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The Ombudsman in the modern state
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781509943241 9781509943289 Year: 2022 Publisher: Oxford ; New York : Hart,

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"Ombudsmen are a global phenomenon. They are also a critical part of the public law frameworks of modern liberal democracies. This is the first edited collection to examine the place of the ombudsman in the modern state. It brings together key international scholars to discuss current and future challenges for the Ombudsman institution and the systems of government within which they operate. The book is international in scope with authors heralding from most continents - Canada, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, South Africa, Germany, and Austria. This global analysis is both in-depth and expansive in its coverage of the operation of Ombudsmen across civil and common law legal systems. The book has two key themes: - The enduring question of the location and operation of Ombudsmen within public law systems in a changing state, and - The challenges faced by Ombudsmen in contemporary governance. This collection adds to the public law scholarship by addressing a common problem faced by all avenues of public law review - the evolving nature of modern public administration"--

Les enquêtes de Saint Louis : gouverner et sauver son âme
ISBN: 9782130620679 2130620671 Year: 2014 Volume: *26 Publisher: Paris Presses universitaires de France

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Issu d'un mémoire de doctorat, l'ouvrage retrace une partie du règne de Louis IX à travers l'histoire des enquêtes ordonnées par le roi entre 1247 et 1270, pour recueillir les plaintes à l'encontre de son administration. ©Electre 2015

La lingua delle petizioni nell'Egitto romano : Evoluzione di lessico, formule e procedure dal 30 a.C. al 300 d.C.
ISBN: 9788855184458 8855184458 Year: 2021 Publisher: Firenze Firenze University Press

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This book investigates the linguistic and formal aspects of more than a thousand requests for justice and protection preserved in Egyptian papyri of the Roman Principate, mainly written in Greek. For many centuries in Egypt, from the Ptolemaic period to the late Roman Empire, petitions addressed to the judicial authorities shared the same textual structure and made use of recurring lexical formulas. Such uniformity was the result of the adherence by scribes and legal advisers to repertoires that had wide circulation. This study evaluates the correspondence between the formulas of the petitions and legislation, normative conventions, and spoken and literary language, and how these factors interacted with each other over the centuries. Il volume prende in esame gli aspetti linguistici e formali di più di mille domande di giustizia e tutela conservate dai papiri egiziani dell’epoca del principato, prevalentemente scritte in greco. Per molti secoli in Egitto, dall’epoca tolemaica fino al tardo impero romano, le petizioni indirizzate alle autorità giudiziarie impiegano una stessa struttura testuale ed espressioni ricorrenti: tale uniformità era risultato dell’uso di repertori condivisi da parte di scribi e consulenti legali. Questo studio valuta analiticamente quali corrispondenze il lessico e le formule dei documenti avevano con legislazione, convenzioni normative, lingua parlata e letteraria, e in quale modo questi fattori interagirono tra loro attraverso i secoli.

Les ruses de la démocratie : protester en Chine.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782021010916 2021010910 2021023966 2021194485 Year: 2010 Volume: *64 Publisher: Paris Seuil

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"Une forme spécifique de revendication démocratique serait-elle à l'œuvre en Chine ? La "protestation", en se généralisant, y amorcerait-elle un processus aux conséquences imprévisibles ? Telles sont les questions que soulèvent les auteurs de cette saisissante étude. Elle porte sur une réalité largement méconnue. Depuis 1951 existe là-bas un dispositif intitulé "Administration des Lettres et visites". Créé par Mao Zedong, il était destiné à recevoir les plaintes, protestations et doléances des particuliers. Cet ouvrage raconte comment cette administration, souvent instrumentalisée idéologiquement, n'a cessé de s'étendre et de se codifier. Mais aussi et surtout comment elle a autorisé un espace de parole qui est devenu le lieu d'une contestation du réel massive et inattendue. L'immense collection de doléances ainsi recueillie - tant par voie écrite (les lettres) qu'orale (les visites) -, qui raconte en creux l'histoire de la Chine moderne, n'avait jamais été examinée. Les auteurs ont pu avoir accès à des centaines de ces lettres et enquêter sur la pratique (très réglementée) des visites, jusqu'alors inconnue du dehors, pour essayer de comprendre qui s'exprime au sein de cet espace ; auprès de qui ; pour dire quoi ; et comment. Le résultat de leur travail est inédit. Il montre comment ceux qui, depuis des décennies, adressent lettres et visites aux autorités font état d'attentes morales et politiques souvent ignorées mais qui relèvent bien d'un processus d'invention démocratique"--P. [4] of cover.

