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Zivilprozessuale Gruppenvergleichsverfahren : Einvernehmliche Streitbeilegung im kollektiven Rechtsschutz
ISBN: 3161559363 Year: 2018 Publisher: Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck,

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In der europaweit geführten Diskussion über Verfahren des kollektiven Rechtsschutzes rücken anstelle der Sammelklagen zunehmend Instrumente der einvernehmlichen Streitbeilegung in den Mittelpunkt. Anstatt auf Anspruchsprüfung und Urteil sind Gruppenvergleichsverfahren ausschließlich auf den Abschluss eines gerichtlichen Vergleichs unter den zahlreichen Parteien ausgerichtet. Matthis Peter untersucht aus vergleichender Perspektive die Funktionsweise und die Wirksamkeit ausgewählter Gruppenvergleichsverfahren in den USA, den Niederlanden und Deutschland. Auf Basis der Länderberichte diskutiert er mit Blick auf einen schweizerischen Gesetzesentwurf einige Kernprobleme dieses relativ neuartigen Verfahrensansatzes.

ISBN: 3161545885 3161545877 Year: 2016 Publisher: Tübingen, [Germany] : Mohr Siebeck,

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The value of civil rights depends crucially on their enforceability. Especially when it comes to small claims like consumer claims, enforcement can however prove to be difficult. Martin Fries develops criteria for dispute systems aimed at effectively enforcing consumer rights. His analysis contributes to the recent debate on consumer access to justice.

Zugang zu Recht : 61. Junge Tagung Öffentliches Recht

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'Access to law' examines both personal and substantial conditions of access to the different phases of law creation and its legislative, executive and judicial manifestations. These conditions also include actual authority structures which affect threats to freedom and equality.The conference volume addresses access to legal and extrajudicial knowledge, private influence on legislation, the relationship between courts and legislatures, and access to the government and its offices. The volume discloses strategic litigation approaches and state actors’ attempts to escape from legal scrutiny. Zugang zu Recht fragt nach den personellen wie inhaltlichen Zugangsbedingungen zu den Stufen der Rechtserzeugung sowie seinen legislativen, exekutiven und judikativen Ausprägungen. Diese Bedingungen betreffen auch tatsächliche Machtverhältnisse und die daraus resultierenden Freiheits- und Gleichheitsgefährdungen.Der Tagungsband befasst sich mit dem Zugang zu rechtlichem und außerjuristischem Wissen, dem Einfluss Privater auf Gesetzgebung, dem Verhältnis zwischen Gerichten und Gesetzgeber und dem Zugang zum Staat und seinen Ämtern. Der Band legt den strategischen Zugang zum Recht und die Flucht staatlicher Akteure vor dem Recht offen.

Smart Contracts
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3161569113 Year: 2019 Publisher: Mohr Siebeck

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How smart are smart contracts? Do they live up to their promise of a more effective rights enforcement? Nine pioneers from both academia and legal practice discuss the technological and legal foundations of smart contracts, provide practical examples, and debate their impact on the judicial system.

Class Actions in Europe
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783030730369 9783030730376 9783030730383 9783030730352 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing :Imprint: Springer

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Not so long ago, class actions were considered to be a textbook example of American exceptionalism; many of their main features were assumed to be incompatible with the culture of the civil law world. However, the tide is changing; while there are now trends in the USA toward limiting or excluding class actions, notorious cases like Dieselgate are moving more and more European jurisdictions to extend the reach of their judicial collective redress mechanisms. For many new fans of class actions, collective redress has become a Holy Grail of sorts, a miraculous tool that will rejuvenate national systems of civil justice and grant them unprecedented power. Still, while the introduction of various forms of representative action has virtually become a fashion, it is anything but certain that attempting to transplant American-style class action will be successful. European judicial structures and legal culture(s) are fundamentally different, which poses a considerable challenge. This book investigates whether class actions in Europe are indeed a Holy Grail or just another wrong turn in the continuing pursuit of just and effective means of protecting the rights of citizens and businesses. It presents both positive and critical perspectives, supplemented by case studies on the latest collectivization trends in Europe--national civil justice systems. The book also shares the experiences of some non-European jurisdictions that have developed promising hybrid forms of collective redress, such as Canada, Brazil, China, and South Africa. In closing, a selection of topical international cases that raise interesting issues regarding the effectiveness of class actions in an international context are studied and discussed.


