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Documente Diplomatice Române : România și Tratatul de la Varșovia. Conferințele miniștrilor Afacerilor Externe și ale adjuncților lor (1966-1991)
Year: 2009 Publisher: Bucuresti [Romania] : Institutul Diplomatic Român,

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Ženski pokret u Bosni i Hercegovini
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2013 Publisher: Sarajevo [Bosnia and Herzegovina] : Sarajevo Open Centre

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Iskustvo bivanja ženom je u istorijskom smislu bilo iskustvo bivanja drugošću – u odnosu na normativna značenja koja postulira i nameće društveno-politički poredak različitih epoha. Od antičkog perioda za žene je bio rezervisan ojkos a za muškarce polis, dok je u srednjovjekovnom poretku tzv. troslojna staleška struktura žene zapravo posmatrala kao četvrti stalež, a do radikalne promjene nije došlo ni u epohi moderne, koja nastaje kao tzv. slobodni savez slobodnih građana – braće, koji, kako suptilno elaborira Kerol Pejtman u polnom ugovoru, zbacuju sa vlasti monarha – patrijarhalnog oca. Društveni medijator muškog auctoritas-a predstavljali su: borba, rat, nasilje, kao i različiti arhetipološki diskursi. Iako se često navodi da su u nekim tzv. prvobitnim zajednicama postojala mikrodruštva matrijarhata, kasnija istraživanja ukazuju da nije riječ o nikakvoj vlasti žena, već o pukom lingvističkom konstruktu u kojem se srodstvo računalo po majčinoj liniji, a majčin brat – ujak, bio je moćna figura u tom lancu, čime se pak ne negira da su u pojedinim zajednicama ranih perioda žene imale bolji položaj – npr. kontrolisale su svoj rad i raspodjelu, i postojali su tzv. oblici disperzije vlasti.

Politica culturală în RSS Moldovenească, 1944-1956
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2013 Publisher: Chisinau [Moldova, Republic of] : Facultatea de Istorie și Geografie, Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat „Ion Creangă”

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The book on Cultural policy in the Moldavian SSR, 1944-1956

Deportările din Basarabia 1940-1941, 1944-1956
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2013 Publisher: Chisinau [Moldova, Republic of] : Facultatea de Istorie și Geografie, Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat „Ion Creangă”

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The book on Soviet Deportations in Bessarabia 1940-1941, 1944-1956

Fără termen de prescripţie. Aspecte ale investigării crimelor comunismului în Europa
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2011 Publisher: Chisinau [Moldova, Republic of] : Chisinau [Moldova, Republic of] : Facultatea de Istorie și Geografie, Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat „Ion Creangă” Facultatea de Istorie și Geografie, Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat „Ion Creangă”

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The book on Communist regimes in Eastern European countries

Yugoslavia from a Historical Perspective
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2017 Publisher: Belgrade [Serbia] : Helsinški odbor za ljudska prava u Srbiji

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Über die Wahrnehmung der polnischen Geschichte durch die Deutschen : Drei Interviews
Year: 2018 Publisher: Poznań : Instytut Zachodni im. Zygmunta Wojciechowskiego,

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Die Geschichte der wechselseitigen bilateralen Relationen gehörte fast seit jeher zu den brisantesten Problemstellungen innerhalb der deutsch-polnischen Beziehungen. Das Gleiche lässt sich über die Deutung der historischen Prozesse die im Nachbarland vorgehen, sagen über die Wahrnehmung der Geschichte Polens einerseits und zum anderen über die polnische Lesart der deutschen Geschichte andererseits. Der Verzicht auf frühere stereotype Darstellungsweisen und ein Abgehen von den überholten Schemata erfolgten nur im Zuge eines langwierigen Prozesses, der allerdings im Zeitverlauf zunehmend durch immer lebhaftere Kontakte und konkrete inhaltliche Debatten angeregt wurde ...

