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Hieratic paleography.
ISBN: 0967720109 Year: 1999 Publisher: Pennsylvania Shangri-La

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La fonction du lésônis dans les temples égyptiens de l'époque saïte à l'époque ptolémaïque
ISBN: 9042943912 9789042943919 Year: 2023 Publisher: Leuven ; Paris ; Bristol, CT : Peeters,

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"Dans la hiérarchie sacerdotale égyptienne, le lésônis désigne le prêtre choisi par ses pairs afin d'administrer les biens et le personnel d'un temple pendant au moins une année. Le terme grec λέσωνις transcrit l'égyptien mr-šn. La fonction donnait une place éminente à son porteur dans un pays où les temples jouaient un rôle économique et social important. Après une étude paléographique et lexicale du titre, présentant ses différentes graphies, les difficultés de son étymologie, ses conditions d'emploi en égyptien et les modalités de sa transcription ou de sa traduction en grec, une synthèse socio-historique présente les données sur l'accès à la charge, son exercice et la position de son détenteur dans le temple. Un catalogue de tous les lésôneis attestés depuis les premières mentions du titre jusqu'à la fin de l'époque ptolémaïque complète l'ouvrage, ainsi qu'un choix de 25 textes emblématiques, en démotique et en grec, avec traduction."

Pictograms or Pseudo script ? : non-textual identity marks in practical use in ancient Egypt and elsewhere
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789042923140 9789062582259 9042923148 9062582257 Year: 2009 Volume: 25 Publisher: Leuven: Peeters,

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Marking systems such as masons' marks, property marks, pot marks, quarry marks and team marks confront us with the large variation in the use of graphic signs. They are often similar to writing, yet they are not script in the strictest sense of the word. The practical purposes of marks include claims to property and responsibilities, both individual and collective, for which also regular scripts are used. The marking systems are seen to operate in combination with writing, but frequently also in isolation. In societies that use writing, the marks appear to be strongly influenced by it: their shapes are often identical and they may be similarly arranged in lines or columns. In this sense the marking systems may be called a pseudo script, for in spite of their resemblance to writing, the signs remain mere pictograms.This volume brings together for the first time the results of research on practical marking systems in ancient Egypt and other cultures, making it possible to define the common characteristics of their appearance and their uses. It is the result of a conference hosted by the Egyptology Department at Leiden University in 2006. The great geographical and chronological range covered by the volume, the sign corpora added to many of the contributions, and the indices also make it the first important reference work on this intriguing topic.

Ägyptologische "Binsen"-Weisheiten III : Formen und Funktionen von Zeichenliste und Paläographie : Akten der internationalen und interdisziplinären Tagung in der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz im April 2016
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9783515122658 3515122656 Year: 2018 Volume: 15 Publisher: Mainz: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur,

The tomb of Sennedjem (TT 1) in Deir el-Medina : palaeography
ISBN: 9782724704334 2724704339 Year: 2006 Publisher: Le Caire: Institut français d'archéologie orientale,

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Although of modest proportions, the burial chamber of TT 1 is decorated with many exquisite scenes, and with a wealth of inscriptions in painted hieroglyphs. These hieroglyphs are the subject of the present volume, which aims to classify, describe and explain the individual signs and their forms. The series Paléographie hiéroglyphique covers the entire period during which hieroglyphic texts were made, from the Old Kingdom to the Graeco-Roman Period. As a part of the series, this book is illustrative of a particular stage in the graphic and functional development of hieroglyphs: painted monochrome hieroglyphs in private tombs of the early Ramesside Period. The use and graphic variety of every individual sign is discussed in the commentary, and represented by samples in the palaeographical tables. A general commentary deals with the technique of painting the signs, their relation to other Pharaonic Egyptian scripts, the all-important influence of orientation on the shapes of hieroglyphs, and the mistakes and corrections made by their painter. Finally, a comparison is made between the signs in TT 1 and other tombs at Deir el-Medina that belonged to the workmen who spent their lives constructing and decorating the sepulchres of the Ramesside Pharaohs... as well as their own.

