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With this book we present a selection of articles that critically deal with (internationally comparative) large-scale assessments. We acknowledge that studies such as PIAAC are often designed, financed and implemented on the basis of neo-liberal worldviews. Nevertheless, we would like to use the articles that are presented here to show the various ways in which adult and continuing education can benefit and learn from the knowledge that they generate. In PIAAC, for example, there are huge differences between the surveyed variables and the theoretical frameworks on literacies and literacy practices that the New Literacy Studies (NLS) have brought out. This book features eleven articles, which - with the NLS's theoretical considerations and points of criticism in mind - find new and alternative evaluations and interpretations of the data. Not only can they show effects of marginalization on a large scale, but the data can also provide information about mechanisms of power in relation to literacy and basic competencies.
PIAAC --- Large-Scale Assessment --- New Literacy Studies --- Erwachsenenbildung
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PIAAC, das von der OECD durchgeführte Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies, untersucht, wie gut Erwachsene in den verschiedenen Ländern auf die Herausforderungen der Wissensgesellschaft vorbereitet sind. Hierzu wurden zentrale Grundkompetenzen der Bevölkerung in über 20 Ländern weltweit erhoben und verglichen. Erfasst wurde die Lesekompetenz, die Alltagsmathematische Kompetenz und Technologiebasiertes Problemlösen. PIAAC liefert Informationen darüber, inwieweit sich die erwachsene Bevölkerung in diesen Grundkompetenzen unterscheiden und welche Faktoren deren Erwerb und Erhalt bedingen. Ergänzend werden die Auswirkungen auf die gesellschaftliche und insbesondere wirtschaftliche Teilhabe beleuchtet. Dies erlaubt Rückschlüsse auf die Qualität von Bildungssystemen sowie darauf, inwieweit die grundlegenden Kompetenzen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt genutzt werden. Die Ergebnisse bieten somit Politik und Bildungspraxis eine empirisch fundierte Basis für die Eruierung von Veränderungsbedarf und die Entwicklung entsprechender Fördermaßnahmen. Dieses Buch präsentiert und diskutiert, welche Werte Erwachsene in Deutschland in den drei Grundkompetenzen im internationalen Vergleich erreicht haben und inwiefern sich diese Kompetenzen zum Beispiel zwischen Bildungsgruppen und Generationen unterscheiden. Eine Betrachtung der Zusammenhänge zwischen den grundlegenden Kompetenzen und zentralen Merkmalen des Arbeitsmarktes, wie der Teilhabe am und den Anforderungen des Arbeitsmarktes sowie dem Einkommen, runden den Bericht ab. In Deutschland wurde PIAAC vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) unter Beteiligung des Bundesministeriums für Arbeit und Soziales (BMAS) in Auftrag gegeben. Verantwortlich für die Durchführung der Studie war GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften. Mit den Ergebnissen [der Studie] können nun die Nutzung von Kompetenzen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt im internationalen Vergleich sowie Veränderungen im zeitlichen Verlauf mit zukünftigen PIAAC-Wellen erforscht werden. - Heiko Pohlmann in: Die berufsbildende Schule, 6/2014 Die spannende Diskussion über die Bedeutung der Ergebnisse, eine kritische Einschätzung der Untersuchung als solcher und auch die Frage nach bildungspolitischen Konsequenzen, die sich daraus ableiten lassen, stehen in den verschiedenen Bildungsbereichen noch aus. Gerade deshalb sollten Bildungsinstitutionen und professionell in Aus- und Weiterbildung Tätige die Ergebnisse zur Kenntnis nehmen und sich zu ihnen - kritisch und auch öffentlich - positionieren. - in: Ausbilder-Handbuch 162/2014
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The Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) is a large-scale initiative of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) that aims at assessing key adult competencies considered important for individual and societal success. This technical report describes how the PIAAC survey was conducted in Germany. It provides information on the PIAAC instruments: the background questionnaire and the cognitive assessment. Furthermore, it describes sampling, fieldwork, weighting, and nonresponse bias analyses. The report concludes with an overview of the data management processes and data products as well as a brief evaluation of the overall data quality.
