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Great Meetings Build Great Teams : A Guide for Project Leaders and Agilists.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1637424760 Year: 2023 Publisher: New York : Business Expert Press,

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Want happier, more successful project teams? Better-run meetings will help get you there. Project leaders are get it done people, so we often dislike, avoid, and/or fail to properly plan meetings. This practical guide to facilitating project meetings and building cohesive teams will enable youto make your sessions more productive!

Shaping the futures of work : proactive governance and millennials
ISBN: 0228010055 0228010063 Year: 2021 Publisher: Montreal, Quebec : McGill-Queen's University Press,

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Shaping the Futures of Work explores the impact of technological innovations on employment for millennials and professionals globally. In a flux society, what counts as a technological skill is always changing. Through a sociological study of Singaporean millennials, Raghunath suggests thriving through flux requires collaboration and proactive governance.

The future of the office : work from home, remote work, and the hard choices we all face
ISBN: 1613631367 1613631537 Year: 2021 Publisher: Philadelphia, PA : Wharton School Press,

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In a prescient new book, The Future of the Office: The Hard Choices We All Face on Working from Home and Remote Work, Wharton professor Peter Cappelli lays out the facts in an effort to provide both employees and employers with a vision of their futures. Cappelli unveils the surprising tradeoffs both may have to accept to get what they want.

Pandemic Trade : Covid-19, Remote Work and Global Value Chains
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This paper studies the trade effects of Covid-19 using monthly disaggregated trade data for 28 countries and multiple trading partners from the beginning of the pandemic to June 2020. Regression results based on a sector-level gravity model show that the negative trade effects induced by Covid-19 shocks varied widely across sectors. Sectors more amenable to remote work contracted less throughout the pandemic. Importantly, participation in global value chains increased traders' vulnerability to shocks suffered by trading partners, but it also reduced their vulnerability to domestic shocks.

Die Arbeit hat das Gebäude verlassen : Wie sich unsere Zusammenarbeit nach dem Corona-Kulturschock ändert.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3969105757 Year: 2021 Publisher: Heidelberg : dpunkt.verlag,

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Long description: Erkenntnisse und Tipps für die Zusammenarbeit und (Neu-)Definition der Unternehmenskultur Leitfaden für den Umgang mit der neuen Normalität Wertvolle Perspektiven auf kulturelle Veränderung als Chance für Unternehmen Anschaulich, praxisnah und spannend geschrieben Voller interessanter Überlegungen, Einsichten und Gedanken Jitske Kramer beschreibt in ihrem Buch aus einer anthropologischen Sicht die Auswirkungen eines durch die Corona-Pandemie ausgelösten kollektiven Kulturschocks auf das Arbeitsleben. Gewohnte Routinen sind verschwunden und Unsicherheit sowie die Notwendigkeit, sich ständig anzupassen und zu verändern, sind an ihre Stelle getreten.Wie kann eine Unternehmenskultur an diesen neuen Kontext anpasst werden? Wie wird ein Team remote gesteuert? Wie wird die Verbindung im Team aufrechterhalten, wenn man sich nur digital treffen kann? Wie sorgt man dafür, dass niemand vereinsamt oder unter der Arbeitslast zusammenbricht? Befinden wir uns in einer Krise oder einer Transformation?Das Buch bietet praxisorientierte Antworten auf diese Fragen. Es ist voller wertvoller Perspektiven und eingängiger Tipps, um in dieser schwierigen Zeit nach vorn zu schauen und die Veränderung als Chance zu sehen. Biographical note: Jitske Kramer ist Kulturanthropologin, Unternehmerin und Autorin. Sie erforscht Wege zum Aufbau von Corporate Tribes und zur Stärkung gegenseitiger Beziehungen. Sie überträgt dieses Wissen in die Welt der Organisation, Kollaboration und Führung, um die Effektivität und die Ergebnisse von Einzelpersonen und Gruppen zu verbessern.ÜbersetzerRolf Dräther arbeitet freiberuflich als Berater, Coach und Übersetzer. Dabei ist für ihn Freude bei der Arbeit ein zentraler Erfolgsfaktor und besonderes Anliegen.

