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Abandonner la violence : comment l'Irlande du Nord sort du conflit
ISBN: 9782228905855 2228905852 Year: 2011 Publisher: Paris : Payot & Rivages,

When God stops fighting : how religious violence ends
ISBN: 0520384741 Year: 2022 Publisher: Oakland, California : University of California Press,

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A gripping study of how religiously motivated violence and militant movements end, from the perspectives of those most deeply involved.   Mark Juergensmeyer is arguably the globe's leading expert on religious violence, and for decades his books have helped us understand the worlds and worldviews of those who take up arms in the name of their faith. But even the most violent of movements, characterized by grand religious visions of holy warfare, eventually come to an end. Juergensmeyer takes readers into the minds of religiously motivated militants associated with the Islamic State (ISIS) in Iraq, the Sikh Khalistan movement in India's Punjab, and the Moro movement for a Muslim Mindanao in the Philippines to understand what leads to drastic changes in the attitudes of those once devoted to all-out ideological war. When God Stops Fighting reveals how the transformation of religious violence manifests for those who once promoted it as the only answer.

The CSCE and the end of the Cold War : diplomacy, societies and human rights, 1972-1990
Authors: ---
ISBN: 178920027X Year: 2019 Publisher: New York ; Oxford : Berghahn,

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"From its inception, the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) provoked controversy. Today it is widely regarded as having contributed to the end of the Cold War. Bringing together new and innovative research on the CSCE, this volume explores questions key to understanding the Cold War: What role did diplomats play in shaping the 1975 Helsinki Final Act? How did that agreement and the CSCE more broadly shape societies in Europe and North America? And how did the CSCE and activists inspired by the Helsinki Final Act influence the end of the Cold War?"--

Retrospección de Contadora : los esfuerzos de México para la paz en Centroamérica (1983-1985)
ISBN: 9681212975 607628885X Year: 2007 Publisher: El Colegio de México

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Durante el decenio de 1980 se suscitaron en Centroamérica una serie de conflictos que amenazaron con escalar a una guerra regional generalizada y hasta a una confrontación abierta entre Estados Unidos y la Unión Soviética. Los conflictos fueron provocados por la Revolución sandinista en Nicaragua; los movimientos guerrilleros en El Salvador, y la escalada de la lucha revolucionaria en Guatemala. A esto hay que añadir la tolerancia de Costa Rica como santuario primero, de los sandinistas y después, al radicalizarse Managua, en apoyo de los "contras". También hay que incluir a Honduras y su papel como santuario de fuerzas hostiles a Nicaragua y base militar de contingentes norteamericanos. Por último debe mencionarse a Cuba y su involucramiento como proveedor de armas soviéticas a la guerrilla salvadoreña a través de Nicaragua y como contribuyente de combatientes en la lucha de resistencia a los "contras". México, durante el gobierno de Miguel de la Madrid, se involucró en los conflictos como mediador en compañía de Colombia, Panamá y Venezuela, que formaron el grupo Contadora. Sin embargo la paz en Centroamérica se logra después del fin de gobierno de Miguel de la Madrid, cuando las negociaciones están ya directamente en manos de los propios centroamericanos y cuando el colapso del socialismo europeo deja a los centroamericanos desamparados. Este libro analiza en detalle los tres primeros años de Contadora.

Negotiating a settlement in northern Ireland, 1969-2019
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0191876860 0192578340 0192578359 Year: 2020 Publisher: Oxford, England : Oxford University Press,

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'Negotiating a Settlement in Northern Ireland' uses original material from witness seminars, elite interviews, and archive documents to explore the shape taken by the Irish peace process, and in particular to analyse the manner in which successful stages of this were negotiated. Northern Ireland's Good Friday Agreement of 1998 marked the end a 30-year conflict that had witnessed more than 3,000 deaths, thousands of injuries, catastrophic societal damage, and large-scale economic dislocation. This book traces the roots of the Agreement over the decades, stretching back to the Sunningdale conference of 1973 and extending up to at least the St Andrews Agreement of 2006.