PIAAC --- Grundlegende Kompetenzen Erwachsener --- International Assessment of Adult Competencies --- OECD --- Schlüsselkompetenzen --- Lesekompetenz --- alltagsmathematische Kompetenz --- Problemlösekompetenz --- Empirische Bildungsforschung --- Bildung und Erziehung --- Pädagogische Psychologie
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Die Umfeldstudie - Studie zum mitwissenden Umfeld funktionaler Analphabetinnen und Analphabeten - markiert einen Perspektivwechsel in der Literalitätsforschung. Sie knüpft an die Erkenntnis an, dass Erwachsene mit Schwierigkeiten beim Lesen und Schreiben häufig auf Unterstützungspersonen in ihrem beruflichen oder privaten Umfeld zurückgreifen. Das Umfeld hilft dabei, mit Lese- und Schreibanforderungen im Alltag zurechtzukommen. Hier wird insbesondere das "mitwissende Umfeld" betrachtet, also diejenigen Personen, die in die Lese- und Schreibproblematik eingeweiht sind. Im Fokus der Studie stehen unter anderem die Struktur der Unterstützung, die die Mitwissenden leisten, deren Motive, der Erfolg oder Misserfolg und auch Lernprozesse im und durch das Umfeld. Im Rahmen der Umfeldstudie wurde eine umfangreiche qualitative und eine hamburgweit repräsentative quantitative Teilstudie realisiert.
Alphabetisierung --- Grundbildung --- Deutsch als Fremdsprache --- DaF --- Verlinkungsstudie --- Leo - Level-one Studie --- Leo-Studie --- Lebenslanges Lernen --- Lifelong Learning --- Gemeinsamer Europäischer Referenzrahmen --- Alpha-Level --- PIAAC --- Analphabeten --- Analphabetismus --- funktionale Analphabeten --- Umfeldstudie --- Akzeptanzstudie --- Erwachsenenbildung --- Deutsch als Fremdsprache / Deutsch als Zweitsprache
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Der Migrationsbericht zum Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) kontrastiert die Grundkompetenzen der erwachsenen Bevölkerung mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund in Deutschland und im internationalen Vergleich. In Deutschland, wie auch in den meisten anderen Ländern, verfügen Personen mit Migrationshintergrund im Durchschnitt über geringere Grundkompetenzen als Personen ohne Migrationshintergrund. Diese Kompetenzdisparitäten sind insbesondere durch Unterschiede in strukturellen Hintergrundmerkmalen, wie zum Beispiel dem Bildungshintergrund oder dem sozioökonomischen Status, zu erklären. Die Studie liefert umfangreiche und repäsentative Daten zu den untersuchten Kompetenzen Lesen, Rechnen und technologiebasiertes Problemlösen im internationalen Vergleich - Ausbilder-Handbuch, 162. Erg.-Lfg., 9/2014 Als Resümee kann festgehalten werden, dass diese Studie eine notwendige Erweiterung und Differenzierung der Perspektive auf die gesellschaftliche Integration von Erwachsenen mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund darstellt. - Martin Nugel in: ZEP - Zeitschrift für internationale Bildungsforschung und Entwicklungspädagogik, 4/2015
PIAAC --- Grundlegende Kompetenzen Erwachsener --- International Assessment of Adult Competencies --- OECD --- Schlüsselkompetenzen --- Lesekompetenz --- alltagsmathematische Kompetenz --- Problemlösekompetenz --- Migrationshintergrund --- Bildungshintergrund --- sozioökonomischer Status --- Empirische Bildungsforschung --- Bildung und Erziehung --- Migration und ethnische Minderheiten --- Pädagogische Psychologie
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In diesem Band zur Grundbildung liegen erstmalig bisher verteilt diskutierte Forschungsergebnisse und Theorieansätze, die vorrangig an der Universität Hamburg erzielt wurden, gebündelt vor. Er resultiert aus den Studien zur Verlinkung von Literalität und Deutsch als Fremdsprache - ein Thema, das aktueller nicht sein könnte. Weiterhin reflektiert er den noch immer eher langsamen Wandel von der Alphabetisierung zur Grundbildung. Die Beiträge stellen durchweg die Frage, wie das Lernen von Erwachsenen zu betrachten ist - ob mit Grundbildungsbedarfen oder unter der Bedingung eines zugeschriebenen Migrationshintergrunds, ob im Kontext von Arbeitslosigkeit oder in der Identitätssuche bei Genderfragen, ob informell im Jugendverband oder als Kursleitung non-formaler Bildungsprozesse. Die theoretischen Folien, etwa der durchaus problematische Kompetenzbegriff und der in Hamburg so zentrale Lernbegriff, zeigen den inneren Zusammenhang auf.