ISBN: 9781478015093 9781478017714 1478015098 1478017716 9781478022336 1478022337 Year: 2021 Publisher: Durham, N.C. Duke University Press

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"In Complaint! Sara Ahmed examines what we can learn about power from those who complain about ". Drawing on oral and written testimonies from academics and students who have made complaints about harassment, bullying and unequal working conditions at universities, Ahmed explores the gap between what is supposed to happen when complaints are made and what does happen. To make complaints within institutions is to learn how they work and for whom they work: complaint as feminist pedagogy. Ahmed explores how complaints are made behind closed doors and how doors are often closed upon those who complain. To open these doors, to get complaints through, keep them going, or keep them alive, Ahmed emphasizes, requires forming new kinds of collectives. The book offers a systematic analysis of the methods used to stop complaints and a powerful and poetic meditation on what complaints can be used to do. Following a long lineage of Black feminist and feminist of color critiques of the university, Ahmed delivers a timely consideration of how institutional change becomes possible and why it is necessary"--


Abuse of administrative power. --- Bullying in the workplace. --- Corporate culture --- EDUCATION / Higher. --- Harassment. --- SOCIAL SCIENCE / Women's Studies. --- Sexual harassment in education. --- Sexual harassment in universities and colleges --- Sexual harassment in universities and colleges. --- Moral and ethical aspects. --- Prevention. --- Sexual harassment in education --- Bullying in the workplace --- Harassment --- Abuse of administrative power --- Abuse of power --- Administrative power, Abuse of --- Excess of power (Administrative law) --- Power, Abuse of --- Administrative discretion --- Administrative law --- Judicial review of administrative acts --- Harassment in the workplace --- Workplace harassment --- Offenses against the person --- Intimidation --- Mobbing, Workplace --- Workplace bullying --- Workplace mobbing --- Work environment --- Sexual harassment in schools --- Education --- Sexual harassment on campus --- Universities and colleges --- Prevention --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Culture, Corporate --- Institutional culture --- Organizational culture --- Corporations --- Organizational behavior --- Business anthropology --- Sociological aspects --- Social psychology --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Higher education --- onderwijs --- onderwijsinstellingen --- universiteiten --- vrouwen --- grensoverschrijdend gedrag --- gender studies --- feminisme --- 37 --- 489 --- Onderwijs --- agressie --- pesten --- Discriminatie --- klachten --- machtsmisbruik --- Hoger onderwijs; algemeen --- Réclamations (procédure administrative) --- Universités --- Excès de pouvoir (droit administratif) --- Harcèlement sexuel dans les universités --- Intimidation dans les écoles --- Complaints (Administrative procedure) --- Aspect social. --- Aspect politique. --- Plaintes (procédure pénale) --- Morale --- Complaints against. --- Social aspects. --- Political aspects. --- klachtenbehandeling --- machtspatronen --- organisatiecultuur --- Féminisme --- SOCIAL SCIENCE / Women's Studies --- EDUCATION / Higher

Alternatieve conflictoplossing met de overheid
ISBN: 9789048630578 9048630576 Year: 2017 Volume: 16 Publisher: Brugge Die Keure

