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Management planning --- Attitude surveys --- Participative management
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Le territoire wallon compte énormément de châteaux. Cependant, un grand nombre de châteaux médiévaux sont en ruines et, bien souvent, les asbl qui en deviennent les gestionnaires, accompagnées de quelques bénévoles, sont les seules à prendre en main leur sauvegarde. Disposant de peu de moyens financiers, techniques et humains, et manquant souvent de renseignements quant aux procédures administratives propres à la demande de projets, la conservation de ces édifices s’exerce péniblement. Face à ces défaillances, le présent travail de fin d’études a pour objectif de mettre en place un dispositif qui puisse venir en aide à la gestion participative de ces monuments. En effet, nombreuses sont les chartes et conventions qui prônent une telle gestion du patrimoine. L’enjeu est donc maintenant d’enfin répondre à cette demande et de fournir un cadre nécessaire, mais pourtant encore manquant actuellement. A cet effet, différents acteurs gravitant autour de la sauvegarde des châteaux médiévaux ont été rencontrés lors d’entretiens semi-dirigés (différents services de la Région wallonne et asbl) dans le but de récolter la matière première nécessaire à l’établissement de l’outil collaboratif dont il est question. Ces entretiens, complétés par des recherches personnelles, ont permis de discerner les principaux points qui faisaient défaut. Ainsi, dans le but de fournir un outil pratique, collaboratif, dynamique et moderne, c’est vers une application mobile que s’est tournée cette étude. Cette application s’adresse à l’ensemble des protagonistes, que ce soient les asbl, les bénévoles et les professionnels du métier de la restauration ou les pouvoirs publics. Cet outil, nous l’espérons, contribuera à faciliter la réalisation de projets de restauration et de conservation intégrée, en favorisant le partage et les échanges parmi les différents sites et en proposant un cadre commun concernant les procédures à suivre. Wallonia has a lot of castles. However, a large number of medieval castles are in ruins and, very often, the non-profit organizations which become their managers, accompanied by a few volunteers, are the only ones to take charge of their safeguard. Having few financial, technical and human resources, and often lacking information as to the administrative procedures specific to the request for projects, the conservation of these edifices is painfully exercised. Faced with these shortcomings, the aim of this end-of-study work is to set up a system that can help the participative management of these monuments. Indeed, there are many charters and conventions which advocate such heritage management. The challenge now is to finally respond to this request and provide a necessary framework, but which is still missing today. To this end, various actors gravitating around the safeguarding of medieval castles were met during semi-directed interviews (different departments of Wallonia and asbl) in order to collect the raw material necessary for the establishment of the collaborative tool in question. These interviews, supplemented by personal research, made it possible to discern the main points that were missing. So, in order to provide a practical, collaborative, dynamic and modern tool, this study turned to a mobile application. This application is intended for all stakeholders, whether non-profit organizations, volunteers and professionals in the catering trade or public authorities. This tool, we hope, will help facilitate the implementation of restoration and integrated conservation projects, by promoting sharing and exchanges among the various sites and by proposing a common framework concerning the procedures to be followed.
Patrimoine --- Châteaux médiévaux --- Outil collaboratif --- Participation citoyenne --- Restauration --- Conservation intégrée --- Gestion participative --- Patrimony --- Medieval castles --- Collaborative tool --- Citizen participation --- Restoration --- Integrated conservation --- Participative management --- Ingénierie, informatique & technologie > Architecture
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Ces dernières années, le monde de l’entreprise rencontre plusieurs difficultés, dont la complexification de notre société et la démotivation des travailleurs. Un nombre croissant d’auteurs dont Laloux, Getz et Vanhée constatent que la hiérarchie pyramidale est désormais inapte à répondre à des problèmes complexes et à assouvir les besoins d’épanouissement et de reconnaissance des salariés, besoins nécessaires à leur motivation et à leur productivité au travail. C’est dans ce contexte qu’a vu le jour l’entreprise libérée, « entreprise fondée sur la responsabilité et la liberté, dans laquelle la majorité des salariés décident eux-mêmes des actions qu’ils estiment bénéfiques pour l’entreprise » (Getz, 2016, quatrième de couverture). Ce mémoire s’inscrit dans une volonté d’approfondir la recherche scientifique de ce phénomène qui pourrait à terme présenter des avantages tant pour l’entreprise que pour ses travailleurs. Notre objectif est d’étudier le fonctionnement concret de ces organisations, au travers de la littérature et des études de cas. Dans un premier temps, nous définissons théoriquement le concept d’entreprise libérée. Il s’inscrit dans une évolution constante du management qui tend à replacer l’humain au centre de l’attention et à s’éloigner des organisations hiérarchisées et autoritaires. Nous reprenons également ses caractéristiques, à savoir l’importance de la culture d’entreprise et le changement dans l’organisation. Nous apparentons pour finir l’entreprise libérée aux pratiques de gestion définies par Mintzberg (la division du travail et les mécanismes de coordination). La deuxième partie reprend une analyse qualitative de six entreprises belges ayant adopté le modèle. Les entretiens nous ont permis d’étudier le fonctionnement de l’entreprise libérée sous trois aspects. Nous avons d’abord évalué dans quelle mesure les pratiques mises en place dans ces entreprises correspondent aux caractéristiques théoriques. Les résultats montrent que les entreprises ne sont pas toutes égales dans la mise en place du modèle. Ensuite, nous avons constaté une certaine évolution des processus décisionnels R.H., ce qui s’inscrit dans la libération de l’entreprise. Enfin, nous avons relevé deux difficultés rencontrées par les entreprises au niveau de la législation du travail : la présence syndicale et la motivation du licenciement pour non-adéquation du travailleur aux valeurs de l’entreprise. Over the past years, the business world has been facing several challenges such as society’s growing complexity and workers’ lack of motivation. More and more authors, including Laloux, Getz and Vanhée, note that the pyramidal hierarchy is now unable to solve complex issues and satisfy the employees’ need for recognition and self-fulfillment. Yet, such needs are required for daily motivation and increased productivity at work. In this context, was born the liberated company concept: « A corporation founded on the responsibility and freedom in which most of the personnel takes himself the decisions they judge beneficial for the company. » (Getz, 2016, back cover). The writing of this paper aims at deepening the scientific research on the matter which could, in the long run, offer various advantages for both the corporation and its workers. Our goal is to study the practical way these organizations operate, through scientific literature and case studies. First of all, we define the concept of liberated company. It takes place in the constant evolution of management, which tends to replace human at the center of attention and moves away from authoritarian and hierarchical organizations. We discuss its characteristics, such as the importance of corporate culture and change management within the organization. Finally, we compare the liberated company with the management practices as defined by Mintzberg (work division and coordination mechanisms). The second part includes a qualitative analysis of six Belgian companies which have adopted the model. The interviews have allowed us to study the liberated company under three aspects. Firstly, we have evaluated up to what point do the practices used in these companies correspond with the theoretical characteristics. The results show that not all companies are equal in terms of implementation of the model. Then, we have noticed an evolution in the H.R decision processes, which matches with the liberation of the entity. In the end, we raised two legal labor challenges that these companies face: the presence of a workers’ council and the worker’s termination for non-adoption of the values of the company.
