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Commissariat de sécurité de proximité, Clichy-Montfermeil
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782352552062 2352552060 Year: 2012 Publisher: Paris : Epure,

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Cellules de passage et incarcérations dans des locaux de police
Year: 2005 Publisher: Bruxelles : Politeia,

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Fire, crime & accident : police stations, rescue services, fire departments
ISBN: 9783037681251 303768125X Year: 2012 Publisher: [Salenstein] : Braun,

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Présentations d'une soixantaine de bâtiments de par le monde conçus pour accueillir des casernes de pompiers, des postes de police ou centres d'ambulances.

Inventaire des archives du Commissariat d'arrondissement de Marche-en Famenne : (ca. 1640) 1795-1989
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789057467196 Year: 2014 Volume: 9 Publisher: Bruxelles Archives générales du Royaume

Thomas K. Keller
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783037610251 Year: 2010 Publisher: Luzern : Quart Verlag,

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An ambitious development, both in theory and practice, as well as early competition success with the extension for the Cantonal Police Station to include a cantonal prison in Frauenfeld, have taken Thomas K. Keller on a challenging career. Since 2005, the eastern Swiss architect has participated in a series of competitions, which have led to the implementation of a number of well-conceived projects.

Inventaire des archives du Commissariat d’arrondissement de Nivelles : Dossiers généraux – Milice – Dossiers relatifs à la vie communale (1824-1988) Versement 1990
ISBN: 9789057468230 9057468239 Year: 2015 Volume: 38 Publisher: Bruxelles Archives générales du Royaume

Jongeren en politie
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789046607213 9046607216 Year: 2015 Publisher: Antwerpen Maklu

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Dit Cahier verschaft inzicht in de interactie tussen politie en minderjarigen. Hoe kijkt politie naar jongeren? Welke visie hanteert de politie in haar dagelijks functioneren en haar gerechtelijk en bestuurlijk politiewerk? Diverse bijdragen reiken diverse perspectieven aan. Zo komen de rechten van het kind aan bod en wordt de vraag gesteld op welke wijze politie het kinderrechtenperspectief benadert. Ook wordt geschetst hoe het jeugdbeschermingsrecht in de politionele praktijk wordt geoperationaliseerd. Welk kindbeeld hanteert de politie over slachtoffer versus daders? Politiële praktijken worden getoetst aan de discoursen die leven binnen de jeugdbescherming. Het Cahier onderzoekt verder het verhoor van minderjarigen, de handhaving van openbare orde (de publieke ruimte in het bijzonder), de slachtofferbegeleiding en de rechtsbijstand. Ook gaat het Cahier in op de relatie tussen de politie en de jongeren in de stad.


Child welfare --- Juvenile justice, Administration of --- Police administration --- Juvenile delinquency --- Enfants --- Justice pour mineurs --- Police --- Délinquance juvénile --- Protection, assistance, etc. --- Administration --- Community policing --- Community-oriented policing --- Jongeren--Rechtsbedeling --- Justice de la jeunesse [Administration de la ] --- Justice des mineurs [Administration de la ] --- Justice pour mineurs [Administration de la ] --- Justice pénale des mineurs [Administration de la ] --- Juvenile justice [Administration of ] --- Police communautaire --- Police de proximité --- Police et minorité --- Police locale --- Police socio-communautaire --- Policing [Oommunity ] --- Postes de police de proximité --- Rechtsbedeling voor jongeren --- Wijkagenten --- Politie en jeugdzorg --- Jongeren en gezag --- Jeune --- Wijkpolitie --- Jongere --- BPB1505 --- fiatal személy --- nuori --- młodzież --- tânăr --- млад човек --- person në moshë të re --- jaunietis --- noor inimene --- junger Mensch --- mladý člověk --- young person --- mlad človek --- unge --- млада особа --- giovane --- jongere --- jovem --- jaunuolis --- mladý človek --- mlada osoba --- νέος --- младеж --- persuna żagħżugħa --- ungdom --- joven --- mládí --- nastolatki --- fiatal felnőtt --- младежи --- adoleshencë --- minderjarige --- Jugendlicher --- adolescent --- tinédzser --- jeugd --- nuoriso --- adolescenza --- юноша --- mladý muž --- jovens --- dospívání --- юношество --- żgħażagħ --- nuoret --- tineri --- adolescentie --- fiatal --- kiskorú --- mazgadīgie --- tinejđer --- young people --- Jugendalter --- youth --- niepełnoletni --- jauniete --- jeunes gens --- Minderjähriger --- mladež --- омладина --- noor --- νεαροί --- тинејџер --- adolescente --- nooruk --- nepilnametis --- të rinj --- pusaudža vecums --- adolescencija --- minore --- mladostna doba --- adolescence --- adolexxenza --- mladost --- mladostnik --- jaunimas --- jinoch --- fiatalkorú --- малолетник --- mladoletnik --- serdülő --- εφηβεία --- nastolatek --- minderårig --- paauglystė --- młodzi ludzie --- tineret --- tonåring --- ungt menneske --- mladá žena --- maloletá osoba --- непълнолетно лице --- teismeline --- mladík --- noorsugu --- mindreårig --- teenager --- ala-ikäinen --- púber --- mladi ljudje --- mažametis --- adolescencia --- mládež --- έφηβος --- ανήλικος --- адолесцент --- adolescență --- menor de idade --- mladí lidé --- νεότητα --- ifjúság --- mineur d'âge --- dospívající dívka --- teini-ikä --- nuoruus --- minuri --- kamasz --- pusaudzis --- gioventù --- mladí ľudia --- adolescência --- mladina --- unge mennesker --- minoren --- adolexxenti --- junior --- Jugend --- tiener --- juventude --- νεολαία --- menor de edad --- minor --- giovani --- żgħożija --- alaealine --- mladistvý --- nezletilý/nezletilá --- juventud --- jaunatne --- minorenne --- jóvenes --- adoleshent --- giovinezza --- Heranwachsender --- jeunesse --- paauglys --- żagħżugħ/a --- teini --- pulizija tal-viċinat --- bürgernahe Polizei --- lähipoliisi --- αστυνομία της γειτονιάς --- neighbourhood police --- policja bliższa obywatelowi --- wijkpolitie --- nærpoliti --- lähipolitsei --- susedská polícia --- polícia de proximidade --- szomszédságpolitika --- polizia di prossimità --- shërbim policor në bashkëpunim me komunitetin --- poliție de proximitate --- gyvenamojo rajono policija --- policía de proximidad --- občanská policie --- достъпност на полицията за гражданството --- полиција из суседства --- vietējā policija --- policija u zajednici --- policijski okoliš --- полиција од соседството --- närpolis --- pomocné sbory policie --- szomszédpolitika --- граѓански патроли --- občanské hlídky --- полиција во заедницата --- szomszédsági politika --- duine óg --- póilíní comharsanachta --- Police de proximité

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