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Fahrettin Râzî : hayatı, fikirleri, eserleri
ISBN: 975170782X 9789751707826 Year: 1991 Publisher: Ankara: Kültür Bakanlığı,

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A comprehensive, annotated, and indexed bibliography of the modern scholarship on Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī (543-44/1150-616/1210)
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789004516182 Year: 2023 Publisher: Leiden ; Boston : Brill,

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"The study of Islamicate intellectual history has witnessed a rapid growth of scholarship on post-classical thinkers and especially on Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī(d. 1210 CE), one of the leading theologians and philosophers of his time. However, there is presently a lack of methodological tools and reference works in Rāzīstudies. This book is the first bibliographical work entirely devoted to this thinker. It surveys the modern historiography on Rāzīfrom the nineteenth century onward and includes more than 1000 specialized entries written in European languages, Arabic, Persian, and Turkish. The bibliography also provides a preface, an introductory essay, annotations to the entries, and various indices to help students and experts navigate the complex field of Rāzīstudies"--

Fakhr-al-Dīn al-Rāzī and Thomas Aquinas on the Question of the Eternity of the World
ISBN: 9789004453425 9789004124806 Year: 2002 Publisher: Leiden;Boston BRILL

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This volume examines the approaches of Fakhr-al-Dīn al-Rāzī (d. 1209) and Thomas Aquinas (d. 1274) to the question of the eternity of the world, which was one of the most heated issues of debate between theologians and philosophers in the Middle Ages. The first chapter of the book gives some background to the discussion from Greek philosophy, early Judaeo-Christian and Muslim traditions. The second and the third chapters discuss the approaches of Rāzī and Aquinas respectively to the question of the eternity of the world. The last chapter compares their approaches, brings out some similarities of their approaches between them as well as in relation to their own traditions, Islam and Christianity respectively. The book tries to show that though they were theologians, both Rāzī and Aquinas were more in line with the philosophers than their fellow theologians.

Les secrets de l'invisible : essai sur le grand commentaire de Fahr al-Dîn al-Râzî (1149-1209)
ISBN: 2841613992 9782841613991 Year: 2008 Publisher: Beyrouth: Albouraq,

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Fahr al-Dîn al-Râzî (1149-1209), persan originaire des environs de Téhéran, est un des représentants par excellence de la pensée sunnite classique. A la fois, exégète du Coran, théologien et philosophe, il déploie son Grand Commentaire, tel une somme reflétant l'ensemble du savoir de son temps, comme ont su le faire, en occident, Pico della Mirandola, Cornelio a Lapide et Thomas d'Aquin. Trois tendances marquent son texte : d'abord, un usage fréquent et rigoureux de la raison ; ensuite, un goût prononcé pour les considérations linguistiques ; enfin, une vision spirituelle de couleur mystique dans laquelle on voit facilement l'influence du milieu akbarien d'Ibn 'Arabî. Ce travail est une monographie précise sur les notions et les exemples de secrets, de subtilités, de nuances et d'ordre que l'auteur découvre dans le texte coranique et qui constituent les éléments fondamentaux de sa beauté. On se rendra compte que, par rapport à ses prédécesseurs et à ses contemporains, al-Râzî fait preuve de créativité personnelle, d'ingéniosité intellectuelle, de finesse imaginative, de capacité d'émerveillement et de profondeur spirituelle ; ce qui le rend attachant et intéressant même pour un homme d'aujourd'hui. Cette monographie est aussi un prétexte servant à donner une idée assez complète sur ce genre de commentaire coranique, en général. Elle peut donc être utile à l'historien de la pensée qui n'a pas directement accès aux sources arabes. Le musulman non-arabisé pourra y trouver un aliment pour sa foi et le non-musulman, une occasion d'ouverture sur une culture dont l'accès lui est souvent rendu difficile à cause de la langue dans laquelle elle s'exprime

Razi : master of Quranic interpretation and theological reasoning
ISBN: 0199345945 0199948003 Year: 2014 Publisher: New York : Oxford University Press,

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This study investigates the transformative contributions that Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī made to the Islamic intellectual tradition. It focuses on the ways that Rāzī exploited the rich heritage of ancient and Islamic philosophy to interpret the Qur'ān, and on the ways that he forged a methodology for Sunni orthodoxy by uniting reason with the Qur'ān and prophetic traditions (naql). The book proposes that Rāzī gave his intellectual agenda an indisputed authority in Sunni Islam by using the Qur'ān as a vehicle for his ideas.

