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Pediatrics. --- Paediatrics --- Pediatric medicine --- Medicine --- Children --- Diseases --- Health and hygiene
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Confidently evaluate evidence-based information to make timely and accurate diagnoses and treatment decisions! Starting with this volume, Succinct Pediatrics will be an ongoing series covering the entire scope of pediatric medicine. Each volume will include short chapters with key features and invaluable tables and algorithms, allowing health care professionals the opportunity to deliver the highest quality of care. The first volume features 72 topics with key points and detailed therapies. The book starts with an overview of the core knowledge needed for medical decision-making. Evidence-based levels of decision support are also provided throughout the book to provide insight into diagnostic tests and treatment modalities. Part 1: Common Problems in Pediatric Practice Covers the "top 50" most common problems including: Asthma Breastfeeding Colic Constiptation Cough Diarrhea Ear Pain Fever Headaches and Migraines Rashes Vomiting and more Part 2: Critical and Emergency Care Covers 25 key conditions seen as urgent or pediatric emergencies, including: Acute bleeding Anaphylaxis Epistaxis Heart Failure Poisoning Respiratory distress and apnea Seizures Traumatic brain injury and more!.
Pediatrics. --- Paediatrics --- Pediatric medicine --- Medicine --- Children --- Diseases --- Health and hygiene
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The definitive manual of pediatric medicine - completely updated with 75 new chapters and e-book access.
Pediatrics. --- Paediatrics --- Pediatric medicine --- Medicine --- Children --- Diseases --- Health and hygiene
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Dětské lékařství, stejně jako ostatní medicínské obory, se neustále mění v důsledku nových teoretických poznatků i praktických zkušeností. Navíc se vyznačuje řadou charakteristik, které ho od ostatních klinických oborů zřetelně odlišují. Jako příklad lze uvést růst a vývoj dítěte, které nejenže zřetelně odlišují dítě od dospělého, ale ovlivňují významně vše, co s dítětem souvisí. V průběhu dětství se tak kupříkladu mění „normální“ hodnoty nejen většiny laboratorních testů, ale dokonce i základních vitálních funkcí. To vše činí z pediatrie velice obtížný obor. Druhé vydání Základů dětského lékařství poskytuje jak studentům medicíny, tak i lékařům základní informace o etiologii, patofyziologii, symptomatologii, diagnostice, terapii a prevenci nemocí běžně se vyskytujících u dětí, a to tak, jak to vyžaduje současná pediatrická věda. Za tímto účelem byly některé kapitoly učebnice zcela přepracovány a jiné doplněny o nové informace, aby odpovídaly „evidence based medicine“ – medicíně založené na důkazech.
Pediatrics. --- Paediatrics --- Pediatric medicine --- Medicine --- Children --- Diseases --- Health and hygiene
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This book is to provide readers with an overview of in utero Pediatrics, an interdisciplinary medicine focusing on sequential and comprehensive care for fetuses and children who have functional and/or structural disorders originated from in utero. It covers congenital disorders in cardiology, neurosurgery, urology, general surgery, endocrine genetics, and other related topics. Each chapter starts with the basic theory, illustrates clinical practices on certain congenital disorders, and summaries recent research and advances in the field. Written by experts with wealthy experiences, this case-based book will be a valuable reference for pediatricians and perinatologists, as well as those who are interested in this field.
Pediatrics. --- Paediatrics --- Pediatric medicine --- Medicine --- Children --- Diseases --- Health and hygiene
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Surgery --- Pediatric Medicine. --- Surgery. --- General Surgery. --- Surgical Procedures, Operative. --- Chirurgie
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Surgery --- General Surgery. --- Surgical Procedures, Operative. --- Chirurgie --- Pediatric Medicine. --- Surgery.
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Surgery --- Pediatric Medicine. --- Surgery. --- General Surgery. --- Surgical Procedures, Operative. --- Chirurgie
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Pediatrics --- Pédiatrie --- Periodicals. --- Périodiques --- Pediatrics. --- Pediatric Medicine. --- Paediatrics --- Pediatric medicine --- children --- adolescents --- paediatrics --- child health --- Medicine --- Children --- Diseases --- Health and hygiene --- Geriatrics --- gerontologie
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Pediatrics --- Pediatrics. --- Pédiatrie --- Paediatrics --- Pediatric medicine --- Medicine --- Children --- Diseases --- Health and hygiene --- Pédiatrie.
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