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Humans everywhere have always been fascinated by octopuses, squid, and cuttlefish, known biologically as cephalopods. They evolved hundreds of millions of years ago and are related to molluscs such as mussels and snails. They can grow to an enormous size with eyes as big as footballs, but they still live for only a couple of years. They mate once in their lifetime and die shortly after. They have blue blood and three hearts and they can shoot out jet-black ink. They have a brain and have behaviours that could be interpreted as signs of intelligence, even though more than half of their brain is distributed in their arms. They are colour blind, but they can change the colour of their skin in a flash. They are masters of disguise and are able to alter the texture of their skin and the patterns displayed on it at lighting speed. They can also ‘taste’ using the suckers on their arms. They can move extremely fast thanks to a jet-propulsion system built into their body cavity. Although they are soft-bodied and look vulnerable, cephalopods are formidable predators. Octopuses have arms that are so strong that they can exert a force equal to hundreds of times their own body weight. Squid and cuttlefish can shoot out a tentacle to capture prey at the speed of a javelin thrown by an expert athlete. Cephalopods are, however, so much more than just fascinating creatures with strange physical characteristics. They are a nutritious, delicious protein source that has found a place for thousands of years in many food cultures around the world. As squid, cuttlefish, and octopuses are native to virtually all parts of the ocean, they are an excellent and available alternative to meat from terrestrial animals. This book is written to promote the overall place of cephalopods in home kitchens and to inspire the uninitiated to add them to their diet. It describes the many facets of their anatomy that play a central role in their potential use as healthy, diverse, and interesting food sources, with a particular emphasis on their taste and texture. By way of an assortment of recipes, the authors hope to dispel the myth that it is difficult to prepare delicious dishes using squid, cuttlefish, and octopuses. In addition, there are contributions to the on-going discussions about how marine resources can be exploited more responsibly in a sustainable manner. Ole G. Mouritsen is a professor of gastrophysics and culinary food innovation at the University of Copenhagen,president of the Danish Gastronomical Academy, and director of the Danish national research and communication centre Taste for Life. Klavs Styrbæk is a chef and leader of the gastronomic enterprise STYRBÆKS, which includes a gourmet restaurant, a cooking school, a catering service, and a product development branch.
Invertebrates. --- Food—Biotechnology. --- Food Science. --- Invertebrata --- Animals --- Edible mollusks. --- Octopuses. --- Squids. --- Chondrophora --- Myopsida --- Myopsina --- Oegopsida --- Oegopsina --- Squid --- Teuthida --- Teuthidida --- Teuthoida --- Teuthoidea --- Cephalopoda --- Devilfishes (Mollusks) --- Octopi --- Octopodidae --- Octopus --- Octopoda --- Mollusks --- Shellfish as food --- Cefalòpodes --- Aliments d'origen animal --- Recursos marins --- Pesca sostenible --- Desenvolupament sostenible --- Aspectes econòmics del mar --- Recursos de l'oceà --- Recursos del mar --- Recursos oceànics --- Recursos marítims --- Biologia marina --- Mercaderies --- Oceanografia --- Recursos naturals --- Aigua de mar --- Energia maremotriu --- Indústria pesquera --- Productes pesquers --- Recursos pesquers --- Recursos minerals marins --- Sal --- Animals (Aliment) --- Animals com a aliment --- Animals comestibles --- Productes animals comestibles --- Aliments --- Carn --- Llet --- Marisc --- Peix --- Ous --- Productes lactis --- Mol·luscs --- Cefalòpodes fòssils
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Immunoglobulins. --- Antibodies --- Immune globulins --- Immune serum globulin --- Blood proteins --- Globulins --- Plasma cells --- Antibody diversity --- Antigens --- Bacterial immunoglobulin-binding proteins --- Immunoglobulines --- Biotecnologia --- Avicultura --- Cria d'aviram --- Cria d'ocells --- Producció animal --- Aviram --- Columbofília --- Producció d'ous --- Biologia --- Enginyeria --- Antropometria --- Biosíntesi --- Biotecnologia agrícola --- Biotecnologia alimentària --- Biotecnologia farmacèutica --- Biotecnologia marina --- Biotecnologia microbiana --- Enginyeria bioquímica --- Enginyeria sanitària --- Ergonomia --- Indústries biotecnològiques --- Microbiologia industrial --- Reproducció assistida --- Bioreactors --- Anticossos --- Proteïnes de la sang --- Autoanticossos --- Anticossos monoclonals --- Anticossos policlonals --- Antihormones --- Antitoxines --- Immunofluorescència --- Immunoglobulina A --- Immunoglobulina E --- Immunoglobulina G --- Immunoglobulina M --- Lectines --- Antígens --- Gammaglobulines
