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Professionalisierung pädagogischer Fach- und Lehrkräfte in der frühen MINT-Bildung
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 3847415786 3847423916 Year: 2021 Publisher: Leverkusen Verlag Barbara Budrich

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Die Autor*innen legen dar, dass die Anzahl besuchter MINT-Fortbildungen von zentraler Bedeutung für die Entwicklung der professionellen Kompetenz in der frühen MINT-Bildung ist. Der Band stellt die Ergebnisse zweier Studien zur professionellen Entwicklung von pädagogischen Fach- und Lehrkräften in der frühen MINT-Bildung vor, die zu diesem Ergebnis gekommen sind. The number of attended MINT training courses is of central importance for the development of professional competence in early MINT education. This is the conclusion reached in the thirteenth volume of the publication series of the "Haus der kleinen Forscher" (Little Scientists' House). It presents the results of two studies on the professional development of educational specialists and teachers in early MINT education.

The professional development of primary EFL teachers : National and international research
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3830984243 9783830984245 Year: 2017 Publisher: Münster Waxmann

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In this publication national and international researchers working in the field of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) education, applied linguistics and educational sciences are presenting their current research in the area of primary EFL teacher education. The starting point of this collection was the general shift in educational research towards the role of teachers as well as towards facets of the teaching profession and their relative contributions to successful and 'good' education. All contributions to this volume focus primarily on hitherto insufficiently researched aspects of the professional development of primary EFL teachers. This book is thus contributing to closing existing research gaps as well as giving impetus for future studies and increasing communication about research on the professional development of EFL teachers in related disciplines. Aside from an overview of teaching primary EFL in Europe and beyond, the contributors are presenting up-to-date research on policy and practice of primary EFL teacher education, in-service training as well as professional competences and beliefs of primary EFL teachers. Edited by Eva Wilden and Raphaela Porsch, this interdisciplinary book provides contributions from Nora Benitt, Henriette Dausend, Ann-Cathrin Deters-Philipp, Janet Enever, Alicia Jöckel, Johannes König, Angelika Kubanek, Sandra Lammerding, Rama Mathew, Günter Nold, Annamaria Pinter, Thorsten Piske, Shelagh Rixon, Andreas Rohde, Henning Rossa, Bianca Roters, Sarah Strauß and Sarantis Tachtsoglou. Generally, I find Eva Wilden and Raphaela Porsch's 2017 edited anthology a gap-filling collection offering a much-needed contribution to the knowledge of primary EFL teachers' professional development from both a German-specific and international perspective. [...] From this perspective, a large group of audience can benefit from the book, including frontline primary EFL teachers, language teacher educators, language policy makers, school leaders, language teacher researchers, as well as any others who are of great interest in primary EFL teacher research. Therefore, this collection deserves my wholehearted recommendation. - Zhiyuan Wang, in: System 72 (2018), pp. 240f.

Mudarrisa: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan Islam
ISSN: 25413457 20852061

Die Bildung der Generalistinnen und Generalisten : Perspektiven auf Fachlichkeit im Studium zur Lehrperson für Kindergarten und Primarschule. Festschrift für Frau Prof. Dr. Charlotte Müller
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 3781558606 3781524558 Year: 2021 Publisher: Bad Heilbrunn Verlag Julius Klinkhardt

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Fachlichkeit ist ein zentrales Moment pädagogischer Professionalität. Doch wie gestaltet sich das (Fach-) Studium für Lehrer*innen der Schuleingangsstufe, die als Generalist*innen später (fast) alles unterrichten? Wie konturiert sich Fachlichkeit, wenn der Unterricht wesentlich an die Lebens- und Erfahrungswelt der Schüler*innen anknüpft und eine Perspektivendifferenzierung im Sinne grundlegender fachlicher Bildung erst anstrebt? Im vorliegenden Band werden Konturen eines Studiums für Generalistinnen und Generalisten entwickelt, die systematisch zwischen einer disziplinären akademischen Studienstruktur und den generalistischen beruflichen Anforderungen aus der Perspektive der Studienfächer und möglicher verbindender Konzeptionen vermitteln.