Comparative law --- European law --- International private law --- International law --- Private law --- rechtsvergelijking --- Europees recht --- burgerlijk recht --- internationaal recht --- internationaal privaatrecht --- gerechtelijk recht --- Europe --- BPB --- collective redress --- European Union --- Sąjungos institucija --- Sąjungos teisė --- právo Únie --- νόμος της Ένωσης --- Savienības tiesības --- wet van de Unie --- legge dell'Unione --- Europæisk Union --- unionslagstiftning --- atto dell'Unione --- AE --- loi de l'Union --- EU --- e drejta e Bashkimit --- ЕУ --- lege a Uniunii Europene --- Union law --- Union européenne --- Europese Unie --- Europska unija --- União Europeia --- Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση --- Európska únia --- Európai Unió --- Europäische Union --- Europos Sąjunga --- Evropská unie --- Европска унија --- Unjoni Ewropea --- Европейски съюз --- Europeiska unionen --- Euroopan unioni --- Eiropas Savienība --- Unión Europea --- Evropska unija --- Unia Europejska --- Unione europea --- Uniunea Europeană --- Den Europæiske Union --- Европска Унија --- Euroopa Liit --- Bashkimi Europian --- țări europene --- Europese landen --- země Evropy --- Euroopa riigid --- evropské státy --- países europeus --- evropské země --- европски земји --- European countries --- europæiske lande --- ευρωπαϊκές χώρες --- país europeo --- Euroopan maat --- paesi europei --- nazioni europee --- európske krajiny --- país de Europa --- európai országok --- Europos šalys --- pays européens --- státy Evropy --- Europese staten --- vende europiane --- europäische Länder --- europeiska länder --- Eiropa --- An Eoraip --- Ευρώπη --- Ewropa --- Europa --- Euroopa --- Eurooppa --- Европа --- Európa --- Evropa --- mehanizem kolektivnih pravnih sredstev --- sistema de reparación colectiva --- mechanismus hromadné žaloby --- ryhmäkanne --- mekkaniżmu ta' rimedju kollettiv --- action représentative --- mecanismo de tutela coletiva --- kolektívna žaloba --- kollektiv søgsmålsmekanisme --- meccanismo di ricorso collettivo --- kollektív kereset --- powództwo zbiorowe --- gruppesøgsmål --- collectieve actie --- zajednička pravna zaštita --- azione congiunta --- συλλογική προσφυγή --- механизъм за колективна защита --- kolektīvās tiesiskās aizsardzības mehānisms --- collective redress mechanism --- μηχανισμός συλλογικής προσφυγής --- kollektiivinen oikeussuojamekanismi --- tutela coletiva --- kollektív jogorvoslati mechanizmus --- acción representativa --- mechanisme voor collectief verhaal --- group litigation --- collective action --- kolektyvinis ieškinys --- mecanismo de ação coletiva --- kolektyvinio teisių gynimo mechanizmas --- kollektiver Rechtsbehelf --- mechanismus kolektivního odškodnění --- azione collettiva --- mechanizm dochodzenia roszczeń zbiorowych --- kollektiva prövningsmöjligheter --- azzjoni kollettiva --- механизъм за получаване на колективно обезщетение --- kollektív jogorvoslati eszközök --- representatieve actie --- mécanisme de recours collectif --- mechanizmus kolektívneho uplatňovania nárokov na nápravu --- action collective --- plainte collective --- mehanizam zajedničke pravne zaštite --- group action --- mecanism de recurs colectiv --- kollektiv talan --- class action --- gníomhaíocht chomhpháirteach --- collectief beroep --- Sammelklage --- Verbandsklage --- kollektiivhagi --- συλλογική αγωγή --- grupptalan --- kollektiivse hüvitamise mehhanism --- representative action --- kollektiivne hüvitamine --- Mechanismus der kollektiven Rechtsdurchsetzung --- mecanismo de recurso coletivo --- kollektive retsmidler --- groepsvordering --- collective claim --- kolektivna tužba --- mecanismo de reparação coletiva --- recurs colectiv --- kollektiivne õiguskaitse --- колективна процедура --- rimedju kollettiv --- kolektyvinis teisių gynimas --- kollektivt søgsmål --- ricorso collettivo --- колективна защита --- hromadná žaloba --- zbiorowe dochodzenie roszczeń --- recours collectif --- kollektív jogorvoslat --- kollektiver Rechtsschutz --- kollektiv prövning --- collectief verhaal --- kolektīvā tiesiskā aizsardzība --- kolektivna pravna zaštita --- recurso colectivo --- kolektivno pravno sredstvo --- acțiune colectivă în despăgubire --- kolektívne uplatňovanie nárokov na nápravu --- συλλογική έννομη προστασία --- ação coletiva --- comhshásamh --- kollektiiviset oikeussuojakeinot --- an tAontas Eorpach

