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Rétorika : manuál komunikačních dovedností
ISBN: 808641910X 9788086419107 Year: 2001 Publisher: Praha : Professional Publishing,

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Zlatostruj : starob"lgarski homiletičen svod, săzdaden po iniciativa na b"lgarskiâ car Simeon : tekstologičesko i izvorovedsko izsledvane
ISBN: 9789549704310 9549704319 Year: 2013 Publisher: Sofiâ: Avalon,

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Zlatostruy (Chrysorrhoas) is the name of an Old Slavonic collection of Chrysostomian homilies, which was compiled in the first quarter of the 10th c. by the commission of the Bulgarian Tsar Simeon (893-927). It had a huge importance for recently baptized Bulgarian people; moreover the Slavic compilers have selected primarily works and excerpts concerning universal principles of human relations and way of life. Thus listeners in church or readers in monasteries received through it instructions on issues related to Christian virtues, which comprised not only of sophisticated dogmatic and rhetorical mastery, but mostly of examples from everyday life and basic topics such as mercy, sympathy, continence, repentance, denial of material goods and pursuit of spiritual values. The content of the initial collection and its influence on literature from the tenth century may be determined - because it has not reached us in its original entirety - by comparing collections that have used it as a source. This is precisely one of the objectives of the study of Y. Miltenov. The author combines several approaches, which are complementary to one another - working with manuscript sources, their text-critical juxtaposition, study of the history of each of the nearly 200 texts, which constitute the corpus, comparison with their Byzantine sources. In this sense, the book represents an innovative and, at the same time, complex and complete investigation. Its results would be used by scholars from several disciplines (Slavic studies, Byzantine studies, linguistics, medieval literature, history, cultural anthropology), and by wide range of non-academics, who are interested in the Preslav civilization. The Slavonic Chrysostomian corpus, as Miltenov’s study demostrates, records an important information on both the adoption of centuries-long Christian philosophical tradition among the Bulgarians and on the transformation of this heritage into a different, independent tradition of its own through the compiling of new texts and new collections. All these processes are bound up with the state policy in the field of culture, which includes personal commitment and initiative of the ruler, formation of authoritative royal book collection as source for the monastery libraries, gathering together highly educated men of letters, intentional collection and selection of Byzantine literary monuments. The repercussions of this cultural policy reach - through miscellanies of stable content or copies of individual texts - Athos, Serbia, Ukraine, Russia, and cover 10th-18th c. The analysis of these processes, examined in their development, details and wider context, is one of the great merits of Miltenov’s research.

The rhetorical foundations of society
ISBN: 9781781681701 9781781681718 1781681708 1781681716 Year: 2014 Publisher: London ; Brooklyn, NY : Verso,

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"The essays collected in this volume develop the theoretical perspective initiated in Laclau and Mouffe's classic "Hegemony and Socialist Strategy", taking it in three principal directions. First, this book explores the specificity of social antagonisms and answers the question "What is an antagonistic relation?"--an issue which has become increasingly crucial in our globalized world, where the proliferation of conflicts and points of rupture is eroding their links to the social subjects postulated by classical social analysis. This leads Laclau to a second line of questioning: What is the ontological terrain that allows us to understand the nature of social relations in our heterogeneous world?" This is a task he addresses with theoretical instruments drawn from analytical philosophy and from the phenomenological and structuralist traditions. Finally, central to the argument of the book is the basic role attributed to rhetorical tropes--metaphor, metonymy, catachresis--in shaping the "non-foundational" grounds of society"--

Janez Ludvik Schönleben (1618–1681) : Oris življenja in dela
ISBN: 9610504167 9610500099 Year: 2017 Publisher: Ljubljana ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC

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This volume ('Johann Ludwig Schönleben (1618–1681): A description of his life and work') features the first fundamental research on Johann Ludwig Schönleben (1618–1681), an important Carniolan historian, preacher, theologian, and polymath, who despite his greatness and importance for the Slovenian and wider European environment has not yet been comprehensively studied. It presents his life in detail, explaining many aspects of his life that have been unknown or poorly known up to now. The biographical part is followed by an overview of Schönleben’s entire oeuvre, which includes all of his printed and manuscript writings discovered so far, either preserved or unpreserved. The last two chapters focus on Schönleben’s historiographic and rhetorical or preaching works, placing his most important printed works in these two areas at the forefront, but also taking into account his extensive manuscript material. This volume provides an evaluation of Schönleben as a historian and preacher, and draws attention to the important transitional role he played in these two areas (influencing the works of his successors Johann Weikhard von Valvasor, Johann Gregor Thalnitscher, Tobia Lionelli, and Jernej Basar). Monografija prinaša prvo temeljno raziskavo o Janezu Ludviku Schönlebnu (1618–1681), pomembnem kranjskem zgodovinarju, pridigarju, teologu in polihistorju, ki kljub svoji veličini in pomembnosti za slovenski in širši evropski prostor do sedaj še ni bil deležen celostne obravnave. Podrobno predstavlja njegovo življenjsko pot in pojasnjuje mnoge vidike njegovega življenja, ki so bili doslej neznani ali slabo poznani. Biografskemu delu sledi pregled celotnega Schönlebnovega opusa, v katerem so zbrani vsi njegovi doslej odkriti natisnjeni in rokopisni, ohranjeni in neohranjeni spisi. Zadnja dva vsebinska sklopa monografije se osredotočata na Schönlebnov zgodovinopisni in govorniški ter pridigarski opus. V ospredju prikaza so njegova najpomembnejša natisnjena dela z omenjenih dveh področij, upoštevano pa je tudi obsežno rokopisno gradivo. Monografija prinaša oceno Schönlebna kot zgodovinarja in pridigarja ter opozarja na pomembno prehodno vlogo (J. V. Valvasor, J. G. Dolničar, J. Svetokriški, J. Basar), ki jo je odigral na obeh področjih.

La régulation des contenus haineux sur les réseaux sociaux
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9782807210226 2807210228 Year: 2022 Publisher: Limal Anthemis

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Pour beaucoup, les réseaux sociaux sont devenus « une machine à outrage » qui rend la vie en ligne beaucoup plus polarisée et plus susceptible d’inciter aux mécanismes de promotion personnelle par l’humiliation et la haine des autres. Le sentiment d’impunité qu’induit l’anonymat en ligne – réel ou fantasmé – encourage sur la toile des comportements déviants, dont les discours de haine, qui n’avaient jamais connu un tel retentissement dans « la vraie vie ».Même si d’autres expressions en ligne posent problème, il nous a semblé pertinent de centrer notre propos sur les contenus haineux dont la prolifération, eu égard aux dommages et aux souffrances qu’ils causent, n’est plus tolérable.Se pose dès lors la question de leur régulation.Au-delà de la complexité à cerner les contours précis du « discours de haine », cette régulation présente diverses difficultés. Notamment, celles liées à l’identification des auteurs. Ceux-ci trouveront, dans l’anonymat et dans les règles protectrices de la vie privée, d’utiles moyens pour échapper à la mise en cause de leur responsabilité. D’autres difficultés se déduisent de la nécessité essentielle de préserver la liberté d’expression des internautes qui vaut aussi et surtout pour les propos qui « heurtent, choquent ou inquiètent ».L’expression écrite d’une opinion, lorsqu’elle est constitutive d’un délit, relève en Belgique du régime spécifique du « délit de presse » et donc de la compétence du jury d’assises. L’écrit numérique n’en est pas exclu. Il s’impose aujourd’hui de s’interroger sur la pertinence de ce régime spécifique pour juger les contenus haineux, au regard notamment des objectifs poursuivis par la mise en place de ce « privilège de juridiction » et de la nécessité sociale à réprimer ces dérives de l’expression.Enfin, se pose la question de la responsabilité des gestionnaires des plateformes en ligne dont le design et les algorithmes favorisent la propagation des contenus haineux.Ce sont toutes ces délicates questions, et bien d’autres encore, qui sont abordées dans le présent ouvrage.


