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Rozsáhlá monografie odborníků z pražské právnické fakulty pod vedením Jana Kuklíka a Reného Petráše se věnuje problému majetkových ztrát židovského obyvatelstva za druhé světové války a různým metodám odškodnění. Publikace má široký historický a komparativní záběr, obsahuje podrobnou analýzu právních aspektů a zabývá se i dodnes nedořešenými otázkami. Nejpodrobněji je v knize zastoupeno území bývalého Československa, ale pozornost je věnována i vývoji v dalších státech: Německu, Rakousku, Polsku, ale také v zemích s velmi odlišnou situací, jako jsou Velká Británie, Bulharsko či Švýcarsko. Výklad u jednotlivých států obvykle zahrnuje nástin vývoje postavení Židů v daném regionu v posledních desetiletích před holocaustem, jsou však naznačeny i starší, středověké tradice. Jádrem práce je zachycení často až pozoruhodně různorodých metod záborů židovského majetku zejména v době druhé světové války a jeho restitucí nebo různých odškodňovacích akcí, které probíhají až do současnosti.
Jewish property --- Restitution --- Replevin --- Unjust enrichment --- Property, Jewish --- Property --- Law and legislation
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Body marking --- Circumcision --- Ear piercing --- Lex talionis (Jewish law) --- Slavery (Jewish law) --- Property (Jewish law) --- Religious aspects --- Judaism
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The Nazis and their cohorts stole mercilessly from the Jews of Europe. In the aftermath of the Holocaust, returning survivors had to navigate unclear and hostile legal paths to recover their stolen property from governments and neighbors who often had been complicit in their persecution and theft. While the return of Nazi-looted art and recent legal settlements involving dormant Swiss bank accounts, unpaid insurance policies and use of slave labor by German companies have been well-publicized, efforts by Holocaust survivors and heirs over the last 70 years to recover stolen land and buildings were forgotten. In 2009, 47 countries convened in Prague to deal with the lingering problem of restitution of prewar private, communal, and heirless property stolen during the Holocaust. The outcome was the Terezin Declaration on Holocaust Era Assets and Related Issues, aiming to “rectify the consequences” of the wrongful Nazi-era immovable property seizures. This book sets forth the legal history of Holocaust immovable property restitution in each of the Terezin Declaration signatory states. It also analyzes how each of the 47 countries has fulfilled the standards of the Guidelines and Best Practices of the Terezin Declaration. These standards were issued in 2010 in conjunction with the establishment of the European Shoah Legacy Institute (ESLI), a state-sponsored NGO created to monitor compliance. The book is based on the Holocaust (Shoah) Immovable Property Restitution Study commissioned by ESLI, written by the authors and issued in Brussels in 2017 before the European Parliament.
World War, 1939-1945 --- Jewish property --- Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) --- Property, Jewish --- Property --- Claims --- Economic aspects --- Confiscations and contributions --- Destruction and pillage --- World War (1939-1945) --- Terezin Declaration on Holocaust Era Assets and Related Issues --- Jewish property. --- Claims. --- Economic aspects.
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In A Stake in the Ground , Michael Schraer explores the economic functions of real estate amongst the Jews of the medieval crown of Aragon. He challenges the view of medieval Jews as primarily money-lenders and merchants, finding compelling evidence for extensive property trading and investment. Jews are found as landlords to Christian tenants, transferring land in dowries, wills and gifts. Property holdings were often extremely valuable. For some, property was a major part of their asset portfolios. Whilst many property transactions were linked to the credit boom, land also acted as a liquid and tradeable investment asset in its own right. This is a key contribution to the economic history of medieval Iberia and of medieval Jews.
Jews --- Jewish property --- Real estate business --- Real estate companies --- Real estate industry --- Business --- Land use --- Real estate investment --- Property, Jewish --- Property --- Hebrews --- Israelites --- Jewish people --- Jewry --- Judaic people --- Judaists --- Ethnology --- Religious adherents --- Semites --- Judaism --- History.
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Öffentliche Sammlungen bewahren vielfach Dinge, die heute aus ethischen Gründen als sensibel eingestuft werden. Im Fokus stehen seit einigen Jahren die NS-Raubkunst und zunehmend auch Kulturgüter, die im Rahmen der Kolonialisierung nach Europa verbracht wurden. Doch gibt es noch viele weitere Arten sensibler Dinge wie sterbliche Überreste, religiöse Artefakte, illegal gehandelte Antiken oder unter den Artenschutz fallende Naturalia. Der Band wählt eine dezidiert vergleichende Perspektive und geht der Frage nach einem angemessenen Umgang mit diesen Objekten disziplinen- und institutionenübergreifend nach. Durch den Erfahrungsaustausch von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern aus Museen und Universitäten nimmt er das Thema erstmals auch systematisch für universitäre Sammlungen in den Blick, die aufgrund ihrer Heterogenität ein besonders breites Spektrum potentiell sensibler Objekte abdecken. Public collections often preserve things that are nowadays considered 'sensitive' for ethical reasons. For some years, the focus has been on Nazi looted art and is now increasingly being directed at cultural assets brought to Europe as part of colonisation. There are, however, many other types of sensitive things, such as mortal remains, religious artefacts, illegally traded antiques and wildlife products that fall under the protection of endangered species. This volume chooses to take on a decidedly comparative perspective in investigating how to appropriately deal with these objects across disciplines and institutions. For the first time, through the exchange of experience between scientists from museums and universities, it also systematically examines the topic for university collections, which, due to their heterogeneity, cover a particularly wide range of potentially sensitive objects.