entreprise libérée --- management participatif --- innovation managériale --- culture d'entreprise --- pratiques de gestion --- organisation de l'entreprise --- prise de décision --- liberatedcompany --- participative management --- managerial innnovation --- corporate culture --- management practices --- decision-making --- Sciences économiques & de gestion > Gestion de l'entreprise & théorie des organisations --- Droit, criminologie & sciences politiques > Droit social
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Employees' representation in management --- Producer cooperatives --- Management --- Cooperative production --- Production, Cooperative --- Production cooperatives --- Worker cooperatives --- Autogestion (Employee self-management) --- Codetermination, Worker --- Consultative management --- Economic democracy --- Employee involvement in management --- Employee participation in management --- Industrial democracy --- Labor participation in management --- Participative management --- Participatory management --- Self-management by employees --- Worker codetermination --- Worker participation in management --- Worker self-management --- Workers' control --- Workers' participation in management --- Workers' self-management --- Employee participation --- Cooperation --- Cooperative societies --- Profit-sharing --- Industrial relations --- Employee ownership
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Management --- Employee participation. --- -658.317.4 --- Administration --- Industrial relations --- Organization --- Employee participation --- 658.317.4 --- Autogestion (Employee self-management) --- Codetermination, Worker --- Consultative management --- Economic democracy --- Employee involvement in management --- Employee participation in management --- Employees' representation in management --- Industrial democracy --- Labor participation in management --- Participative management --- Participatory management --- Self-management by employees --- Worker codetermination --- Worker participation in management --- Worker self-management --- Workers' control --- Workers' participation in management --- Workers' self-management --- Employee ownership --- Producer cooperatives --- Management - Employee participation.
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Management --- -Administration --- Industrial relations --- Organization --- Employee participation --- Employee participation. --- -Employee participation --- Autogestion (Employee self-management) --- Codetermination, Worker --- Consultative management --- Economic democracy --- Employee involvement in management --- Employee participation in management --- Employees' representation in management --- Industrial democracy --- Labor participation in management --- Participative management --- Participatory management --- Self-management by employees --- Worker codetermination --- Worker participation in management --- Worker self-management --- Workers' control --- Workers' participation in management --- Workers' self-management --- Employee ownership --- Producer cooperatives
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Management --- -Administration --- Industrial relations --- Organization --- Employee participation --- Autogestion (Employee self-management) --- Codetermination, Worker --- Consultative management --- Economic democracy --- Employee involvement in management --- Employee participation in management --- Employees' representation in management --- Industrial democracy --- Labor participation in management --- Participative management --- Participatory management --- Self-management by employees --- Worker codetermination --- Worker participation in management --- Worker self-management --- Workers' control --- Workers' participation in management --- Workers' self-management --- Employee ownership --- Producer cooperatives --- Employee participation.
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Within the labor relations paradigm, employee voice is broadly defined as the ways and means through which employees have a say and influence organizational issues at work. Whilst we know much about employee voice in the Anglo-American (developed) world, we know much less about how employee voice operates in emerging economies. This volume explores the nature of employee voice in four emerging economies: Argentina, China, India and South Korea. The volume brings together an internationally renowned group of contributors who are experts in their field and an authority on their countries, to combine cutting edge research and theory in this essential exploration of voice in emerging economies.This volume identifies, inter alia, novel forms and channels of employee voice, new institutional and informal actors, new challenges to social dialogue and representation in emerging economies, and, the importance of cultural norms in predicting employee voice behaviors. The volume therefore provides a timely challenge to the predominant assumptions that underline the nature, operation and effectiveness of employee voice in the Western world.
E-books --- Management --- Communication in industrial relations --- Comparative industrial relations --- Employee participation --- Labor mobility --- Industrial relations --- Administration --- Organization --- Business & Economics --- Industrial relations. --- Labor. --- Employee participation. --- Autogestion (Employee self-management) --- Codetermination, Worker --- Consultative management --- Economic democracy --- Employee involvement in management --- Employee participation in management --- Employees' representation in management --- Industrial democracy --- Labor participation in management --- Participative management --- Participatory management --- Self-management by employees --- Worker codetermination --- Worker participation in management --- Worker self-management --- Workers' control --- Workers' participation in management --- Workers' self-management --- Employee ownership --- Producer cooperatives
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