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Personlichkeitsstorungen im Jugendalter
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1282006371 9786612006371 3540345280 Year: 2009 Publisher: Heidelberg : Springer,

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Beim Krankheitsbild einer Persönlichkeitsstörung im Jugendalter, und erst recht im Kindesalter, handelt es sich um eine umstrittene Diagnose, die gegenwärtig noch keine ausreichende Akzeptanz gefunden hat, sondern sogar viele Vorbehalte oder Ablehnung hervorruft. Die Autoren liefern mit ihrem Buch eine rationale Grundlage für zukünftige Diskussionen. Kinder- und Jugendpsychiater und Psychotherapeuten, Psychologen und (Sozial-)Pädagogen werden nicht umhin kommen, sich mit diesem Störungsbild auseinanderzusetzen; denn mit seiner hohen Prävalenz im Erwachsenenalter und den damit verbundenen hohen Gesundheitskosten hat es eine zunehmend große gesellschaftliche Bedeutung bekommen; und wir wissen, dass seine Wurzeln in Kindheit und Jugend liegen. Die Reihe „Manuale psychische Störungen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen" verfolgt drei wesentliche Ziele: Interdisziplinärer Ansatz: Der Patient steht im Mittelpunkt - der Therapeut muss sein Bestes geben, die Störung zu diagnostizieren und adäquat zu behandeln. Psychiater und Psychologen sind hier gefordert, ihr Wissen beizutragen und über den Tellerrand zu blicken. Praxisrelevanz: Alle Theorie ist grau - diese Reihe gibt Ihnen die Tipps und Tricks an die Hand, mit denen Sie Ihren schwierigen Alltag besser meistern können. Didaktik und Struktur: Alle Bände sind gleich strukturiert und warten mit einer übersichtlichen Didaktik auf. Das Lesen soll Spaß machen, und die entscheidenden Informationen müssen schnell erfasst werden können.

Treating personality disorders in children and adolescents: a relational approach
ISBN: 157230698X 1593850182 Year: 2004 Publisher: New York (N.Y.) Guilford

Treatment of the borderline adolescent : a developmental approach
ISBN: 0471576158 9780471576150 Year: 1972 Publisher: New York (N.Y.): Wiley,

Troubles de la personnalité
Authors: --- --- ---
ISSN: 16356128 ISBN: 9782100704590 2100704591 Year: 2014 Publisher: Paris: Dunod,

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Quatrième de couverture : "Le trouble de la personnalité borderline touche environ 2% de la population générale et de 15 à 25 % de l’ensemble des patients consultant en psychiatrie. Le tableau clinique débute à l’adolescence de façon souvent très bruyante : tentatives de suicide, automutilations, épisodes psychotiques aigus transitoires, conduites impulsives, addictions, qui recouvrent le reste de la symptomatologie en particulier affective et identitaire. La surmortalité est importante. Fort de ce constat, les auteurs ont créé un Réseau de Recherche Européen (EURNET-BPD) associant des approches variées, portant sur les dimensionsessentielles de ces troubles et dont les résultats sont confrontés dans cet ouvrage aux connaissances actuelles."

Handbook of Borderline Personality Disorder in Children and Adolescents
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1493905910 1493905902 Year: 2014 Publisher: New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer,

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Diagnosing borderline personality disorder (BPD) in young people has long been a tough call for clinicians, either for fear of stigmatizing the child or confusing the normal mood shifts of adolescence with pathology. Now, a recent upsurge in relevant research into early-onset BPD is inspiring the field to move beyond this hesitance toward a developmentally nuanced understanding of the disorder. The Handbook of Borderline Personality Disorder in Children and Adolescents reflects the broad scope and empirical strengths of current research as well as promising advances in treatment. This comprehensive resource is authored by veteran and emerging names across disciplines, including developmental psychopathology, clinical psychology, child psychiatry, genetics, and neuroscience in order to organize the field for an integrative future. Leading-edge topics range from the role of parenting in the development of BPD to trait-based versus symptom-based assessment approaches, from the life-course trajectory of BPD to the impact of the DSM-5 on diagnosis. And of particular interest are the data on youth modifications of widely used adult interventions, with session excerpts. Key areas featured in the Handbook: The history of research on BPD in childhood and adolescence. Conceptualization and assessment issues. Etiology and core components of BPD. Developmental course and psychosocial correlates. Empirically supported treatment methods. Implications for future research, assessment, and intervention. The Handbook of Borderline Personality Disorder in Children and Adolescents is a breakthrough reference for researchers and clinicians ­in a wide range of disciplines, including child and school psychology and psychiatry, social work, psychotherapy and counseling, nursing management and research, and personality and social psychology.


