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romance studies --- cultural studies --- humanities --- social sciences --- interdisciplinary research
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What distinguishes an adventure novel from a historical novel? Can the same text belong to several genres? More to one than to another? Have some existing genres been overlooked? To answer these and similar questions, José Calvo Tello combines methods from Linguistics (lexicography), Literary Studies (genre theory), and Computer Science (machine learning, natural language processing). Located in the interdisciplinary field of Digital Humanities, this study analyzes a newly developed corpus of 358 Spanish novels of the silver age (1880-1939), which includes authors like Baroja, Pardo Bazán, or Valle-Inclán. Calvo Tello's key result is a graph-based model of literary genre that reconciles recent theoretical approaches.
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Langjährige Unterrichtserfahrung hat das Autorenteam in der Überzeugung bestärkt, dass die effizienteste Form der Heranführung von Studierenden im ersten Semester an die Grundfragen der romanischen Sprachwissenschaft darin besteht, Kenntnisse in den drei Bereichen (1) Arbeitstechniken/Hilfsmittel, (2) Disziplinen der Linguistik und (3) Romanische Sprachen parallel zu entwickeln, weil so theoretische Reflexion und praktische Fertigkeiten organisch miteinander verknüpft werden. 13 aktualisierte Einheiten geben einen konzentrierten Einblick in das Fach. Ganz besonderer Wert wird auf den reichhaltigen Übungsteil gelegt, der u.a. präzise Leseanleitungen für gezielt ausgesuchte Literatur weiterführenden Charakters gibt. This book provides a detailed introduction to Romance linguistics, giving valuable information on 1) working techniques and tools, 2) the sub-disciplines of linguistics, and 3) Romance languages, thus linking theoretical reflection with practical skills. The book is divided into identically structured units (including working techniques, branches of linguistics, and language outlines) that provide a condensed introduction to the field. Particular focus is placed on the extensive exercise section.
Romance languages --- FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY / Romance Languages (Other). --- Linguistics. --- Methodology. --- Romance Studies.
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The Romance languages offer unique potential for empirical analysis and methodological innovation within the vast field of linguistics, due to the survival of a large body of historical documentation, the rich diversity of dialects and languages, and the exceptional quality of the research undertaken to date. However, these same factors have led to an ever-increasing volume of material available for study, requiring the establishment of a shared canonical knowledge base. This companion offers a balanced overview of the core subjects and the methodology which make up the field of Romance linguistics. It provides a solid foundation in the discipline as well as easy and convenient access to highly-specialised areas of research by means of systematic references to the latest handbooks and encyclopedias. The companion is designed to be read from cover to cover or to be consulted for information on specific topics. Advanced students, early-career researchers, lecturers, specialists of other languages, philologists, and historians alike will all benefit from this accessible and up-to-date reference work, as it enables readers to contextualise any knowledge of the discipline they may already possess.
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Dieser Band etabliert das Opernhafte als neuen ästhetischen Grundbegriff, der mediale ebenso wie kulturelle Grenzen überschreitet: Er lässt sich von der Oper ableiten, kommt aber auch in anderen Medien, etwa in der Literatur und im Film, zur Geltung. Die Autorin definiert das mythische Stereotyp »Italien« als vergleichsweise idealen kulturellen Raum, der dem Opernhaften einen großzügigen Spielraum gewährt; zugleich zeigt sie, wie sich das Opernhafte auch innerhalb nicht italienischer Kulturen entfaltet. Eine erhebliche Anziehungskraft übt es z.B. auf deutsche und französische Philosophen und Schriftsteller aus. »Der Reiz von Amodeos Buch liegt in der Zusammenführung bislang isoliert betrachteter Phänomene [...].« Bernhard Jahn, GERMANISTIK, 49/1-2 (2008) Besprochen in: Italienisch. Zeitschrift für italienische Sprache und Literatur, 11 (2008), Sabine Schrader Mitteilungen des Dokumentationszentrums für Librettoforschung, 16/6 (2008) IASLonline, 03.06.2009, Christiane Plank-Baldauf Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift, 61/3 (2011), Daniel Winkler
Media studies --- General Literature Studies. --- Literature. --- Media. --- Musicology. --- Romance Studies. --- Theatre Studies. --- Theatre. --- Oper; Kultur; Italien; Medien; Literatur; Theater; Theaterwissenschaft; Allgemeine Literaturwissenschaft; Musikwissenschaft; Romanistik; Culture; Media; Literature; Theatre; Theatre Studies; General Literature Studies; Musicology; Romance Studies