Designing Cost-Effective Cash Transfer Programs To Boost Schooling Among Young Women in Sub-Saharan Africa
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2009 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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As of 2007, 29 developing countries had some type of conditional cash transfer program in place, with many others planning or piloting one. However, the evidence base needed by a government to decide how to design a new conditional cash transfer program is severely limited in a number of critical dimensions. This paper presents one-year schooling impacts from a conditional cash transfer experiment among teenage girls and young women in Malawi, which was designed to address these shortcomings: conditionality status, size of separate transfers to the schoolgirl and the parent, and village-level saturation of treatment were all independently randomized. The authors find that the program had large impacts on school attendance: the re-enrollment rate among those who had already dropped out of school before the start of the program increased by two and a half times and the dropout rate among those in school at baseline decreased from 11 to 6 percent. These impacts were, on average, similar in the conditional and the unconditional treatment arms. Although most schooling outcomes examined here were unresponsive to variation in the size of the transfer to the parents, higher transfers given directly to the schoolgirls were associated with significantly improved school attendance and progress - but only if the transfers were conditional on school attendance. There were no spillover effects within treatment communities after the first year of program implementation. Policymakers looking to design cost-effective cash transfer programs targeted toward young women should note the relative insensitivity of these short-term program impacts with respect to conditionality and total transfer size.

Designing Cost-Effective Cash Transfer Programs To Boost Schooling Among Young Women in Sub-Saharan Africa
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2009 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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As of 2007, 29 developing countries had some type of conditional cash transfer program in place, with many others planning or piloting one. However, the evidence base needed by a government to decide how to design a new conditional cash transfer program is severely limited in a number of critical dimensions. This paper presents one-year schooling impacts from a conditional cash transfer experiment among teenage girls and young women in Malawi, which was designed to address these shortcomings: conditionality status, size of separate transfers to the schoolgirl and the parent, and village-level saturation of treatment were all independently randomized. The authors find that the program had large impacts on school attendance: the re-enrollment rate among those who had already dropped out of school before the start of the program increased by two and a half times and the dropout rate among those in school at baseline decreased from 11 to 6 percent. These impacts were, on average, similar in the conditional and the unconditional treatment arms. Although most schooling outcomes examined here were unresponsive to variation in the size of the transfer to the parents, higher transfers given directly to the schoolgirls were associated with significantly improved school attendance and progress - but only if the transfers were conditional on school attendance. There were no spillover effects within treatment communities after the first year of program implementation. Policymakers looking to design cost-effective cash transfer programs targeted toward young women should note the relative insensitivity of these short-term program impacts with respect to conditionality and total transfer size.

Schule entwickeln: Jahrgangsmischung in der Grundschule : Eine empirische Studie zur pragmatisch bedingten Initiierung und Implementierung aus Sicht von Schulleitungen und Lehrkräften
ISBN: 3781559009 3781524604 Year: 2021 Publisher: Bad Heilbrunn Verlag Julius Klinkhardt

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Neben pädagogischen Gründen erlebt die Jahrgangsmischung in der gegenwärtigen deutschen Bildungslandschaft vor allem unter dem Motto "kurze Beine, kurze Wege" sowie aufgrund von schulorganisatorischen Anlässen eine Renaissance. Vor dem theoretischen Hintergrund der innovationsspezifischen Implikationen der Jahrgangsmischung, des Phasenverlaufs und der Bedingungen von Schulentwicklung sowie der Struktur professionellen Handelns im Aufgabenfeld Schulentwicklung geht die qualitative Interviewstudie der übergeordneten Frage nach, wie jahrgangsübergreifendes Lernen aus pragmatischen Gründen an Grundschulen initiiert und implementiert wird. Die Arbeit gibt einen Einblick in die einzelschulischen Entwicklungsprozesse sowie die Umstände demografie- und ressourcenbedingter, von den Schulbehörden verordneter Jahrgangsmischung. Es wird deutlich, wie herausfordernd es für Schulleitungen und Lehrkräfte ist, den jahrgangsbezogenen (homogenisierenden) Blick zu weiten. Die Daten zeigen aber auch einen Professionalisierungsschub durch diesen Schulentwicklungsprozess, sodass Jahrgangsmischung - trotz der Verordnung "von oben" - dennoch als Motor für einen veränderten Umgang mit Heterogenität fungieren kann.

