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Orthodontics. --- Orthodontics --- Ortondocia --- Ortodoncia --- Orthodontie --- Orthodontie. --- Kieferorthopädie --- Zahnmedizin --- Dental orthopedics --- Orthodontia --- Dentistry --- Orthopedics --- Kieferorthopädie.
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Malocclusion --- Occlusion (Dentistry) --- Orthodontic appliances, Removable. --- Treatment. --- Removable orthodontic appliances --- Dental occlusion --- Teeth --- Dentistry --- Occlusion --- Oclusió dental --- Aparells d'ortodòncia
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Orthodontics --- Orthodontie --- Periodicals. --- Périodiques --- Orthodontics. --- Periodicals --- Health Sciences --- Dentistry --- Orthopaedics --- Surgery --- Therapeutics --- Health Sciences. --- Therapeutics. --- Dental orthopedics --- Orthodontia --- Orthopedics --- Orthodontie. --- Ortodòncia
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This 2nd Edition includes new, updated chapters that deal with important issues and were written by orthodontists known worldwide. Dr Dr Bernd Lapatki presents an outstanding chapter about Early treatment of Class II Div. 2 and Coverbite, that provides a step-by-step description on how to treat these malocclusions using different alternatives. In addition to this topic, Dr Amit Bhardwaj shares the following question, is early Class II treatment worth the effort? Dr Somchai Satravaha added a new chapter about the benefits of early treatment in cleft lip palate patients and long-term controls, where she discusses all the benefits. Digital technology is here to stay forever. Dr Bryce Lee explains how this technology can help us to achieve a better diagnosis and treatment plan. Dr Julia Harfin add new chapters including relevant topics as mandibular incisor agenesis ,impacted central incisors and, how to avoid long term relapse in early orthodontic treatment. She also updates other chapters. The most important controversies are discussed in detail and which will allow doctors to expand their knowledge in order to achieve better orthodontic treatment results. New topics such as orthodontic treatment in patients with hemophilia and diabetes are also discussed by Dr Eduardo Rey and Olga Ramos. The book, which is the result of many years of clinical practice, includes numerous clinical photographs that clearly exemplify how to diagnose and to treat all these patients. It is written by the most experienced team of doctors in the field and will be a valuable asset for all who specialize in odonto pediatrics and orthopedic-orthodontic treatments. .
Dentistry. --- Pediatrics. --- Malocclusion in children. --- Pedodontics. --- Orthodontics. --- Dental orthopedics --- Orthodontia --- Dentistry --- Orthopedics --- Pediatric dentistry --- Pedodontia --- Pediatrics --- Pediatric oral medicine --- Pedodontics --- Paediatrics --- Pediatric medicine --- Medicine --- Children --- Dental surgery --- Odontology --- Surgery, Dental --- Oral medicine --- Teeth --- Diseases --- Health and hygiene --- Ortodòncia --- Maloclusió
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This richly illustrated book is a wide-ranging guide to modern diagnostics and treatment planning in orthodontics, which are mandatory prior to the initiation of any type of comprehensive treatment. The importance of three-dimensional (3D) imaging techniques has been increasingly recognized owing to the shortcomings of conventional two-dimensional imaging in some patients, such as those requiring complex adult treatment and those with temporomandibular joint dysfunctions or sleep disturbances. In the first part of this book, readers will find clear description and illustration of the diagnostic role of the latest 3D imaging techniques, including cone beam computed tomography, intra-oral scanning, and magnetic resonance imaging. The second part explains in detail the application of 3D techniques in treatment planning for orthodontic and orthognathic surgery. Guidance is also provided on the use of image fusion software for the purposes of accurate diagnosis and precise design of the most appropriate biomechanical approach in patients with malocclusions.
Dentistry. --- Dental surgery --- Odontology --- Surgery, Dental --- Medicine --- Oral medicine --- Teeth --- Orthodontics --- Three-dimensional imaging in medicine. --- Orthodontics. --- Diagnosis. --- Dental orthopedics --- Orthodontia --- Dentistry --- Orthopedics --- Three-dimensional medical imaging --- Imaging systems in medicine --- Diagnosis --- Ortodòncia --- Diagnòstic per la imatge --- Visualització tridimensional --- 3D (Visualització) --- Disseny tridimensional --- Imatges 3D --- Imatges tridimensionals --- Representació visual en tres dimensions --- Sistemes de projecció tridimensional --- Sistemes de visualització tridimensional (Informàtica) --- Visualització 3D --- Visualització tridimensional per computador --- Visualització tridimensional (Informàtica) --- Visualització (Informàtica) --- VRML (Llenguatge de programació) --- Diagnòstic per imatge --- Diagnòstic per imatgeria --- Imatgeria per al diagnòstic --- Imatges diagnòstiques --- Imatges per al diagnòstic --- Diagnòstic --- Imatges mèdiques --- Diagnòstic radiològic --- Ecografia --- Endoscòpia --- Gammagrafia --- Imatges per ressonància magnètica --- Termografia mèdica --- Tomografia per emissió de positrons --- Substàncies de contrast --- Odontologia --- Aparells d'ortodòncia --- Maloclusió --- Malformacions dentals
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Dentistry --- Dentisterie --- Periodicals. --- Périodiques --- Dentistry. --- Japan. --- Health Sciences --- dental service --- Dental surgery --- Odontology --- Surgery, Dental --- Medicine --- Oral medicine --- Teeth --- Oral Medicine --- Bonin Islands --- Stomatology --- dental science --- dentistry --- Odontologia --- Estomatologia --- Boca --- Cirurgia dental --- Endodòncia --- Làsers en odontologia --- Oclusió dental --- Odontologia estètica --- Odontologia geriàtrica --- Odontologia infantil --- Odontologia legal --- Odontologia preventiva --- Odontologia veterinària --- Ortodòncia --- Periodòncia --- Pròtesis dentals --- Prostodòncia --- Química dental --- Tecnologia dental --- Terapèutica dental --- Dents --- Farmacologia dental --- Història de l'odontologia --- Odontologia.
