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Islam. --- Säkularismus. --- Islam --- Säkularismus
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Aufklärung. --- Laizismus. --- Postsäkularismus. --- Religion. --- Säkularismus.
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"With its rapid industrialization, modernization, and gradual democratization, Imperial Germany has typically been understood in secular terms. However, religion and religious actors actually played crucial roles in the history of the Kaiserreich, a fact that becomes particularly evident when viewed through a transnational lens. In this volume, leading scholars of sociology, religious studies, and history study the interplay of secular and religious worldviews beyond the simple interrelation of practices and ideas. By exploring secular perspectives, belief systems, and rituals in a transnational context, they provide new ways of understanding how the borders between Imperial Germany's secular and religious spheres were continually made and remade"--
Religion. --- Secularism --- Secularism. --- Social conditions. --- Säkularismus. --- Transnationalism. --- History --- 1800-1999. --- Deutschland. --- Germany --- Germany. --- Religion --- Social conditions
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Charles Taylor --- Gewalt --- Moderne --- Religion --- Säkularismus --- kulturelle Vielfalt --- politische Theorie --- säkularer Staat
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In Secular Translations, the anthropologist Talal Asad reflects on his lifelong engagement with secularism and its contradictions. He draws out the ambiguities in our concepts of the religious and the secular through a rich consideration of translatability and untranslatability, exploring the circuitous movements of ideas between histories and cultures.In search of meeting points between the language of Islam and the language of secular reason, Asad gives particular importance to the translations of religious ideas into nonreligious ones. He discusses the claim that liberal conceptions of equality represent earlier Christian ideas translated into secularism; explores the ways that the language and practice of religious ritual play an important but radically transformed role as they are translated into modern life; and considers the history of the idea of the self and its centrality to the project of the secular state. Secularism is not only an abstract principle that modern liberal democratic states espouse, he argues, but also a range of sensibilities. The shifting vocabularies associated with each of these sensibilities are fundamentally intertwined with different ways of life. In exploring these entanglements, Asad shows how translation opens the door for-or requires-the utter transformation of the translated. Drawing on a diverse set of thinkers ranging from al-Ghazālī to Walter Benjamin, Secular Translations points toward new possibilities for intercultural communication, seeking a language for our time beyond the language of the state.
Säkularismus. --- Secularism --- Language and languages --- Reasoning --- Secularization --- Religion and culture --- State, The --- Secularism. --- Language and languages. --- Reasoning. --- Secularization. --- Religion and culture. --- State, The.
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There has been a dramatic increase in the percentage of the US population that is not religious. However, there is, to date, very little research on the social movement that is organizing to serve the needs of and advocate for the nonreligious in the US. This is a book about the rise and structure of organized secularism in the United States. By organized secularism we mean the efforts of nonreligious individuals to build institutions, networks, and ultimately a movement that serves their interests in a predominantly religious society. Researchers from various fields address questions such as: What secularist organizations exist? Who are the members of these organizations? What kinds of organizations do they create? What functions do these organizations provide for their members? How do the secularist organizations of today compare to those of the past? And what is their likely impact on the future of secularism? For anyone trying to understand the rise of the nonreligious in the US, this book will provide valuable insights into organized efforts to normalize their worldview and advocate for their equal treatment in society.
Secularism --- Atheismus. --- Secularism. --- Säkularisierung. --- Säkularismus. --- atheism. --- secularization. --- social movements. --- soziale Bewegungen. --- Soziale Bewegung --- Religionslosigkeit --- Säkularisierung --- Religion --- Atheismus --- RELIGION / Atheism. --- Gottlosigkeit --- Religionskritik --- Agnostizismus --- Theismus --- Pantheismus --- Unglaube --- Pseudoreligion --- Entchristlichung --- Entkirchlichung --- Verweltlichung --- Säkularismus --- Säkularisation --- Konfessionslosigkeit --- Konfessionsloser --- Bewegung --- Sozialbewegung --- Volksbewegung --- Soziale Bewegungen --- Politische Bewegung --- Protestbewegung --- Säkularismus --- Säkularisation --- United States --- Religion.
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Seit zwei Jahrzehnten lässt sich eine irritierende Wiederkehr des Blasphemievorwurfs beobachten. Man denke etwa an den dänischen Karikaturenstreit oder den Terroranschlag auf Charlie Hebdo 2015 in Paris. Die entsprechenden politischen und juristischen Debatten betreffen gegenwärtig insbesondere Blasphemieparagraphen in den Rechtsordnungen. Doch das Phänomen der Blasphemie ist facettenreicher, als es dabei oft wahrgenommen wird. Denn "Blasphemie" ist kein objektiv vorliegender Tatbestand, sondern entspricht einem komplexen Deutungsmuster, das religionsspezifisch und interreligiös unterschiedliche Ausprägungen erfahren hat. Der vorliegende Sammelband reflektiert das Phänomen der Blasphemie in Geschichte und Gegenwart in einem multiperspektivischen Zugang. Die Thematik wird sowohl im Kontext von Judentum, Christentum, Islam, Hinduismus, Buddhismus als auch im Kontext von Jurisprudenz und Kunst aus der Sicht verschiedener Wissenschaftsdisziplinen analysiert.
