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Tiere und Geschichte. Bd. 2 : Literarische und historische Quellen einer Animate History
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783515118859 Year: 2017 Publisher: Stuttgart Franz Steiner Verlag

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Auf dem Weg ins Türkische Reich : Ein bildungshistorisches Lesebuch
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ISBN: 3781559599 3781525198 Year: 2022 Publisher: Bad Heilbrunn Verlag Julius Klinkhardt

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"Lese-Buch - a strange name; what does it mean?" asks Elberfeld seminary teacher Hermann Wendt in 1909 in the "Deutsche Blätter für erziehenden Unterricht. ""A book in which one reads?" But to be read is the purpose of all books! The editors present excerpts from the corpus of sources they used to investigate how knowledge about Turks and Turkey shaped and changed in earlier periods of German history. The book documents views about Turks and Turkey up to the period after World War I - especially on the part of pedagogues and teachers. It invites readers to familiarize themselves with a chapter of the tense but hitherto little-known interweaving of German colonial and educational history. „Lese-Buch – ein merkwürdiger Name; was soll er bedeuten?“, fragt der Elberfelder Seminarlehrer Hermann Wendt 1909 in den Deutschen Blättern für erziehenden Unterricht. „Ein Buch, darin man liest?“ Aber gelesen zu werden, sei doch die Bestimmung aller Bücher! Die Herausgeberinnen präsentieren Ausschnitte aus dem Quellenkorpus, mit dem sie der Frage nachgingen, wie sich das Wissen über Türken und die Türkei in früheren Epochen der deutschen Geschichte gestaltete und wandelte. Das Buch dokumentiert Ansichten über Türken und die Türkei bis in die Zeit nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg – insbesondere auf Seiten von Pädagogik und Lehrerschaft. Es lädt dazu ein, sich mit einem Kapitel der spannungsreichen, aber bisher kaum bekannten Verflechtungen von deutscher Kolonial- und Bildungsgeschichte bekannt zu machen.

Europäische Geschlechtergeschichten
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783515121460 Year: 2018 Publisher: Stuttgart Franz Steiner Verlag

A Geneva School Reader in Linguistics
ISBN: 0253049024 Year: 1969 Publisher: Indiana University Press

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Over a half century after the death of the great Genevese linguist, Ferdinand de Saussure, Mr. Godel provides an external frame of reference for what has been called the "Saussurian School" of Geneva. He presents a succinct biography and bibliography of the leading figures of the School in chronological order according to their date of birth. Except for those linguists no longer alive (de Saussure, Bally, Sechehaye, and Kar- cevski), each author has chosen his own extract. Mr. Godel makes available for the first time de Saussure's notes on Morphology and the text of his last lectures on Linguistic Science. Also included are papers from Manuel Mourelle-Lema, Charles Bally, Albert Sechehaye, Serge Karcevski, Andre Burger, Henri Frei, Robert Godel, Edmond Sollberger, and Felix Kahn. In drawing together this distinguished collection of articles and papers by the foremost representatives of the Geneva circle of linguists, Mr. Godel provides students of linguistics with a valuable source of primary materials.

From Roma quadrata to la grande Roma dei Tarquini : a study of the literary tradition on Rome's territorial growth under the kings
ISBN: 9783515124515 3515124519 9783515124522 3515124527 Year: 2019 Publisher: Stuttgart : Franz Steiner Verlag.

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La 4e de couverture indique : "By the end of the regal period (late 6th c. BC) Rome was by far the greatest non-greek city in Italy. How she attained her enormous size was a problem for the ancients no less than for the moderns. The former agreed on Rome's birth (the firth city of the 8th c. BC on the Palatine's 15 hectares) and completion (all the traditional Seven Hills, ca. 400 hectares) ; evrerything in-between was a matter of dispute. The latter, while agreeing on the point of arrival, evidenced by the archaic remains of the "Servian Wall", reject the point of departure and so the whole literary tradition on Rome's growth, pointing out that the Palatine was inhabited much earlier and the Capitol earlier still ; another argument is a hypothetical huge (200-300 hectares) "proto-urban centre" on Rome's site. The aim of this study is to to assess the worth of the ancients' certainty that the Palatine was the city's cradle and see if their writings preserved dependable information on her growth ; the results - Rome was in fact founded on the Palatine and had one stage of growth between the "Romulean" birth and the "Servian-Tarquinian" achievement - pass well the test of confrontation with the archeological material."

