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PT - A lógica da diferença : o partido dos trabalhadores na construção da democracia brasileira
ISBN: 9788579820298 Year: 2010 Publisher: SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein

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This book is the study of an anomaly. It is the warning that Margaret Keck makes at the beginning of the book. Because the existence of the Workers' Party is a complete irregularity and abnormality within the Brazilian party system and in Brazilian political history. For the first time, a party could claim a solid presence in the working class and propose a program that would clearly translate that representation.

The transformation of the Workers' Party in Brazil, 1989-2009
ISBN: 9780511763304 9780521514552 9780521733007 9780511860683 0511860684 9780511858079 0511858078 052151455X 0521733006 0511763301 0511861567 1107215714 1282941992 9786612941993 0511859813 0511858949 0511857209 Year: 2010 Publisher: Cambridge New York Cambridge University Press

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Drawing on historical institutionalism and strategic frameworks, this book analyzes the evolution of the Workers' Party between 1989, the year of Lula's first presidential bid, and 2009, when his second presidential term entered its final stretch. The book's primary purpose is to understand why and how the once-radical Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT) moderated the programmatic positions it endorsed and adopted other aspects of a more catch-all electoral strategy, thereby increasing its electoral appeal. At the same time, the book seeks to shed light on why some of the PT's distinctive normative commitments and organizational practices have endured in the face of adaptations aimed at expanding the party's vote share. The conclusion asks whether, in the face of these changes and continuities, the PT can still be considered a mass organized party of the left.

A trajetória da Democracia Socialista : da fundação ao PT
ISBN: 8576002930 8576001209 Year: 2008 Publisher: SciELO Books - EdUFSCar

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Os partidos políticos frequentemente são objetos de estudo nas Ciências Sociais. Entretanto, o mesmo não se pode dizer de suas tendências internas, que pouca atenção têm recebido dos pesquisadores. O livro de Vitor Amorim de Angelo vem justamente cumprir este papel. Com base numa farta documentação, o autor reconstituiu a história da organização trotskista Democracia Socialista, uma das tendências do Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT). Com uma narrativa que não deixa escapar os detalhes dessa trajetória, o livro apresenta ao leitor o fecundo debate travado nos anos 1980 entre as principais correntes do partido, especialmente as trotskistas. Com uma postura sempre conciliatória, a Democracia Socialista não apenas se manteve na legenda, como também cresceu na estrutura partidária. Porém, sem conseguir hegemonizar seu programa dentro do PT, precisou justificar a permanência num partido que não seguiu pelo caminho da revolução.

Gender politics in Brazil and Chile: the role of parties in national and local policymaking
ISBN: 0333736141 9780333736142 1349408530 9786613183569 0230595693 1283183560 Year: 2006 Publisher: Houndmills Palgrave Macmillan

Cynical citizenship
ISBN: 0826359450 9780826359452 9780826359445 Year: 2018 Publisher: Albuquerque

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"This anthropological study of grassroots community leaders in Porto Alegre, Brazil's leftist hotspot, focuses on gender, politics, and regionalism during the early 2000s, when the Workers' Party (Partido dos Trabalhadores) was in power. The author explores the ways community leaders make sense of official notions of citizenship and how gender, politics, and regional identities shape these interpretations. Junge further examines the implications of leaders' deep ambivalence toward normative participation discourses for how we theorize and study participatory democracy, citizenship, and political subjectivity in Brazil and beyond."--

Lula et L'autre Brésil
ISBN: 2915310017 2915310602 Year: 2003 Volume: 74 Publisher: Éditions de l’IHEAL

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Lula est la figure politique emblématique du siècle qui s'ouvre. Premier grand leader de « l'altermondialisme », il défend l'idée d'un autre monde, d'un autre Brésil, cette nation-monde. Comme pour donner un nouvel élan à la devise « ordre et progrès » qui entoure le globe ornant le drapeau national, sa formule politique est celle d'une conciliation entre raison et développement. Candido Mendès dans cet essai très vif montre que c'est un mouvement très particulier qui se déploie sous nos yeux, riche de l'expérience d'un parti qui a mis deux décennies à polir son message et sa méthode, aux portes du pouvoir. La dimension profonde, ample et collective de cette victoire tient à la maturité politique du Parti des Travailleurs et à la diversité de ses inspirations. Que peut-on attendre de cet événement politique hors norme ? Quelles sont les marges de manoeuvre du président de la première puissance d'Amérique latine ? Aura-t-il les moyens de faire du Brésil le modèle alternatif de notre temps ? Candido Mendes s'attache à répondre à ces questions en analysant les racines et les branches du Parti des Travailleurs et de son chef, aujourd'hui président. Écrit directement en français, dans une langue riche de la grande tradition classique brésilienne, et dans un style que les lecteurs et auditeurs de Candido Mendes connaissent bien, cet essai est un ouvrage de témoignage et de réflexion sur les enjeux de la victoire de Lula.

The Brazilian left in the 21st century : conflict and conciliation in peripheral capitalism
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3030032884 3319986139 3030032876 9783030032876 9783319986135 Year: 2019 Publisher: Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan,

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This book aims to reconstruct the role played by left movements and organizations in Brazil from their process of renewal in the 1980s as they fought against the civil-military dictatorship, going through the Workers' Party's governments in the 2000s, until the Party’s dramatic defeat with a parliamentary coup in 2016. Henceforth, there have been attacks on social and political rights that severely affect the lower classes and reverted progressive policies on various issues. Through a historical reconstruction, this book analyzes how different left movements and organizations contributed to the democratization of Brazilian society, and how their contradictions contributed to the actual conservative turn. The essays also focus the development of Brazilian Left in the light of socialist politics and especially Marxism, both in terms of political organizations and theory. In this sense, the essays in this collection represent an effort to rethink some aspects of the history of the Brazilian left and how it can reorganize itself after the conservative turn.

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