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Staging the world : spoils, captives, and representations in the Roman triumphal procession
ISBN: 9780199215973 0199215979 019170685X 9786612268496 128226849X 0191568783 Year: 2009 Volume: *6 Publisher: Oxford: Oxford university press,

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An illustrated study of the Roman triumphal procession, Ida Ostenberg analyses the stories the Roman triumph told about the defeated and the ideas it transmitted about Rome itself.

Theater der Macht : die Inszenierung der Politik in der römischen Republik
ISBN: 9783406806933 3406806937 Year: 2023 Publisher: München: C.H. Beck,

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500 Jahre währte die Geschichte der römischen Republik. Große Namen wie Brutus, Cato, Sulla, Caesar und Augustus ragen daraus hervor. Doch was war der Stoff, der ihre Welt im Innersten zusammenhielt? Ausgefeilt choreographierte Zeremonien und streng festgelegte Rituale der Macht, die in Rom wie auf einer Bühne inszeniert wurden! Triumphzug und Götterkult, Volksversammlung und Leichenbegängnis - alles fügte sich zu einer niemals endenden Aufführung, in deren unablässigem Vollzug jeder Bürger den römischen Kosmos wiedererkannte und verstand, wo darin sein Platz war

Victoires et triomphes à Rome : droit et réalités sous la République
ISBN: 2846270430 9782846270434 Year: 2001 Publisher: Besançon: Presses universitaires franc-comtoises,

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Performance, memory, and processions in ancient Rome
ISBN: 9781107130715 9781316693773 1107130719 1107576660 9781316442616 9781107576667 1316693023 1316692876 1316693171 1316693775 1316693325 1316442616 1316691977 Year: 2016 Publisher: New York Cambridge University Press

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"The pompa circensis, the procession which preceded the chariot races in the arena, was both a prominent political pageant and a hallowed religious ritual. Traversing a landscape of memory, the procession wove together spaces and institutions, monuments and performers, gods and humans into an image of the city, whose contours shifted as Rome changed. In the late Republic, the parade produced an image of Rome as the senate and the people with their gods - a deeply traditional symbol of the city which was transformed during the empire when an imperial image was built on top of the republican one. In late antiquity, the procession fashioned a multiplicity of Romes: imperial, traditional, and Christian. In this book, Jacob A. Latham explores the webs of symbolic meanings in the play between performance and itinerary, tracing the transformations of the circus procession from the late Republic to late antiquity"--

Römische Paraderüstungen
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3406005004 9783406005008 Year: 1978 Volume: 30 Publisher: München: Beck,

Le triomphe romain et son utilisation politique : à Rome aux trois derniers siècles de la République
ISSN: 02235099 ISBN: 9782728307838 2728307830 Year: 2007 Volume: 392 Publisher: Rome: École française de Rome,

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Le triomphe est la cérémonie la plus magnifique de la République romaine, le général est autorisé à entrer dans la ville et à exalter sa victoire. Au début de la période hellénistique, le rituel acquiert une forte dimension politique et permet notamment d’affirmer l’hérédité du pouvoir, c’est pourquoi la nobilitas invente de faux triomphes. Au IIIe siècle, la recherche de triomphes s’amplifie, ce qui conduit le sénat à en réglementer l’octroi. Les conflits entre l’assemblée et les généraux expliquent le développement de l’ovation et du triomphe sur le Mont albain. Les triomphateurs disposent de moyens variés pour commémorer leurs triomphes et en actualiser le souvenir, notamment à l’occasion des élections, le plus efficace est d’utiliser l’argent de leur butin pour la construction de temples. L’adoption de nouveaux cultes permet de célébrer une protection divine, mais aussi d’inscrire le triomphe dans l’espace et le temps de la cité. L’exemple des Caecilii Metelli met au jour des constructions idéologiques complexes qui préfigurent la période augustéenne.

Vittoria eterna : sovranità trionfale nella tarda antichità, a Bisanzio e nell'Occidente altomedioevale
Authors: ---
ISBN: 8834325346 9788834325346 Year: 1993 Volume: 7 Publisher: Milano : Vita e pensiero,

Triumphs in the age of civil war : the late Republic and the adaptability of triumphal tradition
ISBN: 9781474267847 9781474267861 9781474267854 147426784X 9781350060579 1350060577 Year: 2016 Publisher: London: Bloomsbury academic,

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"Many of the wars of the late Republic were largely civil conflicts. There was, therefore, a tension between the traditional expectation that triumphs should be celebrated for victories over foreign enemies and the need of the great commanders to give full expression to their prestige and charisma, and to legitimize their power. Triumphs in the Age of Civil War rethinks the nature and the character of the phenomenon of civil war during the Late Republic. At the same time it focuses on a key feature of the Roman socio-political order, the triumph, and argues that a commander could in practice expect to triumph after a civil war victory if it could also be represented as being over a foreign enemy, even if the principal opponent was clearly Roman. Significantly, the civil aspect of the war did not have to be denied. Carsten Hjort Lange provides the first study to consider the Roman triumph during the age of civil war, and argues that the idea of civil war as 'normal' reflects the way civil war permeated the politics and society of the Late Roman Republic"--

Eternal victory : triumphal rulership in late antiquity, Byzantium and the early medieval West
ISBN: 0521261805 2735100847 9780521261807 0521386594 9780521386593 Year: 1986 Publisher: Cambridge: Cambridge university press,

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