Marginal Willingness to Pay for Education and the Determinants of Enrollment in Mexico
Authors: ---
Year: 1999 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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July 2000 - The best way to increase school enrollment in Mexico is to successfully target public spending on education to poor households. Currently, nonpoor households in urban areas get much of the subsidy benefit from the government provision of education services. Standard benefit-incidence analysis assumes that the subsidy and quality of education services are the same for all income deciles. This strong assumption tends to minimize the distributional inequity at various education levels. Using a new approach emphasizing marginal willingness to pay for education, Lopez-Acevedo and Salinas analyze the impact of public spending on the education spending behavior of the average household. They address several questions: What would an average household with a given set of characteristics be willing to spend on an individual child with given traits if subsidized public education facilities were unavailable? What would the household have saved by sending the child to public school rather than private school? How great are these savings for various income groups? What are the determinants of enrollment by income group and by location? How do individuals' education expenditures affect enrollment patterns? Among their findings: The nonpoor households in urban areas get much of the subsidy, or savings, from government provision of education services; The wealthy value private education more than the poor do; Differences in school quality are greater at the primary level. In other words, wealthy households get the lion's share of benefits from public spending on education. Household school enrollment and transition to the next level of schooling depend heavily on the cost of schooling, how far the head of the household went in school, the per capita household income, and the housing facilities or services. But the government's effort also affects the probability of enrollment and transition. The probability of enrollment is much higher for the 40 percent of higher-income households in urban areas than it is for the 40 percent of lower-income households in rural areas. The best way to increase school enrollment is to successfully target public spending on education to poor households. This paper-a product of the Economic Policy Sector Unit and the Mexico Country Office, Latin America and the Caribbean Region-is part of a strategy to reduce poverty and inequality in Mexico. The study was part of the research project Earnings Inequality after Mexico's Economic Reforms. The authors may be contacted at or

Early Instructed Second Language Acquisition

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This book provides a holistic overview of what leads to success in foreign language learning at an early age and deepens our understanding of early foreign language learning. The studies use an array of methodological approaches to research learners aged between three and ten, as well as their parents and teachers, in instructional, minimal-input settings. They describe various ways of organising and promoting very early foreign language learning, both through language policy and innovative pedagogy, and focus on ways of providing input for second language acquisition, which include oral classroom discourse strategies, as well as learner development of literacy skills. Special attention is given to the necessity to develop critical reading skills, the ability to handle multimodal texts, and attitudes, motivations and behaviours and how these may impact on the teaching and learning process. Chapters emphasise that ultimate outcomes depend on extra linguistic environmental factors, such as parental involvement and teacher competences. These include establishing control in the classroom, as well as using appropriate strategies for Negotiation of Meaning, and helping learners build positive self-concept. This book will be of interest to all professionals involved in the teaching of foreign languages to young learners, as well as to researchers, teacher educators and students working in this area.

Lernen zwischen freiem und instruiertem Tätigsein
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3781553752 378151997X Year: 2014 Publisher: Bad Heilbrunn Verlag Julius Klinkhardt

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Ausgehend von einer Auseinandersetzung mit dem Begriff des Tätigseins - als Voraussetzung für Lernprozesse - wird in diesem Band die Bedeutung frei gewählter gegenüber instruierter Tätigkeiten diskutiert und in die Kontexte Unterricht sowie Lernwerkstatt- Arbeit gestellt. Die Gegenüberstellung von instruiertem und freiem Tätigsein fordert heraus, das Verhältnis von Instruktion und gelingenden Konstruktionsleistungen in der Interaktion zwischen Lernbegleitung und Lernendem genauer zu bestimmen. Dies gilt für die Arbeit in Lern- und Forschungswerkstätten, in Lernlaboren und beim Lernen im ganz "normalen" Seminarraum oder Klassenzimmer. Insgesamt stellt sich die Frage: Kann man sich die Tätigkeit des entdeckenden, des forschenden, des praxisorientierten und des Disziplinen überschreitenden Lernens so zu eigen machen, dass es in habituelles Lernhandeln übergeht? Und: Soll es das überhaupt? Die Reihe "Lernen und Studieren in Lernwerkstätten - Impulse für Theorie und Praxis einer innovativen Lehrerbildung" wird herausgegeben von Hartmut Wedekind, Markus Peschel, Eva-Kristina Franz, Johannes Gunzenreiner und Barbara Müller-Naendrup.

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