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Mystizismus. --- Reliquie. --- Schwert. --- Weltherrschaft. --- Weltkrieg (1939-1945). --- Konstantin --- Ahnenerbe e.V. --- Niš.
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To obtain sacred relics, medieval monks plundered tombs, avaricious merchants raided churches, and relic-mongers scoured the Roman catacombs. In a revised edition of Furta Sacra, Patrick Geary considers the social and cultural context for these acts, asking how the relics were perceived and why the thefts met with the approval of medieval Christians.
Theft of relics --- Social history --- Antiquities --- Diebstahl. --- Europe. --- Relikwieën. --- Reliquie. --- Theft --- History. --- Criminology. Victimology --- Christian special devotions --- anno 500-1499 --- Europe --- Theft of relics - Europe. --- Social history - Medieval, 500-1500. --- Reliques (Vols de) --- Vols de reliques
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I miracoli arrivano all'improvviso, come un fulmine a ciel sereno. La liquefazione del sangue di san Gennaro si ripete invece da secoli in occorrenze precise. «Nessuna legge naturale è in grado di spiegare un fenomeno che si verifichi soltanto in date liturgicamente significative» è stato detto. Eppure de Ceglia dimostra che nel Medioevo il sangue di san Gennaro era inteso come una sostanza semplicemente instabile e ricostruisce le vicende che hanno conferito alle sue liquefazioni l'euritmia che le rende cosí celebri. «I capricci non piacciono a nessuno. Davanti a comportamenti refrattari a ogni norma, all'inizio l'entusiasmo è incontenibile, poi i fedeli si stancano di un oggetto che, senza una chiara ragione, ora è in un modo ora in un altro, cosí lo abbandonano smorzandone gli slanci vitali. Ecco perché quel sangue non avrebbe potuto godere a lungo della libertà di gorgogliare come e quando desiderasse, trovandosi invece nella condizione di dover acquisire una forma: un modo di manifestarsi, cioè, cosí peculiare da renderlo unico nell'orbe cristiano». La liquefazione periodica del sangue di san Gennaro non è ufficialmente riconosciuta come miracolosa dalla Chiesa cattolica, che piú cautamente ora parla di prodigio. Ma il fenomeno è stato per secoli chiamato miracolo in testi liturgici approvati dall'autorità ecclesiastica e in discorsi di vescovi, cardinali, papi e santi. L'Inquisizione ha inoltre sottoposto a formali processi coloro che lo hanno attribuito a cause naturali. La questione del riconoscimento ufficiale, se ha un senso per gli ultimi cinquant'anni, ne ha dunque tanto meno quanto piú ci si spinga indietro nel tempo. Perché quel mutare in determinate circostanze fu di fatto considerato un miracolo ed è questo ciò che interessa allo storico. Come si può però far storia naturale di qualcosa che per definizione supera l'ordine del creato? La ricostruzione che qui si abbozza non si interroga sul miracolo in sé, bensí sulla cultura che lo ha identificato come tale. Obiettivo di questo lavoro è infatti ripercorrere in chiave antropologica gli sforzi compiuti da uomini e donne del passato per concettualizzare un fenomeno complesso e sfuggevole. Il miracolo di san Gennaro assurge cosí a punto di osservazione privilegiato da cui ripercorrere non solo la storia di Napoli, ma anche e soprattutto l'evoluzione della mentalità di chi, persino in terre assai lontane, con quell'appuntamento periodico si è nel tempo confrontato. E consente di delineare una storia della meraviglia e della sua funzione conoscitiva. Un racconto di cuori che battono all'impazzata, di mani che pregano e di gole riarse dalle incessanti giaculatorie. Ma anche di occhi che scrutano alla ricerca di un senso. O semplicemente di un perché.
Blut --- Heiligenverehrung --- Prozession --- Reliquie --- Reliquienkult --- Wunder --- Miracles --- Januarius, --- Januarius --- Cult --- San Gennaro --- Naples (Italy) --- Naples (Italie) --- Religious life and customs. --- Vie religieuse --- Religious life and customs --- Miracles - Italy - Naples --- Ianuarius ep. Beneventanus m. Puteolis --- Sanguis liquefactio --- Januarius, - Saint, Bishop of Benevento, - -305 - Cult - Italy - Naples --- Naples (Italy) - Religious life and customs --- Sanguinis liquefactio --- Januarius, - Saint, Bishop of Benevento, - -305
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Relics --- Reliquaries --- Christian art and symbolism --- Christian saints --- Buddhist saints --- Reliques --- Reliquaires --- Art et symbolisme chrétiens --- Saints chrétiens --- Saints bouddhistes --- Exhibitions. --- Cult --- Expositions --- Culte --- Ausstellung. --- Frömmigkeit. --- Heiligenverering. --- Kunst. --- Relics. --- Relikwieën. --- Reliquaries. --- Reliquiar. --- Reliquie. --- Reliquienkult. --- Cult. --- Geschichte 500-1500. --- Christian special devotions --- Art --- relics --- anno 500-1499
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Die Frage nach der Dialektik der Säkularisierung und nach den Formen des Fortlebens des Religiösen in der Moderne ist im Zuge des aktuellen ›religious turn‹ virulenter denn je. Mario Grizelj zeichnet die Genese dieses Fortlebens in einer Studie zum 18. und 19. Jahrhundert nach. Spezifische Formen von Religiosität (Wunder, Stigmata, Reliquien, die Eucharistiefeier und die mystische Rede) sind Prägeformen dessen, was wir ab dem 18. Jahrhundert als moderne Literatur verstehen. In der Aneignung medialer, semiotischer, ästhetisch-technischer und rhetorischer Verfahren, wie sie Religion ausgebildet hat, konstituiert sich Literatur als moderne Literatur. Dabei zeigt sich, dass die Darstellung des Unbestimmten, Uneindeutigen und Überdeterminierten das Kernproblem von sowohl Literatur als auch Religion ist und dass damit beide auf der Formebene ko-existieren.