Raison et révélation en Islam : les voies de la connaissance dans le commentaire coranique de Faḫr al-Dīn al-Rāzī (m. 606/1210)
ISSN: 09292403 ISBN: 9789004400481 9004400486 9004400494 9789004400498 Year: 2019 Volume: 156 Publisher: Leiden ; Boston : Brill,

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Dans cet ouvrage, Ahmed Oulddali étudie les idées psychologiques et épistémologiques qui sous-tendent l’exégèse spéculative de Faḫr al-Dīn al-Rāzī. Connu pour être l’un des rares théologiens musulmans à avoir proposé une interprétation philosophique du Coran, Rāzī se révèle ici un penseur novateur, profondément convaincu de la nécessité de prendre appui sur les sciences et les méthodes rationnelles pour appréhender la révélation. Son rejet formel du littéralisme et ses multiples emprunts à la philosophie d’Avicenne apparaissent comme la conséquence d’une conception de la connaissance dans laquelle la raison joue un rôle déterminant. Basée sur une documentation très riche, comprenant de nombreuses sources arabes, la présente étude offre une vue d’ensemble des enjeux philosophiques, théologiques et exégétiques auxquels répond la pensée de Rāzī. In Reason and Revelation in Islam , Ahmed Oulddali presents the psychological and epistemological ideas which underlie Faḫr al-Dīn al-Rāzī’s speculative exegesis. Known as one of the few Muslim theologians to have proposed a philosophical interpretation of the Qurʾān, Rāzī appears here as an innovative thinker, deeply convinced of the need to rely on rational methods to understand revelation. His formal rejection of literalism and his multiple borrowings from Avicenna’s philosophy are explained as a consequence of a conception of knowledge in which reason plays a decisive role. Richly infused with illustrative texts and original translations from Arab sources, Oulddali’s book offers an overview of the philosophical, theological and exegetical issues to which the thinking of Rāzī responds.

Fakhr al-Dîn al-Râzî : commentateur du Coran et philosophe
ISBN: 2711615715 9782711615711 Year: 2002 Volume: 37 Publisher: Paris: Vrin,

Index du Grand Commentaire de Fahr Al-Dīn Al-Rāzī.
ISBN: 9004103627 9004471766 9789004103627 9789004471764 Year: 1996 Volume: 22 Publisher: Boston : BRILL,

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This work contains indexes of the proper names and subjects of the Great Commentary of Faẖr al-Dîn al Râzî, based on the Beirut edition (1981) and also taking into account the editions of Cairo (1933) and Teheran (n.d.).

The teleological ethics of Fakhr al-Din al-Razi
ISBN: 9004149910 9786611398996 1281398993 9047409000 9789047409007 9781281398994 9789004149915 Year: 2006 Publisher: Leiden,The Netherlands ; Boston : Brill,

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Using the most extensive collection hitherto of his published and unpublished writings, this volume provides a comprehensive, in-depth and interdisciplinary study of the ethical philosophy of al-Rāzī (1149-1210), a most outstanding and influential medieval philosopher-theologian. A complex picture emerges, across his philosophical, theological, ethical and juristic works, of a consistent and multi-layered ethical theory. Al-Rāzī departs from classical Ash'arī divine command ethics to develop both a consequentialist ethics of action, which seriously rivals Mu'tazili deontological ethics, and a perfectionist ethics of character. Within the latter framework, he sets out his later, teleological theory of prophecy. The volume includes the text, published for the first time, of one of al-Rāzī's latest and most fascinating works, Censure of the Pleasures of This World , which expresses pronounced moral and epistemological pessimism.


