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The International Court of Justice at The Hague is the principal judicial organ of the UN, and the successor of the Permanent Court of International Justice (1923-1946), which was the first real permanent court of justice at the international level. This 2005 book analyses the groundbreaking contribution of the Permanent Court to international law, both in terms of judicial technique and the development of legal principle. The book draws on archival material left by judges and other persons involved in the work of the Permanent Court, giving fascinating insights into many of its most important decisions and the individuals who made them (Huber, Anzilotti, Moore, Hammerskjöld and others). At the same time it examines international legal argument in the Permanent Court, basing its approach on a developed model of international legal argument that stresses the intimate relationships between international and national lawyers and between international and national law.
International courts --- History --- Permanent Court of International Justice --- International tribunals --- Tribunals, International --- Permanent Court of International Justice. --- CPJI --- Court of International Justice --- Stały Trybunał Sprawiedliwości Międzynarodowej --- Stalni sud međunarodne pravde u Hagu --- Állandó Nemzetközi Bíróság --- World Court --- Cour permanente de justice internationale --- Ständiger Internationaler Gerichtshof --- Hague. --- Jōsetsu Kokusai Shihō Saibansho --- Courts --- Jurisdiction (International law) --- International Court of Justice --- Permanent Court of Arbitration --- C.P.J.I. --- PCIJ --- P.C.I.J. --- Tribunal Permanente de Justicia Internacional --- TPJI --- T.P.J.I. --- International courts - History - 20th century --- Law --- General and Others
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"The Constitution may guarantee it. But religious freedom in America is, in fact, impossible. So argues this timely and iconoclastic work by law and religion scholar Winnifred Sullivan. Sullivan uses as the backdrop for the book the trial of Warner vs. Boca Raton, a recent case concerning the laws that protect the free exercise of religion in America. The trial, for which the author served as an expert witness, concerned regulations banning certain memorials from a multiconfessional nondenominational cemetery in Boca Raton, Florida. The book portrays the unsuccessful struggle of Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish families in Boca Raton to preserve the practice of placing such religious artifacts as crosses and stars of David on the graves of the city-owned burial ground. Sullivan demonstrates how, during the course of the proceeding, citizens from all walks of life and religious backgrounds were harassed to define just what their religion is. She argues that their plight points up a shocking truth: religion cannot be coherently defined for the purposes of American law, because everyone has different definitions of what religion is. Indeed, while religious freedom as a political idea was arguably once a force for tolerance, it has now become a force for intolerance, she maintains. A clear-eyed look at the laws created to protect religious freedom, this vigorously argued book offers a new take on a right deemed by many to be necessary for a free democratic society. It will have broad appeal not only for religion scholars, but also for anyone interested in law and the Constitution." -- Publisher's website.
Begravningsplatser --- Pokopalisca --- Religionsfrihet --- Verska svoboda --- Juridik och lagstiftning --- Zakonodaja --- Zdruzene drzave Amerike --- ZDA --- Procesi --- Pravde. --- Warner, Marina --- rättegångar, processer etc. --- Boca Raton (Fla.) --- Trials, litigation, etc. --- Sociology of religion --- Human rights --- Cemeteries --- Freedom of religion --- 261.7 --- Burial grounds --- Burying-grounds --- Churchyards --- Graves --- Graveyards --- Memorial gardens (Cemeteries) --- Memorial parks (Cemeteries) --- Memory gardens (Cemeteries) --- Necropoleis --- Necropoles --- Necropoli --- Necropolises --- Burial --- Death care industry --- 261.7 De Kerk en de burgerlijke macht: Kerk en Staat; godsdienstvrijheid; verdraagzaamheid; tolerantie:--theologische aspecten --- De Kerk en de burgerlijke macht: Kerk en Staat; godsdienstvrijheid; verdraagzaamheid; tolerantie:--theologische aspecten --- Law and legislation --- Warner, Marina, --- Boca Raton, Fla. --- Warner, Miriam --- Shawcross, Marina Warner, --- Boca (Fla.) --- City of Boca Raton (Fla.) --- Bocaratone (Fla.)