Powrót do Macierzy? : Ziemie Zachodnie i Północne w Polsce Ludowej
ISBN: 8322639600 Year: 2020 Publisher: Katowice [Poland] : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego,

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The Second World War, among numerous modifications in relation to Poland of the twenty-year interwar period caused considerable transformations of its state territory. In 1945, outside of Poland's borders remained the so-called Eastern Borderlands lost to the Soviet Union -- despite the misleading name, the said area encompassed close to a half of the interwar Second Republic of Poland. By way of reimbursement for the said lost, Poland gained from Germany the areas to the west and north of the 1939 Polish state borders. As a whole, this territory amounted to little over 100,000 sq. kilometres, and in 1939 was inhabited by circa 8.5 million people.The following areas were incorporated into Poland: West (Stettin/Szczecin) Pomerania, Lubusz Land, Lower Silesia, the western part of Upper Silesia (Opole Silesia), Warmia, Masuria and a part of Gdańsk Pomerania. The newly incorporated lands acquired many names in historiography and propaganda of the time: the "postulated lands," "returning lands," "Regained Lands," or the Western and Northern Lands (hereafter ZZiP). The nomenclature became part and parcel of history politics instituted by the new authorities, which aimed at strengthening the "Piast Poland" vision (the state's return to its "proper" national territory), meted out against the "Jagiellonian Poland" (understood as misguided Poland's eastward expansionism).While planning the content of this book, the authors sought to restrict the contributors' leeway pertaining to topics, particularly the territorial scope of the research presented. Instead of "vertical" perspective (i.e. presenting various spheres of activities undertaken across the entire ZZiP), the "horizontal" approach was taken, that is, the one showing the specific of the particular country areas comprising the lands in question. Our work is, therefore, a kind of journey through the subsequent, previously mentioned areas.

Women Documented. Women and Public Life in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 20th Century
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2014 Publisher: Sarajevo [Bosnia and Herzegovina] : Sarajevo Open Centre

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The book you are holding attempts to represent the world of women in the times when life became extremely accelerated – ideologised, industrialised, psychoanalysed, technologised, mobilised, commercialised, relativised. Our book has many a limitation. Methodologically, its chapters are not fully harmonised; it lacks the analysis of the construction of woman in different ideologies. It was written quickly, but with passion, love and regret that not all archives, museums or libraries across Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad were visited (a lot of the relevant material is not located in BiH). The driving force behind this endeavour of a group of people was the exclusion of women from the main trends, loss of continuity and their deletion from the cultural, scientific and all other memories. Therefore, this book primarily serves as the activist response to the systematic neglect of the contribution of women to BiH culture and it is an attempt to provide a foundation to the study of the history of women in BiH.

Kulturno – historijski spomenici Banije s pregledom povijesti Banije od prapovijesti do 1881.
Authors: ---
Year: 2008 Publisher: Zagreb [Croatia] : Srpsko narodno vijeće, Arhiv Srba u Hrvatskoj

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Područje Banije određeno je rijekama Savom, Unom i Kupom na sjeveru, istoku i jugu te granicom prema Bosni i Hercegovini na jugozapadu, dok je zapadna granica prema Kordunu sve do današnjih dana neodređena. Baniju na sjeveru rijeka Kupa dijeli od Pokuplja, na istoku je rijeka Sava dijeli od Posavine, a na jugu rijeka Una od Bosanske krajine. Granica Banije prema Kordunu mijenjala se tijekom stoljeća. Na jednoj karti iz 1806. godine granica Banije i Korduna bila je označena kao granica slunjske i glinske regimente, a ta je međa išla od Banske Selnice na rijeci Kupi, zapadno od Sjeničaka i Slavskog Polja, preko vrha Petrove gore do granice s Osmanlijskim Carstvom. Ista međa je ucrtana i na geološkoj karti I. banske regimente. Prema takvoj podjeli, koju i neki političari i znanstvenici smatraju i danas pravilnom, i područje nekadašanje općine Vrginmost, a danas općina Lasinja, Gvozd i Topusko, pripadalo bi području Banije. Osim toga, i istočni dio današnjeg područja grada Karlovca (Sjeničak) smatrao bi se Banijom. Ipak, prema podjelama koje su ustaljene nakon Drugog svjetskog rata, a prema kojima kotar Vrginmost pripada karlovačkom području, Kordun je proširio svoje granice na račun Banije sve do desetak kilometara zapadno od Gline, pa je banijskom kraju preostalo područje današnje Gline, Petrinje, Dvora, Sunje, Kostajnice, Dubice, Kukuruzara, Majura, južnog dijela gradskog područja Siska (Komarevo) i zapadnog dijela općine Jasenovac (sela Uštica, Višnjica i Tanac koja se nalaze između Une i Save u takozvanom "Trokutu").

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