Art thefts. --- Cultural property --- Jewish property. --- Repatriation. --- Property, Jewish --- Property --- Repatriation of cultural property --- Cultural policy --- Art --- Art robberies --- Art stealing --- Plunder of the arts --- Theft --- Repatriation --- Government policy --- Law and legislation --- Thefts
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Jews --- Credit --- Jewish property --- Economic conditions --- History --- Material culture --- Hebrews --- Israelites --- Jewish people --- Jewry --- Judaic people --- Judaists --- Ethnology --- Religious adherents --- Semites --- Judaism --- Property, Jewish --- Property --- Borrowing --- Finance --- Money --- Loans --- Jews - Poland - Wrocław - Economic conditions - Sources --- Credit - Poland - Wrocław - History - Sources --- Jews - Material culture - Poland - Wrocław - History - Sources --- Jewish property - Poland - Wrocław - History - Sources
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Die Suche nach in der NS-Zeit geraubten Büchern und ihre Restitution beschäftigt manche Bibliotheken schon seit Jahren, andere bisher noch nicht. Doch die NS-Provenienzforschung ist kaum abschließbar: Auch in Zukunft gibt es neue Hinweise und kommen potenziell betroffene Bücher in die Bibliotheksbestände. Das Buch bietet BibliotheksmitarbeiterInnen und Interessierten ein Grundverständnis der Problematik und das Rüstzeug, um bedenkliche Fälle in der alltäglichen Arbeit zu erkennen und zu behandeln. Es zeigt, wie Provenienzforschung in die Organisation integriert werden kann, wie betroffene Bücher sowie die rechtmäßigen EigentümerInnen identifiziert werden können, wie die einzelnen Fälle und Exemplare bearbeitet werden und wie wichtig dabei die Verbreitung der Forschungsergebnisse und die Vernetzung mit anderen ist. This book educates library staff on how to efficiently determine whether publications that are being processed as new acquisitions or in retrospective cataloguing were or could have been plundered during the Nazi period. Spreading today's knowledge about Nazi-era provenance research will be of great importance in coming years as specific research projects come to an end and the expertise of research staff risks being lost.
Art --- Jewish property --- Museums --- Public institutions --- Cabinets of curiosities --- Property, Jewish --- Property --- Art, Occidental --- Art, Visual --- Art, Western (Western countries) --- Arts, Fine --- Arts, Visual --- Fine arts --- Iconography --- Occidental art --- Visual arts --- Western art (Western countries) --- Arts --- Aesthetics --- Provenance --- Research --- Acquisitions --- Art, Primitive --- Provenance research. --- library history.
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Fascism --- Political culture --- Jewish property --- Foreign bank accounts --- Fascisme --- Culture politique --- Biens des Juifs --- Comptes en banque étrangers --- History. --- History --- Histoire --- Germany --- Allemagne --- Politics and government --- Ethnic relations. --- Politique et gouvernement --- Relations interethniques --- -Political culture --- -Jewish property --- -Foreign bank accounts --- -Bank accounts --- Property, Jewish --- Property --- Culture --- Political science --- Neo-fascism --- Authoritarianism --- Collectivism --- Corporate state --- National socialism --- Synarchism --- Totalitarianism --- -Germany --- -Ethnic relations. --- -History --- Comptes en banque étrangers --- Bank accounts
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338 <09> <4> --- Banks and banking --- -Jewish property --- -Jews --- -940 --- 332.1 --- Hebrews --- Israelites --- Jewish people --- Jewry --- Judaic people --- Judaists --- Ethnology --- Religious adherents --- Semites --- Judaism --- Property, Jewish --- Property --- Agricultural banks --- Banking --- Banking industry --- Commercial banks --- Depository institutions --- Finance --- Financial institutions --- Money --- 338 <09> <4> Economische geschiedenis--Europa --- Economische geschiedenis--Europa --- Corrupt practices --- -History --- -Claims --- Theses --- Capital --- History of Europe --- anno 1930-1939 --- anno 1940-1949 --- -Corrupt practices
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Art thefts --- Art --- Jewish property --- Jews --- World War, 1939-1945 --- World War, 1939-1945, in art --- Hebrews --- Israelites --- Jewish people --- Jewry --- Judaic people --- Judaists --- Ethnology --- Religious adherents --- Semites --- Judaism --- Property, Jewish --- Property --- Art, Occidental --- Art, Visual --- Art, Western (Western countries) --- Arts, Fine --- Arts, Visual --- Fine arts --- Iconography --- Occidental art --- Visual arts --- Western art (Western countries) --- Arts --- Aesthetics --- Art robberies --- Art stealing --- Plunder of the arts --- Theft --- History --- Collectors and collecting --- Intellectual life --- Art and the war --- Confiscations and contributions --- Thefts --- Art, Primitive
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