After the comprehensive peace agreement in Sudan
ISBN: 1782044361 1280489138 9786613584366 1846158923 1847010229 Year: 2010 Publisher: Woodbridge, Suffolk [England] ; Rochester, N.Y. : James Currey,

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After a long process of peace negotiations the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) was signed on 9 January 2005 between the Government of Sudan (GOS) and the Sudan People's Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A). The CPA raised initial hopes that it would be the foundation block for lasting peace in Sudan. This book compiles scholarly analyses of the implementation of the power sharing agreement of the CPA, of ongoing conflicts with particular respect to land issues, of the challenges of the reintegration of internally displaced people and refugees, and of the repercussions of the CPA in other regions of Sudan as well as in neighbouring countries. Elke Grawert is Senior Lecturer at the Institute for Intercultural & International Studies (InIIS), Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Bremen, Germany.

The Central Asian Economies in the Twenty-First Century : Paving a New Silk Road
ISBN: 0691185409 Year: 2019 Publisher: Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press,

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This book analyzes the Central Asian economies of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, from their buffeting by the commodity boom of the early 2000s to its collapse in 2014. Richard Pomfret examines the countries' relations with external powers and the possibilities for development offered by infrastructure projects as well as rail links between China and Europe.The transition of these nations from centrally planned to market-based economic systems was essentially complete by the early 2000s, when the region experienced a massive increase in world prices for energy and mineral exports. This raised incomes in the main oil and gas exporters, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan; brought more benefits to the most populous country, Uzbekistan; and left the poorest countries, the Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan, dependent on remittances from migrant workers in oil-rich Russia and Kazakhstan. Pomfret considers the enhanced role of the Central Asian nations in the global economy and their varied ties to China, the European Union, Russia, and the United States. With improved infrastructure and connectivity between China and Europe (reflected in regular rail freight services since 2011 and China's announcement of its Belt and Road Initiative in 2013), relaxation of United Nations sanctions against Iran in 2016, and the change in Uzbekistan's presidency in late 2016, a window of opportunity appears to have opened for Central Asian countries to achieve more sustainable economic futures.


Economic development --- 2000-2099 --- Asia, Central --- Economic conditions --- 1997 Agreement on Peace and National Reconciliation. --- 1998 Russian crisis. --- Central Asia. --- Central Asian countries. --- Central Asian economies. --- China. --- China–Europe Landbridge. --- EU. --- Eurasia. --- Eurasian Economic Union. --- Europe. --- GDP. --- Kazakhstan. --- Kumtor goldmine. --- Kyrgyz Republic. --- Kyrgyz migration. --- Russia. --- Russian economy. --- Soviet economy. --- Tajikistan. --- Turkmenistan. --- USA. --- Uzbekistan. --- World Trade Organizations. --- abundant resource. --- banking crisis. --- bilateral relations. --- central planning. --- civil war. --- commodity boom. --- connectivity. --- contract enforcement. --- cotton exports. --- cotton prices. --- cotton. --- currency devaluation. --- economic development. --- economic distress. --- economic diversification. --- economic growth. --- economic liberalization. --- energy exports. --- energy prices. --- external economic powers. --- foreign exchange controls. --- foreign exchange. --- foreign policy. --- forex controls. --- gas exports. --- gas. --- global economy. --- growing economies. --- hard infrastructure. --- income inequality. --- integration. --- international trade. --- market economy. --- market-based economies. --- mineral exports. --- minerals. --- multilateralism. --- nation-building. --- national economy. --- natural resources. --- oil prices. --- oil. --- peace negotiations. --- pipeline politics. --- political transition. --- poverty. --- primary product dependence. --- private foreign investors. --- rail links. --- regional agreements. --- regional disintegration. --- resource curse. --- resources. --- rule of law. --- soft infrastructure. --- trade facilitation. --- transitional recession. --- world economy.

L'Union européenne et la juridictionnalisation du système de règlement des différends de l'OMC
Authors: ---
ISSN: 17827841 ISBN: 9782802739777 2802739778 Year: 2015 Volume: 43 Publisher: Bruxelles Bruylant