Überleben in der neuen Arbeitswelt : Desk Sharing, Open Space, Mobiles Arbeiten & Co.; Survival Guide für Manager und Mitarbeiter.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3961861730 Year: 2020 Publisher: Regensburg : Walhalla Fachverlag,

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Long description: Den drastischen Umbruch zu New Work meistern – so geht’s! New Work hält überall Einzug mit offenen, flexiblen Raum- und Arbeitskonzepten, orts- und zeitungebundener Zusammenarbeit in verteilten Teams und vermehrter Homeoffice-Arbeit. Was einerseits enorme Innovations- und Einsparpotenziale verspricht, birgt andererseits Risiken wie HR-Probleme, Gesundheitsbelastungen und Produktivitätseinbußen. Die disruptiven Veränderungen führen zu Umstellungsdruck und Unsicherheiten bei den Mitarbeitern, müssen sie sich doch auf den Verlust ihres eigenen Schreibtisches und das Auseinanderdriften der „Bürofamilie“ einstellen, komplett digitale, virtuelle Prozesse beherrschen lernen und sich den ständigen Änderungen anpassen. Die Hauptlast tragen dabei die Führungskräfte, Teamleiter und Personalverantwortliche – in ihrer Sandwichposition zwischen hohen Unternehmenszielen und heterogenen Mitarbeiteransprüchen. Mit Fachwissen und Humor analysieren die Autorinnen die Veränderungen auf allen Ebenen. In diesem modular aufgebauten Ratgeber geben sie Führungskräften ein „Survival Kit“ mit erkenntnisreichen Selbsttests und Praxistipps für jede Stufe der Transformation an die Hand – von der Neuorientierung über die Eigenmotivation und Homeoffice-Organisation bis zu Teambuilding und neuem gesunden Führen. Biographical note: Ingrid Britz-Averkamp hat nach dem Hochschulstudium der Sprach- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften internationale Fach- und Managementerfahrung in IKT- und Consultingunternehmen gesammelt. Daneben hat sie ihre eigene Kommunikationsberatung im Hightech-Markt gegründet und erfolgreich länderübergreifend ausgebaut. Ihre Expertise im Bereich Geschäftsleitung, Personalführung und Transformationsprozesse fließt in ihre Sachbücher und Workshops ein: Die umwälzenden Veränderungen in der digitalen Arbeits- und Lebenswelt für mehr Geschäftserfolg und Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit umzugestalten, ist die Zielsetzung des workisfaction Beratungskonzepts. Christine Eich-Fangmeier kann als diplomierte Informatikerin und Senior HR-Expertin auf Erfahrungen in der strategischen Personalabteilung eines Versicherungskonzerns zurückgreifen. Sie kennt die Herausforderungen von New Work von beiden Seiten (Arbeitgeber- und Arbeitnehmersicht). Mithilfe von Ratgebern, Coachings und Workshops unterstützt sie Führungskräfte und Mitarbeiter, den Wandel in die neue Arbeitswelt zu meistern und sich daraus ergebende Chancen zu nutzen. Und das ist die workisfaction-Idee: Wer besser klarkommt, hat einfach mehr von der Arbeit. Mehr Erfolg, mehr Anerkennung, mehr Spaß.

Land Perspectives: People, Tenure, Planning, Tools, Space, and Health
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Good land administration and spatial enablement help to improve people’s living conditions in urban, peri-urban, and rural areas. They protect people’s land rights (including of individuals, communities, and the state) through good governance principles and practices. This makes research concerning land administration practices and geographic (spatial) sciences—whether in developed or developing countries—essential to developing tools or methods for securing natural resource rights for people. In the time of COVID-19, understanding the land and health or wellbeing nexus is also crucial for adequate living conditions for people in living urban, peri-urban, and rural areas. This Special Issue comprises 15 articles (including the editorial) that present insights on theories and practices on land administration and geographic (spatial) sciences in the context of land/water/forest–people–health–wellbeing nexus.