Alphabetisierung --- Grundbildung --- Deutsch als Fremdsprache --- DaF --- Verlinkungsstudie --- Leo - Level-one Studie --- Leo-Studie --- Lebenslanges Lernen --- Lifelong Learning --- Gemeinsamer Europäischer Referenzrahmen --- Alpha-Level --- PIAAC --- Analphabeten --- Analphabetismus --- funktionale Analphabeten --- Umfeldstudie --- Akzeptanzstudie --- Erwachsenenbildung --- Deutsch als Fremdsprache / Deutsch als Zweitsprache
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This open access methodological book summarises existing analysing techniques using data from PIAAC, a study initiated by the OECD that assesses key cognitive and occupational skills of the adult population in more than 40 countries. The approximately 65 PIAAC datasets that has been published worldwide to date has been widely received and used by an interdisciplinary research community. Due to the complex structure of the data, analyses with PIAAC datasets are very challenging. To ensure the quality and significance of these data analyses, it is necessary to instruct users in the correct handling of the data. This methodological book provides a standardised approach to successfully implementing these data analyses. It contains examples of and tools for the analysis of the PIAAC data using different statistical approaches and software, and it offers perspectives from various disciplines. The contributing authors have hands-on experience of using PIAAC data, and/or they have conducted data analysis workshops with these data.
Assessment. --- Statistics . --- Education—Economic aspects. --- International education . --- Comparative education. --- Assessment, Testing and Evaluation. --- Statistics for Social Sciences, Humanities, Law. --- Education Economics. --- International and Comparative Education. --- Education, Comparative --- Education --- Global education --- Intellectual cooperation --- Internationalism --- Statistical analysis --- Statistical data --- Statistical methods --- Statistical science --- Mathematics --- Econometrics --- History --- Assessment, Testing and Evaluation --- Statistics for Social Sciences, Humanities, Law --- Education Economics --- International and Comparative Education --- Statistics in Social Sciences, Humanities, Law, Education, Behavorial Sciences, Public Policy --- PIAAC data --- Large-scale assessment --- Data analysis --- Plausible values --- International comparison --- Key cognitive skills --- Literacy of adult population --- Numeracy of adult population --- Analysis with PIAAC datasets --- Stata --- R software --- Open access --- Education: examinations & assessment --- Social research & statistics --- Economics of specific sectors
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This book aims to discuss new research and trends on all dimensions of Higher Education, as there is a growing interest in the field of Higher Education, regarding new methodologies, contexts, and technologies. It includes investigations of diverse issues that affect the learning processes in Higher Education: innovations in learning, new pedagogical methods, and new learning contexts.In this sense, original research contributions of research papers, case studies and demonstrations that present original scientific results, methodological aspects, concepts and educational technologies, on the following topics:a) Technological Developments in Higher Education: mobile technology, virtual environments, augmented reality, automation and robotics, and other tools for universal learning, focusing on issues that are not addressed by existing research;b) Digital Higher Education: mobile learning, eLearning, Game-based Learning, social media in education, new learning models and technologies and wearable technologies for education;c) Case Studies in Higher Education: empirical studies in higher education regarding digital technologies, new methodologies, new evaluation techniques and tools, perceptions of learning processes efficiency and digital learning best practice.