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In General Principles of Law Recognized by Civilized Nations (1922-2018) Marija Đorđeska offers an account of the origins, theory and practical application of the general principles in the jurisprudence of the Permanent Court of International Justice and International Court of Justice between 1922 and 2018. Are general principles rules of international law? What is their relationship to custom and treaties? What are the types of general principles and where do international courts find them? This monograph answers these and other questions and offers a detailed overview of over 150 general principles identified in the jurisprudence of the Permanent Court of International Justice and the International Court of Justice.
Principes généraux du droit. --- Droit --- Sources. --- Cour internationale de justice --- Cour permanente de justice internationale --- Permanent Court of International Justice. --- CPJI --- C.P.J.I. --- PCIJ --- P.C.I.J. --- Court of International Justice --- Stały Trybunał Sprawiedliwości Międzynarodowej --- Stalni sud međunarodne pravde u Hagu --- Állandó Nemzetközi Bíróság --- World Court --- Ständiger Internationaler Gerichtshof --- Hague. --- Jōsetsu Kokusai Shihō Saibansho --- Tribunal Permanente de Justicia Internacional --- TPJI --- T.P.J.I. --- International Court of Justice --- Permanent Court of Arbitration
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International law --- International courts. --- Droit international --- Tribunaux internationaux --- International Court of Justice --- BPB1507 --- Cour internationale de justice --- Internationaal Hof van Justitie --- Den Internationale Domstol --- Међународни суд правде --- Nemzetközi Bíróság --- Mezinárodní soudní dvůr --- Gjykata Ndërkombëtare e Drejtësisë --- Rahvusvaheline Kohus (ÜRO) --- Международният съд --- Internationella domstolen --- Internationaal Gerechtshof --- Corte internazionale di giustizia --- Tribunal Internacional de Justiça --- An Chúirt Bhreithiúnais Idirnáisiúnta --- Medzinárodný súdny dvor --- Starptautiskā Tiesa --- Меѓународен суд на правдата --- Międzynarodowy Trybunał Sprawiedliwości --- Kansainvälinen tuomioistuin --- Διεθνές Δικαστήριο (OHE) --- Tarptautinis Teisingumo Teismas --- Internationaler Gerichtshof --- Međunarodni sud --- Meddržavno sodišče --- Curtea Internațională de Justiție --- Corte Internacional de Justicia --- Il-Qorti Internazzjonali tal-Ġustizzja --- Međunarodni sud pravde --- CIJ --- ICJ --- МСП --- CIG (Corte internazionale di giustizia) --- NB --- GJND --- Den mellemfolkelige domstol --- MSD --- MDS (Meddržavno sodišče) --- TTT --- ΔΔ --- Tribunal Internacional de Justicia --- IGH --- TIJ --- MTS --- International Court of Justice.
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Legacies of the Permanent Court of International Justice assesses the continuing relevance of the first 'world court'. Active for merely 2 decades, and dissolved rather quietly in 1945/46 to be replaced by the International Court of Justice, the PCIJ, for better or worse, has shaped our thinking about binding legal dispute resolution. The contributions to this book trace the PCIJ's impact on procedural and substantive aspects of international law and on the development of the international judicial function.
