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Ein Imperium wird vermessen : Kartographie, Kulturtransfer und Raumerschließung im Zarenreich (1797-1919)
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3110731622 3110736977 Year: 2023 Publisher: München ; Wien : De Gruyter Oldenbourg,

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Karten sind Instrumente zur Vermessung der Welt. Die von ihnen erzeugten Raumbilder dokumentieren geschichtliche Entwicklungen in all ihrer Kontinuität und Dynamik. Sie spiegeln die Dauerhaftigkeit von Naturverhältnissen ebenso wider wie die Verschiebung von Machtverhältnissen und Grenzen. Es sind besonders Kriegszeiten, in denen Räume neu vermessen, Karten neu gezeichnet und für die Information der Öffentlichkeit genutzt werden. Dieses Buch handelt von der Vermessung und Kartographie des Zarenreiches im langen 19. Jahrhundert und trägt damit zur vergleichenden Imperiengeschichte bei. Die topographische und kartographische Erschließung des größten Landes der Erde wird als Aspekt der Territorialisierung Russlands verstanden und hinsichtlich der Bedeutung von Kulturtransfers aus dem westlichen Europa untersucht. Die topographische Karte als zeitgebundene Repräsentation von geographischem Raum wird dabei als eine besondere Form imperialer Selbstbeschreibung verstanden. In der Studie wird untersucht, welche Institutionen mit welchen Motiven an der Vermessung und kartographischen Erschließung des Zarenreiches mitwirkten, welche Regionen in das Blickfeld der Vermesser gerieten, welcher »Sprache« sich die Kartographen bei der Darstellung des vermessenen Raumes bedienten und welche Rolle dabei ausländischen Vorbildern zukam. Die Analyse kommt zum Ergebnis, dass es der Zarenregierung letztlich nicht gelang, ein umfassendes, auf Vermessungsdaten basierendes topographisches Kartenbild des ganzen Reiches zu erstellen. Denn ihr Hauptinteresse lag in der Sicherung der Peripherien Russlands. Maps are instruments for measuring the world. The spatial images they produce document historical developments in all their continuity and dynamism. They reflect the permanence of natural conditions as well as the shifting of power relations and borders. It is especially in times of war that spaces are remeasured and maps are redrawn to be used for public information. This book is about the surveying and mapping cartography of the Tsarist Empire in the nineteenth century and thus contributes to comparative empire history. The topographical and cartographic development of the largest country on earth is understood as an aspect of Russia's territorialisation and examined in terms of the significance of cultural transfers from Western Europe. The topographical map as a time-bound representation of geographical space is understood as a special form of imperial self-description. The study examines which institutions and with which motives were involved in the surveying and cartographic development of the Tsarist empire, which regions came into the surveyors' focus, which "language" the cartographers used in the representation of the surveyed space and which role was played by foreign models. The analysis concludes that the tsarist government ultimately did not succeed in creating a comprehensive topographic map of the entire empire based on survey data because their main interest lay in securing Russia's peripheries.

ISBN: 9798887190327 Year: 2022 Publisher: Boston, MA

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This first English-language synthesis of the history of Dnipro (until 2016 Dnipropetrovsk, until 1926 Katerynoslav) locates the city in a broader regional, national, and transnational context and explores the interaction between global processes and everyday routines of urban life. The history of a place (throughout its history called ‘new Athens’, ‘Ukrainian Manchester’, ‘the Brezhnev`s capital’ and ‘the heart of Ukraine’) is seen through the prism of key threads in the modern history of Europe: the imperial colonization and industrialization, the war and the revolution in the borderlands, the everyday life and mythology of a Soviet closed city, and the transformations of post-Soviet Ukraine. Designed as a critical entangled history of the multicultural space, the book looks for a new analytical language to overcome the traps of both national and imperial history-writing.

The History of Jews in Lithuania : From the Middle Ages to the 1990s
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 3657705759 350670575X Year: 2019 Publisher: Paderborn Brill | Schöningh

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This book aims to create an integral picture of the social, economic and cultural history of the Jews in Lithuania during the course of more than six hundred years - from the Middle Ages to the 1990s. It is a translation of the study "Lietuvos žydai. Istorinė studija" (Engl. "Lithuanian Jews. Historical study"), published in Lithuanian in 2012. The Book was written by an interna-tional group of scholars from Lithuania, Israel, the United States of America and Germany. The world of Lithuanian Jewry is reconstructed through different aspects of the development of community and society: demography, social and economic activity, self-government institutions of the community, cultural and religious movements, literature and the press, education, discriminative policy of the authorities and relations with the dominant church, segregation, assimilation and changes of identity, anti-Judaism and anti-Semitism, and the Holocaust.

Images of Otherness in Russia, 1547-1917.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9798887191478 Year: 2023 Publisher: Boston, MA

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Defining the Others, "them", in relation to one's own reference group, "us", has been an essential phase in the formation of collective identities. This volume examines the development and contexts of various images, perceptions and categories of the external and internal Others in Russia from the 16th century Muscovy to the collapse of the Russian empire.

