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"Lorsqu’il révise des textes bibliques grecs et qu’ensuite, soucieux de revenir à la vérité hébraïque dans le sillage d’Origène, il traduit directement de l’hébreu au latin des livres de l’Ancien Testament, Jérôme accompagne ses travaux de Préfaces, au nombre desquelles le célèbre prologus galeatus. Ces textes généralement brefs, ainsi que quelques préfaces qui ne sont pas de Jérôme, ont été transmis tout au long du Moyen Âge dans les manuscrits bibliques ; ils figurent encore dans la Bible latine établie au Concile de Trente (1546), celle que l’on appellera désormais Vulgate. Sont donc ici réunis des textes fondamentaux pour comprendre le travail du moine de Bethléem (env. 386-406), et plus largement l’histoire de la Bible latine. Abondamment annotés, ils sont introduits par une riche synthèse des connaissances actuelles sur les versions latines des Écritures. Le lecteur disposera ainsi d’un outil de travail précieux pour mieux appréhender les textes que lisaient et commentaient les Pères de l’Église d’Occident – un outil susceptible de rendre au latin la place qui lui revient dans les études bibliques. "--
Christian apologetics --- Bible --- Patrology --- Jerome, --- Bible. --- 276 =71 HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- 276 =71 HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS Latijnse patrologie--HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- 276 =71 HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS Patrologie latine--HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- Latijnse patrologie--HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- Patrologie latine--HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- Griekse patrologie --- Jerome, - Saint, - -419 or 420. - Prefaces
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"À côté des Homélies sur les Psaumes ou des Homélies sur Marc, dont l' unité se constitue autour du livre biblique commenté, ces douze Homélies sur des sujets divers témoignent des différentes facettes de la prédication de Jérôme à Bethléem. On y retrouve certes le savant exégète, attentif à souligner les traits majeurs et l'enseignemen spirituel qu' on peut tirer de la lecture du jour. On y perçoit également l' enthousiasme du chrétien lors de la célébration des grandes fêtes de l' année liturgique - Noël, Épiphanie - et singulièrement au jour de Pâques, ce 'huitième jour' qui inaugure les temps nouveaux. On y entend surtout le supérieur du monastère qu' il a fondé s' adresser spécifiquement à ses moines pour leur rappeler, chaque fois qu' il est possible et dans deux homélies qui leur sont plus particulièrement consacrées, les exigences du 'saint propos' qu' ils ont librement choisi et auquel il ne leur appartient plus de renoncer. C' est ainsi un Jérôme, certes sévère et rigoureux, mais aussi fraternel et soucieux des besoins de son auditoire, qui se découvre ici."--
Classical Latin literature --- Patrology --- Sermons, Latin --- 276 =71 HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- 276 =71 HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS Latijnse patrologie--HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- 276 =71 HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS Patrologie latine--HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- Latijnse patrologie--HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- Patrologie latine--HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- Jerome, --- Bible. --- Sermon --- Antiquité tardive. --- Latijnse patrologie --- Jerome, - Saint, - -419 or 420. - Homilies --- Antiquité tardive.
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271.791 --- 276 =71 HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- 271.791 Anachoreten. Stylieten. Kluizenaars. Eremieten. Reclusen --- Anachoreten. Stylieten. Kluizenaars. Eremieten. Reclusen --- 276 =71 HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS Latijnse patrologie--HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- 276 =71 HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS Patrologie latine--HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- Latijnse patrologie--HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- Patrologie latine--HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- Paulus Thebaeus
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In the late fourth and early fifth centuries, during a fifty-year stretch sometimes dubbed a Pauline "renaissance" of the western chuch, six different authors produced over four dozen commentaries in Latin on Paul's epistles. Among them was Jerome, who commented on four epistles (Galatians, Ephesians, Titus, Philemon) in 386 after recently having relocated to Bethlehem from Rome. His commentaries occupy a time-honored place in the centuries-long tradition of Latin-language commenting on Paul's writings. They also constitute his first foray into the systematic exposition of whole biblical books (and his only experiment with Pauline interpretation on this scale), and so they provide precious insight into his intellectual development at a critical stage of his early career before he would go on to become the most prolific biblical scholar of Late Antiquity. This monograph provides the first book-length treatment of Jerome's opus Paulinum in any language. Adopting a cross-disciplinary approach, Cain comprehensively analyzes the commentaries' most salient aspects - from the inner workings of Jerome's philological method and engagement with his Greek exegetical sources, to his recruitment of Paul as an anachronistic surrogate for his own theological and ascetic special interests. One of the overarching concerns of this book is to explore and to answer, from multiple vantage points, a question that was absolutely fundamental to Jerome in his fourth-century context: what are the sophisticated mechanisms by which he legitimized himself as a Pauline commentator, not only on his own terms but also vis-à- vis contemporary western commentators?