Jurisdiction (International law) --- Arbitration (International law) --- International courts. --- LAW / International --- International tribunals --- Tribunals, International --- Courts --- Arbitration, International --- International arbitration --- International political arbitration --- Pacific settlement of international disputes --- International commissions of inquiry --- Mediation, International --- Domestic jurisdiction --- International jurisdiction --- Jurisdiction, Domestic --- Jurisdiction, International --- International courts --- Permanent Court of International Justice. --- International Court of Justice --- Permanent Court of Arbitration --- CPJI --- Court of International Justice --- Stały Trybunał Sprawiedliwości Międzynarodowej --- Stalni sud međunarodne pravde u Hagu --- Állandó Nemzetközi Bíróság --- World Court --- Cour permanente de justice internationale --- Ständiger Internationaler Gerichtshof --- Hague. --- Jōsetsu Kokusai Shihō Saibansho --- C.P.J.I. --- PCIJ --- P.C.I.J. --- Tribunal Permanente de Justicia Internacional --- TPJI --- T.P.J.I. --- Permanent Court of International Justice
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La force et le droit constitue à la fois un éloge et une critique des décisions de la Cour internationale de Justice relatives à l’usage ou à la menace de la force entre Etats, notamment son interprétation des dispositions de la Charte des Nations Unies consacrées à l’interdiction de cette activité et à l’exception de la légitime défense. Depuis le tout premier arrêt de ce tribunal, en 1948, concernant le passage dans les détroits internationaux (Royaume-Uni c. Albanie) jusqu’à la décision de 2007 portant sur l’application de la Convention sur le génocide (Bosnie-Herzégovine c. Serbie-et-Monténégro), l’organe principal de l’ONU a eu plusieurs occasions de prononcer sur diverses manifestations de l’agression : violation du droit des peuples à l’autodétermination, atteinte à l’intégrité territoriale et à l’indépendance politique de l’Etat, attaques contre des navires marchands ou des avions civils, poursuite d’essais nucléaires et déni des droits diplomatiques et consulaires. Par ailleurs, on peut s’interroger sur l’efficacité réelle et le rôle véritable de la justice internationale. Incapable de décider sur le fond quand la Cour se déclare incompétente, incapable de fournir toutes les réponses quand elle est compétente, souvent divisée sur des questions cruciales quand elle a des réponses, enfin, confrontée à l’applicabilité de notions nouvelles, telles l’intervention humanitaire et la légitime défense préventive, la justice est en effet limitée quand le recours judiciaire n’a pas l’appui ou n’agit pas de concert avec les autres modes de règlement pacifique des conflits (négociation, médiation, conciliation, enquête, arbitrage, recours aux organisations régionales et à l’ONU) et dans la mesure où le droit, que la Cour a la mission de dire, est un droit sans gendarme, lui-même limité par le champ de la politique, enfin, parce que la justice internationale à été longtemps perçue, à tort ou à raison, comme une justice européo-centriste. Pourtant, la paix, faut-il le rappeler, constitue le souverain bien et la valeur suprême de la société des Etats, la justice demeurant certes l’un des instruments éminents pour en assurer les conditions et le maintien.
BPB0907 --- Cour internationale de justice --- Jurisprudence --- Internationaal Hof van Justitie --- Jurisprudentie --- International Court of Justice --- cásdlí --- sodna praksa --- судска пракса --- case-law --- giurisprudenza --- jurisprudență --- съдебна практика --- судска практика --- każistika --- jurisprudência --- soudcovské právo --- Rechtsprechung --- prípadové právo --- pretsedendiõigus --- retspraksis --- jurisprudentie --- νομολογία --- orzecznictwo --- praktikë gjyqësore --- sudska praksa --- esetjog --- rättspraxis --- teismų praktika --- oikeuskäytäntö --- jurisprudencia --- tiesu prakse --- teismų teisė --- case law --- преседан --- precedents --- ítélkezési gyakorlat --- jurisprudencija --- Den Internationale Domstol --- Међународни суд правде --- Nemzetközi Bíróság --- Mezinárodní soudní dvůr --- Gjykata Ndërkombëtare e Drejtësisë --- Rahvusvaheline Kohus (ÜRO) --- Международният