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Overheidsinstanties grijpen diep in ons leven in. Uiteraard leidt dit af en toe tot conflicten. Denk maar aan grote dossiers, zoals Uplace. Maar even goed gaat het om tal van kleine zaken die zelden de pers halen, zoals het aanvechten van een benoeming of een vergunning, een schadegeval, een tuchtzaak. Hoe kunnen conflicten met de overheid worden opgelost zonder naar de rechter te stappen? Dit boek geeft een antwoord op die vraag.-Voor ons land het eerste omvattend handboek over alternatieve conflictoplossing (ADR) in de bestuurlijke sector.-Theoretische inzichten worden verweven met tal van praktische tools en voorbeelden.-Helder overzicht van de diverse vormen van ADR: onderhandelen, bemiddelen, minnelijke schikking, de verzoenende rol van deskundigen, ?-Praktische toepassing van ADR op de verschillende domeinen van het overheidsoptreden: leefmilieu, onderwijs, personeelsconflicten,?-Multidisciplinaire insteek. De juridische aspecten van ADR worden samen gebracht met inzichten omtrent conflicten, communicatie, onderhandelen, enz.


Law of civil procedure --- Administrative law --- Belgium --- staatsorganisatie --- administratief recht --- conflits --- V06 Droit administratif - Administratief recht --- BPB1802 --- Code administratif --- Médiateur --- Règlement des différends --- Droit administratif --- organisation de l'etat --- droit administratif --- geschillen --- Administratief wetboek --- Bemiddelaar --- Beslechting van geschillen --- Bestuursrecht --- Droit administratif Administratief recht --- Relations administration-citoyen Betrekkingen tussen overheid en burgers --- Résolution des conflits Conflicthantering --- Réclamations (procédure administrative) --- Relations administration-usagers --- Information des administrés --- Règlement de conflits --- Droit et État --- Droit --- Droit et État. --- Droit administratif. --- Droit. --- Staatsorganisatie. --- Administratief recht. --- Geschillen. --- E-books --- Overheid --- Conflicten --- Communicatie --- Informatie --- Belangenbehartiging --- Overleg --- Teamwerk --- Onderhandelen --- Bemiddeling --- Ombudsdiensten --- Participatie --- Burgerparticipatie --- Arbitrage --- Woonomgeving --- Personeelsmanagement --- Onderwijs --- Lokaal beleid --- forvaltningsret --- hallinto-oikeus --- Verwaltungsrecht --- Derecho administrativo --- haldusõigus --- e drejtë administrative --- direito administrativo --- správní právo --- diritto amministrativo --- διοικητικό δίκαιο --- административно право --- upravno pravo --- förvaltningsrätt --- drept administrativ --- správne právo --- administracinė teisė --- управно право --- bestuursrecht --- prawo administracyjne --- administrative law --- közigazgatási jog --- liġi amminisitrattiva --- administratīvās tiesības --- administrativní právo --- államigazgatási jog --- riżoluzzjoni ta' tilwimiet --- διευθέτηση των διαφορών --- domstarpību izšķiršana --- решавање спорова --- riitojen ratkaiseminen --- regulowanie sporów --- composizione delle controversie --- settlement of disputes --- zgjidhje e mosmarrëveshjeve --- solución de conflictos --- ginčų sprendimas --- Beilegung der Streitigkeiten --- vaidluste lahendamine --- beslechting van geschillen --- řešení sporů --- bilæggelse af tvister --- reševanje sporov --- vitarendezés --- urovnávanie sporov --- решавање спорови --- soluționarea conflictelor --- rješavanje sporova --- tvistlösning --- уреждане на спорове --- resolução de diferendos --- διευθέτηση διενέξεων --- dispute settlement --- уреждане на конфликти --- arreglo de controversias --- konflikta atrisināšana --- soluzione dei conflitti --- mirovna pogajanja --- negocieri de pace --- reglementarea conflictelor --- mírová jednání --- selkkausten ratkaiseminen --- conflict resolution --- résolution des conflits --- resolução de conflitos --- konfliktlösning --- решавање спорови по вонсудски пат --- мировни преговори --- risoluzione delle controversie --- мирни преговори --- reševanje konfliktov --- mirovni pregovori --- vredesonderhandeling --- konfliktide lahendamine --- rešitev sporov --- konfliktbilæggelse --- fredsförhandlingar --- rozstrzyganie sporów --- miera sarunas --- tvistbilæggelse --- riżoluzzjoni ta' kunflitti --- mírové řešení sporů --- peace negotiations --- risoluzione dei conflitti --- resolución de litigios --- urovnávanie konfliktov --- Lösung der Konflikte --- разрешаване на конфликти --- решавање спорови по судски пат --- mírové urovnání sporů --- rahuläbirääkimised --- reglementarea diferendelor --- conflict settlement --- urovnání sporů --- negocjacje pokojowe --- решавање конфликти --- oplossing van conflicten --- mierové rokovania --- Friedensverhandlung --- negoziato di pace --- Beilegung der Konflikte --- rauhanneuvottelut --- konfliktusrendezés --- konfliktuskezelés --- konflikta izlīdzināšana --- béketárgyalások --- negozjati ta' paċi --- negociação de paz --- negociación de paz --- erimielisyyksien ratkaiseminen --- konfliktų sprendimas --- règlement des conflits --- taikos derybos --- επίλυση διαμάχης --- riešenie konfliktov --- ειρηνευτικές διαπραγματεύσεις --- zgjidhje e mosmarrëveshjes --- negociata për paqe --- fredsforhandling --- rozwiązywanie konfliktów --- zgjidhje e konfliktit --- négociation de paix --- pravobranitelj --- Mittler --- közvetítő --- posrednik --- tarpininkas --- bemiddelaar --- rzecznik praw obywatelskich --- посредник --- forligsmand --- vidutājs --- medlare --- medjatur --- ombudsman --- sovittelija --- mediator --- διαμεσολαβητής --- народен правобранител --- sprostredkovateľ --- ndërmjetës --- Provedor de Justiça --- Defensor del Pueblo --- difensore civico --- avocatul poporului --- lepitaja --- ochránce práv ve veřejné správě --- mediátor --- prostředník --- komisař pro lidská práva --- Ararteko --- pověřenec pro občanské záležitosti --- zástupce občanů --- Síndic de Greuges --- Justicia de Aragón --- oikeusasiamies --- ombudsmenas --- Valedor do Pobo --- Diputado del Común --- Ombuds --- ombudsmand --- омбутсман --- zprostředkovatel pro občanské záležitosti --- įgaliotinis --- avokat populli --- επίτροπος διοικήσεως --- Ombudsmann --- Procurador del Común --- Seimo kontrolierius --- Ombudsman --- veřejný ochránce práv --- upravni kodeks --- управни законик --- kod administrativ --- správní zákoník --- haldusseadustik --- kodeks administracyjny --- cod administrativ --- διοικητικός κώδικας --- közigazgatási kódex --- hallintolaki --- forvaltningslov --- Verwaltungsregeln --- administrative code --- административни правила --- Código Administrativo --- codice amministrativo --- código administrativo --- förvaltningsbestämmelser --- upravni zakonik --- administratívny kódex --- kodiċi amministrattiv --- administracinis kodeksas --- administratief wetboek --- administratīvais kodekss --- управен законик --- administrativní zákoník --- közigazgatási törvény --- förvaltningslag --- Kwaliteitsbeheer : Klachtenbeheer --- Gestion de la qualité : Gestion des plaintes --- Conflict --- Overleg (beraad) --- Onderhandeling --- Ombudsdienst --- Arbitrage (conflict) --- Opvoeding --- Pedagogiek --- Statistische gegevens --- Sport --- dlí riaracháin --- idirghabhálaí --- cód riaracháin --- réiteach díospóidí --- Belgique --- Médiateur --- Réclamations (procédure administrative) --- Information des administrés --- Règlement de conflits --- Droit et État. --- Règlement des différends --- Administrative procedure --- Procédure administrative --- Dispute resolution (Law)

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