urban land --- urban cadaster --- performance evaluation --- land management --- Ethiopia --- women empowerment --- sustainable local development --- food-handling sector --- horticultural sector --- land dispute --- customary land tenure --- statutory land tenure --- tenure security --- Ghana --- sub-Saharan Africa --- new-type urbanization --- rural revitalization --- urban bias --- integration --- urban–rural relation --- research framework --- health --- urban health --- land tenure --- urban planning --- social determinants --- land tenure security and health nexus --- environmental justice --- land use --- rural development --- rural land use --- remote work --- coworking spaces --- digitization --- urban-rural divide --- town center revitalization --- cadastral system --- cadastral information --- institutional merger --- land right --- institutions --- values-led approaches --- values --- methodology --- land-use --- spatial planning --- land administration --- values-led planning --- spatial development --- land use change --- urbanization --- environmental pollution --- health risks --- agricultural land transition --- groundnut basin --- Senegal --- dispute resolution --- peri-urban --- geographical indication --- agrarian systems --- economic sociology --- cultural hegemony --- agri-food complexity --- critical theory --- market transition --- urban housing --- time factor --- resource allocation --- land register --- digitalization --- standardization --- service delivery --- governance --- structural equation model --- n/a --- urban-rural relation

Land Perspectives: People, Tenure, Planning, Tools, Space, and Health
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Good land administration and spatial enablement help to improve people’s living conditions in urban, peri-urban, and rural areas. They protect people’s land rights (including of individuals, communities, and the state) through good governance principles and practices. This makes research concerning land administration practices and geographic (spatial) sciences—whether in developed or developing countries—essential to developing tools or methods for securing natural resource rights for people. In the time of COVID-19, understanding the land and health or wellbeing nexus is also crucial for adequate living conditions for people in living urban, peri-urban, and rural areas. This Special Issue comprises 15 articles (including the editorial) that present insights on theories and practices on land administration and geographic (spatial) sciences in the context of land/water/forest–people–health–wellbeing nexus.


Technology: general issues --- History of engineering & technology --- urban land --- urban cadaster --- performance evaluation --- land management --- Ethiopia --- women empowerment --- sustainable local development --- food-handling sector --- horticultural sector --- land dispute --- customary land tenure --- statutory land tenure --- tenure security --- Ghana --- sub-Saharan Africa --- new-type urbanization --- rural revitalization --- urban bias --- integration --- urban-rural relation --- research framework --- health --- urban health --- land tenure --- urban planning --- social determinants --- land tenure security and health nexus --- environmental justice --- land use --- rural development --- rural land use --- remote work --- coworking spaces --- digitization --- urban-rural divide --- town center revitalization --- cadastral system --- cadastral information --- institutional merger --- land right --- institutions --- values-led approaches --- values --- methodology --- land-use --- spatial planning --- land administration --- values-led planning --- spatial development --- land use change --- urbanization --- environmental pollution --- health risks --- agricultural land transition --- groundnut basin --- Senegal --- dispute resolution --- peri-urban --- geographical indication --- agrarian systems --- economic sociology --- cultural hegemony --- agri-food complexity --- critical theory --- market transition --- urban housing --- time factor --- resource allocation --- land register --- digitalization --- standardization --- service delivery --- governance --- structural equation model

Emerging Issues in Occupational Health Psychology
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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This book compiles the cutting-edge research published in the Special Issue “Emerging Issues in Occupational Health Psychology” (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health). The articles included in this book use strong and innovative theoretical approaches to provide evidence regarding the importance of working characteristics and resources to promote healthier and more sustainable environments in which employees can be happy and productive.


