pierre Loti's 1887 novel Madame Chrysantheme to A.R. Gurney's 1999 play Far East. This fascinating collaborative volume examines the Madame Butterfly narrative in a wide variety of cultural contexts literary, musical, theatrical, cinematic, historical, and political and in a variety of media opera, drama, film, and prose narratives and includes contributions from a wide range of academic disciplines, such as Asian Studies, English Literature, Theatre, Musicology, and Film Studies. From its original colonial beginnings, the Butterfly story has been turned about and inverted in recent years to shed light back on the nature of the relationship between East and West, remaining popular in its original version as well as in retellings such as David Henry Hwang's play M. Butterfly and David Cronenberg's screen adaptation. The combined perspectives that result from this collaboration provide new and challenging insights into the powerful, resonant myth of a painful encounter between East and West.

Nos abeilles en péril
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2759229815 2759229807 9782759229796 9782759229802 2759229793 Year: 2019 Publisher: Versailles Cedex, France

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La 4e de couverture indique : "Les médias se font largement l'écho des problèmes récurrents de mortalités qui touchent les abeilles depuis quelques années. Les informations spectaculaires se succèdent, souvent sans lien les unes avec les autres, apportant parfois plus de confusion que d'éclaircissement. Quel est le rôle des abeilles domestiques et sauvages dans les milieux naturels et agricoles? Comment vivent-elles? Que représente aujourd'hui l'apiculture? Dans les informations alarmistes données sur la mort des abeilles, quelle est la part des faits vérifiables et vérifiés, et celle des simples rumeurs ou des cas anecdotiques sans grande signification? Les auteurs répondent à ces questions tout en faisant un point sur les causes de mortalité et les solutions possibles ... Très accessible, ce livre s'adresse à toutes les personnes sensibles au rôle crucial de ces pollinisatrices hors pair et ses répercussions sur l'agriculture, et qui se demandent si un monde sans abeilles serait possible ... En effet, si les besoins des abeilles ne sont plus satisfaits, les nôtres pourront-ils l'être encore longtemps?"


Bee culture --- Health aspects. --- Apiculture --- Bee keeping --- Beekeeping --- Honeybee --- Honeybee culture --- Keeping, Bee --- Keeping bees --- Rearing of bees --- Insect rearing --- Rearing --- insect. --- apiculture. --- protection of animal life. --- environmental impact. --- pesticide. --- terrestrial ecosystem. --- sauszemes ekosistēma --- maismaaökosüsteem --- terestrický ekosystém --- ecosistema terrestre --- ecossistema terrestre --- ekosistem tokësor --- terrestrisches Ökosystem --- sausumos ekosistema --- územný ekosystém --- földi ökoszisztéma --- écosystème terrestre --- éiceachóras domhanda --- земна екосистема --- копнен екосистем --- kopenski ekosistem --- maaekosysteemi --- ekosystem ziemski --- χερσαίο οικοσύστημα --- копнени екосистем --- kopneni ekosustav --- ecosistem terestru --- ecosysteem van het land --- terrestrisk økosystem --- ekosistema terresti --- terrestert ekosystem --- šumski ekosustav --- pevninský ekosystém --- terrestrisch ecosysteem --- pestycyd --- peszticid --- пестицид --- pesticīds --- Pestizid --- pestiċida --- verdelgingsmiddel --- pestitsiid --- pesticidas --- antiparassitario --- bekämpningsmedel --- pesticíd --- φυτοφάρμακο --- pesticide --- lotnaidicíd --- torjunta-aine --- pesticidy --- pesticid --- pesticida --- sienitautien torjunta-aine --- sredstvo protiv nametnika --- produto antiparasitas --- fungicīds --- bestrijdingsmiddel --- fungicide --- plaguicida --- ilaç kundër mykut --- növényvédő szer --- fungicíd --- produit antiparasitaire --- prodotto antiparassitario --- fungicid --- μυκητοκτόνο --- fungitsiid --- fongicide --- fungicidas --- fungicida --- svampemiddel --- skadedyrsbekæmpelsesmiddel --- svampdödande medel --- funghicida --- фунгицид --- Fungizid --- gombaölőszer --- přípravky proti houbovým chorobám --- средство против штетници --- fungicidy --- vliv na životní prostředí --- invloed op het milieu --- impatt ambjentali --- tionchar ar an gcomhshaol --- επίπτωση στο περιβάλλον --- влијание врз животната средина --- ndikim në mjedis --- vpliv na okolje --- impact sur l'environnement --- impacto ambiental --- ympäristövaikutus --- ietekme uz vidi --- környezeti hatás --- poveikis aplinkai --- utjecaj na okoliš --- miljöpåverkan --- impatto ambientale --- impact asupra mediului --- Auswirkung auf die Umwelt --- miljøindvirkning --- keskkonnamõju --- wpływ na środowisko --- ekologický dosah --- въздействие на околната среда --- утицај на животну средину --- balanço ecológico --- miljöavtryck --- ekoloģiskais novērtējums --- ekobalancë --- ecobalanço --- effetti sull'ambiente --- vides pēdas nospiedums --- keskkonnajalajälg --- mer --- miljökonsekvensbeskrivning --- ślad środowiskowy --- aplinkosauginis pėdsakas --- miljøopgørelse --- vlerësim ekologjik --- ekološka procjena --- huella ambiental --- miljøvurdering --- balance ecológico --- efect ambiental --- effet environnemental --- περιβαλλοντικό αποτύπωμα --- milieueffect --- vides novērtējums --- Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung --- еколошки ефект --- miljøvirkning --- ökológiai mérleg --- écobilan --- milieuvoetafdruk --- ecological assessment --- efecto sobre el medio ambiente --- environmental assessment --- impronta ambientale --- vides ietekmēšana --- környezetihatás-tanulmány --- avaliação ambiental --- Verträglichkeitsprüfung --- ökológiai vizsgálat --- ekologinis balansas --- impronta ambjentali --- indvirkning på miljøet --- miljøbelastning --- bilanț ecologic --- effect on the environment --- conséquence sur l'environnement --- environmental footprint --- environmentálna stopa --- ecologische balans --- evaluare ecologică --- bilan écologique --- milieueffectrapport --- conséquence environnementale --- effekt på miljön --- Umweltwirkung --- efekt mjedisor --- miljöanalys --- еколошко влијание --- ympäristöarvio --- συνέπεια στο περιβάλλον --- mõju keskkonnale --- miljøaftryk --- effet sur l'environnement --- evaluación medioambiental --- valutazione dell'impatto ambientale --- επίδραση στο περιβάλλον --- Umweltimpakt --- bilancio ecologico --- оценка на влијанието врз животната средина --- environmental effect --- ekoloģiskā bilance --- ekologinis įvertinimas --- tionchar comhshaoil --- amprentă de mediu --- ökologische Bilanz --- efekti mbi mjedis --- οικολογικός ισολογισμός --- отпечатък върху околната среда --- okoljski odtis --- miljöbedömning --- ecobilancio --- empreinte environnementale --- eco-balance --- incidence environnementale --- lorg comhshaoil --- vaikutus ympäristöön --- environmentálny vplyv --- effett ambjentali --- incidence sur l'environnement --- efect asupra mediului --- konsekvenser for miljøet --- efeito no meio ambiente --- ekotase --- keskkonnamõju hindamine --- ympäristöjalanjälki --- Impaktstudie --- EIA --- virkning på miljøet --- vplyv na životné prostredie --- environmentální stopa --- Umweltbilanz --- ecobalance --- környezeti lábnyom --- pasqyrë ekologjike --- hodnocení vlivů na životní prostředí --- miljøstatus --- inverkan på miljön --- Umweltimpaktstudie --- évaluation environnementale --- ekologický vliv --- pegada ambiental --- evaluare de mediu --- aplinkos įvertinimas --- ecological balance sheet --- környezetihatás-vizsgálat --- keskkonnahinnang --- ekobilance --- ekologinen tase --- περιβαλλοντική αξιολόγηση --- vlerësim mjedisor --- ökotasakaal --- UVP --- Ökobilanz --- protection de la faune --- skydd av faunan --- ochrana živočišné říše --- varstvo živalstva --- προστασία της πανίδας --- заштита животињског света --- beskyttelse af fauna --- gyvūnijos apsauga --- cosaint beatha ainmhíche --- faunas aizsardzība --- bescherming van de fauna --- ochrona życia zwierząt --- az állatvilág védelme --- eläimistön suojelu --- protecția faunei --- protezzjoni tal-ħajja tal-annimali --- proteção da fauna --- ochrana života zvierat --- заштита на животинскиот свет --- loomastiku kaitse --- protezione della fauna --- опазване на фауната --- mbrojtje e jetës së kafshëve --- zaštita životinjskoga svijeta --- protección de la fauna --- Schutz der Tierwelt --- protecția păsărilor --- ochrana vtákov --- protección de las aves --- conservazione del patrimonio ittico --- protecção da fauna --- bescherming van de vogelstand --- conservazione del patrimonio ornitologico --- putnu aizsardzība --- lindude kaitse --- madarak védelme --- lintujensuojelu --- paukščių apsauga --- protection of birds --- mbrojtje e shpendëve --- beskyttelse af fugle --- protezione degli uccelli --- Vogelschutz --- заштита на птици --- προστασία των πτηνών --- fågelskydd --- protezione faunistica --- protection des oiseaux --- protezione dell'avifauna --- заштита на дивите видови --- ochrana ohrožených druhů --- proteção dos pássaros --- ochrana ptactva --- madárvédelem --- mehiläishoito --- pčelarstvo --- apicoltura --- Bienenzucht --- pszczelarstwo --- včelárstvo --- biodling --- apikulturë --- biavl --- bijenteelt --- mesindus --- apikoltura --- apicultură --- biškopība --- včelařství --- пчеларство --- méhészet --- čebelarstvo --- apicultura --- bitininkystė --- apiculture --- beachaireacht --- μελισσοκομία --- apicoltore --- criação de abelhas --- μελισσοτροφία --- mehiläistenhoito --- allevamento di api --- uzgoj pčela --- stupărit --- mbarështim i bletëve --- bičių produktas --- méhtartás --- Imkerei --- élevage des abeilles --- cría de abejas --- chov včiel --- bij --- апикултура --- chov včel --- beekeeping --- uppfödning av bin --- ape --- mesilastepidamine --- инсект --- insett --- insetto --- putukas --- kukainis --- insectă --- insect --- inseto --- insekt --- Insekt --- žuželka --- hyönteinen --- kukac --- vabzdys --- insecto --- hmyz --- rovar --- insecte --- насекомо --- feithid --- owad --- έντομο --- lăcustă --- abeille --- lepke --- bier --- sommerfugl --- Biene --- μέλισσες --- pčela --- beach --- bijen --- bite --- vlinder --- papillon --- bee --- veldsprinkhaan --- rändtirts --- sienāzis --- sáska --- butterfly --- græshoppe --- naħla --- acrídio --- bitė --- včela --- Heuschrecke --- mariposa --- liblikas --- acrídido --- πεταλούδα --- скакулец --- Пчела --- пеперутка --- skakavac --- mehiläiset --- flutur --- api --- borboleta --- fjäril --- acridien --- méh --- farfalla --- ακριδοειδές --- locust --- motýľ --- drugys --- leptir --- abelhas --- tauriņš --- fluture --- perhonen --- skėrys --- Schmetterling --- heinäsirkka --- čebele --- mesilane --- pszczoły --- albină --- gräshoppa --- včely --- abejas --- karkalec aziatik --- acridio --- Abeilles mellifères

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