съд --- Internationella domstolen --- Internationaal Gerechtshof --- Corte internazionale di giustizia --- Tribunal Internacional de Justiça --- An Chúirt Bhreithiúnais Idirnáisiúnta --- Medzinárodný súdny dvor --- Starptautiskā Tiesa --- Меѓународен суд на правдата --- Międzynarodowy Trybunał Sprawiedliwości --- Kansainvälinen tuomioistuin --- Διεθνές Δικαστήριο (OHE) --- Tarptautinis Teisingumo Teismas --- Internationaler Gerichtshof --- Međunarodni sud --- Meddržavno sodišče --- Curtea Internațională de Justiție --- Corte Internacional de Justicia --- Il-Qorti Internazzjonali tal-Ġustizzja --- Međunarodni sud pravde --- CIJ --- ICJ --- МСП --- CIG (Corte internazionale di giustizia) --- NB --- GJND --- Den mellemfolkelige domstol --- MSD --- MDS (Meddržavno sodišče) --- TTT --- ΔΔ --- Tribunal Internacional de Justicia --- IGH --- TIJ --- MTS --- jurisprudence --- Droit international public --- Maintien de la paix --- Règlement judiciaire des différends internationaux --- Jurisprudence commentée
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BPB1009 --- Accès à la justice --- Discipline militaire --- 355.13 --- Toegang tot de rechtspleging --- Militaire discipline --- Militaire eer. Tucht. Militaire discipline. Militaire rechtspositie. Militaire beloningen, voordelen en privileges --- 355.13 Militaire eer. Tucht. Militaire discipline. Militaire rechtspositie. Militaire beloningen, voordelen en privileges --- military discipline --- disciplină militară --- sotilaskuri --- disciplina militar --- disciplina militare --- militär disciplin --- vojaška disciplina --- военна дисциплина --- vojna stega --- militær disciplin --- militārā disciplīna --- στρατιωτική πειθαρχία --- karinė drausmė --- militärische Disziplin --- disiplinë ushtarake --- dixxiplina militari --- војна дисциплина --- sõjaväedistsipliin --- katonai fegyelem --- dyscyplina wojskowa --- воена дисциплина --- militaire discipline --- vojenská disciplína --- diserzione --- Fahnenflucht --- desertering --- desertion --- vojenská kázeň --- dezertēšana --- deserción --- szökés --- désertion --- dezertare --- дезертерство --- dezertyravimas --- dezertim --- desertie --- deserção --- dezerce --- dezertálás --- dezercia --- vojna disciplina --- väejooks --- sotilaskarkuruus --- λιποταξία --- πρόσβαση στη δικαιοσύνη --- prístup k súdom --- iespēja griezties tiesā --- dostęp do wymiaru sprawiedliwości --- tillgång till rättsväsendet --- приступ судовима --- adgang til retsvæsenet --- toegang tot de rechtspleging --- přístup k soudu --- Zugang zur Rechtspflege --- access to the courts --- bírósági eljáráshoz való jog --- accesso alla giustizia --- dostop do sodnega varstva --- достъп до правосъдие --- acesso à justiça --- oikeussuojakeinot --- acceso a la justicia --- pristup sudovima --- galimumas kreiptis į teismą --- mundësi për t'ju drejtuar gjykatës --- acces la justiție --- aċċess għall-ġustizzja --- пристап до судовите --- õiguskaitse kättesaadavus --- пристап до правосудството --- dostupnost pravde --- igazságszolgáltatáshoz való hozzáférés --- akses në drejtësi --- teismų prieinamumas --- access to justice --- dostupnost sudovima --- smacht míleata --- rochtain ar na cúirteanna --- Belgique --- Accès à la justice
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La première partie de cet ouvrage est consacrée au droit positif et à des questions d’une actualité brûlante pour le praticien : l’évolution majeure que représente la jurisprudence Antigone, l’exécution des peines, la perte d’une chance en matière de responsabilité, les alternatives légitimes, la liquidation-partage, la détermination des contributions alimentaires, la distinction entre ouvriers et employés, l’application en droit social du principe non bis in idem, l’application des nouvelles dispositions anti-abus et la responsabilité de l’avocat conseiller fiscal, la fiscalité des assurances-vie, la médiation, l’analyse des travaux de la commission mixte des assurances, le capital externe dans les sociétés d’avocats et le détachement d’avocats dans les entreprises. La deuxième partie est consacrée à l’avenir de la justice dans la Belgique de demain. Forts de leur expérience, les avocats veulent délibérément mettre celle-ci à la disposition des citoyens.