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Forecasts point out an exponential growth in the global population, which raises concerns over the ability of the current agri-food production systems to meet food demand in the long term. Such a prospect has led international organizations and the scientific community to raise awareness about, and call for, the need to identify additional sources of food to feed the world. From this perspective, insects qualify as a suitable and more environmentally friendly alternative to meat and other foods that are sourced from animal proteins. However, uptake of the production and commercialization of insects as food has been facing regulatory hurdles, consumer skepticism and rejection in many markets. This is particularly true in the context of western societies in which insects do not always constitute part of the local traditional diets. Production and Commercialization of Insects as Food and Feed: identification of the Main Constraints in the European Union analyses and discusses the regulatory state-of-the-art for the production and commercialization of insects as food and feed in the European Union. The EU has been taking concrete legislative steps with a view to opening up its market for insect foods, although some key regulatory constraints still exist today which ultimately prevent the industry sector from growing, consolidating and thriving. The main regulatory constraints in the EU for insects as food include the fragmentation of the EU market as a result of the adoption of different policy solutions by EU Member States for novel foods and the lengthy and complex authorization procedures. Also, ad hoc safety and quality requirements tailored to the needs and specificities of the insect food sector are currently missing. This work constitutes the first comprehensive overview of the evolution and current state-of-the-art of the regulatory framework for insect foods in the EU, based on a multidisciplinary approach that combines science, policy and law. It proposes a legislative roadmap which the EU should follow in order to make its regulatory framework fit for insect foods in the long term by providing a detailed comparison between the current EU legal framework and other regulatory systems of western countries with a view to singling out the markets which are better equipped to address the production and the commercialization of insect foods. The text provides an updated overview of the overall market and of European consumers’ perspectives on the use of insect foods. With the proper legislative steps and consolidation, the EU can be a global leader for insects as food and feed both as a market and as a standard-setting body.
Food—Biotechnology. --- Sustainable development. --- Food Science. --- Sustainable Development. --- Development, Sustainable --- Ecologically sustainable development --- Economic development, Sustainable --- Economic sustainability --- ESD (Ecologically sustainable development) --- Smart growth --- Sustainable development --- Sustainable economic development --- Economic development --- Environmental aspects --- Food law and legislation --- Edible insects --- European Union countries. --- Insects as food --- Food of animal origin --- Insects --- Entomophagy --- Insectes --- Aliments d'origen animal --- Abastament d'aliments --- Comerç d'aliments --- Països de la Unió Europea --- Comerç de productes alimentaris --- Comerç --- Aliments --- Indústria alimentària --- Abastaments d'aliments --- Disponibilitat d'aliments --- Producció alimentària --- Recursos alimentaris --- Sistema alimentari mundial --- Subministrament d'aliments --- Racionament del consum --- Ajuda alimentària --- Dret a l'alimentació --- Fam --- Racionament alimentari --- Revolució verda --- Alimentació --- Seguretat alimentària --- Animals (Aliment) --- Animals com a aliment --- Animals comestibles --- Productes animals comestibles --- Carn --- Llet --- Marisc --- Peix --- Ous --- Productes lactis --- Hexàpodes --- Invertebrats --- Apterigots --- Coleòpters --- Col·lèmbols --- Dermàpters --- Dictiòpters --- Dípters --- Efemeròpters --- Hemípters --- Himenòpters --- Homòpters --- Insectes aquàtics --- Insectes fitòfags --- Insectes hematòfags --- Insectes paràsits --- Insectes saproxílics --- Insectes útils --- Lepidòpters --- Mal·lòfags --- Mecòpters --- Neuròpters --- Odonats --- Ortòpters --- Papallones --- Plagues d'insectes --- Plecòpters --- Puces --- Tèrmits --- Tricòpters --- Entomologia --- Unió Europea, Països de la --- Europa --- Alemanya --- Àustria --- Bèlgica --- Dinamarca --- Espanya --- Finlàndia --- França --- Gran Bretanya --- Grècia --- Irlanda --- Itàlia --- Luxemburg --- Països Baixos --- Portugal --- Suècia --- Insectes. --- Aliments d'origen animal.