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Cet ouvrage étudie la réaction d’un acteur majeur de l’Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) à l’évolution du mécanisme de règlement des différends de cette organisation. L’Union européenne est l’un des participants les plus actifs au système de règlement des différends de l’OMC. Celui-ci n’a cessé, depuis ses quinze années de fonctionnement, de se juridictionnaliser au point d’être considéré aujourd’hui comme l’une des manifestations les plus emblématiques de la juridictionnalisation du droit international contemporain.Se pose dès lors la question de la contribution et de l’adaptation de l’Union européenne à cette évolution. La thèse tend à démontrer que l’Union européenne, dont l’attitude est guidée par la défense et la promotion de ses intérêts, a parfaitement pris la mesure de la juridictionnalisation du mécanisme de règlement des différends de l’OMC. Son système décisionnel a ainsi surmonté ses propres pesanteurs et fait preuve d’efficacité pour relever le défi de la participation à l’activité contentieuse de l’OMC. Parallèlement, l’Union sait aussi préserver l’autonomie de son ordre juridique en dépit des contraintes normatives renforcées qui dérivent de la juridictionnalisation. L’Union adapte enfin sa stratégie contentieuse aux évolutions et à la nature nouvelle du système, en tirant partie du phénomène de juridictionnalisation, tout en sachant en exploiter les limites.Cet ouvrage s’adresse aux praticiens en droit du commerce international ainsi qu’aux professeurs, chercheurs et universitaires


Law of civil procedure --- Economic law --- World Trade Organization --- European Union --- E-books --- Droit international économique. --- Politique agricole --- Judiciarisation. --- Règlement de conflits. --- Organisation mondiale du commerce --- Pays de l'Union européenne --- Relations extérieures --- BPB1508 --- Règlement des différends --- Παγκόσμιος Οργανισμός Εμπορίου --- Wereldhandelsorganisatie --- Welthandelsorganisation --- Organizația Mondială a Comerțului --- Maailma Kaubandusorganisatsioon --- Organizata Botërore e Tregëtisë --- Organizzazione mondiale del commercio --- Światowa Organizacja Handlu --- Светска трговинска организација --- Organización Mundial del Comercio --- Kereskedelmi Világszervezet --- Pasaulio prekybos organizacija --- Verdenshandelsorganisationen --- Světová obchodní organizace --- Svjetska trgovinska organizacija --- Eagraíocht Dhomhanda Trádála --- Световна търговска организация --- Organização Mundial do Comércio --- Pasaules Tirdzniecības organizācija --- l-OrganizzazzjoniDinjija tal-Kummerċ --- Светска трговска организација --- Världshandelsorganisationen --- World Trade Organisation --- Maailman kauppajärjestö --- Svetová obchodná organizácia --- Svetovna trgovinska organizacija --- EDT --- STO --- OBT --- PTO (starptautiskā tirdzniecība) --- СТО --- WTO (l-Organizzazzjoni Dinjija tal-Kummerċ) --- Wereld-handelsorganisatie --- OMC --- Světová organizace obchodu --- WTO --- PPO --- ΠΟΕ --- riżoluzzjoni ta' tilwimiet --- διευθέτηση των διαφορών --- domstarpību izšķiršana --- решавање спорова --- riitojen ratkaiseminen --- regulowanie sporów --- composizione delle controversie --- settlement of disputes --- zgjidhje e mosmarrëveshjeve --- solución de conflictos --- ginčų sprendimas --- Beilegung der Streitigkeiten --- vaidluste lahendamine --- beslechting van geschillen --- řešení sporů --- bilæggelse af tvister --- reševanje sporov --- vitarendezés --- urovnávanie sporov --- решавање спорови --- soluționarea conflictelor --- rješavanje sporova --- tvistlösning --- уреждане на спорове --- resolução de diferendos --- διευθέτηση διενέξεων --- dispute settlement --- уреждане на конфликти --- arreglo de controversias --- konflikta atrisināšana --- soluzione dei conflitti --- mirovna pogajanja --- negocieri de pace --- reglementarea conflictelor --- mírová jednání --- selkkausten ratkaiseminen --- conflict resolution --- résolution des conflits --- resolução de conflitos --- konfliktlösning --- решавање спорови по вонсудски пат --- мировни преговори --- risoluzione delle controversie --- мирни преговори --- reševanje konfliktov --- mirovni pregovori --- vredesonderhandeling --- konfliktide lahendamine --- rešitev sporov --- konfliktbilæggelse --- fredsförhandlingar --- rozstrzyganie sporów --- miera sarunas --- tvistbilæggelse --- riżoluzzjoni ta' kunflitti --- mírové řešení sporů --- peace negotiations --- risoluzione dei conflitti --- resolución de litigios --- urovnávanie konfliktov --- Lösung der Konflikte --- разрешаване на конфликти --- решавање спорови по судски пат --- mírové urovnání sporů --- rahuläbirääkimised --- reglementarea diferendelor --- conflict settlement --- urovnání sporů --- negocjacje pokojowe --- решавање конфликти --- oplossing van conflicten --- mierové rokovania --- Friedensverhandlung --- negoziato di pace --- Beilegung der Konflikte --- rauhanneuvottelut --- konfliktusrendezés --- konfliktuskezelés --- konflikta izlīdzināšana --- béketárgyalások --- negozjati ta' paċi --- negociação de paz --- negociación de paz --- erimielisyyksien ratkaiseminen --- konfliktų sprendimas --- règlement des conflits --- taikos derybos --- επίλυση διαμάχης --- riešenie konfliktov --- ειρηνευτικές διαπραγματεύσεις --- zgjidhje e mosmarrëveshjes --- negociata për paqe --- fredsforhandling --- rozwiązywanie konfliktów --- zgjidhje e konfliktit --- négociation de paix --- European Union countries --- Union européenne --- Foreign economic relations --- Courts --- Judicial power --- International economic relations --- Jurisdiction --- International commercial arbitration --- Juridiction --- Arbitrage commercial international --- Relations économiques internationales --- Droit international économique --- European Union. --- Pays de l'Union européenne --- Relations économiques extérieures --- EPUB-ALPHA-U EPUB-LIV-FT LIVDROIT STRADA-B --- World Trade Organization. --- An Eagraíocht Dhomhanda Trádála --- réiteach díospóidí --- Règlement des différends --- Droit international économique. --- Règlement de conflits. --- Relations extérieures --- Organisation mondiale du commerce -- Pays de l'Union européenne --- Droit commercial (droit international) --- Judiciarisation --- Droit international et droit interne -- Pays de l'Union européenne

