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Based on ten years of experience, this book provides a valuable tool for professionals in the field of bone tumors. Although rare, when diagnosed these tumors can cause anxiety and apprehension in patients, and it is necessary to find rapid solutions and medical rehabilitation protocols capable of dealing with these delicate cases. As such those working in this field need to constantly update their knowledge to ensure an appropriate approach to this particular pathology. This book is a useful consultation tool for physiotherapists, orthopedic oncology surgeons, rehabilitation specialists and everyone who works with bone tumors on a regular basis.
Physiotherapy. --- Oncology . --- Orthopedics. --- Internal medicine. --- Oncology. --- Internal Medicine. --- Medicine, Internal --- Medicine --- Orthopaedics --- Orthopedia --- Surgery --- Tumors --- Physical therapy. --- Physiotherapy --- Medicine, Physical --- Therapeutics, Physiological --- Malalts de càncer --- Càncer d'ossos --- Rehabilitació --- Fisioteràpia --- Terapèutica física --- Teràpia física --- Medicina física --- Terapèutica --- Balneoteràpia --- Exercici terapèutic --- Crioteràpia --- Electroteràpia --- Fototeràpia --- Hidroteràpia --- Manipulació (Terapèutica) --- Massatge --- Massatge terapèutic --- Mecanoteràpia --- Osteopatia --- Talassoteràpia --- Teràpia ocupacional --- Termoteràpia --- Reeducacio funcional --- Rehabilitació de delinqüents --- Rehabilitació de persones amb discapacitat --- Rehabilitació mèdica --- Càncer --- Osteosarcoma --- Malalts oncològics --- Pacients de càncer --- Pacients oncològics --- Malalts crònics
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Cancer --- Fatigue --- Patients --- Counseling of. --- Diagnosis. --- Exhaustion --- Lassitude --- Tiredness --- Weariness --- Physiology --- Symptoms --- Rest --- Cancers --- Carcinoma --- Malignancy (Cancer) --- Malignant tumors --- Tumors --- Fatiga --- Malalts de càncer --- Cura dels malalts --- Cuidatge --- Atenció als malalts --- Cura dels pacients --- Cura i tractament --- Malalts --- Cura dels malalts terminals --- Posicions dels malalts --- Tècniques d'infermeria --- Transport de malalts i ferits --- Gerontologia --- Infermeria a domicili --- Puericultura --- Malalts oncològics --- Pacients de càncer --- Pacients oncològics --- Malalts crònics --- Càncer --- Cansament --- Esgotament --- Símptomes --- Síndrome de fatiga crònica --- Descans --- Fisiologia de l'exercici
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This practical book focuses on the most recent advances in fertility preservation in oncological and non-oncological patients. It presents the steps that need to be followed prior to treatment for successful fertility preservation, and describes in detail the medical conditions requiring fertility preservation, including precise information on the risk of fertility loss, prognosis, risk of ovarian metastasis and other possible risks. The book also provides information on how to perform the preservation techniques (success rates, risks, etc.) and on what to do after the treatment (in cases of bleeding during chemotherapy, menopause, wish to conceive, etc.). Written by experts in the field, including members of the globally known network FertiPROTEKT and leading oncologists and specialists, this practical and easy-to-use book is a valuable resource for all clinicians involved in fertility preservation for patients with specific diseases.
Reproductive medicine. --- Gynecology . --- Oncology . --- Reproductive Medicine. --- Gynecology. --- Oncology. --- Tumors --- Gynaecology --- Medicine --- Generative organs, Female --- Human reproduction --- Human reproductive health --- Human reproductive medicine --- Reproductive medicine --- Health --- Diseases --- Health aspects --- Fertility, Human. --- Human fertility --- Natality --- Demography --- Infertility --- Fecunditat humana --- Malalts de càncer --- Malalts --- Persones amb discapacitat --- Persones --- Cura dels malalts --- Invàlids --- Laringectomitzats --- Malalts cardíacs --- Malalts crònics --- Malalts en estat crític --- Malalts hospitalitzats --- Pastoral sanitària --- Persones seropositives --- Addictes --- Atenció primària --- Pacients --- Persones dependents --- Relacions metge-pacient --- Malalts oncològics --- Pacients de càncer --- Pacients oncològics --- Càncer --- Fertilitat humana --- Demografia --- Reproducció humana --- Concepció --- Control natural de la natalitat --- Esterilitat --- Fecunditat
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Breast Neoplasms. --- Survivorship. --- Survivors --- Breast Carcinoma --- Cancer of the Breast --- Human Mammary Carcinoma --- Malignant Neoplasm of Breast --- Malignant Tumor of Breast --- Mammary Cancer --- Mammary Carcinoma, Human --- Mammary Neoplasm, Human --- Mammary Neoplasms, Human --- Neoplasms, Breast --- Tumors, Breast --- Breast Cancer --- Breast Tumors --- Cancer of Breast --- Breast Carcinomas --- Breast Malignant Neoplasm --- Breast Malignant Neoplasms --- Breast Malignant Tumor --- Breast Malignant Tumors --- Breast Neoplasm --- Breast Tumor --- Cancer, Breast --- Cancer, Mammary --- Cancers, Mammary --- Carcinoma, Breast --- Carcinoma, Human Mammary --- Carcinomas, Breast --- Carcinomas, Human Mammary --- Human Mammary Carcinomas --- Human Mammary Neoplasm --- Human Mammary Neoplasms --- Mammary Cancers --- Mammary Carcinomas, Human --- Neoplasm, Breast --- Neoplasm, Human Mammary --- Neoplasms, Human Mammary --- Tumor, Breast --- Breast Cancer Lymphedema --- Breast --- Cancer --- Patients --- Treatment. --- Breasts --- Chest --- Large-breasted women --- Malalts de càncer --- Càncer de mama --- Oncologia --- Medicina --- Oncologia geriàtrica --- Oncologia pediàtrica --- Oncologia veterinària --- Càncer --- Infermeria oncològica --- Tumors --- Càncer de pit --- Malalties de la mama --- Càncer ginecològic --- Malalts oncològics --- Pacients de càncer --- Pacients oncològics --- Malalts crònics
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