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Many problems in the social sciences are amenable to analysis using the analytical tools of logit and probit models. This book explains what ordered and multinomial models are and also shows how to apply them to analysing issues in the social sciences.
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After showing why ordinary regression analysis is not appropriate for investigating dichotomous or otherwise 'limited' dependent variables, this volume examines three techniques which are well suited for such data. It reviews the linear probability model and discusses alternative specifications of non-linear models.
Probabilities. --- Logits. --- Probits.
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What is the probability that something will occur, and how is that probability altered by a change in an independent variable? To answer these questions, Tim Futing Liao introduces a systematic way of interpreting commonly used probability models.
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Neuere methodische Weiterentwicklungen der Conjoint-Analyse ermöglichen heute die simultane Segmentierung eines Gesamtmarktes von Konsumenten in homogene Teilmärkte und die Schätzung entsprechender segmentspezifischer Teilnutzenwertstrukturen. Auf diesem Wege soll der Heterogenität im Konsumentenverhalten Rechnung getragen werden. Das im Rahmen der simultanen Segmentierung derzeit meistgenutzte Conjoint Choice-Modell ist das Finite Mixture Logitmodell. Dieses unterstellt Unabhängigkeit der Gesamtnutzen aller Alternativen, die einem Konsumenten zur Auswahl gestellt werden, und postuliert somit, dass Auswahlentscheidungen unabhängig vom Kontext sind, in dem die Alternativen dem Konsumenten präsentiert werden. Diese Annahme erscheint in Bezug auf die Abbildung realen Kaufverhaltens jedoch fraglich. Friederike Paetz entwickelt ein Finite Mixture Multinomiales Probitmodell, welches explizit Abhängigkeiten zwischen (den Gesamtnutzen der) Alternativen berücksichtigen kann. Abhängigkeiten zwischen Alternativen können einerseits innerhalb eines Choice Sets und andererseits durch die Erinnerung an Alternativen vorangegangener Auswahlsituationen entstehen. Das neu entwickelte Modell wird anschließend sowohl in einer Simulationsstudie als auch in einer empirischen Studie mit Modellen, die Unabhängigkeit unterstellen, verglichen. Der Inhalt · Theoretische Grundlegung: Finite Mixture Multinomiales Probitmodell · Finite Mixture Independent Probitmodell · Modellprüfung durch Simulations- und empirische Studie · Kontexteffekte und Heterogenität. Die Zielgruppen · Dozierende und Studierende der Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit Schwerpunkt Marketing, Kaufverhaltensforschung und stochastischer Modellierung sowie der Mathematik · Marketing- und MarktforschungsberaterInnen, die das Kaufverhalten analysieren Die Autorin Friederike Paetz studierte Mathematik mit Nebenfach Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der Universität Paderborn und ist seit 2008 Wissenschaftliche Angestellte am Institut für Wirtschaftswissenschaft der TU Clausthal.
Marketing. --- Consumer behavior --- Probits. --- Mathematical models.
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Mathematical statistics --- Biometry --- Probits --- Medical statistics --- Biometry. --- Medical statistics. --- Probits. --- Quantum statistics. --- Biochemistry. --- Biochemistry, general.
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Drug synergism. --- Drug synergism --- Probits. --- Drugs --- Drug Synergism. --- Data Interpretation, Statistical. --- Dose-Response Relationship, Drug. --- Chemotherapy, Combination. --- Regression Analysis. --- Probits --- Mathematics. --- Dose-response relationship
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Parameter estimation --- Probits --- Biomathematics --- Distribution (Probability theory) --- Probabilities --- Transformations (Mathematics) --- Estimation theory --- Stochastic systems --- Statistiques ordonnees
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After showing why ordinary regression analysis is not appropriate for investigating dichotomous or otherwise 'limited' dependent variables, this volume examines three techniques which are well suited for such data. It reviews the linear probability model and discusses alternative specifications of non-linear models.
519.2 --- Probits --- #WWIS:STAT --- Biomathematics --- Distribution (Probability theory) --- Probabilities --- Transformations (Mathematics) --- 519.2 Probability. Mathematical statistics --- Probability. Mathematical statistics --- Logits --- Logits. --- Probits. --- Logit transformation --- Logarithms --- Probability --- Statistical inference --- Combinations --- Mathematics --- Chance --- Least squares --- Mathematical statistics --- Risk --- Probabilities. --- #SBIB:303H10 --- #SBIB:303H520 --- Methoden en technieken: algemene handboeken en reeksen --- Methoden sociale wetenschappen: techniek van de analyse, algemeen --- PROBABILITES --- MODELES --- SCIENCES SOCIALES --- METHODES QUANTITATIVES
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Mathematical statistics --- Estimation theory --- Biomathematics --- Probits --- Théorie de l'estimation --- Biomathématiques --- 519.2 --- Distribution (Probability theory) --- Probabilities --- Transformations (Mathematics) --- Estimating techniques --- Least squares --- Stochastic processes --- Biology --- Mathematics --- Probability. Mathematical statistics --- Biomathematics. --- Estimation theory. --- Probits. --- Basic Sciences. Mathematics --- Applied Mathematics --- Applied Mathematics. --- 519.2 Probability. Mathematical statistics --- Théorie de l'estimation --- Biomathématiques --- STATISTICS --- Monograph --- Statistics. --- Statistical analysis --- Statistical data --- Statistical methods --- Statistical science --- Econometrics
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Many problems in the social sciences are amenable to analysis using the analytical tools of logit and probit models. This book explains what ordered and multinomial models are and also shows how to apply them to analysing issues in the social sciences.
Mathematical statistics --- Social sciences --- Probabilities --- Logits --- Probits --- Statistical methods --- 519.2 --- #SBIB:303H10 --- #SBIB:303H520 --- #PBIB:2003.3 --- -Probabilities --- Biomathematics --- Distribution (Probability theory) --- Transformations (Mathematics) --- Logit transformation --- Logarithms --- Probability --- Statistical inference --- Combinations --- Mathematics --- Chance --- Least squares --- Risk --- Behavioral sciences --- Human sciences --- Sciences, Social --- Social science --- Social studies --- Civilization --- Probability. Mathematical statistics --- Methoden en technieken: algemene handboeken en reeksen --- Methoden sociale wetenschappen: techniek van de analyse, algemeen --- Logits. --- Probabilities. --- Probits. --- Statistical methods. --- 519.2 Probability. Mathematical statistics --- Social sciences - Statistical methods
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