Law of civil procedure --- Belgium --- Leesontwikkeling. --- Lezen --- Nederlands --- Niveaulezen. --- Basisonderwijs. --- Justice --- Support (Domestic relations) --- Liquidation --- Sentences (Criminal procedure) --- Double jeopardy --- Lawyers --- Legal ethics --- Mediation --- Justice, Administration of --- Procedure (Law) --- Obligation alimentaire --- Liquidation (Droit) --- Sentences (Procedure penale) --- Avocats --- Procedure (Droit) --- Administration --- Malpractice --- Responsabilite professionnelle --- Deontologie --- Ebooks --- Congresses --- Justice [Administration of ] --- Sentences (Procédure pénale) --- Médiation --- Procédure (Droit) --- Responsabilité professionnelle --- Déontologie --- Accès à la justice --- BPB1307 --- πρόσβαση στη δικαιοσύνη --- prístup k súdom --- iespēja griezties tiesā --- dostęp do wymiaru sprawiedliwości --- tillgång till rättsväsendet --- приступ судовима --- adgang til retsvæsenet --- toegang tot de rechtspleging --- přístup k soudu --- Zugang zur Rechtspflege --- access to the courts --- bírósági eljáráshoz való jog --- accesso alla giustizia --- dostop do sodnega varstva --- достъп до правосъдие --- acesso à justiça --- oikeussuojakeinot --- acceso a la justicia --- pristup sudovima --- galimumas kreiptis į teismą --- mundësi për t'ju drejtuar gjykatës --- acces la justiție --- aċċess għall-ġustizzja --- пристап до судовите --- õiguskaitse kättesaadavus --- пристап до правосудството --- dostupnost pravde --- igazságszolgáltatáshoz való hozzáférés --- akses në drejtësi --- teismų prieinamumas --- access to justice --- dostupnost sudovima --- E-books --- 475.2 --- schoolboeken --- lezen --- dieren --- poes --- AVI 7 --- didactiek basisonderwijs - Nederlands --- Schoolbooks - Didactic material --- rochtain ar na cúirteanna --- Accès à la justice --- Belgique --- Justice pénale -- Administration -- Belgique --- Justice pénale --- Justice pénale
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This volume examines the jurisdiction, both contentious and advisory, of the ICJ as a specific permanent international court or tribunal but also brings together in one book the examination of the jurisdiction of certain other tribunals, not excluding most of the other four tribunals or groups of tribunals examined in Jurisdiction of International Tribunals by the same author. Material relating to them is expanded, re-examined and brought up to date. Hence, This volume covers the jurisdiction of: (i) the World Court, id est, the ICJ and PCIJ — both contentious and advisory jurisdiction, (ii) the leading International Administrative Tribunals, (iii) the ECHR, (iv) ICSID tribunals, (v) the WTO Panels and Appellate Body, and (vi) the ITLOS. The six systems for the judicial settlement of disputes chosen to be examined in this work are by far the most important in the modern era and deserve close attention.
Arbitration, International. --- International courts. --- Jurisdiction (International law) --- International tribunals --- Tribunals, International --- Courts --- Domestic jurisdiction --- International jurisdiction --- Jurisdiction, Domestic --- Jurisdiction, International --- Arbitration (International law) --- International courts --- Arbitration, International --- International arbitration --- International political arbitration --- Pacific settlement of international disputes --- International commissions of inquiry --- Mediation, International --- International Court of Justice. --- Permanent Court of International Justice. --- International Court of Justice --- Permanent Court of Arbitration --- CPJI --- Court of International Justice --- Stały Trybunał Sprawiedliwości Międzynarodowej --- Stalni sud međunarodne pravde u Hagu --- Állandó Nemzetközi Bíróság --- World Court --- Cour permanente de justice internationale --- Ständiger Internationaler Gerichtshof --- Hague. --- Jōsetsu Kokusai Shihō Saibansho --- Permanent Court of International Justice --- CIJ --- Cour internationale de justice --- M.T.S. --- MTS --- Mǐędzynarodowy Trybunał Sprawiedliwości --- Milletlerarası Adalet Divanı --- I.C.J. --- ICJ --- Corte Internacional de Justicia --- Internationaler Gerichtshof --- Dīvān-i Bayn al-Milalī-i Dādgustarī --- Dīvān-i Lāhah --- Corte internazionale di giustizia --- Kokusai Shihō Saibansho --- Sān Yuttitham rawāng Prathēt --- Maḥkamat al-ʻAdl al-Dawlīyah --- Diethnes Dikastērion --- United Nations. --- C.I.J. --- Tribunal Internacional de Justicia --- Mezhdunarodnyĭ Sud OON --- Curtea Internațională de Justiție --- Gjykata Ndërkombëtare e Drejtësisë --- GJND --- Meǵunarodniot sud na pravdata --- Nemzetközi Bíróság --- C.P.J.I. --- PCIJ --- P.C.I.J. --- Tribunal Permanente de Justicia Internacional --- TPJI --- T.P.J.I. --- Olon Ulsyn Shu̇u̇kh --- Nėgdsėn U̇ndėstniĭ Shu̇u̇kh