Les règles du jeu : l'action collective et la régulation sociale
ISBN: 2200213638 9782200213633 Year: 1993 Publisher: Paris : Armand Colin,

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Introduction à la sociologie et étude de fond de la théorie sociologique, en particulier la théorie du marché du travail, du salaire et de la gestion des organisations.


Contrôle social --- Systèmes sociaux. --- Action, Théorie de l' --- Normes sociales. --- Etat. --- Action sociale. --- Social control --- Contrôle social --- Systèmes sociaux --- Normes sociales --- Etat --- Action sociale --- Comité P --- société --- recours collectif --- régulation sociale --- kollektiivne õiguskaitse --- колективна процедура --- rimedju kollettiv --- kolektyvinis teisių gynimas --- kollektivt søgsmål --- ricorso collettivo --- колективна защита --- hromadná žaloba --- zbiorowe dochodzenie roszczeń --- kollektív jogorvoslat --- kollektiver Rechtsschutz --- kollektiv prövning --- collectief verhaal --- kolektīvā tiesiskā aizsardzība --- kolektivna pravna zaštita --- collective redress --- recurso colectivo --- kolektivno pravno sredstvo --- acțiune colectivă în despăgubire --- kolektívne uplatňovanie nárokov na nápravu --- συλλογική έννομη προστασία --- ação coletiva --- comhshásamh --- kollektiiviset oikeussuojakeinot --- mehanizem kolektivnih pravnih sredstev --- sistema de reparación colectiva --- mechanismus hromadné žaloby --- ryhmäkanne --- mekkaniżmu ta' rimedju kollettiv --- action représentative --- mecanismo de tutela coletiva --- kolektívna žaloba --- kollektiv søgsmålsmekanisme --- meccanismo di ricorso collettivo --- kollektív kereset --- powództwo zbiorowe --- gruppesøgsmål --- collectieve actie --- zajednička pravna zaštita --- azione congiunta --- συλλογική προσφυγή --- механизъм за колективна защита --- kolektīvās tiesiskās aizsardzības mehānisms --- collective redress mechanism --- μηχανισμός συλλογικής προσφυγής --- kollektiivinen oikeussuojamekanismi --- tutela coletiva --- kollektív jogorvoslati mechanizmus --- acción representativa --- mechanisme voor collectief verhaal --- group litigation --- collective action --- kolektyvinis ieškinys --- mecanismo de ação coletiva --- kolektyvinio teisių gynimo mechanizmas --- kollektiver Rechtsbehelf --- mechanismus kolektivního odškodnění --- azione collettiva --- mechanizm dochodzenia roszczeń zbiorowych --- kollektiva prövningsmöjligheter --- azzjoni kollettiva --- механизъм за получаване на колективно обезщетение --- kollektív jogorvoslati eszközök --- representatieve actie --- mécanisme de recours collectif --- mechanizmus kolektívneho uplatňovania nárokov na nápravu --- action collective --- plainte collective --- mehanizam zajedničke pravne zaštite --- group action --- mecanism de recurs colectiv --- kollektiv talan --- class action --- gníomhaíocht chomhpháirteach --- collectief beroep --- Sammelklage --- Verbandsklage --- kollektiivhagi --- συλλογική αγωγή --- grupptalan --- kollektiivse hüvitamise mehhanism --- representative action --- kollektiivne hüvitamine --- Mechanismus der kollektiven Rechtsdurchsetzung --- mecanismo de recurso coletivo --- kollektive retsmidler --- groepsvordering --- collective claim --- kolektivna tužba --- mecanismo de reparação coletiva --- recurs colectiv --- sociedad --- organisatsioon --- társaság --- organizácia --- εταιρεία --- организация --- įmonė --- organizații --- selskab --- organizatë --- sammanslutning --- organizācija --- gospodarska družba --- organizzazzjoni --- organizace --- sociedade --- vennootschap --- yhtiö --- претпријатие --- organisation --- impresa --- spółka --- Gesellschaft --- привредно друштво --- društvo (trgovačko) --- καταστατικό της εταιρείας --- társaság alapszabálya --- organization --- statuten van de vennootschap --- gazdasági társaság --- personalitatea juridică a societății comerciale --- társasági alapító okirat --- társasági szerződés --- νομικό καθεστώς εταιρείας --- forma jurídica de sociedade --- trgovačko društvo --- társaság alapító okirata --- juridische vorm van de vennootschap --- società --- organizacija --- právní postavení společnosti --- forma jurídica de la sociedad --- bolags juridiska status --- statut juridique de société --- statuto della società --- juridisk selskabsform --- yrityksen oikeudellinen muoto --- juridisch statuut van de vennootschap --- társasági alapszabály --- Rechtsform einer Gesellschaft --- estatuto jurídico de sociedade --- estatuto de la sociedad --- bedrijfsvorm --- association --- organizācijas juridiskais statuss --- įmonių teisinis statusas --- statusi ligjor i një sipërmarrjeje --- právne postavenie podniku --- organizacijų teisinis statusas --- právní statut společnosti --- legal status of an undertaking --- estatuto da sociedade --- Gesellschaftssatzung --- statuto giuridico di società --- forme juridique de société --- företagsform --- правна форма на трговски друштва --- társaság jogi formája --- форма на трговско друштво определена со закон --- νομική μορφή εταιρείας --- forma giuridica di società --- ettevõtte õiguslik seisund --- selskabs status --- estatuto jurídico de la sociedad --- uzņēmuma juridiskais statuss --- selskabs juridiske status --- eagraíocht --- régulation sociale --- société --- Contrôle social. --- Groupes sociaux. --- Sociologie des organisations. --- État. --- Systèmes sociaux.

