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Professional Responsibility: An Open-Source Casebook
Authors: ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Lexington, Kentucky Brian L. Frye & Elizabeth Schiller

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We wanted this casebook to be as easy to use and understand as possible. Accordingly, we included not only cases, but also the text of the rules and restatements, as well as concise explanations of the relevant law. Each chapter of the book addresses a different issue, in the following format. First, it clearly and concisely explains the relevant law governing that issue. Then provides the relevant text of any statutes, Model Rules, sections of the Restatement of the Law Governing Lawyers, or other sources, with a link to an open-source versions of the full text, when available. It provides one or more heavily edited cases intended to illustrate the application of the law at issue, with a link to an open-source version of the full text of the case. Each case is preceded by a brief summary of its facts, reasoning, and holding, and followed by questions intended to indicate subjects for further investigation or discussion. And finally, it includes citations to law review articles and other materials relevant to the law at issue, with links to open-source versions of those materials, when available. This casebook covers a wide range of different subjects related to the professional responsibility of attorneys. While it is possible to cover all of this material in a three credit-hour course, you may wish to omit some subjects. You may also wish to supplement the materials in this casebook with additional materials. We encourage you to use this casebook in any way that you like.


Law --- Procedural Law

Evidence : Best Evidence Rule
Year: 2012 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] CALI's eLangdell® Press

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The Best Evidence Rule, contained in Article X of the Federal Rules of Evidence (Rules 1001-1008) and state counterparts, is a Rule that requires a party seeking to prove the contents of a writing, recording, or photograph to produce the original (or a duplicate) or account for its nonproduction. Through a series of cases and hypotheticals drawn from actual cases, this chapter gives readers a roadmap for how to address any Best Evidence Rule issue in practice. Faculty materials also available: In addition to the free, open learning materials for students listed above, this eLangdell chapter includes a teacher's manual. Faculty and staff at CALI member schools can access these materials by logging in to eLangdell with a username and password. Contact CALI.


Law --- Procedural Law

Professional Responsibility: An Open-Source Casebook
Authors: ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Lexington, Kentucky Brian L. Frye & Elizabeth Schiller

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We wanted this casebook to be as easy to use and understand as possible. Accordingly, we included not only cases, but also the text of the rules and restatements, as well as concise explanations of the relevant law. Each chapter of the book addresses a different issue, in the following format. First, it clearly and concisely explains the relevant law governing that issue. Then provides the relevant text of any statutes, Model Rules, sections of the Restatement of the Law Governing Lawyers, or other sources, with a link to an open-source versions of the full text, when available. It provides one or more heavily edited cases intended to illustrate the application of the law at issue, with a link to an open-source version of the full text of the case. Each case is preceded by a brief summary of its facts, reasoning, and holding, and followed by questions intended to indicate subjects for further investigation or discussion. And finally, it includes citations to law review articles and other materials relevant to the law at issue, with links to open-source versions of those materials, when available. This casebook covers a wide range of different subjects related to the professional responsibility of attorneys. While it is possible to cover all of this material in a three credit-hour course, you may wish to omit some subjects. You may also wish to supplement the materials in this casebook with additional materials. We encourage you to use this casebook in any way that you like.


Law --- Procedural Law

Evidence : Best Evidence Rule
Year: 2012 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] CALI's eLangdell® Press

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The Best Evidence Rule, contained in Article X of the Federal Rules of Evidence (Rules 1001-1008) and state counterparts, is a Rule that requires a party seeking to prove the contents of a writing, recording, or photograph to produce the original (or a duplicate) or account for its nonproduction. Through a series of cases and hypotheticals drawn from actual cases, this chapter gives readers a roadmap for how to address any Best Evidence Rule issue in practice. Faculty materials also available: In addition to the free, open learning materials for students listed above, this eLangdell chapter includes a teacher's manual. Faculty and staff at CALI member schools can access these materials by logging in to eLangdell with a username and password. Contact CALI.


Law --- Procedural Law

Historias de procesalistas, universidades y una Guerra Civil (1900-1950)
Year: 2012 Publisher: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History

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This book contains various works referring to Spanish prosecutors from the first half of the 20th century. The initial and final study of those that make up the work include other syntheses on the evolution of the Spanish procedural doctrine during that same period of time. Several other works are dedicated to reconstructing the vital, academic and scientific trajectory of some prosecutor. There are others who limit themselves to analyzing specific facts concerning the life of a certain prosecutor, although these are always events that have had a special impact on the evolution of Spanish procedural law. In turn, some studies deal with doctrinal works endowed with a particularly relevant significance in the recent history of Spanish procedural culture.

Federal rules of criminal procedure : hearing before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Ninety-fourth Congress, first session ... June 20, 1975
Year: 2014 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] CALI's eLangdell® Press

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This series of Federal Rules books, consisting of the Federal Rules of Evidence, Criminal Procedure and Civil Procedure, are powered by the Legal Information Institute at Cornell Law School, and created in partnership with The Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI).These rules govern the conduct of all criminal proceedings brought in Federal courts. Our Federal Rules ebooks include: The complete rules as of December 1, 2012 (for the 2013 edition). All notes of the Advisory Committee following each rule. Internal links to rules referenced within the rules. External links to the LII website's version of the US Code.


