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El text que ara es publica és la transcripció de les intervencions i del debat de cada una de les sessions del curs "Memòria de la Transició a Espanya i a Catalunya", adreçat als estudiants de segon cicle. L'objectiu del curs era encetar un marc de reflexió i debat que permeti donar als estudiants les claus interpretatives d'aquella important etapa d'ara fa vint-i-cinc anys.
Transició democràtica espanyola, 1975-1982 --- Pensament polític --- Política --- Catalunya
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El text que ara es publica és la transcripció de les intervencions i del debat de cada una de les sessions del curs "Memòria de la Transició a Espanya i a Catalunya", adreçat als estudiants de segon cicle. L'objectiu del curs era encetar un marc de reflexió i debat que permeti donar als estudiants les claus interpretatives d'aquella important etapa d'ara fa vint-i-cinc anys.
History --- Politics & government --- Transició democràtica espanyola, 1975-1982 --- Pensament polític --- Política --- Catalunya --- Transició democràtica espanyola, 1975-1982 --- Pensament polític --- Política --- Catalunya
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El text que ara es publica és la transcripció de les intervencions i del debat de cada una de les sessions del curs "Memòria de la Transició a Espanya i a Catalunya", adreçat als estudiants de segon cicle. L'objectiu del curs era encetar un marc de reflexió i debat que permeti donar als estudiants les claus interpretatives d'aquella important etapa d'ara fa vint-i-cinc anys.
History --- Politics & government --- Transició democràtica espanyola, 1975-1982 --- Pensament polític --- Política --- Catalunya
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This book considers Karl Marx’s ideas in relation to the social and political context in which he lived and wrote. It emphasizes both the continuity of his commitment to the cause of full human emancipation, and the role of his critique of political economy in conceiving history to be the history of class struggles. The book follows his developing ideas from before he encountered political economy, through the politics of 1848 and the Bonapartist “farce”, the maturation of the critique of political economy in the Grundrisse and Capital, and his engagement with the politics of the First International and the legacy of the Paris Commune. Notwithstanding errors in historical judgment largely reflecting the influence of dominant liberal historiography, Marx laid the foundations for a new social theory premised upon the historical consequences of alienation and the potential for human freedom.
Political theory. --- Political science --- Political Theory. --- Political Philosophy. --- Political philosophy --- Administration --- Civil government --- Commonwealth, The --- Government --- Political theory --- Political thought --- Politics --- Science, Political --- Social sciences --- State, The --- Philosophy. --- Political philosophy. --- Marxisme --- Materialisme històric --- Alienació (Filosofia) --- Filosofia --- Filosofia de la història --- Materialisme dialèctic --- Teoria marxista --- Doctrines econòmiques --- Pensament polític --- Economia marxista --- Filosofia marxista --- Marxisme leninisme --- Trotskisme --- Socialistes --- Sociologia marxista --- Political science.
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Dialectical materialism --- Marxism --- Communism --- Matérialisme dialectique --- Communism. --- Dialectical materialism. --- Marxisme. --- Materialism, Dialectical --- Philosophy, Marxist --- Socialism --- Bolshevism --- Communist movements --- Leninism --- Maoism --- Trotskyism --- Collectivism --- Totalitarianism --- Post-communism --- Village communities --- Teoria marxista --- Doctrines econòmiques --- Pensament polític --- Economia marxista --- Filosofia marxista --- Marxisme leninisme --- Materialisme històric --- Trotskisme --- Socialistes --- Sociologia marxista
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This book discusses opportunities and limitations to democratic participation in institutions and organizations across the life course. It demonstrates that democratic participation is not something that is learned once and for all and applied in formal political settings, but something that is lived every day throughout life in various contexts. Institutions and organizations frame human lives and strongly determine the ability to participate and co-determine their communities. They are places for learning, deliberation and the development of the common good. The book conceptually and empirically analyses the potential of democratic participation within various institutions. The contributions range from early childhood institutions, schools, youth programs, workplaces, and vocational education to cultural organizations and nursing homes for the elderly. The book thereby provides a cross-sectional and interdisciplinary knowledge base to inspire future research and practical efforts to promote democratic participation within and across institutions around the world.