Logique de l'action collective
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782800416328 2800416327 Year: 2018 Publisher: Bruxelles: Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles,

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La 4e de couv. indique : "Une partie de la littérature sociologique admet que les groupes comme les personnes sont dotés de volonté, de conscience et cherchent à promouvoir leurs intérêts, entrent en conflit, ont des stratégies bien définies. Selon Olson, c'est se rendre la vie trop facile que de supposer la logique de l'action collective réductible à la logique de l'action individuelle. La proposition impertinente qu'il cherche à promouvoir est qu'un groupe inorganisé de personnes ayant un intérêt commun, conscientes de cet intérêt et ayant des moyens de le réaliser ne fera dans des conditions générales rien pour le promouvoir. La communauté d'intérêt ne suffit pas à provoquer, contrairement à ce qu'affirme Marx, l'action commune permettant de promouvoir l'intérêt de tous. En dehors de ses possibilités d'application et de l'interprétation nouvelle qu'elle offre de nombreux phénomènes sociaux et politiques (syndicats, partis politiques, groupes de pression...), la théorie d'Olson ouvre une voie à la réinterprétation d'auteurs classiques comme Rousseau, Marx et Durkheim."


Social groups --- Social interaction --- Groupes, Dynamique des --- Interaction sociale --- Collective behavior --- Pressure groups --- Organizational sociology --- BPB9999 --- Advocacy groups --- Interest groups --- Political interest groups --- Special interest groups (Pressure groups) --- Functional representation --- Political science --- Representative government and representation --- Lobbying --- Policy networks --- Political action committees --- Social control --- Behavior, Collective --- Crowd behavior --- Crowds --- Mass behavior --- Human behavior --- Social action --- Social psychology --- Association --- Group dynamics --- Groups, Social --- Associations, institutions, etc. --- Social participation --- Organization (Sociology) --- Organization theory --- Sociology of organizations --- Sociology --- Bureaucracy --- Psychology --- BP1811 --- Sociologie --- Action collective --- Recours collectif --- Groupe d'intérêt --- Class action --- Collectief verhaal --- Belangengroep --- interesna skupina --- група со интерес --- grupo de interesses --- záujmová skupina --- grupo de interés --- gruppo d'interesse --- interesų grupė --- grupa interesu --- érdekcsoport --- intressegrupp --- zájmová skupina --- interessegruppe --- etujärjestö --- grup de interese --- belangengroep --- Interessengruppe --- huvirühm --- grup interesi --- grupp interessat --- интересна група --- група по интереси --- interešu grupa --- ομάδα συμφερόντων --- interest group --- група за притисок --- nyomásgyakorló csoport --- pressionsgruppe --- lobizmas --- surverühm --- pressure group --- pressiegroep --- grupo de presión --- lobbitevékenység --- lobi --- ietekmētājgrupa --- lob --- lobijs --- lobbying --- grup de presiune --- лобирање --- lobbi --- lobbiszervezet --- nátlaková skupina --- påtryckningsgrupp --- painostusryhmä --- lobby --- лоби --- Lobby --- spaudimo grupė --- grup presioni --- lobitöö --- eturyhmä --- gruppo