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After a long period of neglect, emotions have become an important topic within literary studies. This collection of essays stresses the complex link between aesthetic and non-aesthetic emotional components and discusses emotional patterns by focusing on the practice of writing as well as on the impact of such patterns on receptive processes. Readers interested in the topic will be presented with a concept of aesthetic emotions as formative both within the writing and the reading process. Essays, ranging in focus from the beginning of modern drama to digital formats and theoretical questions, examine examples from English, German, French, Russian and American literature. Contributors include Angela Locatelli, Vera Nünning, and Gesine Lenore Schiewer. Besprochen in:, 8 (2017), Jan Süselbeck
Literary studies: general --- Aesthetic. --- British Studies. --- General Literature Studies. --- German Literature. --- Literary Studies. --- Literature. --- Practice. --- Romance Studies. --- Writing. --- Emotion; Literature; Writing; Practice; Aesthetic; General Literature Studies; British Studies; German Literature; Romance Studies; Literary Studies
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After a long period of neglect, emotions have become an important topic within literary studies. This collection of essays stresses the complex link between aesthetic and non-aesthetic emotional components and discusses emotional patterns by focusing on the practice of writing as well as on the impact of such patterns on receptive processes. Readers interested in the topic will be presented with a concept of aesthetic emotions as formative both within the writing and the reading process. Essays, ranging in focus from the beginning of modern drama to digital formats and theoretical questions, examine examples from English, German, French, Russian and American literature. Contributors include Angela Locatelli, Vera Nünning, and Gesine Lenore Schiewer. Besprochen in:, 8 (2017), Jan Süselbeck
Emotion; Literature; Writing; Practice; Aesthetic; General Literature Studies; British Studies; German Literature; Romance Studies; Literary Studies --- Aesthetic. --- British Studies. --- General Literature Studies. --- German Literature. --- Literary Studies. --- Literature. --- Practice. --- Romance Studies. --- Writing.
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romance studies --- linguistics --- literature --- translation --- culture of romance countries --- Romance languages --- Romance philology --- Romance languages. --- Romance philology.
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Die gezielte und sorgfältig dokumentierte Nutzung vorhandener Ressourcen gehört ebenso zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten wie die konsequente Entwicklung eigener Ansätze, die zu neuen Erkenntnissen führen. Im Studium bleibt oft wenig Zeit, diese Fragen ausführlich zu behandeln. Das Arbeitsheft setzt hier daher mit einer Orientierung für die zielgerichtete Auswertung wissenschaftlicher Textsorten und für die Beurteilung ihrer Zitierfähigkeit an. Außerdem wird zur Erarbeitung eigener Texte angeleitet, wie sie im Studium verlangt werden, damit perspektivisch auch größere Forschungsvorhaben gelingen. Dafür wird der Weg von der Themenklärung bis zum fertigen Text bzw. zur fertigen Präsentation nachgezeichnet. Es werden typische Probleme der Erstlingswerke besprochen und die Besonderheit des "Sprechens über Sprache" erläutert.Im zweiten Teil des Arbeitsheftes wird in das Arbeiten mit Sprachzeugnissen eingeführt. Angesichts der leichten Verfügbarkeit von Text- und Tondokumenten wird bereits in frühen Studienphasen die Arbeit mit Primärquellen erwartet. Das Arbeitsheft vermittelt terminologische und methodische Grundkenntnisse der Editionsphilologie, der Erhebung von Sprachdaten und der Arbeit mit Korpora auf Basis von romanistischen Beispielen.
Romance languages --- Romance philology --- Language and languages --- Study and teaching (Higher) --- Academic Research. --- Corpus Linguistics. --- Edition Philology. --- Romance Studies.
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This history of Ladin literature provides for the first time a comprehensive overview of 230 Dolomite-Ladin authors from the beginnings of Ladin literature (17th century) up to contemporary Ladin writing (2012). Each article on the authors contains a detailed biography, a complete catalog of works and a review of the oeuvre based on a representative sample of original texts, also translated into German. This new standard reference of Rhaeto-Romance Studies is completed by introductory chapters on the beginnings and the development of Ladin literature, its genres and themes, the history of research, the presence of Ladin literature in the Ladin-speaking media, the presence of Ladinia in German and Italian literature as well as a name index with as many as 3,000 entries.
Language --- literature --- retoromanistica --- letteratura --- rhaeto-romance studies --- literatur --- kompendium --- rätoromanistik --- ladinien --- zeitgenössische --- literature contemporary --- ladin --- ladinia --- literary creation --- letteratura contemporanea --- schrifttum||||||||||| --- literaturschaffen --- compendio --- compendium
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