Borderline personality disorder in children --- Borderline personality disorder in adolescence --- Psychology. --- Behavioral sciences --- Mental philosophy --- Mind --- Science, Mental --- Human biology --- Philosophy --- Soul --- Mental health --- Personality disorders in adolescence --- Personality disorders in children --- Developmental psychology. --- Psychiatry. --- Social work. --- Applied psychology. --- Nursing. --- Consciousness. --- Child and School Psychology. --- Social Work. --- Psychotherapy and Counseling. --- Nursing Management. --- Personality and Social Psychology. --- Applied psychology --- Psychagogy --- Psychology, Practical --- Social psychotechnics --- Psychology --- Benevolent institutions --- Philanthropy --- Relief stations (for the poor) --- Social service agencies --- Social welfare --- Social work --- Human services --- Medicine and psychology --- Psychology, Pathological --- Development (Psychology) --- Developmental psychobiology --- Life cycle, Human --- Apperception --- Mind and body --- Perception --- Spirit --- Self --- Clinical nursing --- Nurses and nursing --- Nursing process --- Care of the sick --- Medicine --- Child psychology. --- School psychology. --- Psychotherapy. --- Counseling. --- Nursing administration. --- Personality. --- Social psychology. --- Mass psychology --- Psychology, Social --- Human ecology --- Social groups --- Sociology --- Personal identity --- Personality psychology --- Personality theory --- Personality traits --- Personology --- Traits, Personality --- Individuality --- Persons --- Temperament --- Administration, Nursing service --- Nursing --- Nursing administration --- Nursing service administration --- Supervisory nursing --- Health services administration --- Counselling --- Helping behavior --- Psychology, Applied --- Clinical sociology --- Interviewing --- Personal coaching --- Social case work --- Therapy (Psychotherapy) --- Mental illness --- Mental health counseling --- Psychology, School --- Behavior, Child --- Child behavior --- Child study --- Children --- Pediatric psychology --- Child development --- Developmental psychology --- Administration --- Treatment --- Social service. --- Nursing services --- Administration.

Live company : psychoanalytic psychotherapy with autistic, borderline, deprived and abused children
ISBN: 0415060966 9780415060967 0415060974 9780415060974 9780203713839 9781135856366 9781135856434 9781135856502 9781138128606 Year: 1992 Publisher: London New York Tavistock/Routledge

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Children whose minds as well as bodies have been damaged by the intrusions of sexual abuse, violence or neglect, and others, quite different, who are handicapped by their own mysterious sensitivities to more minor deprivations, may experience a type of black despair and cynicism that require long-term treatment and test the stamina of the psychotherapist to the utmost. In Live Company Anne Alvarez reflects on thirty years' experience of treating autistic, psychotic and borderline children and adolescents by the methods of psychoanalytic psychotherapy. Central to the book is the moving story of an autistic child's long struggle between sanity and madness, in which the author describes the arduous journey that she as therapist and he as patient made together towards new understanding and his partial recovery. Modern developments in psychoanalytic theory and technique mean that such children can be treated with some success. In the book the author outlines and discusses these developments, and also describes some of the areas of convergence and divergence between organicist and psychodynamicist theories of autism. Particularly important is her integration of psychoanalytic theory with the new findings in infant development and infant psychiatry. This has enabled her to formulate some new and exciting ideas relevant to working with very disturbed children and speculate on the need for some additions to established theory. Anne Alvarez has produced a professionally powerful and enlightening book, drawn from her extensive experience as a child psychotherapist at the Tavistock Clinic, which will be of interest to all professionals involved with children and adolescents as well as anyone interested in madness and the growth of the mind.


Adolescent analysis --- Adolescenten--Psychoanalyse --- Child analysis --- Children--Analysis --- Children--Psychoanalysis --- Enfants--Analyse --- Enfants--Psychoanalyse --- Kinderanalyse --- Kinderen--Analyse --- Kinderen--Psychoanalyse --- Psychanalyse de l'adolescent --- Psychanalyse infantile --- Psychoanalyse des enfants --- Psychoanalyse van kinderen --- Autism --- -Autism in children --- -Borderline personality disorder in adolescence --- -Borderline personality disorder in children --- -Child analysis --- Schizophrenia in adolescence --- -Schizophrenia in children --- -Childhood schizophrenia --- Psychoses in children --- Adolescent psychopathology --- Child psychoanalysis --- Child psychotherapy --- Psychoanalysis --- Personality disorders in children --- Personality disorders in adolescence --- Autistic disorder --- Childhood autism --- Early infantile autism --- Infantile autism --- Kanner syndrome --- Kanner's syndrome --- Autism spectrum disorders in children --- Autism spectrum disorders --- Hyperlexia --- Adolescent psychoanalysis --- Adolescent psychotherapy --- Treatment --- -Case studies --- Adolescent analysis. --- Autism in children --- Borderline personality disorder in adolescence --- Borderline personality disorder in children --- Child analysis. --- Schizophrenia in children --- Autism, Infantile --- Child Abuse --- Psychoanalytic Therapy --- Psychotic Disorders --- Psychoanalyse --- Treatment. --- Case studies. --- therapy. --- psychology. --- in infancy & childhood. --- klinische beschouwingen --- -Treatment --- klinische beschouwingen. --- Therapy. --- Psychology. --- In infancy & childhood. --- Klinische beschouwingen. --- Childhood schizophrenia --- Treatment&delete& --- Case studies --- Adolescents --- Autisme infantile --- Autisme --- Autisme. --- Autistic Disorder --- Borderline persoonlijkheid. --- Child. --- Enfants --- Infant. --- Kinderen. --- Mishandeling. --- Psychoanalytic Therapy. --- Psychoanalytische therapie. --- Psychotic Disorders. --- Schizophrénie chez l'adolescent --- Schizophrénie infantile --- Violence envers les enfants. --- État-limite chez l'adolescent --- État-limite chez l'enfant --- Psychanalyse. --- Traitement. --- Traitement, Cas, Études de. --- Autism in children - Treatment. --- Schizophrenia in children - Treatment. --- Schizophrenia in adolescence - Treatment. --- Borderline personality disorder in children - Treatment. --- Borderline personality disorder in adolescence - Treatment. --- Autism - Treatment - Case studies.

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