Negotiation : things corporate counsel need to know but were not taught
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9041167358 904116734X 9041187340 Year: 2017 Publisher: Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands : Wolters Kluwer,

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arbitrage --- arbitration --- Négociation --- litiges --- dispute settlement --- power to negotiate --- jednací pravomoc --- derybų įgaliojimai --- rokovacia právomoc --- kompetencë për të negociuar --- neuvotteluvaltuus --- potere di negoziazione --- förhandlingsbefogenhet --- pooblastilo za pogajanje --- forhandlingsbeføjelse --- надлежност за преговарање --- Verhandlungsbefugnis --- onderhandelingsbevoegdheid --- poder de negociação --- tiesības piedalīties sarunās --- putere de a negocia --- правомощия за преговаряне --- setgħa li jinnegozja/tinnegozja --- овлашћење за преговарање --- pravo pregovaranja --- tárgyalási felhatalmazás --- läbirääkimisõigus --- pouvoir de négociation --- kompetencje do negocjowania --- poder de negociación --- διαπραγματευτική εξουσία --- potere di trattativa --- право за водење преговори --- derybinė galia --- овластување за преговарање --- potere negoziale --- ovlaštenje za pregovaranje --- vyjednávací pravomoc --- putere de negociere --- riżoluzzjoni ta' tilwimiet --- διευθέτηση των διαφορών --- domstarpību izšķiršana --- решавање спорова --- riitojen ratkaiseminen --- regulowanie sporów --- composizione delle controversie --- zgjidhje e mosmarrëveshjeve --- solución de conflictos --- ginčų sprendimas --- Beilegung der Streitigkeiten --- vaidluste lahendamine --- beslechting van geschillen --- řešení sporů --- bilæggelse af tvister --- reševanje sporov --- vitarendezés --- urovnávanie sporov --- règlement des différends --- решавање спорови --- soluționarea conflictelor --- rješavanje sporova --- tvistlösning --- уреждане на спорове --- resolução de diferendos --- διευθέτηση διενέξεων --- уреждане на конфликти --- arreglo de controversias --- konflikta atrisināšana --- soluzione dei conflitti --- mirovna pogajanja --- negocieri de pace --- reglementarea conflictelor --- mírová jednání --- selkkausten ratkaiseminen --- conflict resolution --- résolution des conflits --- resolução de conflitos --- konfliktlösning --- решавање спорови по вонсудски пат --- мировни преговори --- risoluzione delle controversie --- мирни преговори --- reševanje konfliktov --- mirovni pregovori --- vredesonderhandeling --- konfliktide lahendamine --- rešitev sporov --- konfliktbilæggelse --- fredsförhandlingar --- rozstrzyganie sporów --- miera sarunas --- tvistbilæggelse --- riżoluzzjoni ta' kunflitti --- mírové řešení sporů --- peace negotiations --- risoluzione dei conflitti --- resolución de litigios --- urovnávanie konfliktov --- Lösung der Konflikte --- разрешаване на конфликти --- решавање спорови по судски пат --- mírové urovnání sporů --- rahuläbirääkimised --- reglementarea diferendelor --- conflict settlement --- urovnání sporů --- negocjacje pokojowe --- решавање конфликти --- oplossing van conflicten --- mierové rokovania --- Friedensverhandlung --- negoziato di pace --- Beilegung der Konflikte --- rauhanneuvottelut --- konfliktusrendezés --- konfliktuskezelés --- konflikta izlīdzināšana --- béketárgyalások --- negozjati ta' paċi --- negociação de paz --- negociación de paz --- erimielisyyksien ratkaiseminen --- konfliktų sprendimas --- règlement des conflits --- taikos derybos --- επίλυση διαμάχης --- riešenie konfliktov --- ειρηνευτικές διαπραγματεύσεις --- zgjidhje e mosmarrëveshjes --- negociata për paqe --- fredsforhandling --- rozwiązywanie konfliktów --- zgjidhje e konfliktit --- négociation de paix --- помирение --- arbitraggio --- arbitraje --- rozhodčí řízení --- választottbíráskodás --- arbitraj --- arbitrazh (proces gjyqësor) --- Streitschlichtung --- arbitragem --- skiljeförfarande --- zmierčie konanie --- vahekohtumenetlus --- arbitraža --- izskatīšana šķīrējtiesā --- arbitražas --- arbitraġġ --- διαιτησία --- arbitraż --- voldgift --- välimiesmenettely --- арбитража --- решавање спорови со арбитража --- scheidsrechterlijke procedure --- arbitráž --- επιδιαιτησία --- решавање спорови по пат на арбитража --- geschillencommissie --- smírčí řízení --- arbitražni postupak --- dohoda v rozhodčím řízení --- választottbírósági eljárás --- Dispute resolution (Law) --- ADR (Dispute resolution) --- Alternative dispute resolution --- Appropriate dispute resolution --- Collaborative law --- Conflict resolution --- Dispute processing --- Dispute settlement --- Justice, Administration of --- Mediation --- Neighborhood justice centers --- Third parties (Law)

Legal aspects of the video-game industry
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789046611074 9046611078 Year: 2021 Publisher: Antwerpen Maklu

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With seven specific chapters, this book tries to provide a first answer to the most important legal questions that might arise in the lifecycle of a video-game company. These insights are intended to be applicable irrespective of your jurisdiction, illustrated by real-life situations and easy to read for individuals without a legal background.