Psychology --- coronary artery disease --- mental exertion --- physical performance --- psychometric properties --- multidimensional fatigue inventory --- fatigue --- reliability and validity --- rehabilitation --- kindergarten teacher --- mindfulness --- emotional intelligence (EI) --- psychological distress --- anxiety --- depression --- emergency --- healthcare workers --- infectious disease --- insomnia --- logistic regression --- organizational justice --- SARS-CoV-2 --- sleep --- biological sex --- gender diversity --- masculinity traits --- femininity traits --- work and family demands --- work and family conflict --- Chinese culture --- systematic review --- occupational trauma --- posttraumatic stress disorder --- occupational accident --- occupational disease --- job crafting --- work engagement --- perceived work group member status diversity --- creativity --- diary study --- work ability --- gender --- age --- occupational risk --- mediation --- entrepreneurial team --- environmental dynamism --- individual innovation --- uncertainty reduction theory --- information exchange behavior --- psychological wellbeing --- proactive performance --- leader-member exchange --- team-member exchange --- job characteristics --- paradoxical leadership --- career resilience --- task performance --- self-regulation theory --- perceived green HRM --- green psychological climate --- harmonious environmental passion --- voluntary workplace green behavior --- green creativity --- employee well-being --- work stress --- latent profiles --- biomarkers --- hormones --- cortisol --- glycemia --- presenteeism --- productivity --- mental health --- technostress --- education --- dark side --- information overload --- skepticism --- inefficacy --- confirmatory factor analysis --- affective events --- sensitization-satiation effects --- job demands-resources model --- experience sampling --- growth curve modeling --- work adjustment --- remote work --- structural factors --- relational factors --- contextual factors --- COVID-19 pandemic --- COVID-19 --- PTSD --- pattern --- intrusion --- hyperarousal --- avoidance --- interpersonal conflict --- burnout --- job satisfaction --- service quality --- work-unit performance --- tourism and hospitality --- occupational health and well-being --- emotional demands --- workload --- role ambiguity --- multilevel modeling --- psychosocial workplace factors --- organizational health --- healthy leadership --- workplace health promotion --- qualitative study --- trauma --- growth --- psychological health --- workers’ wellbeing --- occupational health and safety --- n/a --- workers' wellbeing

Emerging Issues in Occupational Health Psychology
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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This book compiles the cutting-edge research published in the Special Issue “Emerging Issues in Occupational Health Psychology” (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health). The articles included in this book use strong and innovative theoretical approaches to provide evidence regarding the importance of working characteristics and resources to promote healthier and more sustainable environments in which employees can be happy and productive.


coronary artery disease --- mental exertion --- physical performance --- psychometric properties --- multidimensional fatigue inventory --- fatigue --- reliability and validity --- rehabilitation --- kindergarten teacher --- mindfulness --- emotional intelligence (EI) --- psychological distress --- anxiety --- depression --- emergency --- healthcare workers --- infectious disease --- insomnia --- logistic regression --- organizational justice --- SARS-CoV-2 --- sleep --- biological sex --- gender diversity --- masculinity traits --- femininity traits --- work and family demands --- work and family conflict --- Chinese culture --- systematic review --- occupational trauma --- posttraumatic stress disorder --- occupational accident --- occupational disease --- job crafting --- work engagement --- perceived work group member status diversity --- creativity --- diary study --- work ability --- gender --- age --- occupational risk --- mediation --- entrepreneurial team --- environmental dynamism --- individual innovation --- uncertainty reduction theory --- information exchange behavior --- psychological wellbeing --- proactive performance --- leader-member exchange --- team-member exchange --- job characteristics --- paradoxical leadership --- career resilience --- task performance --- self-regulation theory --- perceived green HRM --- green psychological climate --- harmonious environmental passion --- voluntary workplace green behavior --- green creativity --- employee well-being --- work stress --- latent profiles --- biomarkers --- hormones --- cortisol --- glycemia --- presenteeism --- productivity --- mental health --- technostress --- education --- dark side --- information overload --- skepticism --- inefficacy --- confirmatory factor analysis --- affective events --- sensitization-satiation effects --- job demands-resources model --- experience sampling --- growth curve modeling --- work adjustment --- remote work --- structural factors --- relational factors --- contextual factors --- COVID-19 pandemic --- COVID-19 --- PTSD --- pattern --- intrusion --- hyperarousal --- avoidance --- interpersonal conflict --- burnout --- job satisfaction --- service quality --- work-unit performance --- tourism and hospitality --- occupational health and well-being --- emotional demands --- workload --- role ambiguity --- multilevel modeling --- psychosocial workplace factors --- organizational health --- healthy leadership --- workplace health promotion --- qualitative study --- trauma --- growth --- psychological health --- workers’ wellbeing --- occupational health and safety --- n/a --- workers' wellbeing

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