di pressione --- ομάδα επιρροής --- grupo de pressão --- interesna grupa --- skupina za pritisak --- groupe de pression --- ομάδα πίεσης --- korridorpolitik --- kollektiivne õiguskaitse --- колективна процедура --- rimedju kollettiv --- kolektyvinis teisių gynimas --- kollektivt søgsmål --- ricorso collettivo --- колективна защита --- hromadná žaloba --- zbiorowe dochodzenie roszczeń --- kollektív jogorvoslat --- kollektiver Rechtsschutz --- kollektiv prövning --- collectief verhaal --- kolektīvā tiesiskā aizsardzība --- kolektivna pravna zaštita --- collective redress --- recurso colectivo --- kolektivno pravno sredstvo --- acțiune colectivă în despăgubire --- kolektívne uplatňovanie nárokov na nápravu --- συλλογική έννομη προστασία --- ação coletiva --- comhshásamh --- kollektiiviset oikeussuojakeinot --- mehanizem kolektivnih pravnih sredstev --- sistema de reparación colectiva --- mechanismus hromadné žaloby --- ryhmäkanne --- mekkaniżmu ta' rimedju kollettiv --- action représentative --- mecanismo de tutela coletiva --- kolektívna žaloba --- kollektiv søgsmålsmekanisme --- meccanismo di ricorso collettivo --- kollektív kereset --- powództwo zbiorowe --- gruppesøgsmål --- collectieve actie --- zajednička pravna zaštita --- azione congiunta --- συλλογική προσφυγή --- механизъм за колективна защита --- kolektīvās tiesiskās aizsardzības mehānisms --- collective redress mechanism --- μηχανισμός συλλογικής προσφυγής --- kollektiivinen oikeussuojamekanismi --- tutela coletiva --- kollektív jogorvoslati mechanizmus --- acción representativa --- mechanisme voor collectief verhaal --- group litigation --- collective action --- kolektyvinis ieškinys --- mecanismo de ação coletiva --- kolektyvinio teisių gynimo mechanizmas --- kollektiver Rechtsbehelf --- mechanismus kolektivního odškodnění --- azione collettiva --- mechanizm dochodzenia roszczeń zbiorowych --- kollektiva prövningsmöjligheter --- azzjoni kollettiva --- механизъм за получаване на колективно обезщетение --- kollektív jogorvoslati eszközök --- representatieve actie --- mécanisme de recours collectif --- mechanizmus kolektívneho uplatňovania nárokov na nápravu --- action collective --- plainte collective --- mehanizam zajedničke pravne zaštite --- group action --- mecanism de recurs colectiv --- kollektiv talan --- class action --- gníomhaíocht chomhpháirteach --- collectief beroep --- Sammelklage --- Verbandsklage --- kollektiivhagi --- συλλογική αγωγή --- grupptalan --- kollektiivse hüvitamise mehhanism --- representative action --- kollektiivne hüvitamine --- Mechanismus der kollektiven Rechtsdurchsetzung --- mecanismo de recurso coletivo --- kollektive retsmidler --- groepsvordering --- collective claim --- kolektivna tužba --- mecanismo de reparação coletiva --- recurs colectiv --- sociología --- socjologia --- sosiologia --- sociologi --- κοινωνιολογία --- sotsioloogia --- soċjoloġija --- социологија --- социология --- sociologija --- szociológia --- sociológia --- socioloģija --- sociology --- sociologia --- sociologie --- sociologji --- Soziologie --- gender studies --- Entwicklungssoziologie --- sociobiologie --- sociológia politického života --- grúpa sainleasa --- socheolaíocht --- Groupe d'intérêt

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