Religion / Blasphemy, Heresy & Apostasy --- Religion --- Religion, Primitive --- Atheism --- Irreligion --- Religions --- Theology --- Gotteslästerung --- Religion und Recht --- Religionspolitik --- Religionsbeschimpfung --- Religionsfrieden --- Religion und Staat --- Systematische Theologie --- Religionssoziologie --- Kirchengeschichte --- Säkularität/Säkularismus --- Islamstudien --- Religionen Asiens --- Neues Testament --- Altes Testament --- Praktische Theologie
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"Security perceptions in Europe have changed drastically in the last decade due to the effects of globalisation. As a result, the EU's relations with Turkey and the security policies of the EU and Turkey have become increasingly important. In light of recent developments - not least the controversial issue of Turkey's EU candidacy - this book attempts to answer two main questions: 'Is there a gap between EU and Turkish security cultures?' and 'To what extent is Turkey an advantage for Europe?'. Cigdem Ustun here examines Turkey's crucial role with NATO and details its relations and priorities in the Mediterranean, the Middle East and the Black Sea regions, comparing these with EU relations and priorities. This comparison illustrates the advantages and disadvantages of including Turkey in European security policies and will be essential reading for all those involved in security studies and policy."--Bloomsbury publishing.
Kemalism. --- Islam --- Islam and secularism --- Islam and politics --- 20th century history: c 1900 to c 2000. --- Atatürk, Kemal, --- Influence. --- Turkey --- History --- Religion --- Sakularismus. --- Islam. --- Kemalismus. --- Ataturk, Kemal, --- Geschichte 1930-1966 --- Turkei.
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In der Auseinandersetzung um die Präsenz des Islams in Deutschland und anderen europäischen Ländern steht immer auch die Frage zur Debatte, wie Muslime sich zum säkularen Staat verhalten. Auf der Grundlage der Religionsfreiheit rekonstruiert Heiner Bielefeldt zunächst einen freiheitlichen Begriff von rechtsstaatlicher Säkularität. Anschließend diskutiert er verschiedene muslimische Positionen gegenüber dem säkularen Staat, die von kämpferischer Distanzierung über pragmatische Arrangements in der Diaspora bis hin zu theologisch begründeten SäkularisierungsÝ forderungen reichen.Zu den aktuellen Themen, die der Band aufgreift, gehören die Frage, inwieweit Muslime im Rahmen des Grundgesetzes nach der Scharia leben können, sowie die Kontroverse um den islamischen Religionsunterricht.
Human Rights. --- Islam In Europa. --- Islam. --- Islamic Studies. --- Islamwissenschaft. --- Menschenrechte. --- Migration. --- Policy. --- Political Science. --- Politics. --- Politik. --- Politikwissenschaft. --- Religionsfreiheit. --- Säkularität. --- Religiöse Minderheit --- Rechtsstaat --- Religionsfreiheit --- Säkularisierung --- Muslim --- POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Policy / General. --- Mohammedaner --- Moslem --- Muselman --- Muselmann --- Muslime --- Nichtmuslim --- Islam --- Muslimin --- Entchristlichung --- Entkirchlichung --- Verweltlichung --- Säkularismus --- Säkularisation --- Religiöse Freiheit --- Staat --- Minderheit --- Säkularismus --- Säkularisation
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This volume ethnographically explores the relation between secularities and religious subjectivities. As a consequence of the demise of secularization theory, we live in an interesting intellectual moment where the so-called ‘post-secular’ coexists with the secular, which in turn has become pluralized and historicized. This cohabitation of the secular and post-secular is revealed mainly through political dialectical processes that overshadow the subjective and inter-subjective dimensions of secularity, making it difficult to pinpoint concrete sites, agents, and objects of expression. Drawing on cases from South America, Africa, and Europe, contributors apply key insights from religious studies debates on the genealogies and formations of both religion and secularism. They explore the spaces, persons, and places in which these categories emerge and mutually constitute one another.
Religion. --- Secularism. --- Ethnology --- Religious Studies. --- Latin American Culture. --- European Culture. --- African Culture. --- Africa. --- Europe. --- Latin America. --- Religion and state. --- State and religion --- State, The --- Religious aspects --- Ethnology-Latin America. --- Ethnology-Europe. --- Ethnology-Africa. --- Ethics --- Irreligion --- Utilitarianism --- Atheism --- Postsecularism --- Secularization (Theology) --- Postsecularism. --- Religiosität. --- Staat. --- Säkularismus. --- Ethnology—Latin America. --- Ethnology—Europe. --- Ethnology—Africa.
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