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Philosophie soviétique
Authors: --- ---
Year: 1962 Publisher: Paris : Editions de la nouvelle critique,

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Voprosy Filosofii
ISSN: 00428744 Publisher: Moskva:

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Who were the Cimmerians, and where did they come from? Sargon II, the Cimmerians, and Rusa I
Authors: ---
ISSN: 01060481 ISBN: 8773041912 Year: 1988 Publisher: København : Det kongelige Danske videnskabernes selskab,

Géopolitique de la Russie
Authors: ---
ISSN: 07680066 ISBN: 9782130732228 2130732224 Year: 2016 Volume: 4043 Publisher: Paris: PUF,

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Parce qu'elle s'étend de l'Est européen à l'océan Pacifique, entre l'extrême- ouest et l'extrême-est de l'" Eurasie ", la Russie est à la croisée des grandes aires géopolitiques mondiales. Au sud, le Moyen-Orient est perçu comme un arc de crise en proie à l'islamisme, dont les contrecoups se répercutent dans le Caucase, en Asie centrale et dans les républiques musulmanes de la Volga. Au nord, l'océan Arctique semble retrouver la valeur géostratégique qui était la sienne pendant la guerre froide. A cette immensité répondent les ambitions du pouvoir russe. Son projet ? Redonner à la Russie un statut de puissance mondiale, en opposition à l'Occident. Expliquer la géopolitique vue de Moscou, montrer son enracinement dans l'histoire, éclairer les implications de ces conceptions et leurs modalités pratiques en analysant l'évolution des politiques russes, tel est l'objectif de cet ouvrage.

Spies without cloaks: the KGB's successors
ISBN: 0691025770 0691017182 1282752375 9786612752377 1400821878 1400812380 1400816831 Year: 1996 Publisher: Princeton, N.J. Princeton University Press

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This book offers a compelling and comprehensive account of what happened to the KGB when the Soviet Union collapsed and the world's most powerful and dangerous secret police organization was uncloaked. As Amy Knight shows, the KGB was renamed and reorganized several times after it was officially disbanded in December 1991--but it was not reformed. Knight's rich and lively narrative begins with the aborted August 1991 coup, led by KGB hard-liners, and takes us through the summer of 1995, when the Russian parliamentary elections were looming on the horizon. The failed coup attempt was a setback for the KGB because it led to demands from Russian democrats for a complete overhaul of the security services. As a result, the KGB's leaders were fired, its staff reduced, and its functions dispersed among several agencies. Even the elite foreign intelligence service was subjected to budget cuts. But President Yeltsin was reluctant to press on with reforms of the security services, because he needed their support in his struggle against mounting political opposition. Indeed, by the spring of 1995, the security services had regained much of what they had lost in the wake of the August coup. Some observers were even saying that they had acquired more power and influence than the old KGB.This story told by one of the foremost experts on the Soviet/Russian security services and enriched by face-to-face interviews with security professionals in Moscow, is crucial to understanding Russian politics in transition. It will fascinate scholars, policymakers, and general readers interested in the fate of the KGB.

Histoire de l'Union soviétique de Khrouchtchev à Gorbatchev, 1953-1991
ISBN: 9782130620099 2130620094 Year: 2016 Volume: 3038 Publisher: Paris: PUF,

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BPB1304 --- 947.096 --- Russie --- Histoire --- 947.096 Geschiedenis van Rusland en de Sovjet-Unie: Chroestjow--(1953-1964) --- Geschiedenis van Rusland en de Sovjet-Unie: Chroestjow--(1953-1964) --- Rusland --- Geschiedenis --- Soviet Union --- URSS --- History --- Politics and government --- Politique et gouvernement --- História --- ιστορία --- storja --- histori --- historie --- historia --- história --- история --- stair --- geschiedenis --- történettudomány --- povijest --- zgodovina --- history --- историја --- Geschichtswissenschaft --- storia --- istorija --- ajalugu --- vēsture --- istorie --- Geschichte --- historiografie --- storiografia --- dějiny národů --- historiador --- dějepis --- historická věda --- történelem --- Ryssland --- Rusko --- An Rúis --- Русија --- ir-Russja --- Rusija --- Venäjä --- Ρωσία --- Rusia --- Oroszország --- die Russische Föderation --- Venemaa --- Русия --- Krievija --- Rússia --- Rosja --- Russia --- Russische Föderation --- Venäjän federaatio --- Federata Ruse --- Ruská federace --- Fédération de Russie --- Federacja Rosyjska --- Ruská federácia --- Krievijas Federācija --- Venemaa Föderatsioon --- Russische Federatie --- Russian Federation --- il-Federazzjoni Russa --- Ruska federacija --- Den Russiske Føderation --- Federația Rusă --- Federação Russa --- Federazione russa --- RSFSR --- Ryska federationen --- Orosz Föderáció --- Руска Федерација --- Rußland --- Руска федерация --- Rusijos Federacija --- Federación de Rusia --- Russland