Jerome, --- 227.1 --- 276 =71 HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- 227.1 Brieven van Paulus--(algemeen) --- Brieven van Paulus--(algemeen) --- 276 =71 HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS Latijnse patrologie--HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- 276 =71 HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS Patrologie latine--HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- Latijnse patrologie--HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- Patrologie latine--HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS
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"Avec cette œuvre composée en 407, Jérôme est le premier commentateur latin de Daniel. Ce livre prophétique rédigé en hébreu, en araméen et en grec n'a pas manqué d'intéresser ce spécialiste de la Bible, lui permettant d'exercer ses talents de traducteur et d'examiner, à la suite d'Origène, la canonicité du texte. Souhaitant se démarquer de ses ouvrages précédents, le moine de Bethléem a tenté ici une nouvelle méthode exégétique, marquée par la brièveté et par un commentaire 'à intervalles'; il s'est ainsi concentré sur les seuls versets qui lui paraissaient les plus importants, en particulier ceux annonçant la venue de l'Antichrist ou concernant la prophétie des soixante-dix semaines. Ce Commentaire est aussi pour nous une source majeure concernant de nombreux textes aujourd'hui perdus, aidant à reconstituer certains livres du Contre les chrétiens de Porphyre ou des Stromates d'Origène, ainsi que certains écrits chrétiens contre Porphyre. À la fois témoignage de traditions disparues et scénario de la fin des temps, cette exégèse combative est ici livrée dans un texte entièrement renouvelé."--
Classical Greek literature --- Bible OT. Major prophets. Daniel --- Bible. --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- Jerome, --- Daniel (Book of the Old Testament) --- Daniyel (Book of the Old Testament) --- Taniel (Book of the Old Testament) --- 276 =71 HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- 276 =71 HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS Latijnse patrologie--HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- 276 =71 HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS Patrologie latine--HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- Latijnse patrologie--HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- Patrologie latine--HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- Latijnse patrologie
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Commentaries on the Twelve Prophets.
276 =71 HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- 276 =71 HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS Latijnse patrologie--HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- 276 =71 HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS Patrologie latine--HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- Latijnse patrologie--HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- Patrologie latine--HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- Bible. --- Book of the twelve Minor Prophets (Books of the Old Testament) --- Minor Prophets (Books of the Old Testament) --- Tere ʻaśar (Books of the Old Testament) --- Twelve Prophets (Books of the Old Testament)
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Rome, be it as a concrete space, be it as a concept and idea, occupies an outstanding place in the thoughts and actions of Jerome of Stridon (c. 347-419). Glowing propagandist of the ideal of asceticism in the Latin sphere and highly influential scholar of the Bible, he received his philological education here as well as his baptism. Beyond this background of study and adherence to the church of Rome, the Urbs continued to hold a key position for him, who under the pontificate of Damasus established himself as a mediator between East and West and translator of Scripture. A sharp-tongued and increasingly controversial figure at the same time, Jerome subsequently turned into the target of antiascetic criticism and, once bereft of papal protection, had to leave Rome for good. However, even in distant Palestine, the city on the Tiber and its memories remained present in the writings of Jerome, who did not stop using a Roman network in order to have his works circulate within the Urbs and eventually lamented its fall as that of "the entire world in a city". From multifaceted perspectives - historical, philological, theological, exegetical and archaeological - the papers collected in this volume explore Rome's unique and exemplary meaning for Jerome's life and works. In the juxtaposition of both lieux de mémoire, the father of the Church and the Urbs, this reciprocal thematic cut illuminates additional aspects of a Roma Christiana as imagined by Jerome, and of the Stridonian himself as both key figurations of Late Antiquity.
Church history --- 276 =71 HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- 276 =71 HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS Latijnse patrologie--HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- 276 =71 HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS Patrologie latine--HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- Latijnse patrologie--HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- Patrologie latine--HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- Apostolic Church --- Christianity --- Church, Apostolic --- Early Christianity --- Early church --- Primitive and early church --- Primitive Christianity --- Fathers of the church --- Great Apostasy (Mormon doctrine) --- Hieronymus --- Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius --- Eusebius Hieronymus Sophronius --- Hieronymus Stridonius --- Hieronymus van Stridon --- Girolamo, --- Jérôme, --- Hieronymus presb. --- Roma
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"L'opportunità di un nuovo testo critico del Commentario al profeta Abacuc di Girolamo è dettata non solo dal fatto che le antiche edizioni a stampa - ne sono state prodotte almeno cinque - risultano inadeguate rispetto alle esigenze critiche attuali, ma che anche la più recente, pubblicata da Marc Adriaen in Corpus Christianorum (76A, 1969) sulla base della collazione di un solo nuovo manoscritto, non offre un testo sufficientemente sicuro. La recensio dei manoscritti selezionati per il presente volume, pur non avendo consentito la completa ricostruzione della diramazione della tradizione manoscritta, ha tuttavia permesso significativi progressi nella costituzione del testo. Il presente lavoro, poi, così come auspicava Yves-Marie Duval nell'introduzione alla sua edizione dell'In Ionam, può diventare un utile tassello per una vera e complessiva edizione critica dei commenti di Girolamo ai dodici profeti minori e per lo studio dell'esegesi geronimiana. Il lavoro di edizione ha permesso, inoltre, di evidenziare con più precisione le fonti che ispirarono il commento scritturistico di Girolamo e di confermare il suo spirito eclettico nel riprendere i commentatori che lo avevano preceduto, in modo particolare Origene".
Classical Latin literature --- Patrology --- Habakuk --- Bible OT. Twelve prophets. Habakkuk --- 276 =71 HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- 276 =71 HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS Latijnse patrologie--HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- 276 =71 HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS Patrologie latine--HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- Latijnse patrologie--HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- Patrologie latine--HIERONYMUS, SOPHRONIUS EUSEBIUS --- Jerome, --- Bible. --- Habakkuk (Book of the Old Testament) --- Ḥavaḳuḳ (Book of the Old Testament) --- 276 --- Hiëronymus, Heilige, +419/420 --- Jérôme, Saint, +419/420 --- Bronnen --- Critique et interprétation --- 276 =75 HIERONYMUS --- 276 =75 HIERONYMUS Griekse patrologie--HIERONYMUS --- 276 =75 HIERONYMUS Patrologie grecque--HIERONYMUS --- Griekse patrologie--HIERONYMUS --- Patrologie grecque--HIERONYMUS --- Jerome --- Bible
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