Law --- Procedural Law --- Criminal Law

Federal rules of criminal procedure : hearing before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Ninety-fourth Congress, first session ... June 20, 1975
Year: 2014 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] CALI's eLangdell® Press

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This series of Federal Rules books, consisting of the Federal Rules of Evidence, Criminal Procedure and Civil Procedure, are powered by the Legal Information Institute at Cornell Law School, and created in partnership with The Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI).These rules govern the conduct of all criminal proceedings brought in Federal courts. Our Federal Rules ebooks include: The complete rules as of December 1, 2012 (for the 2013 edition). All notes of the Advisory Committee following each rule. Internal links to rules referenced within the rules. External links to the LII website's version of the US Code.


Law --- Procedural Law --- Criminal Law

De mondelinge behandeling in civiele zaken
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789462904637 9462904634 Year: 2019 Publisher: Den Haag : Boom juridisch,

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De mondelinge behandeling is in de afgelopen decennia een essentieel onderdeel van de civiele procedure geworden. In de vorderings- en verzoekprocedure in eerste aanleg volgt op een ronde van schriftelijke stukkenwisseling (procesinleiding en verweerschrift) in vrijwel alle zaken een zitting waar partijen met de rechter over de zaak spreken. Ook in hoger beroep is een mondelinge behandeling steeds gebruikelijker geworden. Over de mondelinge behandeling in civiele zaken is in wetgeving, rechtspraak en literatuur veel informatie voorhanden. In de praktijk ontbreekt naar ons idee echter een bundeling van multidisciplinaire inzichten over de mondelinge behandeling die in de loop der jaren zijn gegroeid. Voor diepgaand onderzoek in de verspreide bronnen is in de praktijk van de rechter en de rechtshulpverlener niet veel gelegenheid. Met dit handboek is beoogd een naslagwerk te bieden waarin inzichten over een aantal veelvoorkomende aspecten van de mondelinge behandeling vanuit een multidisciplinaire invalshoek bijeen zijn gebracht en gemakkelijker kunnen worden geraadpleegd.

Otras Historias de Procesalistas y Del Proceso.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 841122466X 8411223906 Year: 2022 Publisher: Madrid Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History

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This work is a complement and continuation of the book by the same author Historias de procesalistas, universidades y una guerra civil (1900-1950) (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid/ed. Dykinson, Madrid, 2012), and includes various works written in recent years and referring to proceduralists of the more or less recent past. For these purposes, the concept of proceduralist is understood in a broad sense, which includes not only jurists who were professionally dedicated to this subject, but also other jurists who, repeatedly or occasionally, published studies of procedural content. In some of these works, an attempt has been made to reconstruct the life, academic and scientific trajectory of a proceduralist. Other writings deal with specific facts concerning the life of a particular proceduralist which have had a special impact on the history of Procedural Law. There are also several studies which, without referring to a specific proceduralist, analyse different procedural issues which concerned our ancestors, contributed to shaping the current procedural system and can help to understand it. The main objective of the compilation is to facilitate the search for the compiled works for those readers who may be interested in the issues dealt with in the corresponding writings. In the edition note at the back of the book, the publications in which the studies compiled in this work were published are indicated, but the version in which they were published is maintained in full. The compiled works follow the chronological order of the events studied in each of them. Esta obra es complemento y continuación del libro del mismo autor Historias de procesalistas, universidades y una guerra civil (1900-1950) (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid/ed. Dykinson, Madrid, 2012), e incluye diversos trabajos elaborados en los últimos años y referidos a procesalistas del pasado más o menos reciente. A estos efectos, el concepto de procesalista se entiende en sentido amplio, que comprende no sólo a los juristas que se dedicaron profesionalmente a esta materia, sino también a otros juristas que, con reiteración o de forma ocasional, publicaron estudios de contenido procesal. En algunos de estos trabajos se ha procurado reconstruir la trayectoria vital, académica y científica de algún procesalista. Otros escritos se ocupan de hechos concretos concernientes a la vida de un procesalista determinado que han tenido una especial incidencia en la historia del Derecho Procesal. Asimismo, se insertan varios estudios en los que, sin hacer referencia a un concreto procesalista, se analizan diferentes cuestiones procesales que preocuparon a nuestros antepasados, contribuyeron a configurar el sistema procesal actual y pueden ayudar a entenderlo. El objetivo principal de la recopilación es facilitar la búsqueda de los trabajos compilados a aquellos lectores que puedan estar interesados en las cuestiones tratadas en los correspondientes escritos. En la Nota de edición que figura en la parte final del libro, se indican las publicaciones en las que vieron la luz los estudios reunidos en esta obra, manteniéndose íntegramente la versión con la que fueron publicados. Los trabajos compilados se atienen al orden cronológico de los hechos que se estudian en cada uno de ellos.

Japan und das deutsche Zivilprozessrecht : Sammelband der zivilprozessualen Abhandlungen
ISBN: 3110975092 Year: 2015 Publisher: Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter,

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Die in diesem Sammelband veröffentlichten Abhandlungen machen den Leser mit dem japanischen Zivilprozeßrecht bekannt und leisten so einen Beitrag zur Rechtsvergleichung. The essays published in this collection introduce the reader to Japanese civil procedural law and contribute to comparative law.

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