Democracy and education. --- Education and democracy --- Education --- Conducta organitzacional --- Democràcia --- Dret constitucional --- Història constitucional --- Pensament polític --- Règims polítics --- Bipartidisme --- Classe mitjana --- Democràcia deliberativa --- Democràcia directa --- Llibertat --- Multipartidisme --- Socialisme --- Sufragi --- Democratització --- Aristocràcia (Ciències polítiques) --- Burgesia --- Capitalisme --- Absolutisme --- Federalisme --- Igualtat --- Monarquia --- Reivindicacions socials --- República --- Comportament organitzatiu --- Comportament organitzacional --- Conducta en les organitzacions --- Administració --- Organització --- Psicologia del treball --- Psicologia social --- Cultura organitzativa
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Les Cahiers d’histoire. Revue d’histoire critique sont une revue trimestrielle, organisée pour chaque numéro autour d’un dossier thématique qui donne son titre au volume. Cette revue généraliste se donne comme objectif, à travers une grande diversité de thématiques, de développer une histoire polarisée autour du fonctionnement des dominations sociales dans toutes leurs dimensions politiques, économiques et culturelles. Cette approche s’accompagne d’une démarche réflexive sur les formes de production et les usages du savoir historique dans ces processus de domination.
Communism --- Socialism --- Communisme --- Socialisme --- Communism. --- Socialism. --- Power (Social sciences) --- Ideology --- Ideology. --- History --- Empowerment (Social sciences) --- Political power --- Labour history --- Social history --- Intellectual history --- Knowledge, Theory of --- Philosophy --- Political science --- Psychology --- Thought and thinking --- Exchange theory (Sociology) --- Social sciences --- Sociology --- Consensus (Social sciences) --- Social Sciences --- Political Science --- history --- labour history --- social history --- intellectual history --- Socialisme. --- Comunisme. --- Bolxevisme --- Col·lectivisme --- Pensament polític --- Individualisme --- Totalitarisme --- Comunistes --- Dictadura del proletariat --- Estalinisme --- Estat comunista --- Eurocomunisme --- Moviments anticomunistes --- Nacionalització de terres --- Propaganda comunista --- Revisionisme comunista --- Trotskisme --- Comunitats rurals --- Postcomunisme --- Txeques (Espanya) --- Democràcia --- Anarquisme --- Democràcies populars --- Economia mixta --- Materialisme dialèctic --- Política industrial --- Proletariat --- Socialdemocràcia --- Socialisme utòpic --- Tecnocràcia --- Comunisme --- Socialistes
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Economic order --- Economic policy and planning (general) --- Economic conditions. Economic development --- Development aid. Development cooperation --- Teaching --- Educational sciences --- vergelijkende pedagogiek --- ontwikkelingsbeleid --- onderwijs --- ontwikkelingssamenwerking --- economische ontwikkelingen --- ontwikkelingspolitiek --- onderwijsonderzoek --- Civics --- Citizenship --- Study and teaching. --- Educació cívica --- Compromís --- Democràcia --- Dret constitucional --- Història constitucional --- Pensament polític --- Règims polítics --- Bipartidisme --- Classe mitjana --- Democràcia deliberativa --- Democràcia directa --- Llibertat --- Multipartidisme --- Socialisme --- Sufragi --- Democratització --- Aristocràcia (Ciències polítiques) --- Burgesia --- Capitalisme --- Absolutisme --- Federalisme --- Igualtat --- Monarquia --- Reivindicacions socials --- República --- Compromís ètic --- Compromís (Ètica) --- Compromís moral --- Compromís social --- Ètica --- Educació per a la ciutadania --- Ensenyament cívic --- Educació --- Ciutadania --- Civisme --- Educació en valors --- Educació moral --- Educació per a la pau
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This book provides an introduction into the diversity of the environmental movement through great characters in the green sector. The book describes inspiring personal achievements, and at the same time it provides readers with information regarding the history, the main directions and the ethical principles of the environmental movement. Some of the most important characters of the movement from all around the world, are included in the book. As well as the title characters, Buddha and Leonardo DiCaprio, other famous environmentalists like Albert Schweitzer, David Attenborough and Jane Goodall are discussed. Some of the less well-known but equally important environmentalists such as Chico Mendes, Bruno Manser, Henry Spira, Tom Regan or Rossano Ercolini are highlighted in the various chapters. The selection of characters represents all major branches within the green sector, ranging from medieval saints to Hollywood celebrities, from university professors to field activists, from politicians to philosophers, from ecofeminists to radicals.