Humanities --- Education --- higher education students --- social responsibility --- private and state institutions --- Romania --- Patagonia --- trekking --- nature --- goodness of humankind --- culture --- individuality --- reflexivity --- qualitative research --- validation --- mastery --- task --- performance --- ego --- spiritual intelligence --- emotional intelligence --- leadership --- education --- satisfaction --- educational management --- average satisfaction index --- IFPI --- Brazil --- transversal competences --- engineering students --- higher education --- virtual reality --- learning analytics --- STEM education --- instructional design --- accountant --- professions --- digital --- professional bodies --- higher education institutions --- learning models --- use of ICTs --- veterinarian education --- COVID-19 --- learning contexts --- operational assistants --- training --- evaluation --- educational public policies --- academic fraud --- academic integrity --- perceptions --- students --- distance learning --- online learning --- digital pedagogies --- financial education --- personality traits --- financial behavior --- university students --- academic burnout --- stress --- quantitative research --- coping strategies --- medication --- mechatronics --- experiential learning --- creative thinking --- critical thinking --- robotics --- thinking skills --- subsumption architecture --- mobile robot --- educational system --- project-based learning --- employers’ engagement --- employability --- multi-stakeholder partnership --- emergency online learning --- emergency online teaching --- lecturers --- Portugal --- sentiment analysis --- resilience --- validity --- resilience scale-10 --- peer assessment --- peer review --- collaborative evaluation --- rubric --- educational --- virtual environment --- gamification --- 3D modeling --- cultural heritage --- cyber-archaeology --- microscope --- postsecondary education --- community service --- civic engagement --- educational attainment --- OECD country --- hierarchical linear model (HLM) --- PIAAC --- soft skills --- inclusion --- teachers of special education --- teacher profile --- effective communication --- self-directed learning --- learning tasks --- student surveys --- university didactics --- STEM --- undergraduates --- instructional data --- teaching practices --- instructional technology --- assessment --- student reflection on learning --- policy --- architectural education --- architectural studies --- admission exam in drawing --- drawing --- concept --- knowledge integration --- macro-concept --- language of science --- network analysis --- photosynthesis --- biology education --- science education --- n/a --- employers' engagement
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This book aims to discuss new research and trends on all dimensions of Higher Education, as there is a growing interest in the field of Higher Education, regarding new methodologies, contexts, and technologies. It includes investigations of diverse issues that affect the learning processes in Higher Education: innovations in learning, new pedagogical methods, and new learning contexts.In this sense, original research contributions of research papers, case studies and demonstrations that present original scientific results, methodological aspects, concepts and educational technologies, on the following topics:a) Technological Developments in Higher Education: mobile technology, virtual environments, augmented reality, automation and robotics, and other tools for universal learning, focusing on issues that are not addressed by existing research;b) Digital Higher Education: mobile learning, eLearning, Game-based Learning, social media in education, new learning models and technologies and wearable technologies for education;c) Case Studies in Higher Education: empirical studies in higher education regarding digital technologies, new methodologies, new evaluation techniques and tools, perceptions of learning processes efficiency and digital learning best practice.