Gazprom : l'arme de la Russie
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782742778584 2742778586 Year: 2008 Publisher: Arles: Actes Sud,

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RU / Russia - Rusland - Russie --- 338.732 --- BPB0902 --- Gaz naturel --- Russie --- Gazprom --- Gas. --- Aardgas --- Rusland --- GazpromGas. --- Ryssland --- Rusko --- An Rúis --- Русија --- ir-Russja --- Rusija --- Venäjä --- Ρωσία --- Rusia --- Oroszország --- die Russische Föderation --- Venemaa --- Русия --- Krievija --- Rússia --- Rosja --- Russia --- Russische Föderation --- Venäjän federaatio --- Federata Ruse --- Ruská federace --- Fédération de Russie --- Federacja Rosyjska --- Ruská federácia --- Krievijas Federācija --- Venemaa Föderatsioon --- Russische Federatie --- Russian Federation --- il-Federazzjoni Russa --- Ruska federacija --- Den Russiske Føderation --- Federația Rusă --- Federação Russa --- Federazione russa --- RSFSR --- Ryska federationen --- Orosz Föderáció --- Руска Федерација --- Rußland --- Руска федерация --- Rusijos Federacija --- Federación de Rusia --- Russland --- zemni plin --- gás natural --- natural gas --- aardgas --- gaz natyror --- naturgas --- zemní plyn --- földgáz --- природни гас --- gass naturali --- φυσικό αέριο --- gaz ziemny --- zemný plyn --- gaze naturale --- природен газ --- gas natural --- земен гас --- maagaas --- maakaasu --- gás nádúrtha --- dabasgāze --- gas naturale --- gamtinės dujos --- Erdgas --- zemeljski plin --- природен гас --- gas naturale di sintesi --- looduslik gaas --- Naturgas --- Gas --- Gas industry - Russia (Federation) --- Gas industry - Government policy - Russia (Federation) --- Energy policy - Russia --- Gas industry --- Energy policy

Et si l'Ukraine libérait la Russie ?
ISBN: 9782021519280 2021519287 Year: 2022 Publisher: Paris Seuil

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Back in the USSR : weerzien met de Russen en hun buren
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789089312464 Year: 2011 Publisher: Gent Borgerhoff & Lamberigts

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Twintig jaar nadat ze erbij waren toen de Sovjet-Unie uiteenviel, keren Jan Balliauw en Stefan Blommaert terug en vragen ze aan de mensen zelf, van hoog tot laag, hoe hun leven veranderd is sinds de val van het communisme. Goed voor een vierdelige en prestigieuze tv-reeks op Canvas (oktober 2011) en voor een boek over hoe Rusland en zijn buurlanden het stellen twintig jaar later en of de mensen nu beter af zijn of niet. Actueel: twintig jaar na de val van de Sovjet-Unie.Bron :