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Dentistry --- Dentistry. --- Dental surgery --- Odontology --- Surgery, Dental --- Medicine --- Oral medicine --- Teeth --- Oral Medicine --- Odontologia. --- Revistes electròniques. --- Revistes digitals --- Revistes en línia --- Revistes on line --- Revistes per Internet --- Publicacions electròniques --- Revistes --- Estomatologia --- Boca --- Cirurgia dental --- Endodòncia --- Làsers en odontologia --- Oclusió dental --- Odontologia estètica --- Odontologia geriàtrica --- Odontologia infantil --- Odontologia legal --- Odontologia preventiva --- Odontologia veterinària --- Ortodòncia --- Periodòncia --- Pròtesis dentals --- Prostodòncia --- Química dental --- Tecnologia dental --- Terapèutica dental --- Dents --- Farmacologia dental --- Història de l'odontologia
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Dental care. --- Medical care --- Odontologia --- Països de la Unió Europea --- Estomatologia --- Boca --- Cirurgia dental --- Endodòncia --- Làsers en odontologia --- Oclusió dental --- Odontologia estètica --- Odontologia geriàtrica --- Odontologia infantil --- Odontologia legal --- Odontologia preventiva --- Odontologia veterinària --- Ortodòncia --- Periodòncia --- Pròtesis dentals --- Prostodòncia --- Química dental --- Tecnologia dental --- Terapèutica dental --- Dents --- Farmacologia dental --- Història de l'odontologia --- Unió Europea, Països de la --- Europa --- Alemanya --- Àustria --- Bèlgica --- Dinamarca --- Espanya --- Finlàndia --- França --- Gran Bretanya --- Grècia --- Irlanda --- Itàlia --- Luxemburg --- Països Baixos --- Portugal --- Suècia
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Machine learning. --- Learning, Machine --- Artificial intelligence --- Machine theory --- Aprenentatge automàtic --- Odontologia --- Machine learning --- Estomatologia --- Boca --- Cirurgia dental --- Endodòncia --- Làsers en odontologia --- Oclusió dental --- Odontologia estètica --- Odontologia geriàtrica --- Odontologia infantil --- Odontologia legal --- Odontologia preventiva --- Odontologia veterinària --- Ortodòncia --- Periodòncia --- Pròtesis dentals --- Prostodòncia --- Química dental --- Tecnologia dental --- Terapèutica dental --- Dents --- Farmacologia dental --- Història de l'odontologia --- Aprenentatge (Intel·ligència artificial) --- Aprenentatge estadístic --- Teoria de l'aprenentatge estadístic --- Intel·ligència artificial --- Teoria de màquines --- Aprenentatge per reforç (Intel·ligència artificial) --- Sistemes classificadors (Intel·ligència artificial)
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Voice disorders --- Mouth --- Singers --- Treatment. --- Abnormalities --- Health and hygiene. --- Vocalists --- Musicians --- Dentistry --- Face --- Head --- Voice therapy --- Malformacions de la boca --- Malformacions dentals --- Veu --- Higiene bucal --- Cantants --- Músics --- Cantants de flamenc --- Geishes --- Sopranos (Cantants) --- Tenors (Cantants) --- Cura de la boca --- Higiene bucodental --- Higiene de la boca --- Higiene oral --- Salut bucal --- Salut bucodental --- Higiene --- Higiene dental --- Fonació --- Llenguatge i llengües --- Música --- Cordes vocals --- Oratòria --- Quequesa --- Reconeixement automàtic de la parla --- Cant --- Diafragma (Anatomia) --- Elocució --- Fonètica --- Laringe --- Música per a veu greu --- Parla --- Anomalies dentals --- Deformitats dentals --- Maloclusió --- Cirurgia dental --- Ortodòncia --- Anomalies de la boca --- Malalties de la boca --- Malformacions --- Fissura labial --- Fissura palatina --- Gola --- Veu.
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