gegevensbescherming --- digitalisering --- beslechting van geschillen --- riżoluzzjoni ta' tilwimiet --- διευθέτηση των διαφορών --- domstarpību izšķiršana --- решавање спорова --- riitojen ratkaiseminen --- regulowanie sporów --- composizione delle controversie --- settlement of disputes --- zgjidhje e mosmarrëveshjeve --- solución de conflictos --- ginčų sprendimas --- Beilegung der Streitigkeiten --- vaidluste lahendamine --- řešení sporů --- bilæggelse af tvister --- reševanje sporov --- vitarendezés --- urovnávanie sporov --- règlement des différends --- решавање спорови --- soluționarea conflictelor --- rješavanje sporova --- tvistlösning --- уреждане на спорове --- resolução de diferendos --- διευθέτηση διενέξεων --- dispute settlement --- уреждане на конфликти --- arreglo de controversias --- konflikta atrisināšana --- soluzione dei conflitti --- mirovna pogajanja --- negocieri de pace --- reglementarea conflictelor --- mírová jednání --- selkkausten ratkaiseminen --- conflict resolution --- résolution des conflits --- resolução de conflitos --- konfliktlösning --- решавање спорови по вонсудски пат --- мировни преговори --- risoluzione delle controversie --- мирни преговори --- reševanje konfliktov --- mirovni pregovori --- vredesonderhandeling --- konfliktide lahendamine --- rešitev sporov --- konfliktbilæggelse --- fredsförhandlingar --- rozstrzyganie sporów --- miera sarunas --- tvistbilæggelse --- riżoluzzjoni ta' kunflitti --- mírové řešení sporů --- peace negotiations --- risoluzione dei conflitti --- resolución de litigios --- urovnávanie konfliktov --- Lösung der Konflikte --- разрешаване на конфликти --- решавање спорови по судски пат --- mírové urovnání sporů --- rahuläbirääkimised --- reglementarea diferendelor --- conflict settlement --- urovnání sporů --- negocjacje pokojowe --- решавање конфликти --- oplossing van conflicten --- mierové rokovania --- Friedensverhandlung --- negoziato di pace --- Beilegung der Konflikte --- rauhanneuvottelut --- konfliktusrendezés --- konfliktuskezelés --- konflikta izlīdzināšana --- béketárgyalások --- negozjati ta' paċi --- negociação de paz --- negociación de paz --- erimielisyyksien ratkaiseminen --- konfliktų sprendimas --- règlement des conflits --- taikos derybos --- επίλυση διαμάχης --- riešenie konfliktov --- ειρηνευτικές διαπραγματεύσεις --- zgjidhje e mosmarrëveshjes --- negociata për paqe --- fredsforhandling --- rozwiązywanie konfliktów --- zgjidhje e konfliktit --- négociation de paix --- digitalização --- digitiú --- digitalisointi --- дигитализација --- numérisation --- skaitmeninimas --- digitaliziranje --- ciparošana --- digitalizácia --- digitalizace dokumentů --- digitalizacja --- diġitalizzazzjoni --- дигитализация --- numerizzazione --- digitalizare --- digitisation --- ψηφιοποίηση --- digjitalizim --- Digitalisierung --- digitalización --- digitalizálás --- digiteerimine --- digitalizacija --- skaitmeninis keitimas --- digitalisation --- numerizzazzjoni --- digitalizzazione --- transformace dat --- digitalizace dat --- zaštita podataka --- tietosuoja --- ochrana údajov --- databeskyttelse --- protecția datelor --- adatvédelem --- përpunim i të dhënave --- Datenschutz --- varstvo podatkov --- protección de datos --- protection des données --- cosaint sonraí --- proteção dos dados --- uppgiftsskydd --- duomenų apsauga --- andmekaitse --- ochrona danych --- datu aizsardzība --- προστασία δεδομένων --- ochrana údajů --- защита на информация --- protezzjoni tad-data --- заштита на податоци --- data protection --- заштита података --- protezione dei dati --- Datensicherung --- varnost podatkov --- andmeturve --- ασφάλεια των δεδομένων --- zajištění dat --- dataskydd --- ochrana dat --- databeveiliging --- segurança de dados --- slándáil sonraí --- bezpečnost dat --- безбедност на податоци --- Datensicherheit --- data security --- datu drošība --- gegevensbeveiliging --- aineistoturvallisuus --- sigurnost podataka --- protecção dos dados --- sigurtà tad-data --- сигурност података --- datos protegidos --- sicurezza dei dati --- tietoturva --- zabezpečení údajů --- сигурност на данните --- sécurité des données --- bezpečnosť osobných údajov --- заштита на лични податоци --- bezpieczeństwo danych --- beveiliging van gegevens --- adatbiztonság --- zaštita informacija --- ochrana informací --- duomenų saugumas --- zabezpečení dat --- protezione dei dati personali --- securitate a datelor --- сигурност на податоци --- andmete turvalisus --- Video games industry --- Jeux vidéo --- Copyright --- Droit d'auteur --- Video games --- Law and legislation. --- IIndustrie --- Droit --- Video games. --- Marketing --- Commercialisation --- Intellectual property --- Propriété intellectuelle --- Law of obligations. Law of contract --- Company law. Associations --- Industrial and intellectual property --- Tax law --- Economic law --- réiteach díospóidí

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