Dutch literature --- Russia --- Russia (Federation) --- Politics and government --- Relations --- Former Soviet republics --- Social conditions --- Nederlandse letterkunde --- Rusland --- Politiek --- Journalistiek --- Politieke geschiedenis --- Politieke Hervormingen --- Actualiteit --- Geschiedenis --- BPB1111 --- Russie --- Postcommunisme --- Communisme --- Komuniżmu --- komunizm --- communisme --- comunismo --- комунизам --- komunisms --- komunizam --- komunizmus --- kommunisme --- komunizmas --- kommunizmus --- komunismus --- kommunism --- kommunismi --- comunism --- komunizëm --- komunizem --- Kommunismus --- κομμουνισμός --- комунизъм --- Communism --- reálný socialismus --- reformní komunismus --- komunistické hnutí --- комунистичка идеологија --- реалсоцијализам --- komunistické učení --- komunistická ideologie --- komunistički režim --- anarchokomunismus --- bolševismus --- postkomuniżmu --- postkomunismus --- post-communism --- postkomunizm --- postcommunisme --- pokomunistično obdobje --- postkommunism --- посткомунизам --- posztkommunizmus --- μετακομμουνισμός --- postkomunisms --- postkomunizmus --- ish-komuniste --- postcomunism --- postkommunisme --- postkomunizam --- посткомунизъм --- postkomunizmas --- pós-comunismo --- postkommunismi --- postcomunismo --- Postkommunismus --- post-komunismus --- poscomunismo --- Ryssland --- Rusko --- An Rúis --- Русија --- ir-Russja --- Rusija --- Venäjä --- Ρωσία --- Rusia --- Oroszország --- die Russische Föderation --- Venemaa --- Русия --- Krievija --- Rússia --- Rosja --- Russische Föderation --- Venäjän federaatio --- Federata Ruse --- Ruská federace --- Fédération de Russie --- Federacja Rosyjska --- Ruská federácia --- Krievijas Federācija --- Venemaa Föderatsioon --- Russische Federatie --- Russian Federation --- il-Federazzjoni Russa --- Ruska federacija --- Den Russiske Føderation --- Federația Rusă --- Federação Russa --- Federazione russa --- RSFSR --- Ryska federationen --- Orosz Föderáció --- Руска Федерација --- Rußland --- Руска федерация --- Rusijos Federacija --- Federación de Rusia --- Russland --- Politieke hervorming --- Geneeskunde --- Techniek (wetenschap) --- Atlas --- Museum --- Maatschappij --- Film --- Reizen --- Ziekte --- Vliegen (werkwoord) --- cumannachas --- iarchumannachas

The constitution of the Russian Federation : a contextual analysis
ISBN: 9781841137841 1841137847 Year: 2011 Publisher: Oxford: Hart,

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Public law. Constitutional law --- Russian Federation --- Constitutional law --- Droit constitutionnel --- Russia (Federation). --- Constitutional history --- BPB1402 --- Constitution --- Russie --- Grondwet --- Rusland --- Russia --- Constitutional history, Modern --- Constitutions --- History --- Ryssland --- Rusko --- An Rúis --- Русија --- ir-Russja --- Rusija --- Venäjä --- Ρωσία --- Rusia --- Oroszország --- die Russische Föderation --- Venemaa --- Русия --- Krievija --- Rússia --- Rosja --- Russische Föderation --- Venäjän federaatio --- Federata Ruse --- Ruská federace --- Fédération de Russie --- Federacja Rosyjska --- Ruská federácia --- Krievijas Federācija --- Venemaa Föderatsioon --- Russische Federatie --- il-Federazzjoni Russa --- Ruska federacija --- Den Russiske Føderation --- Federația Rusă --- Federação Russa --- Federazione russa --- RSFSR --- Ryska federationen --- Orosz Föderáció --- Руска Федерација --- Rußland --- Руска федерация --- Rusijos Federacija --- Federación de Rusia --- Russland --- costituzione --- forfatning --- конституция --- ústava --- grondwet --- författning --- Σύνταγμα --- põhiseadus --- Constitución --- konstitucija --- alkotmány --- ustava --- ustav --- Constituição --- perustuslaki --- konstitūcija --- constitution --- устав --- constituție --- kushtetutë --- konstytucja --- kostituzzjoni --- Verfassung --- costituzione flessibile --- ústavní zákon --- alkotmánytörvény --- costituzione rigida --- konstitucionalismus --- loi constitutionnelle --- lei constitucional --- carta costituzionale --- alkotmányerejű törvény --- constitutionele wet --- Satversme --- ley constitucional --- grundlag --- alaptörvény --- konstitucionālās prasības --- ústavní systém --- forfatningslov --- врховен закон --- θεμελιώδης νόμος --- ley constitutiva --- legge costituzionale --- Verfassungsgesetz --- bunreacht --- Constitutional law - Russia (Federation) --- Constitutional history - Russia (Federation) --- Russie (Fédération de) --- Institutions politiques

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