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One of the most prominent and urgent problems in international governance is how the different branches and norms of international law interact and what to do in the event of conflict. With no single 'international legislator' and a multitude of states, international organisations and tribunals making and enforcing the law, the international legal system is decentralised. This leads to a wide variety of international norms, ranging from customary international law and general principles of law, to multilateral and bilateral treaties on trade, the environment, human rights, the law of the sea, etc. Pauwelyn provides a framework on how these different norms interact, focusing on the relationship between the law of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and other rules of international law. He also examines the hierarchy of norms within the WTO treaty. His recurring theme is how to marry trade and non-trade rules, or economic and non-economic objectives at the international level.
Foreign trade regulation. --- Arbitration (International law) --- Conflict of laws. --- Arbitration, International --- International arbitration --- International political arbitration --- Pacific settlement of international disputes --- International commissions of inquiry --- Jurisdiction (International law) --- Mediation, International --- Choice of law --- Conflict of laws --- Intermunicipal law --- International law, Private --- International private law --- Private international law --- Law --- Legal polycentricity --- Export and import controls --- Foreign trade control --- Foreign trade regulation --- Import and export controls --- International trade --- International trade control --- International trade regulation --- Prohibited exports and imports --- Trade regulation --- Civil law --- Law and legislation --- World Trade Organization. --- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (Organization) --- Biśva Bāṇijya Saṃsthā --- Dėlkhiĭn Khudaldaany Baĭguullaga --- DTÖ --- Dünya Ticaret Örgütü --- Munaẓẓamat al-Tijārah al-ʻĀlamīyah --- O.M.C. --- OMC --- ʻOngkān Kānkhā Lōk --- Organisation mondiale du commerce --- Organização Mundial do Comércio --- Organización Mundial de Comercio --- Organización Mundial del Comercio --- Organizația Mondială de Comerț --- Organizzazione mondiale del commercio --- Organizzazione mondiale per il commercio --- Qaṅgkār Bāṇijjakamm Bibhab Lok --- Sāzmān-i Tijārat-i Jahānī --- Shi jie mao yi zu zhi --- SOT --- Světová obchodní organizace --- Svitova orhanizat︠s︡ii︠a︡ torhivli --- Światowa Organizacja Handlu --- Tổ chức thương mại thế giới --- Viśva Vyapāra Saṅgaṭhana --- Vsemirnai︠a︡ torgovai︠a︡ organizat︠s︡ii︠a︡ --- VTO --- W.T.O. --- Welthandelsorganisation --- World Trade Organisation --- WTO --- منظمة التجارة العالمية --- 世界貿易組織 --- 世界贸易组织 --- Dispute resolution (Law) --- International law --- Commerce extérieur --- Règlement de conflits --- Droit international --- Réglementation --- World Trade Organization --- Legal theory and methods. Philosophy of law --- Arbitration (International law). --- Dispute resolution (Law). --- public international law. --- private international law. --- international trade law. --- World Trade Organisation. --- Dispute Settlement Body. --- international commercial arbitration. --- starptautiskā tirdzniecības arbitrāža --- eadráin tráchtála idirnáisiúnta --- меѓународна трговска арбитража --- internationale Handelschiedsgerichtsbarkeit --- mednarodna trgovinska arbitraža --- διεθνής εμπορική διαιτησία --- arbitrazh tregtar ndërkombëtar --- arbitraj comercial internațional --- kansainvälinen kaupan välitysmenettely --- подсъдност на международен търговски съд --- rahvusvaheline kaubanduslik vahekohtumenetlus --- internationale arbitrage in handelsgeschillen --- međunarodna trgovačka arbitraža --- nemzetközi kereskedelmi választottbíráskodás --- arbitrage commercial international --- arbitragem comercial internacional --- arbitraje comercial internacional --- międzynarodowy arbitraż handlowy --- arbitrato commerciale internazionale --- international handelsvoldgift --- medzinárodná obchodná arbitráž --- mezinárodní obchodní arbitráž --- internationellt skiljedomsförfarande i handelstvister --- arbitraġġ kummerċjali internazzjonali --- међународна трговинска арбитража --- tarptautinis komercinis arbitražas --- mezinárodní obchodní smírčí řízení --- mezinárodní obchodní rozhodčí řízení --- Organul de Soluționare a Diferendelor --- An Comhlacht um Réiteach Díospóidí --- Институция за разрешаване на спорове --- Organet för tvistlösning --- Órgão de Resolução de Litígios --- vaidluste lahendamise organ --- Organ Rozstrzygania Sporów --- Organe de règlement des différends --- Strīdu izšķiršanas organizācija --- Orgaan voor Geschillenbeslechting --- Instansen til Bilæggelse af Tvister --- Organ za reševanje sporov --- Órgano de Solución de Diferencias --- Орган за решавање спорова --- Organi i Zgjidhjes së Mosmarrëveshjeve --- Тело за разрешување спорови --- Vitarendezési Testület --- riitojenratkaisuelin --- organo di conciliazione --- Korp għas-Soluzzjoni tat-Tilwim --- Orgán pre urovnávanie sporov --- Tijelo za rješavanje sporova --- Ginčų sprendimo institucija --- Όργανο Επίλυσης Διαφορών --- Orgán pro řešení sporů --- Streitbeilegungsgremium --- ORL --- GSI --- OZM --- Geschillenbeslechtingsorgaan --- OUS --- ORD --- Tvistbilæggelsesinstansen --- OGB --- vitarendezésről szóló egyetértés --- DSB --- vitarendezési egyetértés --- ΟΕΔ --- OSD --- Παγκόσμιος Οργανισμός Εμπορίου --- Wereldhandelsorganisatie --- Organizația Mondială a Comerțului --- Maailma Kaubandusorganisatsioon --- Organizata Botërore e Tregëtisë --- Światowa Organizacja Handlu --- Светска трговинска организација --- Organización Mundial del Comercio --- Kereskedelmi Világszervezet --- Pasaulio prekybos organizacija --- Verdenshandelsorganisationen --- Světová obchodní organizace --- Svjetska trgovinska organizacija --- Световна търговска организация --- Organização Mundial do Comércio --- Pasaules Tirdzniecības organizācija --- l-OrganizzazzjoniDinjija tal-Kummerċ --- Светска трговска организација --- Världshandelsorganisationen --- An Eagraíocht Dhomhanda Trádála --- Maailman kauppajärjestö --- Svetová obchodná organizácia --- Svetovna trgovinska organizacija --- EDT --- STO --- OBT --- PTO (starptautiskā tirdzniecība) --- СТО --- WTO (l-Organizzazzjoni Dinjija tal-Kummerċ) --- Wereld-handelsorganisatie --- Světová organizace obchodu --- PPO --- ΠΟΕ --- dlí trádála idirnáisiúnta --- dritt kummerċjali internazzjonali --- internationales Handelsrecht --- drept comercial internațional --- Derecho comercial internacional --- kansainvälinen kauppaoikeus --- tarptautinė prekybos teisė --- e drejtë ndërkombëtare tregtare --- nemzetközi kereskedelmi jog --- international handelsret --- mednarodno trgovinsko pravo --- международно търговско право --- droit commercial international --- międzynarodowe prawo handlowe --- међународно трговинско право --- internationaal handelsrecht --- diritto commerciale internazionale --- διεθνές εμπορικό δίκαιο --- medzinárodné obchodné právo --- internationell handelsrätt --- direito comercial internacional --- međunarodno trgovačko pravo --- меѓународно трговско право --- rahvusvaheline kaubandusõigus --- mezinárodní obchodní právo --- starptautiskās tirdzniecības tiesības --- mezinárodní obchodní zákony --- međunarodno privatno pravo --- tarptautinė privatinė teisė --- nemzetközi magánjog --- dlí idirnáisiúnta príobháideach --- międzynarodowe prawo prywatne --- e drejtë ndërkombëtare private --- международно частно право --- international privatret --- medzinárodné súkromné právo --- Derecho internacional privado --- mednarodno zasebno pravo --- internationales Privatrecht --- internationell privaträtt --- droit international privé --- starptautiskās privāttiesības --- ιδιωτικό διεθνές δίκαιο --- internationaal privaatrecht --- diritto internazionale privato --- међународно приватно право --- drept internațional privat --- rahvusvaheline eraõigus --- kansainvälinen yksityisoikeus --- dritt privat internazzjonali --- direito internacional privado --- mezinárodní právo soukromé --- меѓународно приватно право --- меродавно право --- conflict of laws --- lei aplicável --- použitelný právní předpis --- kollisiooninorm --- wetsconflict --- διεθνές αστικό δίκαιο --- ley aplicable --- internationell civilrätt --- uporaba prava --- e drejtë civile ndërkombëtare --- conflito de leis --- conflict de legi --- international civilret --- collisieregel --- признавање и извршување странски судски одлуки --- меѓународна судска надлежност --- признавање и извршување странски управни одлуки --- toepasselijk recht --- direito civil internacional --- internationales Zivilrecht --- papajtueshmëri e ligjeve --- international civil law --- privatinė tarptautinė teisė --- prawo kolizyjne --- applicable law --- судир на законите --- международно гражданско право --- starptautiskās civiltiesības --- приложим закон --- Gesetzeskollision --- ligji i zbatueshëm --- likumu konflikts --- Derecho civil internacional --- gældende lov --- lagkollision --- teisės normų kolizija --- kolízia zákonov --- kolizja ustaw --- постапување по замолници --- lagkonflikt --- conflicto entre leyes --- процесна положба на странците --- internationaal burgerrecht --- tarptautinė civilinė teisė --- lovkonflikt --- taikytina teisė --- easaontas dlí --- conflitto di leggi. --- rahvusvaheline tsiviilõigus --- kollíziós jog --- lege aplicabilă --- konflitt tal-liġijiet --- σύγκρουση νόμων --- колизия на закони --- prawo mające zastosowanie --- међународно грађанско право --- wettenconflict --- kolize zákonů --- kolizija zakonov --- diritto civile internazionale --- spēkā esošs tiesību akts --- conflit de lois --- legge applicabile --- lainvalinta --- anwendbares Recht --- alkalmazandó jog --- меѓународна правна помош --- легализација на странски јавни исправи --- mezinárodní občanské právo --- conflito de ordens jurídicas --- loi applicable --- mednarodno civilno pravo --- tillämplig lag --- medzinárodné občianske právo --- conflicto de leyes --- kansainvälinen siviilioikeus --- сукоб закона --- rozhodné právo --- kohaldatav õigus --- droit civil international --- εφαρμοστέο δίκαιο --- sovellettava laki --- dlí príobháideach idirnáisiúnta --- e drejtë ndërkombëtare publike --- Völkerrecht --- međunarodno javno pravo --- mednarodno javno pravo --- dlí idirnáisiúnta poiblí --- folkeret --- Derecho internacional público --- droit international public --- международно публично право --- direito internacional público --- internationaal publiekrecht --- diritto internazionale pubblico --- folkrätt --- rahvusvaheline avalik õigus --- międzynarodowe prawo publiczne --- δημόσιο διεθνές δίκαιο --- tarptautinė viešoji teisė --- dritt internazzjonali pubbliku --- starptautiskās publiskās tiesības --- mezinárodní právo veřejné --- меѓународно јавно право --- nemzetközi közjog --- drept internațional public --- medzinárodné verejné právo --- kansainvälinen julkisoikeus --- међународно јавно право --- Δίκαιο των εθνών --- dlí idirnáisiúnta --- право на самоопределување на народите --- viešoji tarptautinė teisė --- diritto delle genti --- Völkergewohnheitsrecht --- меѓународна заедница --- суверена еднаквост на државите --- меѓународен правен поредок --- überstaatliches Recht --- volkenrecht --- General and Others
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