higher education students --- social responsibility --- private and state institutions --- Romania --- Patagonia --- trekking --- nature --- goodness of humankind --- culture --- individuality --- reflexivity --- qualitative research --- validation --- mastery --- task --- performance --- ego --- spiritual intelligence --- emotional intelligence --- leadership --- education --- satisfaction --- educational management --- average satisfaction index --- IFPI --- Brazil --- transversal competences --- engineering students --- higher education --- virtual reality --- learning analytics --- STEM education --- instructional design --- accountant --- professions --- digital --- professional bodies --- higher education institutions --- learning models --- use of ICTs --- veterinarian education --- COVID-19 --- learning contexts --- operational assistants --- training --- evaluation --- educational public policies --- academic fraud --- academic integrity --- perceptions --- students --- distance learning --- online learning --- digital pedagogies --- financial education --- personality traits --- financial behavior --- university students --- academic burnout --- stress --- quantitative research --- coping strategies --- medication --- mechatronics --- experiential learning --- creative thinking --- critical thinking --- robotics --- thinking skills --- subsumption architecture --- mobile robot --- educational system --- project-based learning --- employers’ engagement --- employability --- multi-stakeholder partnership --- emergency online learning --- emergency online teaching --- lecturers --- Portugal --- sentiment analysis --- resilience --- validity --- resilience scale-10 --- peer assessment --- peer review --- collaborative evaluation --- rubric --- educational --- virtual environment --- gamification --- 3D modeling --- cultural heritage --- cyber-archaeology --- microscope --- postsecondary education --- community service --- civic engagement --- educational attainment --- OECD country --- hierarchical linear model (HLM) --- PIAAC --- soft skills --- inclusion --- teachers of special education --- teacher profile --- effective communication --- self-directed learning --- learning tasks --- student surveys --- university didactics --- STEM --- undergraduates --- instructional data --- teaching practices --- instructional technology --- assessment --- student reflection on learning --- policy --- architectural education --- architectural studies --- admission exam in drawing --- drawing --- concept --- knowledge integration --- macro-concept --- language of science --- network analysis --- photosynthesis --- biology education --- science education --- n/a --- employers' engagement
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This book aims to discuss new research and trends on all dimensions of Higher Education, as there is a growing interest in the field of Higher Education, regarding new methodologies, contexts, and technologies. It includes investigations of diverse issues that affect the learning processes in Higher Education: innovations in learning, new pedagogical methods, and new learning contexts.In this sense, original research contributions of research papers, case studies and demonstrations that present original scientific results, methodological aspects, concepts and educational technologies, on the following topics:a) Technological Developments in Higher Education: mobile technology, virtual environments, augmented reality, automation and robotics, and other tools for universal learning, focusing on issues that are not addressed by existing research;b) Digital Higher Education: mobile learning, eLearning, Game-based Learning, social media in education, new learning models and technologies and wearable technologies for education;c) Case Studies in Higher Education: empirical studies in higher education regarding digital technologies, new methodologies, new evaluation techniques and tools, perceptions of learning processes efficiency and digital learning best practice.
Humanities --- Education --- higher education students --- social responsibility --- private and state institutions --- Romania --- Patagonia --- trekking --- nature --- goodness of humankind --- culture --- individuality --- reflexivity --- qualitative research --- validation --- mastery --- task --- performance --- ego --- spiritual intelligence --- emotional intelligence --- leadership --- education --- satisfaction --- educational management --- average satisfaction index --- IFPI --- Brazil --- transversal competences --- engineering students --- higher education --- virtual reality --- learning analytics --- STEM education --- instructional design --- accountant --- professions --- digital --- professional bodies --- higher education institutions --- learning models --- use of ICTs --- veterinarian education --- COVID-19 --- learning contexts --- operational assistants --- training --- evaluation --- educational public policies --- academic fraud --- academic integrity --- perceptions --- students --- distance learning --- online learning --- digital pedagogies --- financial education --- personality traits --- financial behavior --- university students --- academic burnout --- stress --- quantitative research --- coping strategies --- medication --- mechatronics --- experiential learning --- creative thinking --- critical thinking --- robotics --- thinking skills --- subsumption architecture --- mobile robot --- educational system --- project-based learning --- employers' engagement --- employability --- multi-stakeholder partnership --- emergency online learning --- emergency online teaching --- lecturers --- Portugal --- sentiment analysis --- resilience --- validity --- resilience scale-10 --- peer assessment --- peer review --- collaborative evaluation --- rubric --- educational --- virtual environment --- gamification --- 3D modeling --- cultural heritage --- cyber-archaeology --- microscope --- postsecondary education --- community service --- civic engagement --- educational attainment --- OECD country --- hierarchical linear model (HLM) --- PIAAC --- soft skills --- inclusion --- teachers of special education --- teacher profile --- effective communication --- self-directed learning --- learning tasks --- student surveys --- university didactics --- STEM --- undergraduates --- instructional data --- teaching practices --- instructional technology --- assessment --- student reflection on learning --- policy --- architectural education --- architectural studies --- admission exam in drawing --- drawing --- concept --- knowledge integration --- macro-concept --- language of science --- network analysis --- photosynthesis --- biology education --- science education
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