Literatur. --- Religion. --- Religion et littérature. --- 82:2 --- 82:2 Literatuur en godsdienst --- Literatuur en godsdienst --- German literature --- Religion in literature. --- Miracles in literature. --- Religion in drama --- Religion in poetry --- Young Germany --- History and criticism. --- 18. Jahrhundert --- Aufklärung --- Eucharistie --- Kultur --- Moderne --- Mystik --- religious turn --- Ästhetik --- Romantik --- Reliquie
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"Paul Theks Werkgruppe der 'Technological Reliquaries' rekurriert auf die Bildsprache von Reliquie und Reliquiar, bricht aber mit deren traditioneller Gestaltungsform. Die künstlerische Bedeutungsverschiebung ist aufschlussreich für ein zeitgemäßes theologisches Verständnis der Reliquienverehrung. Der US-amerikanische Künstler Paul Thek (1933-1988) stellt seine Werke in die Rezeptionsgeschichte der christlichen Reliquientradition. Die Werke gestalten die Verflechtung von Bild und Körper neu und bringen dadurch die aktuellen Körper- und Bilddiskurse von Theologie und Kunst miteinander ins Gespräch. Die Kunstwerke zeigen sich als fruchtbar für das theologische Nachdenken über Reliquie und Reliquiar, ebenso wie die theologische Perspektive zu einem vielschichtigen Verständnis der Werke Paul Theks beiträgt"--Back cover.
Reliquaries in art. --- Artists --- Thek, Paul --- Criticism and interpretation. --- 291.336 --- 246.6 --- "">73 "19" <09> --- 264-052 --- 264-052 Verering van relikwieën --- Verering van relikwieën --- Beeldhouwkunst. Sculptuur--20e eeuw. Periode 1900-1999--Geschiedenis van ..."">73 "19" <09> Beeldhouwkunst. Sculptuur--20e eeuw. Periode 1900-1999--Geschiedenis van ... --- Beeldhouwkunst. Sculptuur--20e eeuw. Periode 1900-1999--Geschiedenis van ... --- 246.6 Symbolisme in de christelijke kunst --- Symbolisme in de christelijke kunst --- 291.336 Relikwieën --- Relikwieën --- Beeldhouwkunst. Sculptuur--20e eeuw. Periode 1900-1999--Geschiedenis van .. --- Beeldhouwkunst. Sculptuur--20e eeuw. Periode 1900-1999--Geschiedenis van . --- Beeldhouwkunst. Sculptuur--20e eeuw. Periode 1900-1999--Geschiedenis van --- body --- Bildtheologie --- Heiligenverehrung --- image --- individuelle Mythologien --- Körper --- memories --- relic --- reliquary --- Reliquiar --- Reliquie --- sphere --- Sphäre --- veneration of saints --- Erinnerung --- Bild --- Artists - United States. --- Reliquaires --- Thek, Paul - Criticism and interpretation.
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Proporcionado por el editor : "Although objects associated with the Passion and suffering of Christ are among the most important and sacred relics venerated by the Catholic Church, there has never been a study that considers how they were presented to the faithful. Cynthia Hahn adopts an accessible, informative, and holistic approach to the important history of Passion relics--first the True Cross, and then the collective group of Passion relics--stretching from their display in reliquaries, their presentation in church environments, their purposeful collection as centerpieces in royal and imperial collections, and finally to their veneration in pictorial form as Arma Christi. Tracing the ways that Passion relics appear and disappear in response to Christian devotion and to historical phenomena, ranging from pilgrimage and the Crusades to the promotion of imperial power, this groundbreaking study presents a compelling picture of a very important aspect of late medieval and early modern devotion."
Christian art and symbolism --- Jesus Christ --- Christ --- Cristo --- Jezus Chrystus --- Jesus Cristo --- Jesus, --- Christ, Jesus --- Yeh-su --- Masīḥ --- Khristos --- Gesù --- Christo --- Yeshua --- Chrystus --- Gesú Cristo --- Ježíš --- Isa, --- Nabi Isa --- Isa Al-Masih --- Al-Masih, Isa --- Masih, Isa Al --- -Jesus, --- Jesucristo --- Yesu --- Yeh-su Chi-tu --- Iēsous --- Iēsous Christos --- Iēsous, --- Kʻristos --- Hisus Kʻristos --- Christos --- Jesuo --- Yeshuʻa ben Yosef --- Yeshua ben Yoseph --- Iisus --- Iisus Khristos --- Jeschua ben Joseph --- Ieso Kriʻste --- Yesus --- Kristus --- ישו --- ישו הנוצרי --- ישו הנצרי --- ישוע --- ישוע בן יוסף --- المسيح --- مسيح --- يسوع المسيح --- 耶稣 --- 耶稣基督 --- 예수그리스도 --- Jíizis --- Yéshoua --- Iėsu̇s --- Khrist Iėsu̇s --- عيسىٰ --- Relics. --- Art --- religious symbolism --- relics --- Passie van Christus --- anno 500-1499 --- Arma Christi. --- Christliche Kunst. --- Frömmigkeit. --- Kunst. --- Reliquie. --- Reliquienkult. --- Medieval. --- Jesus Christ. --- Jesus Christus. --- 500-1500. --- Christian art and symbolism - Medieval, 500-1500. --- Iesus Christus D.N. --- Passio --- Reliques --- Jesus Christ - Relics. --- Christelijke kunst --- kunst en godsdienst
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