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Pharaon emblématique, Ramsès II a régné près de 67 ans, laissant un héritage exceptionnel. Bâtisseur infatigable, promoteur des arts mais aussi habile stratège et fin diplomate, il fut encore un excellent administrateur de son royaume. A l'occident des Thèbes, il fit construire l'un de ses châteaux qui fut admiré dans l'Antiquité. Ce temple et ses immenses dépendances dont l'objet d'intensives recherches grâces auxquelles nous pouvons mieux comprendre qu'elle fut sa réelle vocation . C'est cette longue et passionnante histoire que ce livre se propose de raconter.
Fouilles archéologiques --- Ramsès --- Cheikh Abd el-Gournah (Égypte ; site archéologique) --- Ramesseum.
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Ramsès II (pharaon ; 1301-1235 av. J.-C.) --- Égypte --- Antiquités
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Warrior, mighty builder and statesman, over the course of his 67-year-long reign (1279-1212 BCE), Ramesses II achieved more than any other pharaoh in the three millennia of ancient Egyptian civilization.Drawing on the latest research, Peter Brand reveals Ramesses the Great as a gifted politician, canny elder statesman, and tenacious warrior. With restless energy, he fully restored the office of Pharaoh to unquestioned levels of prestige and authority, thereby bringing stability to Egypt. He ended almost seven decades of warfare between Egypt and the Hittite Empire by signing the earliest international peace treaty in recorded history. In his later years, even as he outlived many of his own children and grandchildren, Ramesses II became a living god and finally, an immortal legend.Brand paints with authoritative knowledge and colourful details a compelling portrait of this legendary Pharaoh who ruled over Imperial Egypt during its Golden Age.
Pharaohs --- Ramses - II, - King of Egypt --- Egypt --- Relations internationales --- Ramses --- Ramsès --- Égypte --- Foreign relations. --- History --- Ramsès --- Égypte
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Exhibitions --- Pharaohs --- Ramses --- Egypt --- History --- Personnages --- Égyptologie --- Antiquités égyptiennes --- Biography --- Exhibitions. --- Dans l'art --- Catalogues d'exposition. --- Ramsès --- Biographies --- Égypte --- Ramsès II --- Biographies. --- Pharaohs - Biography - Exhibitions --- Ramses - II, - King of Egypt - Exhibitions --- Egypt - History - Nineteenth dynasty, ca. 1320-1200 B.C. - Exhibitions --- Égyptologie --- Antiquités égyptiennes --- Ramsès II --- Égypte --- Ramses - II, - King of Egypt
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On the grounds of his synoptic text edition, the author provides the first German translation of the Book and a philological comment. He re-evaluates cryptographically encoded texts, describes the cosmography and hidden mytho-geography of the Book, and discusses its astronomical conceptions. The ancient Egyptians imagined the circulation of the sun as a journey of the sun god crossing the heavens and the netherworld in his barque, accompanied by a crew of gods. The Books of the Afterlife describe the events of this journey and the creatures encountered by the travellers, as well as various mythological or scientific ideas associated by the Egyptians with these travels. While several compositions describe the nocturnal journey, only one single source reports on the daytime journey: the Book of the Day (Livre du Jour). In the 1940s Alexandre Piankoff presented the first and so far standard edition of the Book of the Day, for which the two versions in the tomb of Ramesses VI provided the textual basis. Further sources were either published incompletely or remained unrecognized, for instance several sarcophagi. Still other sources have been considered to represent the Book of the Day, but their classification remains an issue. This study critically assesses all known sources and presents a new edition based on a revised compilation of texts.
Religious literature, Egyptian. --- Ramses --- Egypt --- Antiquities. --- Religion égyptienne --- Livre du jour --- Ramsès vi (pharaon ; 11.. av. j.-c.-....) --- Religion égyptienne --- Ramsès vi (pharaon ; 11.. av. j.-c.-....)
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Pharaohs --- Heroes --- Ramses --- Influence --- Egypt --- History --- Ramsès --- Ramessides (dynastie) --- Influence. --- Égypte --- Egypte --- Histoire --- Pharaons --- Héros --- Biography. --- Biography --- Biographies --- Héros --- Heroism --- Persons --- Antiheroes --- Apotheosis --- Courage --- Ramesses --- Pharaohs - Biography --- Heroes - Egypt - Biography --- Ramses - III, - King of Egypt --- Ramses - III, - King of Egypt - Influence --- Egypt - History - New Kingdom, ca. 1550-ca. 1070 B.C. --- Ramsès --- Égypte
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Ramses --- Papyrus Harris no l. --- Papyrus Harris no l --- Ramses III, King of Egypt --- Ramesses --- Ramses - III, - King of Egypt --- Égyptien ancien (langue) --- British museum (Londres) --- Ramsès (pharaon ; 1198-1166 av. J.-C.) --- Égypte --- Papyrus égyptiens --- Écriture hiéroglyphique --- Glossaires, vocabulaires, etc. français --- Manuscrits. Papyrus Harris I --- 1314-1085 av. J.-C. (XIXe et XXe dynasties) --- Sources
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Der vorliegende Band ist – wie die Aegyptiaca Helvetica 16, 23 und 24 – eine Publikation des Projektes «MISR: Mission Siptah – Ramses X.» des Fachbereichs Ägyptologie der Universität Basel (, das die Erforschung dreier pharaonischer Gräber im Tal der Könige (KV 18, 32 und 47) beinhaltet. Einem Paradigmenwechsel innerhalb der archäologischen Forschung folgend, wird im Projekt auch die moderne Geschichte berücksichtigt: vom Einbau eines kleinen Kraftwerks zur Gewinnung von Elektrizität in einem Pharaonengrab bis zu den Spuren und zurückgelassenen Gegenständen von Ägyptologen und Touristen – Umschichtungen von Grabungsschutt, Besucherinschriften auf Grabwänden, Notizen auf Papier, Streichholzschachteln, Nahrungsmittelverpackungen, Essensresten u.v.m. Abgeschlossen wird der Band mit einem Beitrag über die Bedingungen des europäischen Blickes auf das Andere, als das Ägypten gesehen wurde, und das Wesen der aus dieser Faszination heraus entstandenen deutschsprachigen literarischen Werke.
Excavations (Archaeology) --- Fouilles archéologiques. --- Vallée des Rois (Égypte ; site archéologique) --- Valley of the Kings (Egypt) --- Egypt --- Égypte --- Tombe de Ramsès X. --- History --- Antiquities --- Fouilles archéologiques. --- Vallée des Rois (Égypte ; site archéologique) --- Égypte --- Tombe de Ramsès X.
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