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This report presents the conceptual foundations of the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), now in its eighth cycle of comprehensive and rigorous international surveys of student knowledge and skills that are essential for full participation in modern societies. As in previous cycles, the 2022 PISA assessment covered reading, mathematics and science, with a major focus on mathematics, plus an evaluation of students' creative thinking and financial literacy skills. This publication includes the frameworks for assessing mathematics, financial literacy and creative thinking. These chapters outline the content knowledge and skills that students need to acquire in each domain, how each domain is assessed, and the contexts in which this knowledge and these skills are applied. The publication also presents the frameworks for the various questionnaires distributed to students, school principals, parents and teachers, including a new Global Crisis Module (GCM) for students and school principals. It concludes with the framework for the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) familiarity questionnaire distributed to students.
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Assessing Scientific, Reading and Mathematical Literacy: A Framework for PISA 2006 presents the conceptual framework underlying the PISA 2006 survey. It includes a re-developed and expanded framework for scientific literacy, an innovative component on the assessment of students’ attitudes to science and the frameworks for the assessment of reading and mathematics. Within each domain, the framework defines the content that students need to acquire, the processes that need to be performed, and the contexts in which knowledge and skills are applied. The domains and their aspects are also illustrated with sample tasks.
Education --- Programme for International Student Assessment. --- Education.
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Welche Bedeutung haben die Ergebnisse von Leistungsvergleichsstudien für die Bildungspolitik? PISA 2000 wird zum Beispiel genommen, um dies empirisch zu untersuchen: In vier Bundesländern wird differenziert nachgezeichnet, wie die politischen Akteure auf PISA reagiert haben. Im Ergebnis zeigt sich, dass PISA nur selten neue Programme initiiert – aber umso häufiger herangezogen wird, um die ohnehin verfolgte politische Linie zu legitimieren. Die Hoffnung, dass PISA „Steuerungswissen“ produziert, lässt sich kaum einlösen. Aber PISA schafft Orientierungen für eine Politik, die ihre Entscheidungen weiterhin eigenständig begründen muss.
Education. --- Education, general. --- Programme for International Student Assessment.
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Teenagers --- Financial literacy --- Finance, Personal. --- Programme for International Student Assessment.
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Teachers are the most important resource in today’s schools. In every country, teachers’ salaries and training represent the greatest share of expenditure in education. And this investment in teachers can have significant returns: research shows that being taught by the best teachers can make a real difference in the learning and life outcomes of otherwise similar students. Teachers, in other words, are not interchangeable workers in some sort of industrial assembly line; individual teachers can change lives – and better teachers are crucial to improving the education that schools provide. Improving the effectiveness, efficiency and equity of schooling depends, in large measure, on ensuring that competent people want to work as teachers, that their teaching is of high quality and that high-quality teaching is provided to all students. This report, building on data from the Indicators of Education Systems (INES) programme, the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) and the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), explores three teacher-policy questions: How do the best-performing countries select, develop, evaluate and compensate teachers? How does teacher sorting across schools affect the equity of education systems? And how can countries attract and retain talented men and women to teaching?
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This report presents a summary of the trends in Mexico’s performance in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and considers them in relation to the PISA target established by the Mexican government. Trends regarding access to education by 15-year-olds and equity as indicated by the impact of socio-economic background on students’ performance are also examined. The report shows that the performance gains that Mexico has achieved since Mexico’s President Calderón established the PISA performance target have been significant and Mexico seems well on track to meet its 2012 target. In addition, the report reviews Mexico’s performance compared to other countries in the OECD, the G20, and to similar economies to also highlight that improvement is still needed. Based on a comparison of performance between Mexican schools, the report also shows that relatively higher performance is not dictated by socio-economic background. The report concludes by drawing together evidence from PISA and an examination of a selection of today’s highest performing education systems in order to provide a long-term perspective for educational improvement in Mexico.
Education --- Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) --- Mexico
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Kwaliteitszorg --- Onderwijs --- Onderzoek (wetenschap) --- Schoolontwikkeling --- Programme for International Student Assessment
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Die Ergebnisse der PISA-Studien zeigen vor allem in der Geometrie einen besonderen Förderbedarf im unteren Leistungsbereich. Frauke Ulfig untersucht individuelle Vorgehensweisen und Vorstellungen geometrischer Begriffe von HauptschülerInnen. Sie lässt ausgewählte Geometrieaufgaben der PISA-Studie 2003 bearbeiten und führt Nachträgliches Lautes Denken und leitfadengestützte Interviews durch. Im Forschungsrahmen der Didaktischen Rekonstruktion und mit Vorgehensweisen aus der Grounded Theory leitet sie geometrische Denkweisen beim Bearbeiten der Aufgaben ab. Die Ergebnisse bieten eine Orientierung zur Weiterentwicklung des Geometrieunterrichts unter Berücksichtigung von SchülerInnen im unteren Leistungsbereich. Frauke Ulfig promovierte bei Prof. Dr. Michael Neubrand am Institut für Mathematik der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg. Sie ist Lehrerin an einer Grundschule. Frauke Ulfig promovierte bei Prof. Dr. Michael Neubrand am Institut für Mathematik der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg. Sie ist Lehrerin an einer Grundschule.
Mathematics. --- Mathematics, general. --- Geometry. --- Quantitative research. --- Qualitative research. --- Programme for International Student Assessment.
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Qu'apprennent les élèves à l'école ? De quoi dépendent leurs acquis et dans quelle mesure sont-ils capables de les utiliser dans la vie quotidienne puis dans leur vie professionnelle ? Quel type d'organisation scolaire favorise des niveaux de compétences élevés et pour quel type d'élèves ? Quelle est l'ampleur des inégalités scolaires liées à l'origine sociale, au sexe, à un parcours migratoire éventuel ou à d'autres dimensions ? Les enquêtes PISA (Programme international de suivi des acquis des élèves) apportent des réponses à ces questions et à bien d'autres encore. Elles comparent les compétences des élèves à 15 ans dans 65 pays pour la compréhension de l'écrit, la culture mathématique et la culture scientifique. Pour autant, au regard de la large diffusion des résultats de ces enquêtes, des polémiques qu'elles génèrent (singulièrement en France), mais aussi de leur impact réel sur l'élaboration des politiques éducatives, il est indispensable de comprendre comment elles sont construites, quelles en sont les limites et ce qu'elles nous apprennent sur les processus éducatifs en général et le système éducatif français en particulier. Les auteurs de cet ouvrage ont entrepris une véritable enquête sur les enquêtes PISA et nous en livrent les résultats.
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