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Inscriptions runiques --- Inscriptions, Runic --- Inscriptions, Runic. --- Runenschrift. --- Runes --- Runes. --- Runology --- Runology.
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Der Band widmet sich der aktuellen Forschungslage der Altskandinavistik und benachbarter Disziplinen (germanische Sprachwissenschaft, Ur- und Frühgeschichte). Führende internationale Forscherinnen und Forscher der mittelalterlichen Kultur Skandinaviens und des gesamten germanischen Sprachgebietes behandeln in ihren Aufsätzen einzelne Runeninschriften, ihre sprachlichen Inhalte und kulturellen Kontexte, die mittelalterliche Dichtung, insbesondere die Skaldik mit ihren Kenningar, aber auch die eddische und altenglische Dichtung, die altnordische Prosaliteratur sowie die germanischen Einzelsprachen wie Gotisch oder Friesisch. Das Kompendium spiegelt somit auch die große Vielfalt der Themen wider, mit denen Edith Marold, der dieser Band gewidmet ist, sich in ihrer Forschung befasst, und zeugt von der Faszination sprachlicher Rätsel und den Wegen zur ihrer Entschlüsselung.
Inscriptions, Runic --- Runology --- Paleography --- Runic inscriptions --- Inscriptions, Norse --- Runes --- Research. --- Germanic. --- Runes. --- edda. --- skald.
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Runes --- Runes. --- runology --- runes --- runic inscriptions --- linguistics --- archaeology --- Germanic Languages --- Futhark --- Futhorc --- Futhork --- Runic alphabets --- Alphabet --- Paleography --- Inscriptions, Runic
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Wolfgang Krause war einer der Begründer der deutschsprachigen Runologie. Die Runen sind nicht nur sprachhistorische Zeugnisse; ihre Analyse erschließt auch das Alltagsleben. Somit gehört die Runologie zum Nukleus der Kulturwissenschaften am Schnittpunkt Linguistik, Philologie, Archäologie und Geschichte. Hier werden Krauses wichtigste Schriften versammelt. Die Einleitung arbeitet zudem die Relevanz für aktuelle wissenschaftliche Fragen heraus.
Runology. --- Runes. --- Indo-European philology. --- Germanic philology. --- Aryan philology --- Futhark --- Futhorc --- Futhork --- Runic alphabets --- Alphabet --- Paleography --- Inscriptions, Runic --- Central Europe. --- Northern Europe. --- linguistic signs.
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This book presents the first comprehensive study of Anglo-Saxon manuscript texts containing runic letters. To date there has been no comprehensive study of these works in a single volume, although the need for such an examination has long been recognized. This is in spite of a growing academic interest in the mise-en-page of early medieval manuscripts. The texts discussed in this study include Old English riddles and elegies, the Cynewulfian poems, charms, Solomon and Saturn I, and the Old English Rune Poem. The focus of the discussion is on the literary analysis of these texts in their palaeographic and runological contexts. Anglo-Saxon authors and scribes did not, of course, operate within a vacuum, and so these primary texts are considered alongside relevant epigraphic inscriptions, physical objects, and historical documents. Victoria Symons argues that all of these runic works are in various ways thematically focused on acts of writing, visual communication, and the nature of the written word. The conclusion that emerges over the course of the book is that, when encountered in the context of Anglo-Saxon manuscripts, runic letters consistently represent the written word in a way that Roman letters do not.
Inscriptions, English (Old) --- Inscriptions, Runic --- Manuscripts, English (Old) --- Paleography --- Handwriting --- Auxiliary sciences of history --- Writing --- Diplomatics --- Illumination of books and manuscripts --- Manuscripts --- Anglo-Saxon manuscripts --- English manuscripts, Old --- Manuscripts, Anglo-Saxon --- Manuscripts, Old English --- Old English manuscripts --- Runic inscriptions --- Inscriptions, Norse --- Runes --- Anglo-Saxon inscriptions --- English inscriptions, Old --- Inscriptions, Anglo-Saxon --- Inscriptions, Old English --- Old English inscriptions --- History --- Exeter book. --- Codex exoniensis --- Exeterbuch --- Exeter Dean and Chapter MS 3501 --- Cyncewulf. --- Old English. --- Runology. --- script-mixing.
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