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I am pleased to write these words by way of a foreword to Dr. Mahasen Alj- houb’s book “The Advisory Function of the International Court of Justice”. I do so with a sense of pride in the achievement of a fellow countrywoman and, me- phorically speaking, a sister in law. My pride is coupled with hope and a nascent optimism that she – and a group of young Jordanian academics, mostly recent graduates of universities in the United Kingdom – will contribute further and significantly to the teaching and d- semination of international law in Jordan and, if I do not strain hope by hoping too much, in a region in which, notwithstanding its past glory, the culture of law has for too long been superseded by the logic of power politics and unbridled raison d’état. My only hesitation in writing this foreword is that a particularly heavy Court schedule has permitted me only a chance at a perusal of the contents of the book. A perusal which, whilst more than casual, falls short of the serious study that it deserves. Yet, I can unhesitatingly concur with the verdict of the internal and - ternal examiners who praised Dr. Aljaghoub’s thesis (as it then was) for “its th- oughness, detail and authoritativeness on this important area of international law”.
Advisory opinions. --- International Court of Justice. --- Permanent Court of International Justice. --- CPJI --- Court of International Justice --- Stały Trybunał Sprawiedliwości Międzynarodowej --- Stalni sud međunarodne pravde u Hagu --- Állandó Nemzetközi Bíróság --- World Court --- Cour permanente de justice internationale --- Ständiger Internationaler Gerichtshof --- Hague. --- Jōsetsu Kokusai Shihō Saibansho --- International Court of Justice --- Permanent Court of Arbitration --- CIJ --- Cour internationale de justice --- M.T.S. --- MTS --- Mǐędzynarodowy Trybunał Sprawiedliwości --- Milletlerarası Adalet Divanı --- I.C.J. --- ICJ --- Corte Internacional de Justicia --- Internationaler Gerichtshof --- Dīvān-i Bayn al-Milalī-i Dādgustarī --- Dīvān-i Lāhah --- Corte internazionale di giustizia --- Kokusai Shihō Saibansho --- Sān Yuttitham rawāng Prathēt --- Maḥkamat al-ʻAdl al-Dawlīyah --- Diethnes Dikastērion --- United Nations. --- C.I.J. --- Tribunal Internacional de Justicia --- Mezhdunarodnyĭ Sud OON --- Curtea Internațională de Justiție --- Gjykata Ndërkombëtare e Drejtësisë --- GJND --- Meǵunarodniot sud na pravdata --- Nemzetközi Bíróság --- Permanent Court of International Justice --- Advisory opinions --- Opinions, Advisory --- Legal opinions --- Law and legislation --- Mediation. --- Dispute resolution (Law). --- Conflict management. --- Dispute Resolution, Mediation, Arbitration. --- Theories of Law, Philosophy of Law, Legal History. --- Sources and Subjects of International Law, International Organizations. --- Conflict control --- Conflict resolution --- Dispute settlement --- Management of conflict --- Managing conflict --- Management --- Negotiation --- Problem solving --- Social conflict --- Crisis management --- ADR (Dispute resolution) --- Alternative dispute resolution --- Appropriate dispute resolution --- Collaborative law --- Dispute processing --- Justice, Administration of --- Mediation --- Neighborhood justice centers --- Third parties (Law) --- Good offices (Mediation) --- Conflict management --- Dispute resolution (Law) --- Law—Philosophy. --- Law. --- International law. --- Law of nations --- Nations, Law of --- Public international law --- Law --- Acts, Legislative --- Enactments, Legislative --- Laws (Statutes) --- Legislative acts --- Legislative enactments --- Jurisprudence --- Legislation
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