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"Hailed for its searing emotional insights, and for the astonishing originality with which it weaves together personal history, cultural essay, and readings of classical texts by Sophocles, Ovid, Euripides, and Sappho, The Elusive Embrace is a profound exploration of the mysteries of identity. It is also a meditation in which the author uses his own divided life to investigate the "rich conflictedness of things," the double lives all of us lead. Daniel Mendelsohn recalls the deceptively quiet suburb where he grew up, torn between his mathematician father's pursuit of scientific truth and the exquisite lies spun by his Orthodox Jewish grandfather; the streets of manhattan's newest "gay ghetto," where "desire for love" competes with "love of desire;" and the quiet moonlit house where a close friend's small son teaches him the meaning of fatherhood. And, finally, in a neglected Jewish cemetery, the author uncovers a family secret that reveals the universal need for storytelling, for inventing myths of the self. The book that Hilton Als calls "equal to Whitman's 'Song of Myself, '" The Elusive Embrace marks a dazzling literary debut."--
Gay men --- Gay men. --- Gay people --- Gays --- Homosexuels masculins --- Jewish gay people --- Jewish gays. --- Jews --- Juifs --- Personnes homosexuelles juives --- Personnes homosexuelles --- Identity. --- Identité. --- Mendelsohn, Daniel Adam, --- United States.
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Ranging from the mid-19th century to the present, and from Edinburgh to Plymouth, this powerful collection explores the significance of locality in queer space and experiences in modern British history. The chapters cover a broad range of themes from migration, movement and multiculturalism; the distinctive queer social and political scenes of different cities; and the ways in which places have been reimagined through locally led community history projects. The book challenges traditional LGBTQ histories which have tended to conceive of queer experience in the UK as a comprising a homogeneous, national narrative. Edited by leading historians, the book foregrounds the voices of LGBTQ-identified people by looking at a range of letters, diaries, TV interviews and oral testimonies. It provides a unique and fascinating account of queer experiences in Britain and how they have been shaped through different localities.
Gays --- Sexual minorities --- Human geography --- Cities and towns --- History. --- Gay people --- Personnes homosexuelles --- Minorités sexuelles --- Géographie humaine --- Villes --- Histoire
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"InterAlia, a peer-reviewed scholarly journal for queer theory, is open to submissions from a wide range of fields, written in English, Spanish, or Polish. Among the issues we hope our contributors will address is the translatability of queer concepts across cultural and linguistic borders; the relationship between queer theory and activism; the possibility of reconciling the different positionings within the queer community that are related to such factors as gender, race, class, age, sexual practices, and geographical location; the relevance of queer studies for understanding the discourses, cultural practices, and institutions that surround us; and the potential of queer as a counterdiscourse or counterpractice. We also publish (without the peer-review process) literary and art works, documentation of artistic and theatrical works, book reviews, manifestoes, theory-fiction, commentaries and other materials that fall outside the rigid academic standards."--About InterAlia page (English version, viewed June 13, 2023).
Gay and lesbian studies --- Homosexuality --- Queer theory --- Gays --- Lesbians --- Homosexualité --- Études sur les homosexuels --- Théorie queer --- Homosexuels --- Lesbiennes --- Gay people --- Études sur les personnes homosexuelles
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"InterAlia, a peer-reviewed scholarly journal for queer theory, is open to submissions from a wide range of fields, written in English, Spanish, or Polish. Among the issues we hope our contributors will address is the translatability of queer concepts across cultural and linguistic borders; the relationship between queer theory and activism; the possibility of reconciling the different positionings within the queer community that are related to such factors as gender, race, class, age, sexual practices, and geographical location; the relevance of queer studies for understanding the discourses, cultural practices, and institutions that surround us; and the potential of queer as a counterdiscourse or counterpractice. We also publish (without the peer-review process) literary and art works, documentation of artistic and theatrical works, book reviews, manifestoes, theory-fiction, commentaries and other materials that fall outside the rigid academic standards."--About InterAlia page (English version, viewed June 13, 2023).