Odessa Recollected : The Port and the People
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781618117373 1618117378 161811736X 9781618117366 Year: 2019 Publisher: Boston, MA : Academic Studies Press,

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Odessa, a Black Sea port founded by Catherine the Great in 1794, shortly after the territory was wrested from the Ottoman Empire, became a boomtown on the southern fringe of the Russian Empire. Catherine and the early administrators of the city, such as the Duke de Richelieu, promoted settlement by Europeans in addition to the Greek, Italians, and Jews who came on their own initiative to take advantage of economic opportunities in the robust grain trade with Europe. More ethnically diverse by far than St. Petersburg, Odessa became a remarkable independent-minded, large cosmopolitan city, attracting and producing noted writers, artists, musicians and scholars. Imperial Russian tsars and Soviet leaders maintained an ambivalent attitude towards the maverick city, appreciating the fame and fortune it generated, but also leery of the activities of secret foreign national societies, pogromists, revolutionaries and simply the perceived lack of patriotism in the singular city so far away from the heart of Russia. With the withering of the lucrative grain trade by the time of the Soviet Union, Odessa became a neglected city, drained of its foreign flavor. With the independence of Ukraine in 1991, there were hopes raised that the architectural beauty and economic prospects of the city would be revived. Given the current hostilities in Eastern Ukraine with the potential of the Odessa area becoming a possible land bridge to the Crimean Peninsula, the fate of the former Pearl of the Black Sea hangs in suspension. The present book brings together-indeed, re-collects-some of the most valuable and thought-provoking research on Odessa and its culture, community, and economy published by Patricia Herlihy over several decades of her work. Scholars of Ukraine, Russia, and the former Soviet Union will find in this book a helpful resource for their research and teaching.

Poetry and Psychiatry: Essays on Early Twentieth-Century Russian Symbolist Culture
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1618113690 1618113615 9781618113610 9781618116963 1618116967 9781618113504 9781618113696 161811350X 1322499977 Year: 2017 Publisher: Academic Studies Press

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A century ago the Symbolists in Moscow and St. Petersburg dreamed of a fundamental transformation of life in Russia. From their reading of signs in the heavens, these poets, philosophers, and mystics sensed that tsardom was on the threshold of an apocalyptic upheaval. They were influenced by Vladimir Solovyov and Friedrich Nietzsche, but under the impact of the 1905 Revolution they later also subscribed to current radical political ideas. The eventual collision between these dreams and tsarist reality generated enormous intellectual turbulence and the need for substitutes. Not least psychoanalysis came to the rescue of these stranded dreamers. The present collection of essays is intended for readers interested in Russian literature or the early history of Eastern European offshoots of psychoanalysis.

Russia in 1913
ISBN: 9781501757525 1501757520 160909008X 9781609090081 9780875804279 0875804276 0875806872 Year: 2010 Publisher: DeKalb Northern Illinois University Press

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A pivotal year in the history of the Russian Empire, 1913 marks the tercentennial celebration of the Romanov Dynasty, the infamous anti-Semitic Beilis Trial, Russia's first celebration of International Women's Day, the ministerial boycott of the Duma, and the amnestying of numerous prisoners and political exiles, along with many other important events. A vibrant public sphere existed in Russia's last full year of peace prior to war and revolution. During this time a host of voluntary associations, a lively and relatively free press, the rise of progressive municipal governments, the growth of legal consciousness, the advance of market relations and new concepts of property tenure in the countryside, and the spread of literacy were tranforming Russian society.Russia in 1913 captures the complexity of the economy and society in the brief period between the revolution of 1905 and the outbreak of war in 1914 and shows how the widely accepted narrative about pre-war late Imperial Russia has failed in significant ways. While providing a unique synthesis of the historiography, Dowler also uses reportage from two newspapers to create a fuller impression of the times. This engaging and important study will appeal both to Russian studies scholars and serious readers of history.

Natural Resources and the New Frontier : Constructing Modern China's Borderlands
ISBN: 022649232X Year: 2018 Publisher: Chicago : University of Chicago Press,

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China's westernmost province of Xinjiang has experienced escalating cycles of violence, interethnic strife, and state repression since the 1990s. In their search for the roots of these growing tensions, scholars have tended to focus on ethnic clashes and political disputes. In Natural Resources and the New Frontier, historian Judd C. Kinzley takes a different approach-one that works from the ground up to explore the infrastructural and material foundation of state power in the region. As Kinzley argues, Xinjiang's role in producing various natural resources for regional powers has been an important but largely overlooked factor in fueling unrest. He carefully traces the buildup to this unstable situation over the course of the twentieth century by focusing on the shifting priorities of Chinese, Soviet, and provincial officials regarding the production of various resources, including gold, furs, and oil among others. Through his archival work, Kinzley offers a new way of viewing Xinjiang that will shape the conversation about this important region and offer a model for understanding the development of other frontier zones in China as well as across the global south.

The Shochet
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9798887193014 9798887193007 Year: 2023 Publisher: Boston, MA

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This unique book is the memoirs of a kosher slaughterer, a Jewish functionary, who lived in Ukraine and Crimea from the middle of the nineteenth century until the First World War. For the first time, it gives us a snapshot of Jewish life from a functionary's point of view in the last century of Tsarist rule, and at the same time deals with the eternal questions of antisemitism, minority status, and the life of Jews in Ukraine.

Cosmopolitan Spaces in Odesa
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9798887192574 Year: 2023 Publisher: Boston, MA

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This interdisciplinary study of cosmopolitan spaces in Odesa explores topical issues in cultural diversity, ethnicity, literature, and socio-economic history. The book brings together leading scholars in a ground-breaking discussion of relations between Russians, Jews, and Ukrainians in one of the most fascinating multiethnic cities in eastern Europe.

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