ISSN: 21942005 Year: 1951 Publisher: Bonn Bundesanzeiger Verlagsges.

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Digital Turn und Historische Bildungsforschung : Bestandsaufnahme und Forschungsperspektiven
ISBN: 3781559521 3781525171 Year: 2022 Publisher: Bad Heilbrunn Verlag Julius Klinkhardt

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In recent decades, historical educational research has developed into a field of research and work that is multifaceted in its topics, methods, and theoretical references and is interdisciplinary. The methods, working techniques, and tools of the digital humanities, which influence many areas of the humanities and cultural studies today, are also already being applied there in a variety of ways. This volume demonstrates this with concrete examples from current research projects and working groups related to historical education research. The contributions give examples of the application of selected digital tools and research methods and put research-practical as well as epistemological questions up for discussion. Historische Bildungsforschung hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten zu einem Forschungs- und Arbeitsgebiet entwickelt, das in seinen Themen, Methoden und theoretischen Bezügen vielseitig aufgestellt und interdisziplinär anschlussfähig ist. Auch Methoden, Arbeitstechniken und Tools der Digital Humanities, die viele Bereiche der Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften heute beeinflussen, finden dort bereits in vielfältiger Weise Anwendung. Dies zeigt der vorliegende Band anhand konkreter Beispiele aus aktuellen Forschungsprojekten und Arbeitsgruppen mit Bezug zur historischen Bildungsforschung. Die Beiträge geben Anwendungsbeispiele für ausgewählte digitale Werkzeuge und Forschungsmethoden und stellen forschungspraktische wie auch epistemologische Fragen zur Diskussion.


History of education --- Historische Bildungsforschung; Digitalisierung; Digitale Medien; Technologische Entwicklung; Bildungsgeschichte; Computerunterstütztes Verfahren; Historische Quelle; Quellensammlung; Digitale Informationsspeicherung; Analyse; Grundwissen; Wissenschaftsforschung; Erziehungswissenschaft; Online; Modellierung; Computerlinguistik; Schulbuch; Schulgeschichte; Pädagogische Zeitschrift; Religionsunterricht; Frau; Studium; Methodologie; Kollaboration; Schule; Archiv; Open Access; Hochschulgeschichte; Forschungsdaten; Prosopografie; Vernetzung; Hochschule; Geisteswissenschaften; Student; Daten; Wirtschaftsgeschichte; Humankapital; Literatur; Erinnerung; Zeitgeschichte; Karte; Kollektives Gedächtnis; Holocaust; Lernen; Sexualaufklärung; Fotografie; Soziales Netzwerk; Website; Informationsangebot; Elektronische Datenverarbeitung; Mediengeschichte; Stapfer, Philipp Albert; Mollenhauer, Klaus; 17. Jahrhundert; 18. Jahrhundert; 19. Jahrhundert; 20. Jahrhundert; 21. Jahrhundert; Nationalsozialismus; Deutschland ; Mittelalter; Frühe Neuzeit; Methode; Projekt; Längsschnittuntersuchung; Quantitative Analyse; Qualitative Analyse; Statistik; Deutschland; Schweiz; Dänemark; Norwegen; Bologna; Padua; Paris; Hannover; Bochum; Heiliges Römisches Reich deutscher Nation; Digitalization; Technological development; History of education; History of educational activities; Science of science; Sciences of education; On line; Modelling (Psychology); Computational linguistics; Text book; Textbook; History of schools; Religious instruction; Teaching of religion; Woman; Women; Academic studies; Methodology; School; History of universities; Higher education institute; Humanities; Intellectual Disciplines; Male student; Data; Economic history; Human capital; Literature; Recollection; Contemporary history; Twentieth century history; Maps; Learning; Sex education; Photography; Social networks; Available information; Electronic data processing; History of media; Nazism; Middle ages; Method; Project; Projects (Learning Activities); Longitudinal analysis; Longitudinal study; Qualitative analysis; Statistics; Germany; Switzerland; Denmark; Norway

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