Islamic ethics. --- Islamic philosophy. --- Arabic philosophy --- Muslim philosophy --- Philosophy, Islamic --- Philosophy, Arab --- Muslim ethics --- Religious ethics --- Rāzī, Fakhr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn ʻUmar, --- Faḫr ad-Dīn ar-Rāzī, --- Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī, --- Fakhr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn ʻUmar al-Rāzī, --- Fakhr Rāzī, Muḥammad ibn ʻUmar ibn al-Ḥusayn Abū al-Faz̤l, --- Fakhr ud-Dīn Rāzī, --- Fakhraddin Rāzi, --- Fakhre Rāzi, M., --- Fakhruddin Muhammad bin Omar al-Razi, --- Ibn Khaṭīb al-Rayy, --- Muḥammad ibn ʻUmar al-Rāzī, Fakhr al-Dīn, --- Rāzī, Faḫr ad-Dīn, --- Râzı̂, Fahrettin, --- Rāzi, Fakhr, --- Rāzī, Fakhr al-Dīn, --- Rāzī, Fakhr ud-Dīn, --- Rāzi, Fakhraddin, --- Razi, Fakhruddin Muhammad bin Omar, --- Rāzi, M. Fakhre, --- Rozi, Fakhriddin, --- الرازي، فخر الدين محمد بن عمر --- رازي، فخر الدين بن عمر --- رازي، فخر الدين محمد ابن عمر --- رازي، فخر الدين محمد بن عمر --- رازي، فخر الدين محمد بن عمر، --- رازي، فخر الدين محمد بن محمد بن عمد --- رازي، فخرالدين محمد بن عمر --- راضى، فخرالدين محمد عمر --- ررازى، فخرالدين محمد ابن عمر --- فخر الدين الرازي --- فخر الدين محمد بن عمر الرازي --- فخر رازى، محمد بن عمر بن الحسين ابو الفضل, --- Râzî, Fahreddin, --- Razi, Fakhr al-Din Muhammad ibn Umar,

Fakhr al-Din al-Razi and Thomas Aquinas on the question of the eternity of the world
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9004124802 9004453423 Year: 2002 Volume: 48 Publisher: Leiden Boston Köln Brill

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R¯az¯i, Fakhr al-D¯in Muhammad ibn `Umar --- Contributions in concept of the eternity of the world --- Thomas Aquinas --- Eternity --- History of doctrines --- Middle Ages, 600-1500 --- Philosophy [Islamic ] --- History --- Philosophy [Comparative ] --- Philosophy [Medieval ] --- Islamic philosophy --- Philosophy, Comparative --- Philosophy, Medieval --- Medieval philosophy --- Scholasticism --- Comparative philosophy --- Infinite --- Future life --- Thomas, --- Rāzī, Fakhr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn ʻUmar, --- Faḫr ad-Dīn ar-Rāzī, --- Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī, --- Fakhr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn ʻUmar al-Rāzī, --- Fakhr Rāzī, Muḥammad ibn ʻUmar ibn al-Ḥusayn Abū al-Faz̤l, --- Fakhr ud-Dīn Rāzī, --- Fakhraddin Rāzi, --- Fakhre Rāzi, M., --- Fakhruddin Muhammad bin Omar al-Razi, --- Ibn Khaṭīb al-Rayy, --- Muḥammad ibn ʻUmar al-Rāzī, Fakhr al-Dīn, --- Rāzī, Faḫr ad-Dīn, --- Râzı̂, Fahrettin, --- Rāzi, Fakhr, --- Rāzī, Fakhr al-Dīn, --- Rāzī, Fakhr ud-Dīn, --- Rāzi, Fakhraddin, --- Razi, Fakhruddin Muhammad bin Omar, --- Rāzi, M. Fakhre, --- Rozi, Fakhriddin, --- الرازي، فخر الدين محمد بن عمر --- رازي، فخر الدين بن عمر --- رازي، فخر الدين محمد ابن عمر --- رازي، فخر الدين محمد بن عمر --- رازي، فخر الدين محمد بن عمر، --- رازي، فخر الدين محمد بن محمد بن عمد --- رازي، فخرالدين محمد بن عمر --- راضى، فخرالدين محمد عمر --- ررازى، فخرالدين محمد ابن عمر --- فخر الدين الرازي --- فخر الدين محمد بن عمر الرازي --- فخر رازى، محمد بن عمر بن الحسين ابو الفضل, --- Akʻvineli, Tʻoma, --- Akvinietis, Tomas, --- Akvinskiĭ, Foma, --- Aquinas, --- Aquinas, Thomas, --- Foma, --- Thomas Aquinas, --- Tʻoma, --- Toma, --- Tomas, --- Tomasu, --- Tomasu, Akwinasu, --- Tomasz, --- Tommaso, --- Tʻovma, --- Тома, Аквінський, --- תומאס, --- תומס, --- اكويني ، توما --- Middle Ages, 500-1500 --- Ākvīnās, Tūmās, --- اكويني، توما, --- آکويناس، توماس, --- Râzî, Fahreddin,

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