Human rights --- Industrial and intellectual property --- mediarecht --- sociale media --- vrijheid van meningsuiting --- internet --- Belgique --- BPB2302 --- médias sociaux --- discours haineux --- 690 Media, mediarecht --- 696.2 Sociale media --- hate speech --- 696.1 Internet --- vihapuhe --- nenávistné prejavy --- gyűlöletbeszéd --- sovražni govor --- Hetze --- vihakõne --- слово на омразата --- naida runa --- govor mržnje --- diskors ta’ mibegħda --- nenávistné verbální projevy --- neapykantos kalba --- discurso de odio --- hadefuld tale --- discorso di odio --- nawoływanie do nienawiści --- discurs de incitare la ură --- hets --- haatpropaganda --- discurso de incitamento ao ódio --- ρητορική μίσους --- Online-Hetze --- discours de haine --- nenávistné verbální projevy online --- verkkovihapuhe --- had på internettet --- hadefuld tale på internettet --- слово на омразата онлайн --- gyűlöletkeltés --- discurs al urii --- spletni sovražni govor --- discorso di odio online --- verkossa esiintyvä vihapuhe --- vaenu õhutamine --- nenávistné prejavy online --- diskors ta’ mibegħda online --- odio online --- discurso de odio en red --- kibernaids --- hate discourse --- discurs de incitare la ură în mediul online --- cyberhaine --- nenávistný prejav --- ură cibernetică --- nenávistné chování na internetu --- vihakeskustelu --- kibernetsko sovraštvo --- discours haineux en ligne --- online hate speech --- govor mržnje na internetu --- mensaje de odio --- neapykantos kurstymas internete --- cyberhaat --- hatspråk --- κυβερνομίσος --- kyberviha --- hadefulde meningsudgydelser --- ċibermibegħda --- Hassrede --- омраза в интернет --- hattal --- discurso de ódio em linha --- neapykantos kurstymas elektroninėje erdvėje --- online gyűlöletbeszéd --- cyberhate --- hatpropaganda --- Cyber-Hass --- vaenukõne --- projevy nenávisti --- ciberódio --- nenávisť na internete --- μισαλλόδοξος λόγος --- naidīgi izteikumi tiešsaistē --- nienawistne wypowiedzi --- sovražni diskurz --- näthat --- naidīgi izteikumi --- ciberodio --- online haatpropaganda --- haatzaaiende uitlating --- neapykantos retorika --- kibergyűlölet --- διαδικτυακή ρητορική μίσους --- hets mot folkgrupp --- sociální média --- обществени медии --- друштвени медиуми --- soziale Medien --- medios sociales --- družbeni mediji --- sociālie mediji --- media sociais --- sosiaalisen median väline --- media społecznościowe --- na meáin shóisialta --- sociala medier --- sociale medier --- social media --- közösségi média --- μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης --- društveni mediji --- sotsiaalmeedia --- sociálne médiá --- media soċjali --- media sociali --- mijloace de comunicare sociale --- socialinė žiniasklaida --- mjetet e komunikimit social --- друштвени медији --- social network --- дружбени медиуми --- média social --- platformă (de comunicare) socială --- réseaux sociaux --- midja soċjali --- mezzi ta' komunikazzjoni soċjali --- sociālie plašsaziņas līdzekļi --- suhtlusmeedia --- ühismeedia --- sociální médium --- socialiniai tinklai --- rede social --- media sociale --- μέσο κοινωνικής δικτύωσης --- réseau social --- platforma społecznościowa --- Social Media --- družbeni medij --- medium soċjali --- socialt netværk --- sociálne médium --- redes sociales --- друштвена мрежа --- mezzi tax-xandir soċjali --- közösségi médium --- социјални медиуми --- social medium --- обществена медия --- социална мрежа --- sosiaalinen media --- медиуми за општење --- redes sociais --- Réseaux sociaux (Internet) --- Discours de haine. --- Responsabilité. --- Identité numérique --- Anonymat. --- Liberté d'expression. --- Droit.

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