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Esthetic Oral Rehabilitation with Veneers : A Guide to Treatment Preparation and Clinical Concepts
ISBN: 3030410919 3030410900 Year: 2020 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This book acquaints the clinician with the full range of parameters that need to be considered before undertaking an esthetic rehabilitation with veneers and describes current clinical concepts and techniques. The initial chapters provide the foundation for a comprehensive treatment plan. It is explained how digital smile design in conjunction with a wax-up and functional esthetic prototype allow a patient to visualize the possibilities. Occlusion prior to the initiation of treatment and following treatment is key to the longevity of restorations, and this aspect is given careful consideration. Detailed advice is also offered on proper selection of materials and their placement. The guidance provided will ensure that the reader is fully equipped to gather and assess all relevant information prior to commencement of the final treatment. The treatment itself can range from minimally invasive to more complex depending on the requirements of each individual case. Among the clinical concepts discussed in the book are the use of etched porcelain restorations, minimally invasive CAD/CAM veneers, and the ink glue technique.


Journal of dental sciences.
ISSN: 22138862 19917902 Year: 2006 Publisher: Taipei, Taiwan : Association for Dental Sciences of the Republic of China,


The dental team in the European Union
ISBN: 3030722325 3030722317 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Springer,


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Chemical technology --- Chemistry of natural organic substances --- Biological Factors --- Biological Products --- Chemistry, Organic --- Organic compounds --- Chimie organique --- Composés organiques --- chemistry --- Periodicals. --- Synthesis --- Périodiques --- Synthèse --- Molecules --- Chemistry --- Biological Agents --- Molécules --- Chimie --- Biologic Agents --- Biologic Factors --- Biological Factor --- Factor, Biologic --- Factor, Biological --- Factors, Biological --- Agents, Biologic --- Agents, Biological --- Biologic Factor --- Factors, Biologic --- synthesis --- Chemistry. --- Molecules. --- chemistry. --- Physical sciences --- Chemie van de organische natuurstoffen --- Chemische technologie --- Organic chemistry --- Molécules --- Organic Chemistry. --- Synthetic Chemistry. --- Natural Products. --- Molècules. --- Química. --- Ciència --- Àcids --- Aire líquid --- Espectroscòpia --- Bases (Química) --- Bioquímica --- Catàlisi --- Color --- Combustió --- Condensació --- Cosmoquímica --- Cristal·lització --- Dissociació (Química) --- Electroquímica --- Elements químics --- Estereoquímica --- Evaporació --- Explosius --- Farmàcia --- Fermentació --- Foc --- Geoquímica --- Microquímica --- Nanoquímica --- Química agrícola --- Química ambiental --- Química analítica --- Química dental --- Química farmacèutica --- Química física --- Química inorgànica --- Química orgànica --- Química sanitària --- Reaccions químiques --- Sals --- Verins --- Ensenyament de la química --- Gastronomia molecular --- Física molecular --- Constitució de la matèria --- Biomolècules --- Cristalls moleculars --- Estructura molecular --- Forces intermoleculars --- Macromolècules --- Monòmers --- Teoria de banda d'energia dels sòlids --- Espai químic

International Journal of Oral Science
ISSN: 16742818 20493169

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Stomatognathic Diseases --- Stomatognathic System --- Oral medicine --- Stomatologie --- Periodicals --- Périodiques --- Mouth --- Diseases --- oral surgery and medicine --- dentistry --- oral microbiology --- oral and maxillofacial oncology --- cariology --- dental material --- Stomatognathic Diseases. --- Stomatognathic System. --- Oral medicine. --- Diseases. --- Dentistry --- Face --- Head --- Oralogy --- Stomatology --- Medicine --- Stomatologists --- Masticatory System --- Masticatory Systems --- Stomatognathic Systems --- System, Masticatory --- System, Stomatognathic --- Systems, Masticatory --- Systems, Stomatognathic --- Mouth and Tooth Diseases --- Dental Diseases --- Dental Disease --- Disease, Dental --- Disease, Stomatognathic --- Diseases, Dental --- Diseases, Stomatognathic --- Stomatognathic Disease --- Dental Arch --- Malalties de la boca. --- Odontologia. --- Estomatologia --- Boca --- Cirurgia dental --- Endodòncia --- Làsers en odontologia --- Oclusió dental --- Odontologia estètica --- Odontologia geriàtrica --- Odontologia infantil --- Odontologia legal --- Odontologia preventiva --- Odontologia veterinària --- Ortodòncia --- Periodòncia --- Pròtesis dentals --- Prostodòncia --- Química dental --- Tecnologia dental --- Terapèutica dental --- Dents --- Farmacologia dental --- Història de l'odontologia --- Malalties orals --- Patologia bucal --- Patologia oral --- Dolor facial --- Dolor orofacial --- Halitosi --- Malaltia de Behçet --- Malalties de la llengua --- Malalties de les glàndules salivals --- Malalties de les genives --- Malalties periodontals --- Malformacions de la boca --- Manifestacions orals de les malalties --- Patologia dental --- Tumors de la boca

Medical channel.
ISSN: 20779135 16815491 Year: 1995 Publisher: Karachi : Medical Channel

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Medicine --- Dentistry --- Health Sciences --- General and Others --- Dentistry. --- Medicine. --- Clinical sciences --- Medical profession --- Human biology --- Life sciences --- Medical sciences --- Pathology --- Physicians --- Dental surgery --- Odontology --- Surgery, Dental --- Oral medicine --- Teeth --- Ciències de la salut. --- Medicina. --- Odontologia. --- Health Workforce --- Biologia humana --- Anatomia --- Andrologia --- Bacteriologia --- Bioquímica --- Botànica mèdica --- Cirurgia --- Climatologia mèdica --- Dermatologia --- Enginyeria biomèdica --- Estomatologia --- Farmacologia --- Geriatria --- Ginecologia --- Hospitals --- Infermeria --- Internet en medicina --- Malalties --- Medicina esportiva --- Medicina d'urgència --- Medicina de catàstrofes --- Medicina familiar --- Medicina física --- Medicina integrativa --- Medicina intensiva --- Medicina interna --- Medicina militar --- Medicina prenatal --- Medicina regenerativa --- Medicina submarina --- Medicina alternativa --- Ment i cos --- Nanomedicina --- Neurologia --- Nosologia --- Obstetrícia --- Oftalmologia --- Oncologia --- Otorrinolaringologia --- Patologia --- Pediatria --- Podologia --- Psiquiatria --- Salut --- Urologia --- Veterinària --- Educació mèdica --- Ensenyament de la medicina --- Filosofia mèdica --- Història de la medicina --- Metges --- Metgesses --- Psicologia mèdica --- Tecnologia mèdica --- Boca --- Cirurgia dental --- Endodòncia --- Làsers en odontologia --- Oclusió dental --- Odontologia estètica --- Odontologia geriàtrica --- Odontologia infantil --- Odontologia legal --- Odontologia preventiva --- Odontologia veterinària --- Ortodòncia --- Periodòncia --- Pròtesis dentals --- Prostodòncia --- Química dental --- Tecnologia dental --- Terapèutica dental --- Dents --- Farmacologia dental --- Història de l'odontologia

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