Gay and lesbian studies --- Homosexuality --- Queer theory --- Gay people --- Lesbians --- Homosexualité --- Études sur les homosexuels --- Théorie queer --- Homosexuels --- Lesbiennes --- Gay and lesbian studies. --- Gays. --- Homosexuality. --- Lesbians. --- Queer theory. --- Études sur les personnes homosexuelles --- Gay people.
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Belgian fiction (French) --- Short stories, Belgian (French) --- Outcasts --- Gay people --- Rare books --- Roman belge (français) --- Nouvelles belges (françaises) --- Marginaux --- Personnes homosexuelles --- Livres rares --- Belgium --- Belgique --- Social conditions --- Conditions sociales
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En 2018, la Commission nationale consultative des droits de l'homme (CNCDH), forte de son expérience issue de l'élaboration des rapports annuels sur la lutte contre le racisme, l'antisémitisme et la xénophobie, s'est vu confier par le Premier ministre le mandat d'évaluation de la mise en oeuvre des Plans de mobilisation contre la haine et les discriminations anti-LGBT, élaborés par la Délégation interministérielle à la lutte contre le racisme, l'antisémitisme et la haine anti-LGBT (DILCRAH). C'est dans le cadre de cette mission d'évaluation que la CNCDH a rédigé ce premier rapport sur la lutte contre les LGBTIphobies et l'effectivité des droits des personnes LGBTI. Il ressort des travaux que, si le cadre juridique applicable en France a profondément évolué ces dernières décennies, pour progresser de la répression des modes de vie des personnes LGGBTI vers une égalité des droits, les stéréotypes et préjugés sont encore vivaces et alimentent discours de haine, discriminations et violences, qui constituent encore trop souvent le quotidien des personnes, alors que parallèlement de nombreux droits restent peu effectifs. La CNCDH s'attache à formuler, dans ce rapport, une série de recommandations qui, déclinées dans quatre parties, visent à faire de l'égalité des droits une réalité.
Orientation sexuelle --- Sexualité --- Discrimination sexuelle --- Droit --- Lutte contre. --- Sex discrimination --- Gender identity --- Identité de genre --- Gay people --- Personnes homosexuelles --- Prevention. --- Prévention --- Law and legislation --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Government policy. zz --- Politique gouvernementale --- Discrimination à l'égard des minorités sexuelles
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Gender identity --- Gay people --- Personnes homosexuelles --- Law and legislation --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Droit --- entité sexuelle --- Sexual minorities --- Minorités sexuelles --- Human rights --- Droits de l'homme (Droit international) --- Civil rightd. --- Droits
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Erotic stories, Italian. --- Erotic literature, Italian --- Rare books --- Fictitious imprints --- Underground literature --- Prohibited books --- Histoires érotiques italiennes --- Littérature érotique italienne --- Livres rares --- Adresses bibliographiques imaginaires --- Littérature clandestine --- Livres prohibés --- Alcibiades --- Gay people --- Personnes homosexuelles
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"This book provides a much-needed focus on the victimization experiences of those within the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, or asexual (LGBTQIA) communities. With original research and scholarly work relating to victimization, supplemented by stories and poems detailing first-hand accounts by people in LGBTQIA communities, the volume editors shine a light on the experiences of those who have been harmed or who have suffered because of who they are. Allowing the reader to gain a deeper understanding of queer victimization and LGBTQIA victims, the volume delves into how and why people are victimized, as well as how the criminal justice system and other social services interact with victims and each other. The creative pieces included give a direct voice to those who have most often been silenced in the past. Queer Victimology is essential reading for scholars and students in the areas of criminology, victimology, sociology, gender studies, education, counseling, and/or psychology as well as anyone engaged with queer, critical, and feminist criminologies, gender studies, diversity, and criminal justice"--
Sexual minorities --- Gay people --- Victims of crimes. --- Personnes homosexuelles --- Bisexual people. --- Gender identity. --- Queer people. --- Crimes against. --- Crimes contre. --- Minorités sexuelles --- Violence envers --- Victims of crimes --- Victimes d'actes criminels --- Discrimination à l'égard des minorités sexuelles
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