The epigraphy of ptolemaic Egypt
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780198858225 0198858221 Year: 2020 Publisher: Oxford: Oxford university press,

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"The Ptolemaic period in Egypt (332-30 BC) is one of the most well-documented periods of the Hellenistic age: in addition to the papyrological record there are more than 600 surviving Greek and Greek/Egyptian bilingual and trilingual inscriptions, ranging from massive public monuments, such as the Rosetta Stone, to small private dedications, funerary plaques, and metrical epigrams for the deceased. This volume offers a series of detailed studies of the historical andcultural contexts of these important inscriptions and is intended to complement the multi-volume Corpus of Ptolemaic Inscriptions edition, in which the Greek and Egyptian texts will be presented together for the first time. 0The subjects discussed in the twelve chapters range widely across a variety of sub-disciplines, from advances in new technologies of image-capture, the juxtaposition of Greek and Egyptian elements in the layout and iconography of the monuments, and the palaeography of the Greek texts, to the history of the acquisition and study of the great bilingual decrees voted by the priests of the indigenous Egyptian cults, the introduction of Greek civic administration and communal associations in the cities and villages, and the role of the military in monumental commemoration. Particular attention is given to the role of indigenous and Greek religious institutions in Alexandria and the towns and villages of the Nile Delta and Valley, in which commemorative dedications to divinities of temples and statues by the monarchs and by private individuals are numerous and prominent. 0In a period shaped by the interplay between Egyptian and Greek culture, the existence of public and private inscribed monuments was a vital element of dynastic control."--

Demotic graffiti and other short texts gathered from many publications : (Short Texts III, 1201-2350)
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789042931879 9042931876 Year: 2015 Volume: 12 Publisher: Leuven Paris Bristol, CT Peeters

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As continuation of the two preceding volumes of 'Short Texts' with demotic votive inscriptions (vol. I) and mummy labels (vol. II), this volume brings together all but 800 demotic and Greek-demotic graffiti. These are in principle all the graffiti published in periodicals, congress proceedings and colloquia and 'Festschrifts', as well as in monographs that are not exclusively concerned with demotic graffiti (chiefly excavations reports). The texts are presented in topographical order from South to North, with those from a single monument kept together. The texts show the full gamut of themes encountered in demotic graffiti, which are more varied than their reputation would suggest: the commemorative inscriptions often have more to offer than just names and provide information about the careers of the inscribers, occasionally even touching on historical events of a larger scale. Specifically the numerous and variegated graffiti from the stone quarries in Middle Egypt and at Tura and Masara opposite ancient Memphis deserve to be mentioned because many of these texts are published here for the first time. Several clusters of these quarry graffiti belong to the first demotic texts that were recorded in the nineteenth century, and they constitute the only extant copies for many texts that have now been destroyed. In addition, there are some three hundred brief inscriptions on various objects such as coins, hieratic papyri and mummy linen, stelae, sculptors' models and plaques, various vases and amphoras, containers for embalming materials, dishes for the preparation of kyphi, and various other objects.

Palästinisches Hieratisch : die Zahl- und Sonderzeichen in der althebräischen Schrift
ISBN: 9783447058629 3447058625 Year: 2008 Publisher: Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz in Kommission,

Le petit temple d'Abou Simbel : paléographie
ISBN: 9782724704747 2724704746 Year: 2007 Volume: 3/2007 Publisher: Le Caire: Institut français d'archéologie orientale,

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Cet ouvrage réunit et étudie les signes hiéroglyphiques figurant sur la porte d'entrée et à l'intérieur du Petit Temple d'Abou Simbel érigé par Ramsès II. Comme ses deux prédécesseurs de la collection Paléographie hiéroglyphique, ce volume se compose de deux parties. La première, consacrée au commentaire paléographique, est divisée en vingt-sept catégories en fonction de l'identité du signe. À chacun des 232 signes inventoriés est consacré un paragraphe traitant des trois points suivants : définition de la nature du signe ; mise en exergue des caractéristiques paléographiques dans le Petit Temple d'Abou Simbel et comparaison avec des parallèles remontant au Nouvel Empire ; emploi linguistique dans le Petit Temple d'Abou Simbel. Quant à la seconde partie de ce volume, consacrée aux planches, elle illustre les signes sélectionnés par 1495 dessins, reproduits principalement à partir de la publication du Petit Temple d'Abou Simbel, mais aussi, pour près de 250 signes parmi eux, redessinés à la suite de vérifications sur place ou à partir de photos.

Le tombeau de Mérérouka : paléographie
ISSN: 1687501X ISBN: 9782724705706 272470570X Year: 2010 Volume: 4 Publisher: Le Caire: Institut français d'archéologie orientale,

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