Conservation biology. --- Ecology . --- Nature. --- Environment. --- Nature conservation. --- Animal welfare. --- Environmental sciences—Philosophy. --- Conservation Biology/Ecology. --- Popular Science in Nature and Environment. --- Nature Conservation. --- Animal Welfare/Animal Ethics. --- Environmental Philosophy. --- Abuse of animals --- Animal cruelty --- Animals --- Animals, Cruelty to --- Animals, Protection of --- Animals, Treatment of --- Cruelty to animals --- Humane treatment of animals --- Kindness to animals --- Mistreatment of animals --- Neglect of animals --- Prevention of cruelty to animals --- Protection of animals --- Treatment of animals --- Welfare, Animal --- Conservation of nature --- Nature --- Nature protection --- Protection of nature --- Conservation of natural resources --- Applied ecology --- Conservation biology --- Endangered ecosystems --- Natural areas --- Balance of nature --- Biology --- Bionomics --- Ecological processes --- Ecological science --- Ecological sciences --- Environment --- Environmental biology --- Oecology --- Environmental sciences --- Population biology --- Ecology --- Nature conservation --- Abuse of --- Social aspects --- Conservation --- Ecologisme --- Ambientalisme --- Grups ecologistes --- Moviment ecològic --- Moviment ecologista --- Moviments ecologistes --- Partits ecologistes --- Partits verds --- Verds --- Moviments socials --- Pensament polític --- Ecologia política
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"Right-wing populist movements and related political parties are gaining ground in many EU member states. This unique, interdisciplinary book provides an overall picture of the dynamics and development of these parties across Europe and beyond. Combining theory with in-depth case studies, it offers a comparative analysis of the policies and rhetoric of existing and emerging parties including the British BNP, the Hungarian Jobbik and the Danish Folkeparti. The case studies qualitatively and quantitatively analyse right-wing populist groups in the following countries: Austria, Germany, Britain, France, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Italy, Netherlands, Hungary, Belgium, Ukraine, Estonia, and Latvia, with one essay exclusively focused on the US. This timely and socially relevant collection is essential reading for scholars, students and practitioners wanting to understand the recent rise of populist right wing parties at local, countrywide and regional levels."--Bloomsbury Publishing.
Right-wing extremists --- Right and left (Political science) --- Populism --- Communication in politics --- Left (Political science) --- Left and right (Political science) --- Right (Political science) --- Political science --- Political communication --- Extrema dreta --- Populisme --- Comunicació en la política --- Europa --- Comunicacio politica --- Ciències polítiques --- Informació pública --- Extremisme (Política) --- Partits d'extrema dreta --- Pensament polític --- Radicalisme --- Cap-rapats --- Nacionalsocialisme --- Estats i territoris --- Euràsia --- Alps --- Camí de Sant Jaume --- Corredor Mediterrani --- Danubi (Europa : Curs d'aigua) --- Europa central --- Europa de l'Est --- Europa del Nord --- Europa del Sud --- Europa occidental --- Països de la Unió Europea --- Rin (Curs d'aigua) --- Roine (Europa : Curs d'aigua) --- Tràcia (Regió històrica) --- Rin (Europa : Curs d'aigua) --- Communication in politics. --- Conservatism. --- Populism. --- Right-wing extremists. --- Europe. --- Far-right extremists --- Radicals --- Conservativism --- Neo-conservatism --- New Right --- Sociology --- Council of Europe countries --- Eastern Hemisphere --- Eurasia
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